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Thursday, September 26, 2024


The word is 'innovate'.

From Merriam/Webster:  to make changes do something in a new way

There's a little dialogue - between Debbie and I - that has played out in church quite a few times over recent years:

DEB (as she joins me in the pew):  "Did you pick up a bulletin?"

ME:  "No.  I read it last year!"  

She rarely sees the humor of my response and typically gives me 'the look'!  😆


A number of years ago [when Jon and Tracie were still living in Connecticut], we were visiting and attended their church-plant on Sunday morning.  It met in a school, so a lot of set-up was involved.  As we arrived, we were greeted and made our way to the middle of the auditorium and found seats.

We waited a bit for the time of service to arrive.  Just as the worship team members moved to the front, Coltin [probably about eight at the time], leaned over to me and said:  

"They'll start with a song.  Then there'll be announcements and a time for greeting.  Then, we'll sing three more songs.  After that, the pastor will pray.  Then he'll preach and have another prayer.  One more song and then we'll leave."

He nailed it!  Spot on!  An eight-year-old had noticed and memorized the pattern!


Is there anything wrong with this?

I suppose not - technically.  For many people, predictability is a good thing.  

Obviously, I wrestle with this pattern.  Here's why...

1.  I think that predictability leads to boredom! 

    Everyone knows almost exactly what's going to happen before it happens.  All I have to do is stick it out until 12:00 PM.

2.  This pattern of consistency tends to turn worship into a ritual!  

    Rituals can be [and often are] followed mindlessly!  

3.  Who plans the details of the 'Detail Sheet'?

    Is it the pastor?  the church secretary?  the worship team?

    I've seen 'Detail Sheets' that actually listed time components for each segment of the worship experience.

4.  What role is prayer, discernment and the Holy Spirit given in the process of preparation for worship?


Let me diverge for a few moments:

Consider the expansive creativity of our God!  

For many of us the year is divided into four very different seasons that even dictate how we dress.

The rough estimate of all the tree species in the world currently stands at 65,065, distributed in all countries worldwide.

The Clements checklist of birds of the world lists 10,906 bird species that live in practically every habitat from open oceans to arid deserts!

I'm not going to wear you down with more; you get the idea.  

God has so wonderfully illustrated creativity, diversity and curiosity in the making of our world.  Why can't we do the same with our worship?  

Have we pandered to a segment of the population who are just interested in checking off the box ☑ Have attended worship today.

Have we ignored and omitted those who would be prone to add color, fun, humor and engagement to our worship?

Does anybody in the church ask these questions?  Are they relevant?  Are they appropriate?  


For nine years, I led a church where I was set free to tamper with the traditional forms of worship.  I wrote skits to illustrate my messages.  My sister-in-law [Laurie Mahosky] took those skits and recruited and trained people to present them on Sunday mornings.  Some were humorous and others were quite impactful.  A unique and surprising group of people stepped forward to volunteer to be part of this team.

We also used video songs and video clips to supplement worship.  Eventually, we took advantage of the videographer skills of a few of our people and featured video testimonies.  The advantage of this was that we could control the time and edit the content.  I tried to create messages of interest and illustrate them with humor and stories.

Guess what?  The church grew from 70 to over 200.  Two years in a row, we were recognized by our denomination as a 'Multiplying Church'!  


Dare we allow the church of Jesus Christ to be deemed irrelevant by the world?  

Mega-churches draw crowds by creating an environment where everything is provided!  You can come here every Sunday and you don't have to do anything.  Just sit in the dark in our theater seats and enjoy the show!  Is this success?  Is this pleasing to God?

I attended a local mega-church a while back.  It was great!  Everything was done so well!  You couldn't help but be impressed.  When the service ended, I simply remained in my seat and observed what happened.  People got up and filed out the aisles through the foyer and out the doors to their cars.  No one talked to one another!  There was no recognition of fellow worshippers!  No engagement!  The show was over - it was time to head home or to the restaurant!  

Is this the Church we want to model for our world?


I'm just finishing an eight-month role as an interim pastor.  I've enjoyed the opportunity to lead a church again.  However, as an interim, there were obvious limitations on what I was allowed to do.  Prudence also created barriers regarding how much change it would be appropriate for me to instigate.  I restrained myself appropriately!  

I spoke candidly to the staff on a few occasions indicating things that I would love to see happen.  I mentioned that if I was assigned to lead the church, the first thing I would do would be to remove 100 seats from the sanctuary!  

To my surprise, a couple of men did just that one week!  

