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Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Two men who live in a world of darkness.  Perhaps they sit together each day to beg.  They have bonded in their common need - blindness.  Do they comfort one another?  Do they share stories to pass the time?  Are they friends?  Do they pool their meager resources to end their day with a meal?  

They're fortunate to live in a warm climate where they have found a place that is reasonably safe to sleep and bathe occasionally.  No one looks at them.  They are invisible.  Passersby occasionally drop a few pennies into their cups.  No one is really generous with them.  Their presence along the heavily travelled road is a dirge.  People grow aggravated at their persistent calls for money.  

They produce feelings of guilt that plague the people.  Why can't they sit somewhere else?  Why don't the rulers do something about this pair?  

No one knows their stories.  Did they once see?  Why has their family abandoned them?  Their situation is hopeless!  No one really cares about them.  No one assigns any dignity to them.  Those who drop coins in their cup usually do so with disdain and not compassion.  Their constant crying out is annoying.  

But when you sit in a busy thoroughfare, you hear things.  These two blind men pick up tidbits of news and gossip throughout their day.  They are blind, but not deaf!  

What does one think about when you sit by the roadside day after day?  Ah, they think about miracles.  Perhaps today will be the day that someone will be gracious to them.  Perhaps today someone will be overtly generous with them.  Maybe this will be the day that they will be taken in and cared for.  Perhaps - but not likely.  It is the dream of hopelessness...

However, they have heard a name.  They've heard it repeatedly.  People speak of this name with excitement, amazement and wonder.  The name?  Jesus.  At first - when they heard His name - they were hopeful.  But then, they heard that He was from Nazareth.  The age-old saying lept to their minds:  "Can anything good come from Nazareth?"  At first, they were disheartened.  But the stories about Him persisted.  Every day they heard of things He had done and people He had healed.  

When you live in a hopeless world, a dream is all you have.  Perhaps some day He will pass by on this busy way?  They've envisioned it a thousand times.  A kind man who stops to talk with them.  A compassionate man who cares.  An exception to the crowds who pass them by over and over.  

But their dreams are always interrupted by the rudeness of those who mock them.   Rough and rude men spit on them and toy with them by dropping stones into their cups or kicking dust in their faces.  How does one continue to live when despair rules the day - every day?  Something as simple as a cup of cold water would be such a blessing!  But not today.  Not ever.

Then, one day the traffic seems heavier.  There's excitement in the air.  People jostle and talk expectantly.  Children are part of the crowd today!  The men hear tidbits as the crowd grows thick and loud.  The road from Jericho to Jerusalem is far busier today than any other day.  Perhaps their cups will be filled today?  

That's when it happened.  The two homeless companions heard the name 'Jesus'.  Hope arose!  They struggled to get to their feet, only to be pushed down by the jostling crowd.  The crowd noise was becoming very loud.  

Realizing that this Jesus was nearby they began to cry out His name!  "Jesus!  Lord, have mercy on us!  Son of David!"  Though treated badly and hushed by the crowd, they persisted with as much volume as they could muster.  "Jesus!  Lord, have mercy on us!  Son of David!  Help us!" 

They would NOT be hushed!  All the good things they had overheard for months unleashed an urgency that would not be contained!

HE HEARD THEM!  He immediately came to where they sat!  He took them aside - probably protected by His disciples who kept the crowd at bay.  He spoke!  "What is it that you want, brothers?"  

Without hesitation and in perfect unison they responded: "LORD, WE WANT TO SEE."  

Though they didn't see it - He smiled!  He put His arms around these two men in an embrace of genuine caring.  Then, He touched their eyes - AND IMMEDIATELY THEY COULD SEE!  

Can you imagine their joy?  Did they dance?  Did they hug Him?  Did they look at each other in wonder?  Did these two long-time friends embrace for the first time as they saw the face that had only existed in their imaginations?  Did the apostles get in on the joy?  

After a brief interlude of joy with Jesus and expressions of gratitude, the callings of the crowd necessitated Jesus moving on.  

The two men stood, realizing that their lives had been instantly changed!  They SAW Jesus and His disciples merging into the crowd and on toward Jerusalem.  With nothing holding them in Jericho - THEY FOLLOWED HIM!  



The One who hears the cry of the desperate!  The One who can make a difference in any life that cries out of pain, loss or confusion.  

Thank You for hearing our cries of desperation!  Thank You for being attentive to our needs!  Thank You for responding with just what we need!

Your love and compassion makes us want to follow You!  


Monday, April 29, 2024


 I just read the following in Richard and Renee Stearns' book, HE WALKS AMONG US [p.224]:

We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.   Romans 6:4 

"One of the hard teachings of scripture is the notion that before we can become alive in Christ, our old self must first die.  Most of us would prefer to hang on to the old self and just add Christ, but that's not how it works.  Jesus asks us to give Him everything in our life that competes with Him for that number one position." 

