Nearly twenty-five years had passed since God had first met with Abram (in chapter 12) telling him, I will make you into a great nation... [v.2]. It would have been easier to believe at 74 than at 99.
As I was reading through these chapters I realized that we have no record of Abram asking God for a son. I wonder what might have happened if Abram had just prayed, "Lord, You promised it; make it happen!" The only two times we find Abram asking God for anything were:
- Genesis 17:18 when he asked the Lord to bless Ishmael, and
- Genesis 18:22-23 when he pleaded with God to spare Sodom from destruction for the sake of the righteous.
On the other hand, Isaac simply prayed for a child on Rebekah's behalf, and God answered [Genesis 25:21]. Hmmm...
We have a record of Sarai hatching a plan to help God's promise become fulfilled; that didn't turn out so well. Sarai ended up unhappy as did her maidservant, Hagar.
But finally, God comes to Abram and changes his name to Abraham - father of many nations. At the same time, God initiates the covenant of circumcision with Abraham.
We can't help but notice that once Abraham became obedient to the command to be circumcised - give him a few months to heal, then have intercourse with Sarah - and Isaac would have been born about a year after this intervention with God!
In James 4:2, the scripture records (NIV) You do not have because you do not ask God.
Now, who am I to assault the father of our faith, Abraham? But you have to admit that it leaves us wondering what might have happened if he had asked God for a son sooner...
We have another teaching from Jesus in Luke 18:1-5. Here, He tells a parable of a woman who just can't get justice. She pesters the judge to such an extent that he finally says, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won't eventually wear me out with her coming [v.5].
This teaching would have less impact if it hadn't come directly from Jesus' lips! This parable is in red ink in my Bible! Jesus, Himself, is telling us to keep coming after God with our requests! He's saying, BE PERSISTENT!
On one hand, there's faith! Trust God! Trust His timing! Let Him be in control! Wait patiently.
On the other hand is the concept of asking and asking persistently.
And we live in the middle of this tension! No easy answers here. Abraham had his way and Isaac had his way. Both are to be admired.
Something to think about...
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