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Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 For instance, I'm currently reading in Isaiah and Hosea.  They both lived and worked for God in the eighth century B.C.  This was  not a good time in Israel's history!  Her kingdom has already been divided into the northern and southern kingdoms: Samaria (north) and Judah [or Ephraim] (south).  Each has their own king and the kings of Samaria have even created their own worship centers to prevent their people from going to Jerusalem to worship!  

The people of both countries have wandered away from God.  They worship idols and sacrifice to non-gods.  Their immoral conduct is beyond description. They have forgotten the commandments of God and are living for self-pleasure.  Their kings are caught between two dominant and competitive forces:  Egypt, which has been stable for centuries, and Assyria, which is rising in power!  A long line of northern and southern kings seek treaties with one or the other of theses countries in an attempt to gain favor and protect their people.  They do this, of course, instead of turning to God for guidance and protection!  

God - through His prophets - sends many messengers to try to get the attention of His people, but they continue to rebel and ignore Him.  

By 722 B.C., God's patience has expired and he brings Assyria - as His instrument of punishment - to destroy Samaria and carry her inhabitants away to foreign lands!  Then, in 587 B.C., Jerusalem was destroyed and its people were carried away to Babylon!  And the foretold seventy years of exile began!  

During this time, the land of Israel lay dormant with a very small number of people left to care for the land!  Not until the Persians defeated Babylon would the new King Cyrus make a decree that the Jews could return to Israel and begin to rebuild the city and the temple [this occurred around 539 B.C.].  

Although the people were restored to their homeland, she would never attain to her former glory!


I'm no prophet and I am not a scholar, but it is hard not to make inferences to our current situation in America.

Our country was founded on Christian principles by godly men and women who sought to establish a place for freedom of religion.  There is little doubt that these efforts flourished and a new country was born of revolution for independence!  Thirteen fledgling colonies gradually grew [by 1959] to fifty states [by the admission of Hawaii].  

This new land prospered in almost every way as westward expansion progressed from sea-to-sea!  The industrial revolution fueled enormous financial growth!  The central part of the new country became the breadbasket of the world!  The core values of Christianity adorned almost all government buildings via statues or engravings.  Churches became the glue that held communities together.  This establishment of peace and prosperity survived through the 1950's.  

Although I'm no historian, it is clear that the underpinnings came under attack during the turbulent 1960's.  We've catalogued a continual decline in the impact of Christianity since that time!  The drop-off of morality has progressively had an impact on the foundation of the American family!  Our educational system has fallen into the hands of seemingly 'progressive' thinkers who had alternative plans to subvert our youth and sow seeds of dissension.  We're seeing the results of this undermining nightly on our news channels.  

Families fracture, marriage is muddled, education is extirpated, unity is gutted, and hope is diminished. Sexual confusion is rampant among our children who are no longer led or protected by reasonable or Christian perspectives.  And all the while, a massive number of frustrated Americans remain silent - even though they may actually represent a majority!  

A cursory view of our world notices that two massive and major countries who have been traditionally considered a threat to the United States have now allied and pose a very real threat to our existence.  For at least a year, we've heard reporters and government leaders indicate that we are on the edge of nuclear war!  


And yet, life goes on.  Many are unaware or unconcerned about these grave dilemmas.  Day-to-day life is all that matters.  Some have begun to pack away resources in case of an economic collapse.  The extreme wealthy have prepared underground bunkers capable of sustaining life for several years, if necessary.  Others rest in the misguided assumption that our woke military will ALWAYS be capable of defending us against our united enemies.  

But, different from the Old Testament days, we hear no prophets calling us back to the principles of our faith!  Christians are largely indistinguishable from all other citizens.  Complacency reigns - even in the church - which is clearly in serious decline!  

Thanks to the current administration, we're already being invaded by hoards of immigrants who do not share our values, know our history, or speak our language.  This damage has been done and cannot be reversed.  Those who have the desire and potential to propagate destructive acts and unleash unspeakable violence are already within our borders!  

For those who pay attention to these things, it at least raises the fear that we may be on the verge of being displaced, deported or destroyed.  


For those who follow Christ firmly and place their trust in Him, we rest in the knowledge that He has assured us that He is always with us!  He sees it all!  He loves His own.  

But the fear is real!  Christians in the Roman Empire were compelled to pledge allegiance to Caesar or die!  Many chose death over denying their Lord!  Will it come to that for American Christians?  Is our faith in an eternal reward strong enough to carry us through this kind of deep persecution?  

The people of Jerusalem were marched out of the city naked as they looked over their shoulders at the smoldering fires of destruction.  Even the prophet Jeremiah was in this group!  But the same God who brought about their destruction, put it on Cyrus' heart to release them and fund the rebuilding of their society!  WE MUST TRUST GOD AND GOD ALONE!  

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