Surprisingly, the congregation took it in stride the next Sunday and I never heard a complaint about it.  As a result, we sit closer to one another now and tend to have more interaction with one another.  Pretty cool!

Why are we so afraid of change?  


The 15th century reformer, John Calvin, proposed that there were three ways that we could know about God:  reason, revelation and tradition.

A couple of hundred years later, John Wesley suggested that there was a fourth: experience.

REASON - I can use the brain that God has given me to make observations and think things through, enabling to understand better the nature of God.

REVELATION - God has revealed Himself through Christ and through The Word!  I must give precedence to these revelations and allow them to influence and guide my life!

TRADITION - The collective voice and practice of generations of believers trickle down to us through the centuries.  We must revere these traditions, evaluate their effectiveness for our age, and employ them wisely to provoke, inspire and guide our people.

EXPERIENCE - God may choose to reveal Himself to me in intimate, personal ways that will guide and influence me throughout the course of my life!  


  • How much should I allow tradition to influence the way I worship?
  • Shouldn't it be balanced with the other four sources?
  • Is there new revelation since we live in the age of the Spirit that could liberate us in our worship?
  • What does it mean to worship Him in Spirit and in truth?  [John 4:24]

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


I suppose every generation tends to think that cultural demise is a terrible thing.  The longer we live, the more changes we tend to see.  The changes feel abrupt to us.  It rattles our comfort zone!  We are prone to think of the changes in negative light.  

These changes inevitably catch our attention and cause alarm:

  • increased violence in the global culture
  • the fear of a major upheaval that threatens our long-established freedoms
  • the redefinition of the traditional family structure
  • an invasion of illegal immigrants that is creating irreversible impact
  • the fear of war that could change the structure of our world
The list could be expanded...

However, other changes have been beneficial:
  • social media that allows us to stay in contact with friends from around the world
  • entertainment technology that allows us to tailor what we watch to that which is acceptable
  • the knowledge that although Christianity is faltering in America, it is prospering and growing in other parts of our world
  • transportation systems and freedom of movement that allow us to travel widely
  • in spite of high inflation, financial stability is still possible for many
Currently, two movements are clashing, each of which promises hope and prosperity in the future.  An election is currently underway that will give precedence to the winning designee.  We all wait with hope and bated breath to see what the results will be...

But regardless of the outcome, the world will go on.  A miniscule number may flee in hopes of finding greater security elsewhere, but the vast majority will react, adjust and continue to strive for security, stability and peace.

But the truly discerning realize that our hope is not in a savior, but in a Savior!  

Dividing lines divide!  They always have and always will!  

Conflicting views will continue regardless of the election results.  

An old hymn states: "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' Name.  On Christ, the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand - ALL OTHER GROUND IS SINKING SAND!"  

Pastor Edward Mote wrote this hymn in The United Kingdom in 1834.  That year, England had four different Prime Ministers.  Public hanging was abolished in England.  One year earlier, slavery in England was abolished.  Parliament and the Palace of Westminster were destroyed by fire.  The word 'scientist' was first used in the QUARTERLY REVIEW, but it was noted that it was "not generally palatable".  The first trade unions were being established.  The able-bodied poor could only receive government aid if they entered government-run work houses.  Immorality was so rampant that the government ruled "authorities should no longer attempt to identify the fathers of illegitimate children in order to recover support for them."  

Like today, Pastor Mote must have observed negative and positive influences at work in his culture.  His resolution was to point people to something that would sustain them in spite of the upheavals they were experiencing.  

We would be wise to follow his example in 2024.  

We must revive spiritual hope in our culture!  Most of us wouldn't consider writing a hymn to influence others (although I wouldn't rule it out!  😊).  But what can we do to turn people's hearts and minds toward a genuine faith?  

I believe our responses will need to be creative, innovative and radical!  

