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Friday, June 15, 2012


In Genesis 13, Abram and Lot (his nephew) were traveling through the land of Canaan.  They had each become wealthy and owned much livestock.  Together, they became a burden on the land.  Rivalry broke out between their herdsmen.

Abram suggested that they part company to maintain peace and preserve the land.  He gave Lot first choice of the land:  (13:10-11,13  LB)
Lot took a long look at the fertile plains of the Jordan River, well-watered everywhere...the whole section was like the Garden of Eden...So that is what Lot chose...the men of this area were unusually wicked, and sinned greatly against Jehovah.
Lot did nothing wrong.  He was given a choice and he chose what looked to be the easiest and most fruitful area.

However, he failed to consider the impact that the area would have on him and his family spiritually!  This is a common mistake of younger people.  There is a tendency to think that the easy path is the best path.

Abram took the mountainous region.  This implied frequent moving and adversity.  Margaret Feinberg writes [in the organic God, p.116]
"God isn’t a fan of shortcuts when it comes to spiritual growth.  God places us in positions that are sometimes tougher than we would naturally choose, but they’re designed to make us stronger and healthier than we would otherwise be.”  
The next chapter tells of Lot being caught in a war and taken captive.  Uncle Abram had to come and rescue him!

Then, of course, eventually, God decides to wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah.  But, thanks to Uncle Abram's prayers, Lot and his family are rescued.  

Lot's legacy is filled with rebellion and incest.  Abram's legacy is a path of obedience and faithfulness.  

What looks best isn't always best!  Learn to hit the 'pause button' when it comes to major decisions!  Listen carefully to see if God is trying to guide you! 

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