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Wednesday, September 25, 2024


I suppose every generation tends to think that cultural demise is a terrible thing.  The longer we live, the more changes we tend to see.  The changes feel abrupt to us.  It rattles our comfort zone!  We are prone to think of the changes in negative light.  

These changes inevitably catch our attention and cause alarm:

  • increased violence in the global culture
  • the fear of a major upheaval that threatens our long-established freedoms
  • the redefinition of the traditional family structure
  • an invasion of illegal immigrants that is creating irreversible impact
  • the fear of war that could change the structure of our world
The list could be expanded...

However, other changes have been beneficial:
  • social media that allows us to stay in contact with friends from around the world
  • entertainment technology that allows us to tailor what we watch to that which is acceptable
  • the knowledge that although Christianity is faltering in America, it is prospering and growing in other parts of our world
  • transportation systems and freedom of movement that allow us to travel widely
  • in spite of high inflation, financial stability is still possible for many
Currently, two movements are clashing, each of which promises hope and prosperity in the future.  An election is currently underway that will give precedence to the winning designee.  We all wait with hope and bated breath to see what the results will be...

But regardless of the outcome, the world will go on.  A miniscule number may flee in hopes of finding greater security elsewhere, but the vast majority will react, adjust and continue to strive for security, stability and peace.

But the truly discerning realize that our hope is not in a savior, but in a Savior!  

Dividing lines divide!  They always have and always will!  

Conflicting views will continue regardless of the election results.  

An old hymn states: "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' Name.  On Christ, the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand - ALL OTHER GROUND IS SINKING SAND!"  

Pastor Edward Mote wrote this hymn in The United Kingdom in 1834.  That year, England had four different Prime Ministers.  Public hanging was abolished in England.  One year earlier, slavery in England was abolished.  Parliament and the Palace of Westminster were destroyed by fire.  The word 'scientist' was first used in the QUARTERLY REVIEW, but it was noted that it was "not generally palatable".  The first trade unions were being established.  The able-bodied poor could only receive government aid if they entered government-run work houses.  Immorality was so rampant that the government ruled "authorities should no longer attempt to identify the fathers of illegitimate children in order to recover support for them."  

Like today, Pastor Mote must have observed negative and positive influences at work in his culture.  His resolution was to point people to something that would sustain them in spite of the upheavals they were experiencing.  

We would be wise to follow his example in 2024.  

We must revive spiritual hope in our culture!  Most of us wouldn't consider writing a hymn to influence others (although I wouldn't rule it out!  😊).  But what can we do to turn people's hearts and minds toward a genuine faith?  

I believe our responses will need to be creative, innovative and radical!  

For instance:  [Re-read the former line before proceeding!]
  1. I sincerely believe that the church needs to return to the home!  Perhaps not entirely, since there are churches that are growing and making a difference in people's lives.  However, most churches do a poor job of genuinely intersecting in people's lives.  The average person who is trying to live a Christian life needs accountabilty that isn't being offered in most churches!  They need to know others intimately and be given an environment where they can regularly share personal needs and exercise their gifts in a warm and loving community.  I believe that a house-church movement will be essential in enabling this kind of deep fellowship and connection.
  2. Innovations like THE CHOSEN movie/television series is opening doors for influencing people in an impactful way!*  Non-followers viewing this series WILL HAVE QUESTIONS!  Some will need to be reminded of the liberties that the creators have included.  All will need to be sent to the Bible to discover "the rest of the story" [to borrow a Paul Harvey line].  These episodes could be utilized in a house-church [small group] and trigger ongoing discussions and study that could vitally impact the way people are living their lives!
  3. The American church needs desperately to reinvent itself in line with the Holy Spirit!  Remember: we live in the period of the acts of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the apostles!  THAT'S US!  Think about it!  As soon as a church builds a building, they have set a limit on their growth and capacity for ministry!  The day of cathedrals is long past!  We need to think invasively!  Bible study groups in coffee shops!  Rent out a roller skating arena and play Christian music - open to ALL and FREE!  Yard sale after church where everyone who attends gets to buy items REALLY CHEAP [Give the proceeds to the Red Cross!]  Outdoor worship events that coincide with a car show; offer free food!   
  4. Christian groups that repeatedly offer or sponsor:
    • Divorce Care Groups
    • Financial Recovery Groups
    • Grief Share Groups
    • Twelve-Step Groups
    • Depression Support Groups
    • Bible for Dummies Groups
    • First Steps in the Christian Life Groups
            [The leaders of these groups need to be carefully selected and highly capable!]
    5. Churches that are less encumbered with enormous building debt burdens and that are not focused on recruiting people to work in the church as teachers, leaders, nursery workers, youth leaders, committee members, etc..  Instead, churches that recruit and equip people to serve in community-based agencies, efforts, projects and endeavors where evidence of their faith leaves a positive impression on the neighborhood!  Imagine a village or town where the community leaders considered the local church as a resource for getting projects resourced and accomplished!
    6.  Christ-followers who live out their faith day-to-day in the workplace and neighborhood in such a way that their example draws people to them and to Christ!  People whose lives regularly intersect with others and leave the fragrance of Christ in their trail!
Anemia/anemic [according to Miriam/Webster] means:
  1. a condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume.
  2. lacking force, vitality or spirit.
  3. lacking interest or savor.
The American Church is clearly lacking force, vitality and Spirit!  It also lacks interest in its Savior!  Instead of changing its culture, IT'S BEING CHANGED BY ITS CULTURE - AND NOT IN GOOD WAYS!  

I pray and long to see it be transformed!  

Here are the other verses to Pastor Motes' hymn:

When darkness veils His lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.

His oath, His covenant, His blood, support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.

When He shall come with trumpet sound, O may I then in Him be found;
Dressed in His righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne!

On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand - 

"Jesus said to them, 'Who do you say that I am?'
Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'

And Jesus said to him,
'Blessed are you, Simon, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you,
but My Father who is in Heaven.
I also say to you that upon this rock [of truth]
___________________________________________________[Matthew 16:15-18 Amended)]

*  I do not like EVERYTHING about The Chosen series.  I struggle with some of the liberties they take with the narratives [and have written to the creators to express my opinions].  However, the creativity is unparalleled.  I end almost every episode in tears and expressions of joy!  Debbie and I have viewed the first three seasons at least four times and will continue...

1 comment:

  1. Hal, on point is your thoughtful writing. I reposted in hopes of spreading Good challenging News.
