I just read Genesis 20. It includes the story of Abraham and Abimelech - the king of Gerar. Genesis 20:11-13 is the only place in scripture where it is actually explained that Sarah was Abraham's sister [they shared the same father, but different mothers}. When they began their wanderings, he said to her: "This is how you can show your love to me: everywhere we go, say of me, 'He is my brother.'"
Abraham underestimated the power and influence of God!
When they arrived in Gerar, Sarah did what her husband had asked and announced that he was her brother - which was partly true. Being a beautiful woman, the king had her brought in to be part of his harem. God immediately closed the wombs of all Abimelech's household. Then, God came to Abimelech in a dream and said: "You are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken; she is a married woman." [v.3].
The king proclaimed his innocence before God and immediately agreed to make everything right. He returned Sarah the next day! He gave Abraham sheep and herds, male and female slaves, and a thousand shekels of silver. He also said, "My land is before you; live wherever you like." [v.15].
Obviously, King Abimelech honored God and knew and revered him!
We see this kind of thing happening repeatedly throughout scripture!
- After defeating a coalition of kings (and their armies) Abraham offers sacrifices to the King of Salem who is a priest of the Most High God [Genesis 14]. His name is Melchizedek. Where did this guy come from? Who told him about God and made him a priest?
- Later, Moses flees from Egypt and crosses the wilderness only to wind up being taken in by Jethro - a priest of Midian [Exodus 2]. This man gives Moses a wife, a job and a home. He later advises Moses wisely in overseeing the massive group of Israelites under his leadership! Where did this Jethro come from and who made him a priest?
- Jonah is sent to preach to the population of a large city in Ninevah. After his rebellion, he arrives and -rather unenthusiastically - preaches a simple salvation message. The people respond in droves and a great revival overtakes the city [Jonah 3]! What going on here? Who prepared these people for this great revival?
- When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, magi from Persia were tipped off by the movement of the stars. They made an arduous journey that must have taken many months before arriving at the house of Joseph to present gifts to the child, Jesus. Who was coordinating this effort? These were Gentiles - what were they doing playing such a major role in the birth of Christ?
- We're told today of Muslims and even Muhllah's having dreams about Jesus! Some are so seriously influenced that they're turning to Him with no other intervention! Who's causing this? [Definition of mullah : an educated Muslim trained in religious law and doctrine and usually holding an official post. - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mullah]
Melt me, mold me
Fill me, use me
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