The children of Israel were waiting for the disobedient generation to die off - before they could enter the Promised Land.
While waiting, some of the young men began going to wild parties with the local Moabite girls...Before long all Israel was joining freely in the worship of Baal (Numbers 25:1,3 LB).
God was NOT HAPPY about this disobedience.
Then, one of the Israeli men insolently brought a Midianite girl into the camp, right before the eyes of Moses and all the people...(v.6).
In His righteous anger, God ignited a plague that started sweeping through the people of Israel. Phinehas (grandson of Aaron the priest)...jumped up, grabbed a spear, and rushed after the man into his tent...He thrust the spear all the way through the man's body and into her stomach (vs.7-8).
The plague was stopped - 24,000 people had already died!
Then the Lord said to Moses, "Phinehas has turned away My anger, for he was as angry as I, concerning My honor; so I have stopped destroying all Israel as I had intended. Now because of what he has done...I promise that he and his descendents shall be priests forever" (vs.10-11,13).
God will still honor men and women who will stand up for Him and what is right! God will reward quick, decisive, action that defends His honor!
However, we are to submit to the laws of the land according to Titus 3:1 and I Peter 2:13-17. Any aggressive actions we take should be in harmony with the governing authorities - or we should be prepared to suffer the consequences of our actions!
O God!
Courage is in short supply in the American church. Raise up young men and women who will be angry about the things You are angry about! Ignite a passion for You that will cause them to stand against all forms of evil - regardless of the cost. Reward them with increased access to You and an enlarged influence in this culture!
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