For instance:  [Re-read the former line before proceeding!]
  1. I sincerely believe that the church needs to return to the home!  Perhaps not entirely, since there are churches that are growing and making a difference in people's lives.  However, most churches do a poor job of genuinely intersecting in people's lives.  The average person who is trying to live a Christian life needs accountabilty that isn't being offered in most churches!  They need to know others intimately and be given an environment where they can regularly share personal needs and exercise their gifts in a warm and loving community.  I believe that a house-church movement will be essential in enabling this kind of deep fellowship and connection.
  2. Innovations like THE CHOSEN movie/television series is opening doors for influencing people in an impactful way!*  Non-followers viewing this series WILL HAVE QUESTIONS!  Some will need to be reminded of the liberties that the creators have included.  All will need to be sent to the Bible to discover "the rest of the story" [to borrow a Paul Harvey line].  These episodes could be utilized in a house-church [small group] and trigger ongoing discussions and study that could vitally impact the way people are living their lives!
  3. The American church needs desperately to reinvent itself in line with the Holy Spirit!  Remember: we live in the period of the acts of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the apostles!  THAT'S US!  Think about it!  As soon as a church builds a building, they have set a limit on their growth and capacity for ministry!  The day of cathedrals is long past!  We need to think invasively!  Bible study groups in coffee shops!  Rent out a roller skating arena and play Christian music - open to ALL and FREE!  Yard sale after church where everyone who attends gets to buy items REALLY CHEAP [Give the proceeds to the Red Cross!]  Outdoor worship events that coincide with a car show; offer free food!   
  4. Christian groups that repeatedly offer or sponsor:
    • Divorce Care Groups
    • Financial Recovery Groups
    • Grief Share Groups
    • Twelve-Step Groups
    • Depression Support Groups
    • Bible for Dummies Groups
    • First Steps in the Christian Life Groups
            [The leaders of these groups need to be carefully selected and highly capable!]
    5. Churches that are less encumbered with enormous building debt burdens and that are not focused on recruiting people to work in the church as teachers, leaders, nursery workers, youth leaders, committee members, etc..  Instead, churches that recruit and equip people to serve in community-based agencies, efforts, projects and endeavors where evidence of their faith leaves a positive impression on the neighborhood!  Imagine a village or town where the community leaders considered the local church as a resource for getting projects resourced and accomplished!
    6.  Christ-followers who live out their faith day-to-day in the workplace and neighborhood in such a way that their example draws people to them and to Christ!  People whose lives regularly intersect with others and leave the fragrance of Christ in their trail!
Anemia/anemic [according to Miriam/Webster] means:
  1. a condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume.
  2. lacking force, vitality or spirit.
  3. lacking interest or savor.
The American Church is clearly lacking force, vitality and Spirit!  It also lacks interest in its Savior!  Instead of changing its culture, IT'S BEING CHANGED BY ITS CULTURE - AND NOT IN GOOD WAYS!  

I pray and long to see it be transformed!  

Here are the other verses to Pastor Motes' hymn:

When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, His blood, support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in Him be found;
Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne!

On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand - 

"Jesus said to them, 'Who do you say that I am?'
Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'

And Jesus said to him,
'Blessed are you, Simon, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you,
but My Father who is in Heaven.
I also say to you that upon this rock [of truth]
___________________________________________________[Matthew 16:15-18 Amended)]

*  I do not like EVERYTHING about The Chosen series.  I struggle with some of the liberties they take with the narratives [and have written to the creators to express my opinions].  However, the creativity is unparalleled.  I end almost every episode in tears and expressions of joy!  Debbie and I have viewed the first three seasons at least four times and will continue...

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Good morning, Lord,

The calendar says it’s still summer, but we all feel fall in the air.  Leaves are already blowing through our yards.  School has begun and football has us excited.  We’re more than half way through another year.  It’s been a good year so far!  Thank You for the wonderfully mild winter we enjoyed.  Spring was incredible as farmers got their seeds in the ground a little earlier than usual.  Summer was hot – just the way we like it.  And now our fuel bills get a break as we don’t have to run our air conditioners.  Living in our area is a pleasure as we get to experience four fairly equal in length seasons (well, winter could be a little shorter!)

And through it all – You’re faithful!  You are the Master Designer behind all of this wonderful creation!  We marvel at Your precision and delight at Your creativity. 





Oh, how I enjoyed the spring of my life!  Like so many others, I ran and played and was carefree as my parents accepted all of the responsibility.  I learned and grew and stretched and abounded in energy and curiosity!  Fortunately for me, I did so in a safety zone that my parents established with guard rails that helped me avoid a lot of the painful and dangerous experiences of life.  I chose to adopt the principles and values that they had modeled for me and those values travelled with me into the summer season of my life!



Summer was independence and freedom!  Finally, after the stressful period of adolescence, I was able to direct the course of my own life.  My parents were still there to consult, but this was the season of fun, major decisions, developing skills and advancing education!  It was surely an adventurous time! 

One of my best decisions was marrying Debbie!  Everything changed after that!  Your ‘call’ on my life was another major course-correction!  Early summer found us moving frequently and clearly leaving the nests where we had each been established.  Kentucky seemed so far away from our homes back in 1973.  Even long-distance phone calls were rarely made due to the expense of doing so! 

