[After a week of traveling] The Sunday night before our Monday departure, we gathered to celebrate the breaking of bread.
[Imagine you are celebrating with them:] We are in an upstairs room, with the gentle light and shadows cast by several lamps. Paul is carrying on an extended dialogue with the believers, taking advantage of every moment since we plan to leave at first light. The conversation stretches on until midnight.
A young fellow named Eutychus, seeking some fresh air, moves to an open window. Paul keeps on talking. Eutychus perches in the open window itself. Paul keeps talking. Eutychus drifts off to sleep. Paul continues talking until Eutychus, now overcome by deep sleep, drops out of the window and falls three stories to the ground, where he is found dead.
Paul joins us downstairs, bends over, and takes Eutychus in his arms.
[Paul:] It's OK. He's alive again.
Then Paul goes back upstairs, celebrates the breaking of bread, and - just as you might guess - keeps on conversing until first light.Keep in mind, the Bible is a boring, humorless book!
Yeah, right!
By the way, try to stay awake in worship today!!! In some churches you might leave with a mustache painted on...
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