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Wednesday, July 17, 2024


I love the fact that King David had tough days!  I know, that seems sort of twisted, but it helps me to identify with him when I know that he had dark days and faced overwhelming trials. 

I just read Psalm 35.  It’s a private journal entry!  I doubt that David ever intended it to be read by crowds of people over thousands of years! 

He’s in pain!  His discourse is with God!  He’s crying out for God’s intervention!  He sincerely hopes that God will come down and fight for him.  His appeals are specific:

·         “Make a case against those who struggle with me, Eternal One.  Battle against those who battle against me.  Be my shield and protection; stand with me and rescue me!  Draw the spear and javelin to meet my pursuers.”  [vs.1-3  All quotes are from The Voice Bible which prints words that are not in the original text in italics]

·         “Shame and dishonor those ruthless enemies who wish to end my life…Make their way unsure and dangerously dark, a gauntlet of gloom chased through the darkness by the Eternal’s messenger” [angel?].  [vs.4,6]

·         “Lord, how long will You do nothing but watch?  Save me from their evil assaults, plots and plunder; rescue my life from these hungry beasts, these ruthless lions!  [v.17]

·         “You have seen what’s happening, Eternal One; don’t remain silent!  Lord, do not stray far away from me!  Wake up; come to my defense!  Fight for me, my Lord and my God!” [vs.22-23]

In fact, David was a king with armies, mighty men and vast resources at his command.  But all battles are not fought with swords and spears.  Sometimes our enemies are subversive.  They attack with words and insinuations, gossip and lies.  They sow seeds of suspicion and coerce people with their conspiracy theories. 

The righteous person often feels incapable of responding.  Slander is a powerful tool in the hand of a ruthless person! 

David has the power to quell these individuals, but chooses not to use it.  He is a better man than they are.  He wants to maintain his righteousness.

So, he cries out to God!  He is persistent!  He makes detailed requests.  He clarifies the painful situation for God and then asks Him to intervene! 


This is an interesting concept!

There may be certain situations that will arise in our lives where we are best not to defend ourselves, but rather to call on God to do so! 

What an incredible act of trust! 

God, I could handle this, but to do so would not be wise.  It would cause more trouble and hurt feelings.  It would be better by far, Lord, if You would handle my defense!  I’m going to remain passive, Lord, and trust You to resolve this problem.  I place my enemies in Your hands, O God!  You take care of them! 

Meanwhile, I’m going to maintain my integrity!  I’m going to walk in righteousness.  I will turn my suffering toward You!  I believe that You will vindicate me!  Strengthen my resolve!  This whole matter is in Your hands now, Sovereign Lord!  Amen! 


Are you suffering?  Are your enemies oppressing you?  Do you feel overwhelmed?  Does justice seem distant?  Are you being slandered?   Have you been falsely accused?  Does it seem futile to fight back? 

Why not pull out your journal [or a blank sheet] and write a psalm like David did?  Empty yourself before the Lord.  Be open and honest.  Describe your pain.  Refuse to enter the fray.  Let the Lord be your defense!  Turn it all over to Him and then focus on trusting Him! 

You might want to start by reading Psalm 35 in a contemporary version!  

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