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Sunday, June 10, 2012


We're on vacation in Inwood, West Virginia (near historic Harpers Ferry).  After reviewing a number of churches, we decided to attend a United Methodist Church within two blocks of our hotel.  Worship was at 9:30 AM. 

We arrived and entered just as worship was about to begin.  The front door was sort of stuck - we had to yank hard to get it open;  it seems all the regular attenders enter by a back door.  No greeter or usher.  No sign of contemporary instruments;  one woman at an organ.  Part way into the service a man across the aisle handed me his bulletin. 

There were about thirty-five people present:  several older women, several older couples, several middle-aged couples, and one young family.  An older gentleman came from a back room and began the service;  we realized later that he was the pastor.  He led the entire service:  Call to Worship, Affirmation of Faith, Responsive Reading, Scripture Lessons, Announcements, Prayer Concerns, The Lord's Prayer, The Gloria, and the Doxology.  His attempts at humor were sardonic - at best.

We sang "Happy Birthday" to one woman and "Happy Anniversary" to another!  Then came the sermon, "How Great Thou Art", "God Be With You Till We Meet Again", The Benediction, and The Threefold Amen."  Three people greeted us as we left:  they all mentioned my singing voice.

Now I want to be honest.  As poorly as the scriptures were read, they still spoke to me with power!  I enjoyed singing hymns again.  Some of the rituals mentioned above have tremendous meaning - if you stay focused as you read them!  However, we felt as though we had entered a time-warp!  There was no evidence of caring for the lost.  We felt unwanted and unappreciated.

It was ironic that the Old Testament Lesson was from I Samuel 4, where the high priest (Eli's)  daughter-in-law gives birth to a son on the same day that her husband, his brother, and Eli die.  She also dies giving birth just after naming her newborn son, Ichabod - meaning "the glory has departed".  I found the double-meaning of this scripture ironic...

On our way back to the hotel we passed a warehouse with a sign in front that read:  CONNECTION COMMUNITY CHURCH - Worship at 10:00 AM.  The parking lot was jammed!  It was 10:20 AM.  I quickly parked and we entered;  even though late, we were greeted outside the main door.  We found our way through a fellowship area and were directed up some steep stairs to a large area packed with over 300 people (predominantly younger) singing with a Spirit-filled worship team!  We got in on one song.

Then came an amazing, powerful video about God's grace being available to anyone;  it left me in tears!  Then the pastor came forward and gave a message on "The Hatfields and McCoys" based on scriptures from the book of Ruth.  Totally relevant and applicable (I could say so much more about his message)!  Then the worship team led in a song I did not know - but loved!  Several went forward to pray. 

The pastor came to close the service with a challenge and an enticement to be there for Father's Day!  Music and video played as we left.  Several spoke with us and invited us back.  One gentleman explained how the owner of this apple factory had been generous in making it available to the church - which only began a year ago!!  He explained that their story is laced with miracles of God's provision!

We were blessed - SO BLESSED!!!!  It's evening now, and my mind is still churning with the contrast between these two congregations!  If I lived in this area, I know where I'd worship - and I'd want all of my friends and family to worship there with me!!!!

Don't be mistaken - RELEVANCE MATTERS!!!

1 comment:

  1. Now you understand first hand why so many of our churches are dying and some of the reason why we left East Canton. "There are none so blind as those who will not see". I've missed your blog on some of the days! (no need to sign my name)