Paul's letter to the Romans is a tough one that is a somewhat heavy exposition of the theology of our faith.  But it is essential to keep us grounded!  It's message is so much more than the "just come to Jesus" message you hear in many churches.  

The call of Jesus is always a call to come and die. We don't merely need to be fixed. We need to let the old person die, and be brought back to life, born again by water and Spirit. It is the powerful imagery of Baptism, dying to our old self (for the remission of sin), being buried with Christ, and rising a new Creation and receiving the Holy Spirit

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian and pastor who was hanged in a Nazi concentration camp said two things that need to resound through the American church today:

"The first call which every Christian experiences is the call to abandon the attachments of this world."

Jesus speaking to His disciples in Matthew 16:24,25 says,

"If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." 

 Bonhoeffer, perhaps with these verses in mind, said,

"When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die."


Let's try to unpack this a bit. Obviously, if we preach a message that requires people to physically die, we will not have much of a church! The call of Christ seems to be more of a symbolic death. We acknowledge the lordship of Christ in our lives! We want His will to direct our lives as fully as is possible. That means my will must become subserviant to His will!

Paul seems to describe this in Galatians 2:20 [NIV]:

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

If we don't HEAR much about this in the church today, then that could explain the decline of the American church and the ineffectiveness at being salt and light to our culture.  

But we seem to want it all!  We want Jesus, but we also want the treasures of this world!  We also like control and highly value it in the directing of our lives.  We don't want to come and die!  We'd rather come and dine!  

Every one of us needs to evaluate: Have I died to self-will and self-direction?  Is Christ really the Lord of my life?  Have we really let Jesus take the wheel?  Could this be why we feel so weak and overwhelmed?  Is it possible that we've missed the main point of our faith?  Do we need to make that absolute surrender today?

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’  “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM MEYOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’    Matthew 7:21-23  [NASB]


 Lord of the Church,

We also want You to be the Lord of our lives!  The only way for us to experience Your fullness and have the assurance that we long for is to willingly die to our self-will and fully embrace Your will for our lives.  

We desire to let You have Your way in our life!  We're willing to give up whatever we have been clinging to so that You can direct our lives according to Your will and desires.  We know this is the best course of action that we could take!  And we take it willingly today, Lord Jesus!

I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice,
And it told Thy love to me;
But I long to rise in the arms of faith,
And be closer drawn to Thee.

Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,
To the cross where Thou hast died;
Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, blessed Lord,
To Thy precious, bleeding side.

Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord,
By the pow’r of grace divine;
Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope,
And my will be lost in Thine.
Fanny Crosby

Saturday, April 27, 2024


 The statement "you will have treasure in heaven" comes from Matthew 19:21, where Jesus is pursued by a wealthy, young man who asks, "Teacher, what good deed can I do to assure myself eternal life?" [v.16]

[All quotes from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted]

Most of us are familiar with the passage of this encounter with Jesus.  But can you forget what you already know about it for right now?  

Let's just zero in on the relevant dialogue between Jesus and this wealthy man:

Then a young man came up to Jesus.  'Teacher, what good deed can I do to assure myself eternal life?' [v.16]

Jesus: "If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give all your money to the poor; then you will have treasure in heaven. And then come, follow Me."  [v.21]

The essence of this teaching seems to be: have money here, or accrue "treasure in heaven".

I just read a story about a woman who brought her one-year-old son to a clinic in Maradi, Niger.  But, by the time she arrived, he was barely able to breathe and a nurse had difficulty finding a vein to insert an IV.  He'd been vomiting for days and was so severely dehydrated that when he cried, there were no tears.  

When asked why she delayed so long in bringing him in, she responded, "We lived too far away to walk with such a sick baby and until two days ago, I didn't have enough money to come by bus."  [Story and photo from Richard and Renee Stearns' book, HE WALKS AMONG US, pp.221-223]

Such poverty in the face of needing to help one's only child!  Does she love her child any less than other moms love their children?  No!  She was simply dealing with the realities of extreme poverty.  

When I was teaching in northeast China, my students all had the perception that I was wealthy - because I was an American!  My attempts to explain that I was not wealthy, fell on deaf ears.  UNTIL two of my students later visited us several years later.  As we took them to Washington, D.C. to sight-see, they were not excited about the hotel that we stayed in.  They obviously saw our modest home in Enon Valley - which was a brand new manufactured home that we were delighted in.  These two students finally realized that we were NOT wealthy.  When they had us drop them off, they requested we drop them at one of the finest hotels in Washington!  :-)

Wealth here, or treasure in Heaven?  

How many of us actually believe this teaching of Jesus?  "If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give all your money to the poor; then you will have treasure in heaven."

