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Saturday, May 11, 2024


There was a point early in my career when I seriously considered moving my family to San Antonio, Texas.  Our family was young!  Troy and Tracie were babies.  We lived in McClellandtown, PA.  I was going to be moving to a new church and thought: "Why not explore some different options?"  

Somehow or other, I heard about the Free Methodist Church in New Orleans - looking for a pastor - and wrote a letter of inquiry.  They responded immediately.  An invitation came to fly in for a weekend.  I only had one thought on my mind.

This was the city where Max Lucado lived and pastored!  Maybe I would meet him at a pastor's gathering?  Maybe we would live near him?  Maybe we would become friends?  I could hardly imagine such joy!

But, it would be a huge change for us!  Our family was young.  We would be removing them from all our family connections.  My mom had died a year earlier. It wasn't a good time to move away from my dad.  It would probably be REALLY HOT down there - I was surprised when I consulted a map and saw how far south it was!  After seriously weighing all the factors - I moved to East Liverpool, OH instead.  

Actually, there's a story in that move, too!  I was told that I was going to the Apollo, PA FMC where I would conveniently be able to continue my seminary education in Pittsburgh.  But, a last minute change occurred and in the wisdom of the Ministerial Appointment Committee [and a story I can't tell here], I was appointed to the Oakland FMC, where I served for thirteen years.  

Consequently, I've never met my literary friend, Max.  I've read his books and tried to emulate his style, but our paths are not likely to cross.  

I'm currently re-reading his book, IT'S NOT ABOUT ME.  

In chapter two, in his masterful style, Max talks about the fact that God meets with Moses after journeying a ways into the wilderness.  God has already offered to wipe the Israelites out and start again with Moses - as He had done earlier with Noah.  God understands Moses' frustration with these unfaithful, chronic complaining, rebellious people!  

Consequently, God gives Moses one last request.  

It's like rubbing the magic lantern!  God grants Moses a freebee!  Ask anything you want, Moses!  He doesn't even have to think about it!  

"Show me Your glory!" [Exodus 33:18 NCV].

Max writes about this request:  

"We cross a line when we make such a request.  When our deepest desire is not the things of God, or a favor from God, but God Himself, we cross a threshold.  Less self-focus, more God-focus. Less about me, more about Him." 

"Flex your biceps.  Let me see the S on your chest...Forget the money and power.  Bypass the youth.  I can live with an aging body, but I can't live without you.  I want more, God, please.  I'd like to see more of your glory."  [p.18]

So, God tucked Moses into the cleft of a rock, telling Moses:

"You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me and live...I...will cover you with My hand while I pass by.  Then I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen" [Exodus 33:20,22-23 NKJV]. 

 Paul - in II Corinthians 3:7 - tells us the results of this exposure to God:

When Moses descended the mountain, "the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face". 

We must listen to my friend, Max, again:  😉

"Did Moses have reason for anger?  Cause for worry? Of course.  Challenges await him.  A desert and forty years of great challenges.  But now, having seen God's face, he can face them."

"Forgive my effrontery, but shouldn't Moses' request be yours?  You've got problems.  Look at you.  Living in a dying body, walking on a decaying planet, surrounded by self-centered society.  Some saved by grace; others fueled by narcissism.  Many of us by both.  Cancer.  War.  Disease.

These are no small issues.  A small god?  No thanks.  You and I need what Moses needed - a glimpse of God's glory.  Such a sighting can change you forever."  [p.20]

Whatever you're facing - be it frustrating people or enigmatic situations, CHOOSE CAREFULLY!  Wealth is devalued.  Things deteriorate.  Relationships grow distant.  Strength diminishes.  Memory becomes unreliable.  Choose an eternity with God - who loves you and gave His one-and-only-Son for you!  He - and He alone - will see you through to a good end!   


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