I just read Isaiah 14 from The Voice Bible. I know, it’s easy to get bored reading
through the Old Testament prophets. But I found this chapter to be totally
captivating purely because of its sincerity and creativity!
But before we go any farther I must explain something.
There are passages of scripture that appear to have a double meaning. Part of Isaiah 14 certainly falls into that category. Mid-chapter, there are verses [12-16] that are often interpreted as referring to Satan. I have no intention of contesting that practice; actually, I have taught from that perspective and would love to do so again. However, I want to be clear that in this article I am taking the passage as a clearly historical record of God's promise to deliver Israel from the hands of the king of Babylon. This ruthless ruler would ultimately defeat and utterly destroy Jerusalem in 587 B.C. Until that date, however, the prophets of God were desperately trying to generate change in the hearts of the people of Israel (northern kingdom) and Judah (southern kingdom).
Isaiah is one of these prophets and delivers a message in chapter 14 that is both powerful and creative! Of course, the source of Isaiah's [and every prophet's message] is God - but surely God also incorporates the personality, gifts and qualities of the individual prophets.
So, before I lose you, let's observe two points: one powerful and one creative!
It's a wonderful thing to be chosen! Remember your youth when the gym teacher put several of the best athletes in the middle and told them to choose from the rest to make teams? To be chosen quickly was so affirming and brought instant relief! Woe to those who were chosen last; they knew in their hearts that no one really wanted them on their team. Gym teachers should have been wiser!
Or think of the grandest moments in a woman's life when a man kneels before her and asks if she will be his wife! When Troy was quite young, he once asked his mom: "If dad could choose anyone in the world to marry, why did he choose you?" Troy's perspective was a little skewed and I'm sure his mom helped to correct it that day. But really! What more powerful thing can a husband and wife say to each other on their anniversary than: "If I could do it all over, I'd choose you!"
God knows this!
He has seen Israel (northern kingdom) drift away from their dedication to Him and His kingdom principles. This grieved God! They had immensely disappointed and rejected Him! And yet, God has never given up on them! He has consistently sent prophets to try to woo or warn them back into His grace! God has extended the time of judgment repeatedly in hopes that - given more time - they would repent and return.
Even now - as the Babylonian king is threatening their destruction - God is urgently speaking to them:
For the Eternal will extend mercy to Jacob, this family of God’s people. God will choose Israel all over again, and He will settle them in comfort and rest back on their land. [all quotes from The Voice Bible]
In spite of rebellion, serving false gods, disobedience, immorality, and decadent living, God still tells Israel that HE WOULD CHOOSE THEM AGAIN!
Unbelievable, right? Here's a perfect example of why we sing: "AMAZING GRACE"!!!!!!
Isaiah records for the people of Israel's pleasure a dialogue from the place of the dead [be it Sheol or Hell - a discussion for another blog].
First, Isaiah gives voice to the people as they cry out in relief as the king of Babylon is no longer a threat.
Ah, Israel, there will be a time when the Eternal will give you rest from the burden of your labor, the pain of your servitude. And then you will take up this chant against the fallen king of Babylon: [vs.3-4]
O Babylon, the land of the dead is excited to greet you at its door.
Your king will enter the grave with ghastly pomp.
It stirs the shadows and spirits of the dead—all long forgotten leaders—
it arouses all the dethroned kings of the nations to welcome your arrival.
These departed souls will respond to you with rattling voices, [vs.9-10]
Then, Isaiah continues this contrived dialogue by giving voices to those who are already dead!
Departed Souls: Even you, who were so powerful and unstoppable in life,
have been weakened just like us!
All of your pomp and power and the music of your harps join you here
where the dead abide,
Where maggots squirm beneath you,
where worms cover you like a blanket.
[The 'Departed Souls' continue to speak in terms that - we mentioned earlier - have a double meaning.]
My, how you’ve fallen from the heights of heaven!
O morning star, son of the dawn!
What a star you were, as you menaced and weakened the nations,
but now you’ve been cut down, fallen to earth.
Remember how you said to yourself,
“I will ascend to heaven—reach higher and with more power—
and set my throne high above God’s own stars?”
Remember how you thought you could be a god, saying:
“I will sit among them at the mount of assembly in the northern heights.
I will rise above the highest clouds and
make myself like the Most High”?
Hah! Instead, you have sunk like a stone to where the dead abide.
You’ve hit bottom of the bottommost pit. [vs.12-15]
Isaiah gives the people of Israel a graphic picture of the future of the king of Babylon!
In a day of cinema and virtual reality goggles, we may not find Isaiah's words to be that dramatic. But we're talking 700 years before Christ! Isaiah was a gifted man who likely spoke dramatically and even acted out this message when he gave it! He uses all his powers of influence to convince the people of Israel to put their trust in the One God - Yahweh!
I believe the church needs to generate far more impressive creativity in the directing of our worship and the delivery of our messages. I have cited this many times - forgive me - but I believe that our worship should be engaging, creative, stimulating, participatory, and relevant! For worship to be boring is a travesty! After all, we're worshipping the God who made zebras, giraffes, monkeys and parrots!
Pardon me, please, but sometimes when I look at the bulletin I just want to check out. It looks exactly the same as last week! Is this the best we can do?
Thank You Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit!
Thank You that You would choose us all over again! Thank You for loving us with such devotion and patience!
And thank You for color, four seasons, variant geography, diverse giftings, unique people, divergent ideas, distinct perspectives, and different perceptions. Thank You for illustrating creativity so vividly and so abundantly! You continually amaze us! May our worship be vibrant and mirror Your creativity! May You always be pleased with the offerings we bring You when we worship!
For the Kingdom's sake. Amen!