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Tuesday, September 3, 2024


If you’ve followed these blogs about experiencing the presence of God, then you will have realized that this has been an experiential response to the subject and not a biblical or theological attempt to understand it. 

For most people, experiencing God’s presence is not a biblical or theological issue.  It’s experiential!  It’s closer to a sensing, feeling or awareness.  It’s noticeable and memorable!  It’s difficult to describe – yet you realize that it was real!  Frequently – when in a group – others with spiritual sensitivities will also sense it!  Comments will be made:

  •         “Wow! The Spirit of God was really here tonight!”
  •         “Whew! God drew near today, I could feel His presence!”
  •         “The power of God was so real today, you could feel it!”
  •         “What a blessed service! God came down!”
  •         “I’m glad I didn’t miss this service! The presence of God was amazing!”

My personal experiences of God’s presence certainly aren’t limited to those described in the previous blog articles.

  • i’ve experienced His presence many times at Family Camp!
  • In the 1980’s and 1990’s I attended a lot of worship conferences where God became real to us!
  • Minister’s Conferences were frequently visited by God’s holy presence!
  • I’ve participated in small group gatherings where His presence became tangible!
  • On my many retreats, I felt His presence and was left in awe!
  • While viewing vistas during hikes, I’ve become overwhelmed with awe for God and felt His presence! 

I don’t believe there are limitations to when or where He might make Himself known!  It probably has a great deal to do with our openness and sensitivity! 

When I was very young, I paid particular attention to these times of God’s nearness while I was growing up.  I actually made an acute observation that I’ve never shared before.  I simply noticed that God often drew near when we sang the hymn, “When Peace Like A River”, by Horatio B. Stafford in 1873.  I observed outbreaks of shouting praises to God, humble weeping that prevented people from singing, and raised hands during the singing of this hymn.  To read the remarkable story behind this hymn, follow the link:

God dearly loves us!  He wants to bless His children!  He will make His presence known, if we will simply tune in and yield to the tender work of His Holy Spirit!

May you experience His presence soon and often! 

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