Then, our family began to arrive:  Travis (1976), Troy (1980) and Tracie (1981).  I made $100/week at my first church!  The only government support we ever accepted was during those early years when WIC [Women, Infants and Children] provided milk, eggs and cheese!  The responsibility of raising children was fun, but demanding.  Our finances – already tight – were stretched to the limit!  But our joy was full and our partnership as parents was developing experience and purpose! 

Summer was a long season!  Raising our family, gaining my education, and establishing myself as a pastor with experience dominated this period.  Keeping our balance and surviving the strains on our marriage took perseverance and focus!  Our greatest enemies during this season were financial distress and my own personal struggle with depression.  I actually had a burn-out episode during this season when I quit everything for almost four months while living in East Liverpool!  But God, You were faithful and turned it into the only real miracle that I attribute to my life!  Thank You!

I’m not really sure when summer drew to a close and fall began.  I suppose it was the season when our three T’s began leaving the nest and launching into their own ‘summers’.  Our role as active parents was coming to a close.  However, You raised new challenges for us as we engaged with the Shelter Care Social Serving Agency, the Akron Cornerstone Church and later, the Free Methodist Community Church in New Middletown.  Debbie’s work at the Springfield Elementary School with Cindy Marchese was an extremely fulfilling time for her. 

The greatest thing to happen for us during these years was retiring our burdensome debt that had caused so much of my depression!  By diligent adherence to a plan and God’s abundant provision for our family, we reached our goal in a mere eleven years!  Hallelujah!  Debt is gone FOREVER!  Thanks be to God!

The awards and rewards that resulted from leading and participating in growing churches were fulfilling.  But You weren’t finished with us yet!

The next three years were invested by living and working in Changchun, PRC for three years!  A book would be needed to describe the amazing and life-expanding experiences of that adventure!  New friends populated our lives!  Students endeared themselves to us by their kindness and love for life!  You enabled us to see fruit for our labor, for which we will be eternally grateful.  We would not surrender those years for anything!  They are a treasure to us! 


I suppose that’s about when our fall season of life began.  Although I pastored for nearly two years at Kittanning, doing so as a commuting/part-time pastor was too much of a limitation! 

It was about this time that we experienced the greatest loss of our lives – Travis died!  It knocked us down pretty severely!  Debbie retired almost immediately.  I retired at the end of the next year.  During this interim period, we lived in a small trailer on the Whippo farm.  We were comfortable, but knew that we wanted to establish a real retirement home.  We found an opening in Heron Woods and carved out a shelf overlooking two beautiful, small lakes.  Our manufactured home was delivered after significant clean-up and preparation.  Then came two years of building a two-car garage with Troy – one of the greatest joys of my life!  Landscaping and sowing a lawn also kept me busy.

This was followed by five years of being a Lyft driver.  God gave me a vibrant and creative ministry in this role.  Losing that job thrust us into living on our retirement income [there’s a story behind this – ask me sometime!].  We made the necessary adaptations and did fairly well. 

Then, in February of 2024, I was called back into ministry as the interim pastor of The Foundery Free Methodist Church in Wellsburg, West Virginia.  It has been a rewarding experience and I hope I have helped the church as it now prepares to embrace a new, full-time, pastor!  A little piece of my heart will always be invested in these wonderful and accepting people! 

So, we consider ourselves to be in the late fall season of our lives now.  Winter is coming – we know that!  Our major accomplishments have probably already been realized.  Our love for one another deepens almost daily – it seems.  We thoroughly enjoy being together!  We serve one another and enjoy every day!  We love our family and treasure the times when we can be with them.  We take enormous joy from the fact that they are serving the Lord!  We celebrate their accomplishments with pride and joy! 

Debbie is still making major contributions by being a session member and library director at Bethel Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Enon Valley!  She is deeply appreciated at this church and we have developed great affection for the people there!  She also enjoys regular fellowship with four of her sisters [Janie lives in Connecticut]. Two brothers and three sisters also attend Bethel, so every Sunday includes some reunion!  Deb also reads!  Her love for historical books and novels propels her from book to book.  I absolutely love walking into the house and ‘catching’ her sitting quietly in her chair with a good book and a cup of tea!  😊

In another week, my patterns will change significantly!  No more three-hour round trips to Wellsburg. 

I long to return to extended mornings in my home-study, reading the scriptures and writing my own personal summary of the Bible!  I have a list of projects that I’ll be attacking as well.  I hope to reduce the boxes of files that I’ve accumulated over forty-three years of ministry.  There are photos to organize and scrap books to make.  There’s a coin collection that I inherited from my mother that needs to be dealt with.  I have backpacking gear galore that needs to be given away. 

