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Saturday, June 16, 2012


Psalm 1:1-2   (NJB)
How blessed is anyone who rejects the advice of the wicked, and does not take a stand in the path that sinners tread, nor a seat in company with cynics, but who delights in the Law of Yahweh and murmurs His Law day and night.

Laurie Beth Jones writes:
Scientists are learning that the brain actually has grooves that come from repeated thinking.  That is why a thought becomes an action, and an action becomes a habit, and a habit becomes a pattern of behavior that is almost automatic. 

It's like a drop of water that makes its way down a windowpane until it is joined by another drop of water;  the two of them join a cluster of water droplets, and then you have a rivulet that becomes a stream. 

Look closely and you'll notice that the single drop moves more slowly than the rivulets.  Thoughts, like drops of water, seek the path of least resistance.

Thoughts do not edit themselves.  They "go with the flow," and are attracted to thoughts that look like them, if you will.  Hence, negative thoughts attract other negative thoughts.  [from Jesus Life Coach, pp.248-249]
An unbridled, untrained mind will inevitably become negative!  That's probably why the Apostle Paul told us (in Colossians 3:2):   Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on the earth.

In Philippians 4:8 ™ he also instructs us: …do your best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best, not the worst;  the beautiful, not the ugly;  things to praise, not things to curse.

Again, the implication is that we can control (or manage) our thoughts.  However, when we fail to exercise this "control", our thoughts will revert to their default (carnal/sinful) setting:  negativity. 

It seems that Bob Dylan was right back in the 60's when he crooned:
Gonna change my way of thinking
Make myself a different set of rules
Gonna put my good foot forward
And stop being influenced by fools
Jesus dealt with negative thoughts through scripture, prayer, and surrender of Himself to God.  He also demonstrated the wisdom and benefits of having a fun and interesting support group and community of friends.

What are you going to do about negative thought patterns that are ruining your life?  Be assured of this:  if you do nothing to change those thought patterns, THEY WILL NOT CHANGE!  You are in control of your thoughts - so TAKE CONTROL!!!

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