"Aren't all his sisters with us?"
I wonder how his relating to his sisters colored his life? They had to have had an impact on him. Surely they helped him better understand how women think and react. Being a big brother helped develop him into the caring Lord we love so much! They probably taught him at least a little about patience as well. 😂
I have sisters too! Two of them!
Jeannette is almost fifteen years older than me. I never remember living in the same home with her - although I'm sure I did for at least a couple of years. She married (my late brother-in-law, Bob Liberty) Lib right after graduating from high school, so he was always part of my life, too.
Jeannette (of the four of us) seems to have taken more of our maternal side - the Waltons. She has the looks and humor of my mom and aunts (Goldie and Sylvia). Along with that side she has also always been high-strung and nervous.
I've seen her laugh - LOTS; and I've seen her cry. She is a passionate person! Early in my life she had two sons: Tom and Bob. I was an uncle before I was five! They are awesome men and were each amazing sportsmen (Lib made sure of that!). 😉 They were both written up in the local papers repeatedly when they played high school football.
Tom went on to become a teacher and coach and has garnered a lot of respect from his students and peers. Bob developed business interests when he was young and has expanded that into a significant enterprise today. I love these guys and their wives and children and grandchildren! Proud to call them FAMILY.
Jeannette was constant motion all her life! When I was growing up (in New Brighton), she would flit into our Brighton Heights home and back out again several times a week. She dearly loved our parents and would stop by frequently to check in - usually with the boys in tow. We often visited her home as well (Beaver Falls and then Chippewa).
Jeannette is in a nursing care facility today and is struggling with dementia. Most of the time she knows us, but her short term memory is 'short term'. But she's always sweet! Her boys take good care of her - in spite of the terrible limitations due to Covid-19.
Jeannette will be most remembered for the absolutely hilarious stories that have come from her life! Many of these stories involved Lib and our cousin, Olive (Aunt Sylvia's daughter). I'll just tell one for your enjoyment today:
This story took place in late August of 1961, when my brother, Ira, was about to be married to Joyce Twitchell in Willow Grove, PA (near Philadelphia).
Of course, our family all made the pilgrimage to Willow Grove for the wedding. Lib, Jeannette, the babies, and Olive started out and made it part way across the state before having a breakdown.
Things pretty quickly deteriorated as they pondered what to do. Ultimately, Jeannette and Olive grabbed their bags as she said over-her-shoulder, "I'm not missing my brother's wedding!"
They flagged down a Greyhound bus and boarded it (just picture that!) - leaving Lib sitting along the turnpike with a broken down car and two babies!
They made it to the wedding! And somehow, Lib managed to get himself, the car and the boys home! All ended well - I guess!These kind of stories abound. When we get together and start sharing them, we end up wiping the tears from our eyes from so much laughter!
Jeannette has been a blessing to me through the years! Our growing family enjoyed swimming in their pool! She's been generous with me in many ways! We had lots of nice times with them at their vacation home in Pymatuning! She was a major care-giver to our Dad during the last year or two of his life!
Thank You, Lord, for putting Jeannette in my life!
I also have Beverly in my life! She's seven years older than me and I do remember living with her. In those days, we didn't get along so well - I was the pesky, miserable younger brother! 🤣
When I was eleven (or so), she left home and used our brother, Ira, as a launching pad for her adult life. She held a number of jobs in the Rochester, NY area. My favorite was when she worked for a tie factory - I got lots of really nice ties during that period. 😃👔
She renewed a friendship with her childhood friend, Nancy, and they both settled in that area. Bev eventually met Dick and they married. I dropped the needle on a song during their wedding in our folk's living room in December of 1967. I liked Dick because he drove a cool, blue Mustang! He was an amazing roller skater and has a laugh that everyone enjoys. He worked for many years as a meat-cutter and then worked for Dupont until his retirement! I remember eating lots of good meat at their house - and his home-made spaghetti sauce is to die for!!!!! 😍 Heather was born in the spring of 1973.
When I attended college in North Chili, NY, they often welcomed me for dinner and game nights. Sometimes I brought friends with me. Debbie and I were dating then, so we also spent some great times in their apartment. I used to call them in the middle of the night while I was doing 'nightwatch' - just to harass them! Dick would just hang up on me!
Dick had been previously married and had a son, Scott (born in 1964). He eventually came to live with them. He was an amazing kid! He would stand beside me in my '63 Chevy and tell me exactly how to get where I wanted to go! Scott grew up to be a video-gamer and that led to his career in computers.
As our family grew, we often camped in their back yard -sometimes for a whole week! We would swim in their pool and eat their food! Bev took us to the Rochester zoo several times! It was a cheap vacation for the poor preacher and his family!
Most of all, Beverly's impact has been spiritual. She takes most after our Mom! She is a godly woman with a deep prayer life! If you know her, she's one of the first to respond to Facebook friends who ask for prayer. She's my number one prayer partner (after Debbie). I have absolute trust and confidence in her.
I hope Jesus was as blessed as I've been with good sisters! They've made a big difference in my life and I thank God for them!
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