Then, of course, there are home projects and yard work that will keep me busy. 



Winter does not cause us fear!  We’ve always loved winter and now that it’s our final season we’re fine with that!  We’ll use our influence to bless our family, neighbors and church.  We’ll keep each other warm and serve one another as long as we can.  We’ll seek to be wise in the deployment of our time and resources.  We’ll love people and try to invest in them strategically and generously. 

We each have aches and pains.  Arthritis has finally become my travelling companion.  These once-young bodies have some miles on them now.  But our minds are still active and functional [with occasional blips for both of us].  Our passions are still vibrant. 

When the Bible says that “…your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;” [Acts 2:17 KJV] I have come to believe it is right!  I’m an old guy now, but my passion for ministry is still strong.  I have dreamed for years of planting a church.  But I wonder if I could negotiate something so vigorous?  I have three enemies:

1.   My major hearing deficit!

2.   My high passion is unfortunately accompanied by a lower level of energy than in previous seasons of life!

3.   My seemingly increasing inability to pull up words and details with efficiency.

We’ll see what God has in store, but I suspect that most of my ministry and time will be invested in the seclusion of my writing, meditating and study carrel.  And that’s okay with me! 

But the greatest comfort for both of us is the reality that we have held to throughout our lives.  Even when our winter season draws to an end, it is always spring in Narnia!  We hope to see you there, friends!

Monday, September 23, 2024



The following is a letter that I had intended for my Facebook page a couple of months ago.  Instead, I sent it to my conference superintendent.  But now, it seems appropriate to publish it for all to read.  May it stimulate you to pray for The Foundery Free Methodist Church and its new leaders!

I’ve been having the privilege of leading The Foundery Free Methodist Church in Wellsburg, WV for the last eight months as interim pastor.  This church has an amazing facility – including a full-size gym and a wonderful worship center – plus an excellent location on a main road [near a well-used city park and golf course]! 

The people of the congregation are diverse in age with each major age-level well represented! 

I work weekly with a staff of leaders who are extremely capable and committed!

Sarah Lyke was our administrator, secretary and treasurer upon my arrival.  She was my greatest source of help while I was getting started.  Her responses were always prompt and efficient!  I believe that Sarah was in constant pain as a result of her two-year battle with cancer that ended just a few weeks ago.  The church held a meaningful ‘Celebration of Life’ for her and honored her family and many friends!  Sarah will be dearly missed at The Foundery.  Please pray for her husband, Gene, and their twelve-year-old son, Gage!

Pastor Amy Openbrier leads our children’s ministry with remarkable skill and dedication!

John and Beverly Cook give us a longer view perspective on the church.  He is the Finance Team chairperson and she leads our First Impressions ministry! 

Emily and Ryan Cook lead the UPWARD ministry that involves nearly 180 children and at least thirty volunteers from the church [plus others].  Bassketball games run all day Saturdays with practices through the week every winter!  They are also assuming an expanded role as leaders in the area of helping new believers get established and growing in their faith!

Becky Sandreth Parr and her helper, Kelly ‘Sunshine’ Harris, lead our sports ministry with volleyball on Mondays and basketball on Fridays.  In July, Becky executed a Charity Softball Tournament with four teams, good competition and rewards earned for local charities!  This is a growing edge for The Foundery!

Bobby Alan and Stacy Westfall lead our youth ministry and make investments in just about everything that happens at The Foundery!  They are each Local Ministerial Candidates, which means they are aimed toward full-time Christian ministry!

JoEllen Haizlett is the newest member to the staff as the leader of our women’s ministry.  She also makes major contributions to the children’s ministry and other areas as well.

Two other key leaders who can’t attend staff meetings because of work commitments are:

David Keister is an ordained elder and leads the Christian Education area for adults overseeing Sunday School, Growth Groups and house churches.  He makes investments in many areas – especially visitation ministries!  David is a respected leader at The Foundery!

Also, Jay and Barbra Beatty lead a number of ministries at The Foundery: Media Ministries, Kenny’s Kloset, custodians and major contributions to almost everything that happens at The Foundery!  Jay is also pursuing becoming a Local Ministerial Candidate with aspirations for full-time ministry down the road!

Kevin Fiber leads our men’s ministry and is a catalyst for prayer!

With such a capable team and their deep commitment to Christ, this will be a growing and exciting place to be as the future unfolds!  Although I will not name them here, The Foundery is also blessed with an extremely committed and faithful group of men and women who serve on the Board of Administration to guide the church and establish policy! 