As those who, up until the last three years, have been considered some of the wealthiest people on earth, have we justified ways to keep a lot of our wealth while still believing that we're pleasing God and meeting His requirements?  

  • we tithe
  • we give offerings
  • we give to different charitable groups
  • we send Samaritan Christmas shoeboxes at Christmas 
  • we drop off a few cans of food to the local foodbank
Then we go home to our 65" televisions, campers, air conditioned and heated homes, and worship in our newly built, luxurious sanctuaries that sit empty six days a week.  

Will there be a great reversal when we get to Heaven?  Will those of us who have had so much in this life be assigned to mediocre homes there while the woman - pictured above - will live in a "mansion"?

Debbie and I were deeply moved a week ago after attending a missions rally that featured four speakers from the Middle East.  The stories they told of sacrifice left us in awe.  When two of these men spoke at The Foundery Church [which I am currently leading] last Sunday, we were asked not to video-cast because of the sensitivity of their content.  In the promotional material, their last names are not even given!   We heard stories of people who are coming to Christ at the risk of losing their lives!  

On our way home, we wistfully said, "Let's sell everything we have and give it all to this need."  We had seen the need and it moved us!  

The words of Jesus convict us.  Our meager, monthly gift to Samaritan's Purse is not balancing well with our accumulation of possessions and wealth!  

You're right - and you know it - we haven't put up a 'For Sale' sign yet.  But we both reflect on the happiness and fulfillment we experienced when we sold or gave away just about everything we had and went to live in China for three years.

Don't be surprised if... 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


 Monday of this week I arrived home around 3:30 PM and wasn't feeling well.  I laid down on the bed, where Deb covered me with an afghan and I napped for nearly two hours.  Upon getting up, I went to my chair and just sat watching television for the rest of the evening.  I even had my supper on a snack tray.  

I went to Frndly and watched an episode of Gunsmoke.  

Doc welcomed a new, young doctor to Dodge and was delighted to talk 'shop' with this man.  The man's wife talked him into staying in Dodge and setting up his business.  Doc visited and wished them well.  But, of course, they got no business because of the deep trust everyone had in Doc.  

Eventually the young doctor's wife began spreading lies about Doc's drinking habits.  She coaxed people to turn to her husband.  Festus overheard her and told Doc about it.  Matt and Kitty also picked up on it and expressed concern to Doc.  But Doc was unmoved by the accusations and reports.  

Eventually, he confronted her about her lying and she denied it.  He insisted on taking her to see a couple of his patients so that she could see the poverty and conditions that most people lived in around Dodge.  He explained that his pay was often in eggs or occasionally a chicken.  Often, all he got was a promise that they'd pay him when they could.  

While out, they were called to a home where a farmer had injured his leg several days ago but had not sought treatment.  Gangrene had set in and Doc told him that he would have to amputate the leg.  Reluctantly, he agreed.  While Doc stepped away, she convinced the man that her husband could help him and save his leg.  

Doc saw what had happened and returned to town.  Meanwhile, she and her husband went to the farm again.  He also saw that the leg had to be amputated, but now it was even worse.  The farmer died.  

When it was over, I turned to Deb and commented on the positive values communicated in this episode!  Doc refused to respond in kind!  He confronted the woman over her lies and slander.  He yielded when she persuaded the farmer to let her husband operate on him instead.  The values he exhibited were wonderful and appropriate.

Later in the evening, after watching our favorite show, we flipped to a new show that we've been wanting to watch.  It's about a tracker that hunts for people that might be lost or disoriented.  The advertisements made it look good, and with my backpacking background - I thought we might enjoy it.  But, unfortunately, by the time the show was half over, we turned it off and I went to bed.  The values were discouraging and not something that we wanted to be influencing us.

I know!  These are the laments of an older man!  Shows from decades ago tended to teach wholesome - even Christian - values.  Shows like 'The Waltons', 'Little House on the Prairie', 'Bonanza', 'The Rifleman', 'Sue Thomas - FBEye', 'Doc', 'Touched by an Angel', 'Highway to Heaven' and so many more consistently reinforced values that strengthened the fabric of American culture!  We learned how to live right - just by watching TV.  

But these values are in a slim minority today!  Thank God for 'The Chosen', 'The Baxters', 'The Great American Family Channel' and you may think of a few more...

And the end result is that our culture - sadly - mirrors what we're viewing to a large extent!  

There's OBVIOUSLY a market for these old shows because they are available on many venues at almost all times of the day.  It seems to me that wise parents would sit and watch some of these old shows together and find creative ways to discuss them afterward.

A phrase that my kids should remember is: "LEARN TO DISCERN!"  

