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Tuesday, July 16, 2024


I just read a Facebook post about a homeless man who walked into a Chick-fil-A and asked if they had any extra food.  The manager told him that he would get him a full meal, then asked if he could pray with the man.  He then put his hand on the man’s shoulder and prayed a beautiful prayer over him!  A father/daughter was sitting very near seeing and hearing the whole event.  He talked with his daughter about what had just happened.

Everybody is somebody!  Not only somebody, but somebody’s son or daughter.  [If we thought seriously about that, the problem of pornography would go away overnight!]  They might also be somebody’s brother, sister, friend – you can see where this is going!  They’re NOT a NOBODY!  They’re a SOMEBODY!  

Can we keep this in mind as we move through our day? 

Keep in mind that you will not cross paths with a single NOBODY during this entire day!  You will, however cross paths with a lot of SOMEBODIES! 

How will you treat the SOMEBODIES that you encounter?  Will you offer to pray with them?  Will you arrange for them to have some lunch?  Will you show a genuine interest in their words and actions?  Will you try to encourage them? 

Out of your abundance, will you make a significant effort to meet whatever need has them stressed? 

Everybody makes an impact – for good or for bad!  What will your impact be today? 

Will God be pleased with the decisions you make today?  Or will He drop His head and wonder how He can get your attention and change your heart? 

One of the good things about church is that it generally gets us to repeat words like:

    o  I love You, Lord
    o  I will serve You
    o  Have Your way, Lord
    o  I am Yours, O Lord
    o  I surrender all

But, do we leave church and forget what we’ve just agreed to?  Could it be possible that we are modern-day Pharisees?  We say one thing, but act out another?  We are pretenders?  We are posers?  We try to look good, but inside we’re selfish and prideful? 

Are we occasionally mean?  Do we gossip?  Are we stingy?  Do we hide hatred in our hearts? 

Do we treat SOMEBODIES like NOBODIES? 

Do we swap insult for insult? 


A woman walked into The Foundery [give her credit – do you realize how hard it is to walk into a church for the first time?] 

As the leader explained the prayer card, she took it out of her bulletin and spent some time writing on it.  When the offering was received by our precious children, she dropped her card in the plate.   

It was retrieved by the leader of our First Impressions Team who called her later in the day to clarify the address [so that she could deliver fresh-baked cookies].  They had a nice talk as the woman expressed how she had experienced God’s presence and enjoyed the message. 

Her card stated that she’s suffering from “emotional pain caused by gossip from believers at another church.” 

How sad is that?  Driven away from the church by people who supposedly love Jesus but think that gossip and nastiness is permissible! 

She’s damaged – perhaps even crushed, but - God bless her - she's still hopeful that by trying another church, maybe she’ll find a healing and an accepting environment.  Her response card indicated that she was encouraged by the message and “almost came up to speak to the pastor”. 

The few of us who see the prayer needs have been praying for her!   


Because she’s a SOMEBODY!

Just remember today that EVERYBODY IS A SOMEBODY!  Keep that in mind as you bump into people today! 

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