Two others I must mention are Jim Miller – another ordained elder – and Ryan Smith [Local Ministerial Candidate] who make regular investments in the leadership of the church along with their spouses: Melissa and Brooke respectively!

In writing like this I am failing to mention many others who make valuable and essential contributions to leading worship, special projects, welcoming team, greeters, teachers, nursery workers, media team members, senior activities, decorating and other team members who commit time, creativity and expertise to our pooled efforts!  Please forgive me for not mentioning you all by name. 

These are the people who make just about everything happen at The Foundery!  I have been blessed to make a contribution to this ministry and have prayed daily for God’s plan to unfold for the future.  Now that Bobby Westfall [mentioned above] has been designated to lead the church beginning October 6, I believe we will see a flourishing of Kingdom growth and joyful celebration.  Glory to God! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Okay, it’s time for a confession.

I believe that my parents tried to teach me about money, but I was not a good student and failed to see the importance of what they were trying to establish in me. 

For instance, when young, I sold TV Guides.  They cost $.15 at the time and $.04 of each copy was mine.  I clearly recall my mother teaching me that I needed to set aside $.01 out of each $.10 to give back to God my tithe.  My father spoke to the church treasurer who gave me a box of envelopes.  It made me feel very important!  Every Sunday, I placed my envelope with $.16 in the plate right after my father placed his envelope into the plate. 

A pattern was established young that we have observed – even during the difficult stages of our lives.

My parents were born in 1912 and 1913.  Raising a family through the Great Depression caused them to be frugal and strategic with their money.  There is no doubt that God was watching over them throughout this challenging time.  My oldest siblings remember that my mom fed ‘hobo’s’ who frequently came to her door! 

But, being born in 1952, I was raised in a more affluent time.  As stated earlier, my parents tried to inculcate in me disciplines and financial wisdom – but I didn’t quite get it!

After getting married, we received a credit card with a $500 limit.  How exciting that this company was willing to invest such trust in us.  [It was 1973.]  Pretty quickly, we hit the limit and the company increased the limit to $1,000 – since we were faithful to make the minimum payment. 

You see where this is heading, right?

Through the next two decades, my income was low and my education costs were high!  By the time I hit my forties, I was dealing with bouts of depression as a result of the stress of managing our debt! 

Some counseled us to file for bankruptcy, but that went against all the principles by which I’d been raised! 

The two-fold struggle against depression and financial distress continued! 

In spite of our irresponsibility, God was good to us!  So many times, God orchestrated financial relief for us as we cried out to Him.  His GRACE was so evident and so appreciated!  Many of our miracle stories had to do with financial deliverance!

At a point in my mid-forties, I became convinced that we would never get out of debt!  It was NOT a happy thought.  It undermined my confidence and took away my joy!

Then, a series of things happened that would take too long to describe:

1.    I was a big listener to the radio in those days:  Focus on the Family and Family Life Today in particular.  I came across a teacher on biblical finances – Larry Burkett.  He became a tutor to me on this topic!

2.    God brought two men into my life who had very different perspectives.  Pete was a wise money manager and Ron had a remarkable grasp on the spiritual nature of finances.  These two men had a deep influence on me at a critical time of my life!

3.    Finally, we were exposed to the teaching of Dave Ramsay, who declared [at that time] that anyone could be out-of-debt in seven years!  That sounded preposterous to me, but as the money-manager of our home, I took the challenge.

Circumstances intervened that caused us to take eleven years.  We utilized Ramsay’s ‘debt-reduction-snowball' method.  When I attacked our last debt, I was paying $900 a month on it.  When it was paid off, we suddenly had $1,000/month free to use as we saw fit!  Needless to say, we were very wise and deliberate about investing it!   If you lived anywhere near New Middletown, Ohio, around 2005, you probably heard our SHOUT FOR JOY! 

We’ve never been in debt again!  We own our home!  We own our cars!  We’re not – by any means rich!  😂  But, in retirement, we live on our income and have a small nest egg – that we NEVER touch - for emergencies. 

Obviously, it’s very satisfying.

Here’s the bottom line:  If we did it – ANYONE CAN DO IT! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


If I could have a video of any hour from the Bible, there is no doubt which hour I would choose!

There's this account in Luke's gospel that takes place on the Sunday of Christ's resurrection. Remarkably, two of His followers are ending the day walking home to Emmaus. They've been with other followers of Jesus and have heard the eye-witness reports that Jesus is alive again.

As they walk along, Jesus actually joins them on their journey, but they were prevented from recognizing Him. He asked what they were talking about and they unravel the mysterious details of the day. They are clearly perplexed and don't know quite what to believe.

Jesus responded to them: "O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?"

