He first came into my life while I was leading the Oakland Church in East Liverpool. I had arranged for an evangelist named Lucien Behar to come for a few days of training. Jim Stetler - from Akron - brought him and they both stayed in our home. I already knew the stature of Lucien, but I was very impressed with Jim over that few days. He and Lucien regaled us with stories at meal times. The training times were very effective and moved us toward being a more outreaching congregation. I think it was the fall of 1993.
After a family crisis launched us into a period of limbo in 1997, we eventually landed in Akron, Ohio, running a licensed home for behaviorally challenged kids. That gradually led to my full time employment with the Cornerstone Church, led by Brenda Young. That's when I ran into Jim again. He was a deeply established leader at Cornerstone and highly regarded by everyone.
Jim was a door-opener! He had a tenacious way about him that both endeared him to people and irritated people. When folks would miss church on any given Sunday, Jim would go home and begin making phone calls to let them know he missed them. I'll never forget a conversation we had one day when he complained to me that he could never get through in calling these people. The look on his face was priceless when I told him about caller-ID and suggested that they were filtering his calls and choosing not to speak to him!
Two words leap to my mind when I think about Jim (who just went to Heaven a few days ago): dedicated and passionate! Jim got up VERY EARLY several days a week for many years to meet with groups of men over breakfast for spiritual training. He was involved in men's ministry at three different levels that I was aware of: the local church, the city of Akron and the national level. He wanted to see men fulfill their God-appointed role in the family and in the church. I've observed few who had the bullish determination for pursuing people as Jim did!
Although I was the Lead Associate at the church, I considered Jim as a role model and coach. I didn't agree with him on everything (few did), but I always gave him respect because no one worked harder for the Kingdom than Jim did! He was often at the center of conflict with other staff members - even Brenda. You had to have patience to work with Jim; he saw things through a singular lens and fought hard to defend his position! But he had a soft side, too, and could admit his mistakes and exhibit humility.
Jim also had a humor bone and a mischievous grin that let you know he was pulling your leg! He could laugh as well as anyone - even when the joke was on him. I loved this guy!
Let me give you a picture of the wisdom that God imparted to him. One Wednesday evening, we had a summer cook-out. A new couple with several young children showed up for the first time. I noticed them immediately and moved to meet them and begin to get acquainted. It didn't take long for Jim to spot them, too. He came over and I introduced him. The young woman jumped on having two leaders before her and said: "We're not married, but we live together. I'm an exotic dancer, and we have a lot of history behind us. We've been to several churches and when they find this stuff out, they let us know that we're not welcome anymore. Is it going to be any different here?"
I didn't even get a chance to respond. Jim gave her an immediate response that was straight from the heart of God. "Let me tell you about Cornerstone Church. You will be completely accepted and loved here! We will help you to grow in your relationship to God. However, you will not be invited to membership or leadership until you have begun your walk with Christ."
That was all they needed to hear. They became very active at Cornerstone and brought scores of their friends to us as well! She became a leader and had a prolonged and dynamic influence on the Kingdom of God! Debbie and I became very close to this couple and their family. For about a year, Debbie led a Bible study for her and her dancer-friends! Jim's Spirit-wisdom opened the door!
Jim led a Sunday School class every Sunday morning for years! In this class he taught and matured new believers. If they dropped out - he pursued them! Most of our leaders at Cornerstone had Jim's fingerprints all over them!
Jim was the iconic bulldog for Jesus! He set a pace of persistence, diligence, determination, focus and passion that made a massive difference at every level of his investment.
My sympathies to Bonnie and Jim's children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren; he will surely be missed! Also to Cornerstone Church who has lost one of their giants! But to be honest, I can't help but giggle to think of that moment when Jim fell into the arms of Jesus, his Savior! I can see Jim trembling and weeping as Jesus whispered into his ear: "Good job, Jim! Thanks for all you did for Me! You made a huge difference!"
Jim also worked with our kids with disabilities. He had a huge heart for our kids. Jason loved when Jim and Sunhee would visit him!