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Wednesday, July 3, 2024


I picked this phrase up from a camp evangelist who used it many years ago; I think his name was David Clardie.

I do not use the phrase, but it occurred to me as I was reading in Genesis 37 this morning.  

The storyline in this chapter takes place after Jacob [son of Isaac, grandson of Abraham] settled in the land of Canaan.  This is the point when Joseph's story takes off.  He is seventeen as this chapter begins and helps his brothers watch the flocks of his father.  Joseph is spoiled!  He is the son of Rachel, Jacob's true love; even though he also had children by Leah [Rachel's older sister] and each of their maidservants: Bilhah and Zilpah.  

Joseph has dreams of grandeur that he unwisely shared with his family.  These dreams portrayed him as someone that his brothers - and even his parents - would someday admire and even honor.  

Obviously, they were all offended by these dreams!  Even Jacob [now known as Israel] seems to scold Joseph:

"What kind of dream is this? Do you actually think that your mother and I and your brothers are going to bow down before you?"  [Genesis 37:10  -  All quotes from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted.  Remember that this paraphrase prints all words that are not in the original text in italics.]

The very next verse tells us something interesting that is often true for parents:

"Joseph's brothers had become extremely jealous of him.  But his father - though he scolded Joseph - kept this dream in the back of his mind."

It's just something that we do as parents.  We watch our kids grow up and we hold onto thoughts as a result of observations we make.  Sometimes we share these thoughts with our spouses, sometimes we don't.  

Mary did this with Jesus!  

After the shepherds visited the manger scene, we find these words:

"Mary, too, pondered all of these events, treasuring each memory in her heart."  [Luke 2:19]

Later, after Jesus - at the age of twelve - stays behind in Jerusalem and Joseph and Mary have to return to find Him, we find this recorded:

"His mother continued to store these memories like treasures in her heart."  [Luke 2:51]


Surely - if you're a parent - you can identify with this practice.  Perhaps some of us are more prone to this activity due to natural introspective tendencies, but notice that our two illustrations include a man [Israel] and a woman [Mary]!  

I recall sharing one of these observations with Debbie as we sat in our living room in East Liverpool [where our kids grew up].  Travis was four-and-a-half-years older than Troy - to the day!  All three kids were playing on the floor when it hit me.  I simply said [pointing to Travis], "This one is going to make a living with his brain..."  Then I followed [pointing to Troy] "...and this one is going to make a living with his hands."

Travis graduated from the United States Naval Academy and went on to be fully trained in their nuclear program where he ran the reactor on the various subs that he was assigned to.  He attained these things without being an egghead!  He had a wonderful sense of humor and was greatly loved by family and many friends!  He attained the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy and ended his career planning strategic assignments for the Navy Seal Team based in Honolulu, HI.  *

Troy went a different route.  He initially learned a trade as an upholsterer [as a teenager].  He still uses this skill today as a sidebar.  In Savannah, he worked for Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation [the largest manufacturer of private aircraft] as an upholsterer.  While living with his brother, Travis, for a couple of years he began volunteering as a firefighter.  After years of investment, he transferred to Boardman, OH where he just completed an intensive year of training as a Fire Medic!  

Troy visited one day last week.  We knocked down a tree that had died a few years ago.  I couldn't get my chain saw to run.  Troy quickly took it apart, repaired it and had it running in moments.  I was mesmerized!  He has a skill package that I admire so much!  It's intuitive to him.  I - on the other hand -  am a butcher when it comes to mechanics!  By the way, Troy graduated from high school with a higher GPA than Travis!  :-)

I love both of these sons!  I am proud of each of their accomplishments!  I marvel at the things they've done!  


These observations don't need to be written down.  Somehow, they imprint themselves on our brains and in our memories!  

This is what parents do!  They observe, support, encourage, prod, rescue, correct, guide, suggest, cheer, affirm, finance, and stand behind their kids ALL THE WAY!  

They make observations without showing preference!  They love their kids and stand behind them to help them make 'their' dreams become a reality!  We do NOT live out our dreams through their lives!  We facilitate their dreams to the best of our ability without showing bias or favor!  Many lives have been deeply damaged by parents who favored one while neglecting others - a pitfall we must be diligent to avoid!  

In Psalm 127:3-5, Solomon speaks of his sons [pardon the male language - daughters are certainly included]!

Know this: children are a gift from the Eternal; the fruit of the womb is His reward.  Your sons born in your youth are a protection, like arrows in the hand of a warrior.  Happy is the man whose quiver is full, for they will help and protect him when he is old.  He will not be humiliated when he is accused at the gate, for his sons will stand with him against his enemies.

The parenting role never ends!  It changes significantly, but never ends!  We maintain contact with our children and continue to support and help them without being intrusive!  

And just so you know that I also treasure our daughter, I watched her back in March while we visited.  She amazes me over and over again by her deep commitment to her marriage and family!  

It was the celebration of our grandson Coltin's, fifteenth birthday.  She made a massive display of a bread charcuterie with a wide array of treats and succulent surprises!  Both sets of grandparents were at the table for the first time!  Tracie carefully seated us and then took her place right between Rylie and Coltin!   :-)   She - and, of course, Jon as well - are clearly the center of their lives at this stage!  I marvel at the depth of commitment to these two maturing adolescents!  

Debbie and I pray for them from a distance [they live in Florida].  We text with them weekly to try to remain a part of their lives.  They are our only grandchildren!  We treasure them!  We make as many memories with them as our exposure allows! 

Tracie was a little 'Tom-boy'.  She was an adventurer and a rescuer.  She is deeply committed to her friends and I have many memories of her tucked away in my heart and mind!  

It's what parents do!  

*  Travis died in October, 2015.

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