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Tuesday, September 17, 2024


If I could have a video of any hour from the Bible, there is no doubt which hour I would choose!

There's this account in Luke's gospel that takes place on the Sunday of Christ's resurrection. Remarkably, two of His followers are ending the day walking home to Emmaus. They've been with other followers of Jesus and have heard the eye-witness reports that Jesus is alive again.

As they walk along, Jesus actually joins them on their journey, but they were prevented from recognizing Him. He asked what they were talking about and they unravel the mysterious details of the day. They are clearly perplexed and don't know quite what to believe.

Jesus responded to them: "O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?"

Then Luke, the consummate researcher, reports:

"Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the scriptures."


Can you imagine having Jesus start with Moses and talk you through all of the Old Testament prophets pointing out the various signs that related to Himself? He connected the dots for these two followers and corrected their confused thoughts!

Eventually, they arrived at their destination, but the two disciples implored Him to stay with them. As they sat down to eat, Jesus broke the bread and their eyes were opened. They realized that their travelling companion was Jesus Himself! Then, He vanished from their sight.

As they looked at one another in utter amazement, one said: "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the scriptures to us?"

These two weary disciples left immediately and walked the seven miles back to Jerusalem where they found the eleven apostles gathered together.

They reported: "The Lord has really risen and has appeared to Simon!" Then they told of "their experiences on the road and how He was recognized by them in the breaking of the bread."


I suppose that if you were just reading Luke 24 [or any other passage] out of a sense of duty or obligation, you could simply read the words and miss the power behind them!  This, however, is a remarkable picture of how Christ loves to surprise us and correct our attitudes and thinking

And He desires to do this with YOU as well! 

Give Him the opportunity by:

1.       Reading His word regularly!

2.       Doing it with the realization that His Holy Spirit inspired the original writers AND THAT SAME HOLY SPIRIT WILL HELP YOU TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU’RE READING TODAY! 

3.       Keep your spiritual ears and eyes open!  Listen for the still, small voice of God as you read. Is your heart burning as you read?  You may not hear it every day – I don’t.  But from time-to-time, you will hear it and it will be remarkable! 

4.       When these moments occur, make a note in your Bible or journal so that you can remember it.  At discouraging times [which WILL come], you can review these moments and be encouraged to know that God loves you and has intimately communicated with you!

5.       Give Him praise! 

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