Then Luke, the consummate researcher, reports:

"Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the scriptures."


Can you imagine having Jesus start with Moses and talk you through all of the Old Testament prophets pointing out the various signs that related to Himself? He connected the dots for these two followers and corrected their confused thoughts!

Eventually, they arrived at their destination, but the two disciples implored Him to stay with them. As they sat down to eat, Jesus broke the bread and their eyes were opened. They realized that their travelling companion was Jesus Himself! Then, He vanished from their sight.

As they looked at one another in utter amazement, one said: "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the scriptures to us?"

These two weary disciples left immediately and walked the seven miles back to Jerusalem where they found the eleven apostles gathered together.

They reported: "The Lord has really risen and has appeared to Simon!" Then they told of "their experiences on the road and how He was recognized by them in the breaking of the bread."


I suppose that if you were just reading Luke 24 [or any other passage] out of a sense of duty or obligation, you could simply read the words and miss the power behind them!  This, however, is a remarkable picture of how Christ loves to surprise us and correct our attitudes and thinking

And He desires to do this with YOU as well! 

Give Him the opportunity by:

1.       Reading His word regularly!

2.       Doing it with the realization that His Holy Spirit inspired the original writers AND THAT SAME HOLY SPIRIT WILL HELP YOU TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’RE READING TODAY! 

3.       Keep your spiritual ears and eyes open!  Listen for the still, small voice of God as you read. Is your heart burning as you read?  You may not hear it every day – I don’t.  But from time-to-time, you will hear it and it will be remarkable! 

4.       When these moments occur, make a note in your Bible or journal so that you can remember it.  At discouraging times [which WILL come], you can review these moments and be encouraged to know that God loves you and has intimately communicated with you!

5.       Give Him praise! 

Monday, September 16, 2024


From my experience, I have found that it can be discouraging to start reading the Bible starting at the beginning.  Genesis is OK – a lot of neat stories (including love stories).  But pretty quickly you will run into some pretty boring and complex stuff.  I find that most people get bogged down and quit.  I ALWAYS suggest that people start with the New Testament.  That way you run into Jesus right off!  It is MUCH MORE ENCOURAGING, and much easier to understand.  Some Old Testament books that you might actually enjoy reading would be: 

  • Psalms  -  poems/songs, mostly short, many different topics – some quite surprising
  • Proverbs  -  mostly short, wise verses aimed at youth
  • Song of Solomon  -  a shocking collection of romantic writings!
  • Ruth  -  a wonderful love story (short too).
  • Esther  -  a story of a beautiful Jewish princess who saves her whole nation.  (If you like this story, see me to borrow the movie [One Night With the King]:  Debbie and I LOVE it!)
  • Job  -  a pretty long story about an ancient man of God who encountered amazing problems but stayed true to God.  (Best to read this from The Living Bible or The Message).
  • Do return to Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, I&II Samuel, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther eventually to gain an understanding of the history of Israel.  The stories you’ll encounter are fascinating!

If you do read the New Testament, here’s a short explanation of what you’ll run into:

1.     Mathew, Mark, Luke, John – the Gospels:  the stories of Jesus’ life told by four different men.  The first three are very much alike; the last one is quite unique!

2.     Acts  -  the history book of the beginnings of the Christian church!

3.     Romans  -  the theology book of the NT, pretty deep stuff.  If you read it, try to do so from either The Living Bible or The Message!  Romans and Galatians have some pretty strong similarities, only Galatians is a lot shorter.

4.     I & II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I & II Thessalonians, I & II Timothy, Titus, Philemon  -  these are all letters written by the great Apostle Paul.  He founded a bunch of churches and then wrote them letters to correct or encourage them.  The first eight are written to churches.  The last four were written to individuals.

5.     Hebrews  -  also a letter (we’re not quite certain who wrote it).  Very interesting but hard to understand because it draws heavily on a knowledge of the Old Testament!

6.     James  -  A letter written by Jesus’ half-brother who became a leader in the early Christian church after Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension into Heaven!

7.     I & II Peter  -  written by the great Apostle Peter to all the Christians scattered across the Roman Empire, encouraging them to stay faithful even through tough times!

8.     I & II & III John  -  written by the Apostle John.  Filled with instructions to love.  The last two are really short.

9.     Jude  -  A very short letter written by another half-brother of Jesus!

10.  Revelation  -  This is the prophecy book of the New Testament.  It is very extreme with graphic, mysterious images of the End Times.  Challenging.  I would again encourage the use of The Living Bible or The Message! 