I said it to them over and over again during their growing-up years!  That was part of my role as their father!  Often, when we'd watch a movie together [or even an episode of 'The Cosby Show'], I would ask them questions about what we'd viewed.  Oh yes, this was always greeted with a groan!  But I wanted to know how they were processing what they viewed.  I didn't want them to just accept everything that they saw on TV!  I wanted them to learn to discern!  

I wanted them to form their values from a source far more significant than TELEVISION!!!!!!!

This is a parent's role!  They monitor and evaluate what their kids watch!  They question them about how they would react in similar situations.  They teach appropriate responses!  They also model appropriate values [this is far more important than our words]!  

Living in the 21st century has taught us that we can't trust the schools - AND CERTAINLY NOT OUR UNIVERSITIES - to inculcate Christian values in our young people and children!  And remember: church membership is now less than half of our population, so Sunday School [which is disappearing] isn't shaping our kids anymore!  

IT'S UP TO US, as parents and grandparents to form our kids and shape their consciences!  No one cares more about them than we do!  Be bold!  Be aggressive!  Take on the challenge!  Talk with your kids!  Learn how they're processing information.  Help them to embrace values that will allow them to contribute to the shaping of a better culture!

Last tip:  Take them to church and pray with them!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


In Job 38-39, the Eternal God ends all of the conversations between Job and his 'friends' by humbling them all with a somewhat defiant declaration of all that He has done!  

Putting the larger issues of this remarkable book aside for a few moments, let's just look at God's comments in Job 39:13-18.  [All quotes are from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted].

Commentary:  God now speaks to Job of the ostrich. Is Job as foolish as this stupid bird who leaves her eggs on the ground?

The ostrich flaps her wings,
and the ringing joy is heard.
But her wings and pinions are not like a stork’s. She cannot fly.
She is different from the other birds,
for she lays her eggs straight on the ground,
and she incubates them in the bare dust.
She forgets that a foot might crush them
or a wild animal trample them.
She is harsh to her young, as if they were not even hers.
She is unconcerned at the futility of her labor,
For God denied her a share of wisdom,
and in doling out understanding, He passed her by.
Oh and yet, look at her when the time comes to run—
she spreads her strange wings and
laughs at the horse who must be guided by his rider
although she is an absurd bird who can’t even fly.

Alright, I just did some quick research and discovered that an ostrich can indeed run faster than a horse!  They can run over 30 mph!  They can run faster than many birds can fly!  Other facts amazed me:

  • they can be 8' tall
  • the only animal with a longer neck is the giraffe
  • it's the world's biggest bird
  • it can weigh as much as two men
  • they are the third fastest land animal
But, they're stupid!

Hey! Don't get upset with me!  God said it!  Just above, God admits that He "...denied her a share of wisdom and in doling out understanding He passed her by."  

Consequently, she can run like the wind!  She looks like a bird, but cannot fly!  She is a poor mother, recklessly laying her eggs in the open and failing to care for them:  "She is harsh to her young, as if they were not even hers."

This begs the question:  So, why did God bother to make the ostrich?

The only answer I can come up with is: BECAUSE GOD WANTED TO!  😊

By her speed, she glorifies God!  The girl can run!!!!!!

Humans can be cruel!  At one time or another you've heard someone described as "not the sharpest tack in the box".  Maybe you've even been described with terms like this?  Everyone's gift is not intellect!  Duh.  

I'm guilty!  I've laughed at 'dumb-blonde' jokes.  We enjoy the humor associated with blondes, while knowing full well that the generalization is untrue!  

I remember a discussion when I was serving as a member on the school board of a Christian school many years ago.  We were debating if we should have a vote for a 'king' and 'queen' to be part of the senior's end-of-year event.  Some board members argued that it was nothing more than a popularity contest or beauty pageant.  

A fellow-member of the board [a woman I had high regard for] spoke up:
You know, we honor our youth who are good at sports.  We honor those who can give excellent speeches or sing beautifully.  We recognize those who get the highest grades!   These kids are just naturally good in these areas.  It's where their strengths are!  Why not allow those who happen to be good looking to be recognized?  It's their strength!  It's one of the ways that God blessed them!  
She convinced me!  

Being smart isn't everything!  It's great, of course, but it doesn't make a person a better human than others!  Smart people can be rude and aloof!  

God gives some the gift of intellect while doling out His other gifts and talents to the whole of humanity.  

Come on, you've noticed this!

You've gotten to know a physically unattractive person who you determined was one of the nicest people you've ever met!

You were assigned a seat beside a fat kid and discovered that he had a contagious sense of humor!

You know someone - perhaps even a family member - who doesn't get jokes and admits openly that he doesn't understand difficult things.  But, he's the life of the party; or, she adorns the church altar with gorgeous flower arrangements most Sundays!

Intellect is a wonderful thing!  But it's not for everybody!  We all excel in some way.  It just takes longer and a little more effort to discover it in some of us!  

