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Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Okay, it’s time for a confession.

I believe that my parents tried to teach me about money, but I was not a good student and failed to see the importance of what they were trying to establish in me. 

For instance, when young, I sold TV Guides.  They cost $.15 at the time and $.04 of each copy was mine.  I clearly recall my mother teaching me that I needed to set aside $.01 out of each $.10 to give back to God my tithe.  My father spoke to the church treasurer who gave me a box of envelopes.  It made me feel very important!  Every Sunday, I placed my envelope with $.16 in the plate right after my father placed his envelope into the plate. 

A pattern was established young that we have observed – even during the difficult stages of our lives.

My parents were born in 1912 and 1913.  Raising a family through the Great Depression caused them to be frugal and strategic with their money.  There is no doubt that God was watching over them throughout this challenging time.  My oldest siblings remember that my mom fed ‘hobo’s’ who frequently came to her door! 

But, being born in 1952, I was raised in a more affluent time.  As stated earlier, my parents tried to inculcate in me disciplines and financial wisdom – but I didn’t quite get it!

After getting married, we received a credit card with a $500 limit.  How exciting that this company was willing to invest such trust in us.  [It was 1973.]  Pretty quickly, we hit the limit and the company increased the limit to $1,000 – since we were faithful to make the minimum payment. 

You see where this is heading, right?

Through the next two decades, my income was low and my education costs were high!  By the time I hit my forties, I was dealing with bouts of depression as a result of the stress of managing our debt! 

Some counseled us to file for bankruptcy, but that went against all the principles by which I’d been raised! 

The two-fold struggle against depression and financial distress continued! 

In spite of our irresponsibility, God was good to us!  So many times, God orchestrated financial relief for us as we cried out to Him.  His GRACE was so evident and so appreciated!  Many of our miracle stories had to do with financial deliverance!

At a point in my mid-forties, I became convinced that we would never get out of debt!  It was NOT a happy thought.  It undermined my confidence and took away my joy!

Then, a series of things happened that would take too long to describe:

1.    I was a big listener to the radio in those days:  Focus on the Family and Family Life Today in particular.  I came across a teacher on biblical finances – Larry Burkett.  He became a tutor to me on this topic!

2.    God brought two men into my life who had very different perspectives.  Pete was a wise money manager and Ron had a remarkable grasp on the spiritual nature of finances.  These two men had a deep influence on me at a critical time of my life!

3.    Finally, we were exposed to the teaching of Dave Ramsay, who declared [at that time] that anyone could be out-of-debt in seven years!  That sounded preposterous to me, but as the money-manager of our home, I took the challenge.

Circumstances intervened that caused us to take eleven years.  We utilized Ramsay’s ‘debt-reduction-snowball' method.  When I attacked our last debt, I was paying $900 a month on it.  When it was paid off, we suddenly had $1,000/month free to use as we saw fit!  Needless to say, we were very wise and deliberate about investing it!   If you lived anywhere near New Middletown, Ohio, around 2005, you probably heard our SHOUT FOR JOY! 

We’ve never been in debt again!  We own our home!  We own our cars!  We’re not – by any means rich!  ๐Ÿ˜‚  But, in retirement, we live on our income and have a small nest egg – that we NEVER touch - for emergencies. 

Obviously, it’s very satisfying.

Here’s the bottom line:  If we did it – ANYONE CAN DO IT! 

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