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Wednesday, May 22, 2024


"You will keep the peace, a perfect peace, for all who trust in You, for those who dedicate their hearts and minds to You.  So trust in the Eternal One forever, for He is like a great rock - strong, stable, trustworthy, and lasting. He humbles the high and mighty.  Even the indomitable city falls before His strength, reducing it to dust.  The feet of the poor, the weak, the infirm and forgotten will trample the dust of the formerly great.  The path of those who do right is straight and smooth.  O God, You who are upright, You make the way of the righteous level..."  [Isaiah 26:3-6 The Voice Bible - remember that this version prints words that are NOT in the original text in italics]

Here is a list of the benefits that are promised above for those who dedicate their lives to the Lord:

  • peace/perfect peace
Is peace a good thing?  Do you need peace?  Do you value peace?  Would perfect peace be something that you would value?

  • a great Rock - lasting
Good, reliable friends are a treasure!  But they're hard to find.  And, in reality, even great friends can disappoint us.  But God is a totally reliable source!  He never turns a deaf ear, never ignores, never is too busy, never disappoints!

  • God humbles the high and mighty
The wicked often find their way into positions of power and influence.  Even if they're pure when they enter this process, it has amazing success at subverting good and righteous intentions!  But the power structures of this world - although seemingly omnipotent and all-encompassing to us - are subject to the authority of our God!  History records the many ways He has deposed and destroyed them!

  • God gives favor to the poor and weak
It's just the way we would hope it to be!  God loves the poor and weak!  He never loses track of their prayers and condition.  God has a bias for these downtrodden ones and ultimately protects them from the unjust and cruel ones.  In time, these poor and weak will inherit far more than the powerful ever had control of!

Why do we betray God?  Why do we wander from His ways?  Why do we brazenly choose ways that will disappoint Him and break His heart?  Why are we so rebellious?

When over and over, He has proven Himself to be faithful and true!  God is reliable!  God wants the best for us!  God is FOR us!  

Again and again - when we rebel against Him and His ways - He comes to our aid and rescues us!  And we vow that we will be forever faithful to Him from that time on.  BUT, we are fickle!  We wander from our good intentions.  We migrate toward self indulgence!  Its incremental impact causes us to - once again - choose our own way.  And before long, we're calling on Him from a point of desperation again!  

As a young person, we used to sing a chorus:
I am determined, I've made up my mind!
I'll served the Lord.

I follow wherever He leadeth,
I'll pasture wherever He feedeth.

I am determined, I've made up my mind!
I'll serve the Lord!  

In a more contemporary form, I am always blessed when I hear Robin Mark sing:

I've been crucified with Christ
I've been crucified with Christ
I no longer live, but Christ lives in me
I live by faith in the Son of God
Who loved me and gave Himself for me


Help me to die daily to my self and my carnal desires!  Help me to live through You!  May my desires be godly, my goals be in harmony with Your will and my love to be without partiality.  May my life glorify You in all I do!  For the Kingdom's sake.


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