The book was a gift to me as a result of attending Catalyst in Atlanta last October. Katie Davis was interviewed at that event. Her humility was on display for 12,000 young leaders as the event surprised her by flying her children to the United States for a surprise reunion!
Katie graduated from high school in Tennessee and persuaded her parents to let her go on a missions trip to Uganda. Then, she postponed her college plans to return to Uganda for a year. During that time, God gave her a large house to live in; she wondered why?
Then, God began to bring young girls who desperately needed help to Katie . First she took them in - then she - one-by-one - adopted them. She's been serving there since 2007.
She speaks fluently of the extreme poverty she witnessed. God moved her heart as she began to meet whatever needs she could.
In latter chapters she tells of going into Masese - a nearby garbage dump - where thousands live in unbelievable circumstances. She began a ministry to women there. They make necklaces and Katie's organization sends them to America to be sold.
I was deeply challenged as I read of her endless caring for the least of these. She seems undaunted by the most extreme cases of sickness, poverty, and abandonment.
I was most moved by her description of giving up a relationship with her high school sweetheart. Yet, her calling to serve Christ in Uganda gave her a greater joy than pursuing her own happiness in this prized relationship.
She repeatedly reminds the reader that she is not extraordinary, or unusually courageous. Anyone can do what she is doing! She is simply making herself available to God to serve His lost and hurting children!
"I am twenty years old and have fourteen children and four hundred more who all depend on me for their care. Who are all learning to love Jesus and be responsible adults and looking up to me. The reality of it all can be a bit overwhelming at times. However, it is always pure joy. There is a common misperception that I am courageous. I will be the first to tell you that this is not actually true. Most of the time, I am not brave. I just believe in a God who will use me even though I am not."
I am writing this review on the morning after Jerry Sandusky's guilty verdict for abusing young boys. Katie's story is the opposite! Her love and care for children will challenge your heart! This is not a book for comfort reading; this book will change you!
Katie has initiated a ministry to the children of Uganda called Amazima - which means "truth" in the Luganda language. You can read more about (or support) her ministry at I highly recommend this book!
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