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Wednesday, January 18, 2012


A friend loaned me the book The Resolution for Men, which springs from the movie COURAGEOUS.  The book is well-written with excellent guidance for men. 

On page 74, I found what I believe to be the most important paragraph in the book:
God has put something into men that longs to be courageous.  And when a man uses that courage to lead his wife well, she tends to bloom.  She respects him more and experiences a greater sense of security.  She'll want to follow his lead, and she will feel safe in doing so.  But when a wife lives with a leadership void, she will feel constantly pulled into the position of filling it.  As she leads her husband, not only does her respect for him weaken, he tends to cower and become even more passive over time.  She can be brilliant and strong, but both of them will feel resentment toward each other and less secure together.  Nobody wins.  Everybody loses.
I see more and more men giving their God-designed leadership to their wives.  It's the path of least resistance.  It's the easy thing to do.  They think it will lead to peace if they always go her way.  It's open-season on men in this culture!  Emasculating men is the new sport of humor.  What men don't realize is that by abdicating, your wife is gradually, but consistently, losing respect for you!

Dr. Willard Harley's book, His Needs, Her Needs:  Building An Affair-Proof Marriage, informs us that admiration is one of a man's top needs.  If failing to lead causes disrespect, then a man stands to lose something that is VERY IMPORTANT to him! 

We live in a world that is increasingly recognizing the strength and capability of women.  I applaude that.  However, husband/wife roles were designed by God.  Adam was created first;  Eve was created to be his help-mate. 

If we disregard the importance of those roles, we will suffer consequences.  It truly is a prime time for men to exercise courage and step into the leadership role God designed for them!

[More tomorrow]

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