You may have noticed that I recommended The Living Bible and The Message several times above.  They are highly readable versions of the Bible.  The Living Bible was written by a Bible scholar so that his children could understand the Bible.  The Message was written by a Bible scholar in the language of the 90’s – it is very contemporary! 

There are other very readable translations.  The New International Version is considered an evangelical version and is commonly used in many churches – very reliable and very readable.  I would avoid buying the TNIV even though you might find some good bargains on it. 

The New Century Version is delightful.  It is written at a fourth grade reading level and attempts to eliminate all big words!  Refreshing!

Other acceptable versions are:  The New King James Version and the New Revised Standard Version.  The New American Standard Version is considered by many to be the most faithful to the original languages [and consequently the best for studying the Bible]  Totally confused now?  J

Psalm 119:105

New King James Version   Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

The Living Bible        Your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me and keep me from stumbling.

The Message   By your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path.

New Century Version    Your word is like a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.

New International Version    Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

Be blessed as you read God’s Word!  You WILL meet His Holy Spirit in doing so!

I’m new at Bible reading, where should I start and how should I proceed?

Great question!  As a new reader, I would suggest that you begin with Mark’s Gospel.  It is fast moving and begins with Jesus as an adult! 

If you really enjoy reading about Jesus, try the other gospels:

  • Matthew was one of Jesus’ disciples and wrote for the Jews to understand. 
  • Luke was a Gentile and also a physician which makes his perspective interesting.
  • John was also an apostle of Jesus’.  His gospel is VERY different from the other three.  He tells stories that the others omit and gives a personal glimpse into Jesus’ life by one who was in Jesus’ inner circle! 

You might enjoy reading the letters that the Apostle Paul wrote to the young minister, Timothy [I & II Timothy].  They are full of encouragement for a younger person.

Eventually, you might like to dip into the Old Testament by reading a psalm-a-day.  There are 150 of them and some are really long.

For instance, Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible, but it is written as an acrostic using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.  Don’t avoid it!  Simply read one section a day! 

You might also enjoy reading portions of Proverbs.  This book was largely written by King Solomon [David’s son] who God described as the wisest man who ever lived.  Much of the book is made up of wise sayings. 

Don’t be in a hurry to read the whole Bible.  Many sections of the Bible are very boring and difficult to understand!  Examples to avoid until you’re more mature in your faith:  Leviticus, I&II Kings, I&II Chronicles, and all of the prophets from Isaiah through Malachi. 


Study Bibles can be a great help to a new believer or a new reader of the Bible! 


  1. A Study Bible will obviously slow you down!  You’ll be curious and tempted to read all of the notes in the margins and boxes;  you’ll get lots of information and learn a great deal – however, it will slow your progress in reading the Word.  You simply get to choose what interests you.
  2. A study Bible is only as good as the person [or people] who put it together.  Ask for advice from a pastor or someone who teaches at your church.  See if they can guide you.  My ‘go-to’ has been TALK THROUGH THE BIBLE [from Walk Through the Bible Ministries] by Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Boa, 1983.


a)     Don’t fall into a legalistic trap!  If you miss reading for a few days – or a month or year J - just jump back into it!  Our God is a God of grace!  Aim for every day, but don’t be defeated by missing occasionally!

b)     If you get bored, read elsewhere!  Don’t give up!  Just move on…

c)    Don't try to read a chapter-a-day!  Some chapters are REALLY long!  Many Bibles now have subdivisions in each chapter; read by subdivisions or paragraphs.  Smaller bites will keep your appetite in balance!  ;-)

d)     I like to read in more than one place at a time!  The Bible has subdivisions:


1.     The Books of the Law: Genesis – Deuteronomy

2.     The Books of History: Joshua – Esther

3.     The Books of Wisdom: Job – Song of Solomon

4.     The Major Prophets [Major=long]: Isaiah – Daniel

5.     The Minor Prophets [Minor = shorter]: Hosea – Malachi


6.     The Gospels: Matthew – John

7.     History: Acts

8.     Theology: Romans

9.     Letters Written by the Apostle Paul: I Corinthians – Philemon

10.  Letters by other Authors: Hebrews – Jude

11.  Prophecy: Revelation

I often keep a bookmark in four or five different sections and read in all of them as time allows [or from day-to-day].  I get bored easily, so this maintains variety for me! 

e)     Mark your Bible up!  Develop symbols that identify things you liked.  Underline powerful passages!  Write helps or prayers in the margins!  Personalize your Bible!  Make it into a resource that will bless you for the rest of your life [and maybe your heirs after you've moved on to Heaven]! 

Hal Haire-Revised 9/24