Take the time!  Look for the nuggets!  God delights in this person for some reason!  Be determined to figure out what it is!!!!!!

Creator of the ostrich,

Help me to look for the hidden gifts in Your people!  May I be determined NOT TO JUDGE critically, but to patiently get to know people well enough to see Your reflection in their lives!  I really need help with this, God!  

And thanks for making the ostrich!



Esau and Jacob were the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah.  

Rebekah was unable to have children for twenty years.  Finally, Isaac prayed for her and she conceived.  [Genesis 25:22-27  -  All quotes from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted.]

But the children she carried struggled and fought with each other until, in great pain, she exclaimed, “What is going on? Why is this happening to me?” In frustration she inquired of the Eternal One why this civil war was occurring inside of her.

Eternal One (to Rebekah): Two nations are growing inside of your womb,
and the two peoples will be divided in the future.
One will be stronger than the other,
and the older will serve the younger.

When it was time for Rebekah to give birth, she saw that she was carrying twins. The first came out red—his entire body like a hairy blanket—so they named him Esau. His brother followed with his hand clutching Esau’s heel, so they named him Jacob. Isaac was 60 years old when Rebekah gave birth to the twins.

When the boys grew up, they could not have been more different.

As the boys grew and developed, Isaac developed a special love for Esau, while Rebekah grew especially close to Jacob.  

Eventually, Jacob baited Esau and got him to trade his birthright for a bowl of stew.  Later, when Isaac was growing old and wanted to pass his blessing on to his firstborn son, Esau, Jacob and Rebekah conspired for him to steal Esau's blessing through deceit.  [See Genesis 27]

Esau hated Jacob with a fury, because his brother now carried the blessing his father meant for him.

Esau (to himself): The days of mourning for my father are approaching. When he has died, I will kill my brother, Jacob.  [v.41]
Rebekah learned of Esau's plans and persuaded Isaac to send Jacob to her homeland to find a wife.

Jacob spent many years in Paddan-aram where he worked for his uncle Laban and married Leah and Rachel.  Through his two wives and their servants - Bilhah and Zilpah - Jacob gained twelve sons [who eventually became the twelve tribes of Israel].  

After many years, God instructed Jacob to return to his homeland.  After an encounter with his uncle Laban, he began the long journey with his family, servants, and large flocks and herds.  As he got close to Canaan he was told that Esau was coming to meet him with 400 men.  Jacob was terrified!  He separated his family in groups along with his flocks and herds.  He sent an abundance of flocks and herds ahead of him as gifts for Esau to appease his anger.

Then, after laying his plans and securing his family as best he could, Jacob wrestled with a messenger from God all night.  The end result of this encounter was that his name was changed to Israel!

Finally, when he encountered his brother, 
 "Esau ran to meet him.  He embraced Jacob, kissed his neck, and they both cried."  [33:4]

Well, that's a surprise ending!  What happened to the anger that Esau had felt toward his conniving brother?  What happened to his plan to kill Jacob?  

We don't have an answer to that question!  The Bible gives no explanation for the change that Esau apparently experienced!  Somehow, he had forgiven his brother, Jacob, and was able to genuinely welcome him back to their homeland.  After much persuading from Jacob, Esau did finally accept the VERY GENEROUS gifts that Jacob presented to him:
  • 200 female goats
  • 20 male goats
  • 200 female sheep
  • 20 rams
  • 30 milk camels and their colts
  • 40 cows and 10 bulls
  • 20 female donkeys and 10 male donkeys
Although the presentation of these gifts may have impacted Esau, the narrative leaves us with the impression that somehow God had brought peace to Esau's heart long before this moment.

Does time heal?

There's little doubt that time does allow us to adapt to unwelcome circumstances.  With the passing of time, we gain perspective and realize that we can move forward in spite of our anger, hurt, loss, pain!  

Esau wanted desperately to please his parents!  But when he married two Hittite women, he brought a lot of pain to Isaac and Rebekah [27:46].  This was part of Rebekah's reasoning for sending Jacob away to find a wife!  
Now Esau saw that his father, Isaac, had again blessed Jacob and sent him to Paddan-aram to find a wife there, instructing him not to marry any of the Canaanite women. He learned, too, that Jacob had gone there just as his father and mother both wanted. So, realizing his father did not like his Canaanite wives, Esau went to see Ishmael and took Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael (Abraham’s other son) and the sister of Nebaioth, to be his wife in addition to the two others.  [28:6-9]
Esau wanted to please his parents, but everything he did seemed to disappoint them.  He surely must have felt like a failure!  Yet somehow, through the many years that Jacob spent in Paddan-aram, Esau came to peace with the situation.  

Instead of holding on to hatred and bitterness, he seems to have found a way to be satisfied with the life that God had given him.  He welcomed his brother back with a hug, a kiss and tears of joy.  

