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Tuesday, May 28, 2024


FYI  -  I had a great introduction to this post on Facebook, but it was removed!  It seems that I am not allowed to make any comment now to introduce my blog articles.  It's apparently a recent change to the filtering technology!  I can only post the blog referral - without comment.  Sorry!  It weakens the link, but I am violating their rule about "seeking 'Likes'".  🙄

I read from several sources on most mornings.  Of course, the main source is the scripture, but I also read devotional books, missions books, biographies and alternative perspectives that challenge my thinking.  I frequently pass along to family and friends insights that I have gained as a result of these readings. 

Reading from the classics is such a valuable source!  The best thoughts are not always the newest thoughts.  Great men and women who lived long before us have also explored the scriptures and shared insights that can instruct and encourage us!  

I'm currently working through DAILY CELEBRATION: Volume 2, by William Barclay - copyrighted and printed in 1973.  

Barclay's DAILY STUDY BIBLE has been a cherished possession for many evangelical pastors through the years.  Most would agree that his expository brilliance has been unequaled!  The flyleaf of this book describes him: "brilliant mind, humble heart, massive brain, childlike faith, capable musician, football fan, railway enthusiast, theologian, thinker, and hard worker."  

His knowledge of history and culture of the Old and New Testament times awakens our minds to truth that is frequently overlooked or unmentioned by others.

So, today I was reading his advice on how to understand a book.  
"...we can never fully understand a book unless we understand something of the circumstances in which it was written, and of the person who wrote it; and we can never fully interpret a passage unless we take it with what comes after, that is, within its context."  [p.115]

Shortly after this comment Barclay observes that "It makes a difference to know when particular words were written."  And then, he cites an example:

"Fear God," Peter writes, "honor the Emperor" (I Peter 2:17).  It might seem, taken by itself, an ordinary injunction.  But who was the Emperor in question?

If we are right in believing that this letter is from the lips of the apostle Peter himself, then the Emperor in question is none other than Nero.

It is then the duty of a Christian to be a good citizen, not only at times when it is easy to be so, and when everything is in his (sic) favor, but also at a time when it is difficult for anyone to be a good citizen and when the state is hostile and cruel."  [p.116] 

These thoughts are worthy of consideration!  

I've lived through quite a number of presidents here in the United States [I remember back as far as Dwight D. Eisenhower.]  Growing up in a conservative [largely Republican] home [although my mother remained a part of the 'Prohibition Party' until her death], I've noticed that certain presidencies were accompanied with strong calls for prayer for our leader.  This seemed to reach a peak under President George W. Bush.  However, during the terms of more liberal-leaning presidents, the call to pray for our leader seemed to diminish or disappear [a personal observation only].  

Which brings us to the present term and our current president, Joe Biden.  I have heard very few calls to intercede for President Biden in spite of the obvious physical weaknesses and mental lapses that he regularly displays.  

Yet the scripture is clear in instructing us to pray for our leaders:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."    [I Timothy 2:1-2 NIV]

Already mentioned:

"Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor."   [I Peter 2:17]
"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."   [Romans 13:1]

Now, I must confess that I have laughed at and even delighted in attempts to mock our current leader.  I do not like or agree with most of his policies!  I believe that he has abrogated the law repeatedly and it offends me.  I am appalled at the positions he has taken that seemingly have weakened our country and further divided our people.

And, yes, I have prayed for President Biden!  But not in the same way - or with the same fervency - that I have exercised with presidents that I voted for and agree with!  

Consequently, I am convicted by what I read in DAILY CELEBRATION today!  I can do better.  I must do better!  

If I am to be a leader in the spiritual community

If I am to be obedient to God's Word

If I am to continue to present myself as a follower of Christ

Then I must bring myself into alignment with God's Holy Word and the injunctions that it places upon me!

This line of obedience will certainly create from within me some creative prayers.  I can disagree with the policies of a president and encourage my representatives to vote against his/her policies - which I regularly do.  I can exercise my right to vote by voting to replace a president with one who is more favorable to the ways that I think - and I have.  I can write to my president and express my opinions about the decisions he/she has made - and I do so regularly!  

However, I must remember him/her when I'm on my knees in prayer - and I do.  


I recall an incident in the life of Chuck Colson.  He was attending an  event where the president of the U.S. would arrive.  Protocol calls for all the people to stand up in honor of the president.  

In this case, Colson was in strong opposition to the morality and actions of the president [at that time].  He had realized - ahead of time - that he would be placed in this awkward position.  In his heart, he felt that he could not stand in honor of this man!  However, he further recognized that he could stand in honor of the 'office of the presidency'.  So, in the distinction of his own mind, Colson stood at the required time to honor the office, but in this particular case - not the man!  It was, of course, a distinction not recognized by anyone else, but was crystal clear in Colson's mind and heart!

If we would be true to God and His Word, we must find ways to honor a president and pray for him/her - even when we resolutely disagree with their lifestyle, language and policies.  Doing so is our Christian responsibility. It is an act of obedience to God!  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. I have always tried to pray for the President, even when I don't like his policies and views. I ask for God's leading for him and the members of Congress. We have a duty to pray for our leaders and our nation. We are not in a great place right now as a nation and something needs to change. I feel the only way to see that change is through the fervent prayers of God's people.