The only other time that Esau shows up in the biblical story is when he and Jacob meet to bury Isaac together [Genesis 35:28-29].  

Lord of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Esau,

Esau's sub-story reveals that even when we're not the main character in the plot, You still keep Your eye on us and help us to resolve the conflicts and dilemmas of our lives!  You are so awesome, kind and generous!  Thank You for this sub-plot of Esau's.  Thank You that his life didn't end in bitterness and hatred!  Thank You that You found a way to bring peace to his heart and life!

There are many in our world today who are like Esau!  They feel like they're the sub-plot in their family!  They feel neglected.  They realize that they didn't get their parent's blessing.  They're angry and distracted by plans to get even.  They're jealous.  They need You, Gracious God!  They need to hear Esau's story!  They need to realize that Your resources are unlimited and Your grace is readily available!  

Find them, Lord, and heal them.  Remove the bitterness and replace it with satisfaction and peace and joy!  You can do this!  You've done it for many - including Esau!  Praise Your Holy Name.


Saturday, April 20, 2024


I came across this convicting excerpt that Senate Chaplain Richard C. Halverson, prayed in the Senate, December 2,1981:

"Forgive the churches, O God, for demanding that Congress legislate a morality that the churches fail to produce among their members."
This forty-three-year-old statement is even more penetrating today!

It's difficult to talk about the American Church as one body.  There are distinctions when it comes to:
  • the fractured denominationalism in the U.S.  
  • the waning influence of liberal mainline denominations
  • the existence of very large, multi-site churches with diverse programs to appeal to a broad audience and small, country churches with less impressive numbers but dedicated cores
One thing is certain:  COVID-19 was the great leveler!  The AP broke a story about many houses of worship in the U.S. that were shuttered forever due to the pandemic.  So many churches closed their doors, unable to survive financially with the severe decline in attendance and tithes.

According to data collected in April/May 2020 by Barna Group, one-in-three practicing Christians dropped out of church completely during COVID-19. What’s worse, church membership in the U.S. dropped below 50% for the first time in 2020, according to Gallup data dating back to 1940. 

Many churches that remain are struggling to continue to exist.  A minority have managed to survive by taking advantage of the tech revolution that enables people to stay at home, yet view worship.  No statistics are available to indicate the financial support given by these 'viewers'.  

Recent decades have produced hurdles to recruiting workers - especially for children's and youth ministries.  Intensive background checks are essential - even for pastors - which is, of course, necessary in today's culture!

Continuing moral failures by high-recognition pastors diminishes people's confidence in their spiritual leaders.  

Halverson's comment was made at a time when the church still played a dominant role in influencing people's lives and the political scene!  Not so today!  

The problem described above is more an indictment of cultural demise than of the decline of the local church!  Perhaps some blame lies with the church for failing to adapt and change to match the massive shifts in the culture.  The church has never been known to be a fast adaptor.  

Another factor is the aging out of a large quadrant of baby-boomer pastors!  Largely called during the 1960's and 70's, properly educated at theological schools, and deployed across the church, these leader's influence carried the church into the technological age and then retired.  

Those who followed may or may not be properly educated.  The newer generation of church leaders do not seem to be interested in caring for people.  Rather, they tend to view themselves as CEO's who desire to lead the church from their office!  

In one situation I know of, a young leader asked her new pastor if he would make a few visits to older members with her and show her how to handle that ministry.  His response: "I don't do visiting."  

This generation seems determined to grow great churches using high-tech methods to pack the house without having to really care about the people.
I led churches from 1976 - 2016.  After a break, I am now leading a church again as an interim.  One of the methods I employed throughout the years was by writing lots of notes to people in the churches.  I sent thank-you notes to teachers, team members, ushers and greeters, board members, and anyone who I saw doing kind and caring things in the church.  Most Mondays, I would drop thirty to forty home-made cards in the mail.  

Of course, I resumed doing this in my new interim role.  Several people have responded by saying, "I've never received a note from a pastor before!"  

Sad as it may be, it appears that caring for people is not the motivation of many current leaders.  Instead it may be how quickly they can grow a big church and be recognized for their leadership.  

This does not bode well for a recovery of authentic ministry.  

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


It's an odd thought, huh?  

I noticed something this morning while reading Hosea 8.  Here's what I read:   [All references are from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted.]

"Because Ephraim [Israel] paid tribute money to other nations [Assyria] instead of depending on Me, I'm going to gather them up and send them into exile..."  [v.10]   

Three verses later we see just how angry and disappointed God is:

"I am not pleased with them.  I'll remember their guilt and punish their sins:  they'll return to slavery in Egypt."  [v.13]

Hmmmmm...God wants us to depend on Him!  

When we turn to other sources for deliverance and/or protection, He is not pleased with us!   He is so not pleased with us that He punishes us?  

So much for the age of independence! 


So, do you depend on God?

Do you turn to Him first when things are falling apart?

Have you turned your financial distress over to God?  Seriously!

How about the problems you're having with your teens?  

Or, your dissatisfaction with life?

Or, your chronic depression?

Maybe you should turn to God with your addiction issues?

Perhaps your marriage is disappointing - or failing.  Have you considered depending on God?

Maybe your child is dealing with gender confusion.  Do you suppose the God who made him/her might be able to help?


Ever kind and ever-loving God,

Forgive us for being so independent - it seems to be the American way.  By my persistence in turning in every direction but Yours for help, I've revealed my lack of faith in You!  

Can You forgive me?  Will You forgive me?  I'm truly so sorry!  

Because of my stubbornness, my situation has become worse!  I am more desperate now than I was before!  But You've got my attention!  I realize that You've been watching all along - how embarrassing for me!  You've been standing ready to release Your resources, wisdom, peace, grace, direction, and help all along and I've been obstinately ignoring You!  I weep with regret!  

I open myself to You and Your endless creativity and resources, Lord!  That's right - I want You to be the Lord of my life!  I trust You!  I yield to Your ways!  I lean on You - right now!  

By Your unfathomable grace - please come to my aid!  And help me to NEVER be stubborn again!

For the Kingdom's sake, Amen


Sometimes I read parts of the Bible with a kind of stunned effect.  It happened yesterday when I opened to Hosea 7.  I felt like I was reading something regarding the current scene in the United States of America!  When/if you read the following, see if it has the same impact on you.

[Remember that The Voice Bible prints words that are NOT in the original text in italics.]


  • Israel = the northern kingdom (Samaria) and the southern kingdom (Judea/Ephraim)
  • God sees all the tribes as one!
  • I have replaced references to Israel, Ephraim and Samaria with ‘America’ to help you see the similarities.
Eternal One: I will heal [America] of her exposed sins:
[America’s] wickedness will be laid open;
Also [America’s] evil will be revealed:
dishonesty is tolerated, thieves break in and bandits rob in the open.
2 They don’t realize I’m aware of all of the evil they’re doing.
Even now their sins are all around them—I can see them clearly.
3 The king celebrates their evil deeds,
and princes enjoy their deceptions.
4 All of them are adulterers with unquenchable lust.
They are like an oven overheated by a baker,
An oven so hot it doesn’t need to be stoked for several hours
from the time the dough is kneaded until it finishes rising.

5 Eternal One: When the king was celebrating and the princes were sick with drunkenness,
his conscience was dulled and he joined forces with rebels.
6 Their hearts are like a heated oven as they plot their schemes.
All night their anger smolders, but at dawn it blazes into a flaming fire.
7 All of them are as hot as an oven,
and they consume their own judges.
All of their kings have fallen; none of them calls on Me.
8 [America] is mixed up with all the other nations.
[America] is like a cake that hasn’t been turned over.
9 Foreigners are devouring his strength, taking territory and tribute,
but he doesn’t realize how weak he’s grown.
Gray hair is sprouting on his head,
but he doesn’t see what others observe.
10 [America’s] stubborn pride will testify against him.
The people haven’t come back to Me, their True God;
they haven’t asked Me for help despite all their troubles.

[I omitted verses 11-12]

13 May they [America] experience sorrow for wandering away from Me!
May they be destroyed for the way they’ve rebelled against Me!
I would like to buy them back from death,
but they would just keep lying to Me and against Me.
14 They’re not sincere when they cry out to Me for help.
They howl on their couches;
Hoping a god will send grain to gather and wine to enjoy.
They turn away from Me.
15 I trained them, I made their arms strong, I could have protected them,
but they devised evil schemes against Me.
16 They turn for help, but not to the Most High;
they’ve become as weak and ineffective as a loosely-strung bow.
Because of their defiant words, their leaders will be killed in battle,
and they’ll be the laughingstock of everyone in Egypt [the world].


Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Jacob was known as a deceiver!  He set a trap for his twin brother, Esau, and got him to barter away his first-born rights.  Then, later, as their father was about to die, Jacob deceived their father, Isaac, and stole his brother’s blessing.

In fear of Esau’s wrath, Jacob fled the land and returned to his mother’s family in hopes of finding a wife and getting a new start.  It was on this journey that God intervened and made Himself known to Jacob.

Jacob ends up in his mother’s homeland and begins to work for his uncle Laban.  Laban, however, is as much a trickster as Jacob was!  He gets Jacob to work for him for seven years to earn the right to marry his daughter Rachel.  But, after the seven years, Laban deceives Jacob into marrying his older daughter, Leah.  Angry, but still wanting to marry Rachel, Jacob agrees to work for Laban for seven MORE years!  

During all the years of Jacob’s stay with Laban, he ends up having twelve sons to his two wives and their personal servants. 

Finally, God intervenes and tells Jacob to return to his own homeland and family.  Therefore, he gathers up all his property and flocks and leaves Laban.  Laban pursues him with the intention to force him to return, but God warns Laban not to stop Jacob! 

As Jacob draws near to his homeland, apparently word of his return has reached his twin-brother, Esau.  Esau and four-hundred men are on their way toward Jacob and his entourage of wives, children, servants, flocks and herds.

Jacob is terrified that Esau intends to destroy him in anger!  He separates his camp so that if Esau attacks, at least some might be able to escape his wrath.  Then, Jacob sends waves of servants ahead of his family bearing very generous gifts for Esau: goats, sheep, camels, cows and bulls, and donkeys! 

With these preparations made, Jacob crosses a river with his two wives and their children where he wrestles all night long with an unknown man – seemingly a representative of God.  As dawn began to arise, Jacob refused to let the man go!  He consequently dislocated Jacob’s hip and informed him that he would no longer be called Jacob but Israel!

For the sake of finishing the narrative, Esau receives Jacob’s gifts reluctantly and embraces Jacob/Israel with affection.  Everybody loves a happy ending, right? 


God began by calling Abram to start a new nation that would be as numberless as the stars of the sky or the sands of the sea!

Abraham lived with that promise until finally – at the age of 100 – his only son, Isaac was born!

Isaac also received the same promise from God that he would be followed by many generations.  But he only had two sons, and they became bitter rivals.

Jacob – the younger son – deceived his way into God’s favor, but lived a desperate life – mostly in a foreign land.  However, Jacob [now Israel] was the father of twelve sons who became the twelve tribes of Israel!

God was clearly not in a hurry!  God is rarely in a hurry!  God values the individuals in the narrative and patiently works with them to accomplish His purposes! 

Today, Israel still exists as a nation. 


This same God is just as concerned about you as He was about Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and his wives! 

He will patiently work with you and in you [if you’ll allow Him].  He has work for you to do.  He will guide you, protect you, provide for you, and use you to accomplish His purposes! 

Reach out to God today!  Allow Him to infuse your life with meaning and purpose! 


There is a greatly underused tool in our arsenal that has far more impact than most people realize.  Many Christians have NEVER used the tool.  Others have used it – but incorrectly.  Our American culture almost completely fails to consider this tool unless it has to do with weight loss. 

I have recently gone from being retired to being back in the ministry again.  It’s been quite a change!  The last I led a church was in 2016 – at which point I retired.  Actually, the last I led a church as a full time pastor was 2012, when Debbie and I left for China.  I was sixty at that time – I’m seventy-two now. 

Returning to the responsibilities and strains of leading a church has caused me to experience increased stress and a return to that feeling I once knew so well – that one’s work is NEVER done! 

My work week once again revolves around:

  • Preparing a message for Sunday
  • Leading a weekly staff meeting
  • Preparing for and leading a Board of Administration meeting
  • Mentoring leaders and candidates for the ministry
  • Visitation – minimal since the church has a nearly ordained Pastor of Visitation
  • Prayer for the various people and needs represented in the church!
  • Meeting requests for personal interventions
  • Addressing areas of brokenness within the church in hopes of creating health and effectiveness
  • Add to this that the church is nearly an hour-and-a-half from my home!

The last two weeks has brought a rise in my stress level – the kind that’s hard to escape from.  It has the potential to take the joy out of your life.  It’s pervasive.  It preoccupies your mind.  For many pastors, this is a perpetual state of being.  Leading a church - especially a growing church - may look easy from the pew, but it’s a VERY DIFFICULT THING TO DO! 

So, in the last two weeks, I’ve pulled out that old tool!  While I was actively leading churches, I used it a lot!  However, in retirement, I must confess that I haven’t used this tool in quite a few years.  I’m not proud to admit that!  I guess it shows how much I’ve allowed myself to be removed from the fray! 

This tool is – from my experience and perspective – the most powerful tool in our box!  Used properly, it can make a massive difference!  Yet, so many people misuse this tool!  But the problem is that this tool is difficult to teach about and explain.  Doing so can cause people to think that you’re super-spiritual – even when that is not the case!  In reality, this tool requires and creates a great sense of humility.

My study carrel is loaded with various reminders that intentionally catch my eye as I work there.  Back in the corner behind my lamp is one that serves as a reminder from a time when I used this tool. 

The tool – if you haven’t already guessed – is fasting.  Fasting is, of course, going for a period of time without food and focusing your life on prayer instead.  It is a willing deprivation in hopes that you will be able to create a more focused relationship with God!  It is a tool that is to be practiced in private – to the best of one’s ability.  In some sense, it is a ‘trigger tool’ that allows you – every time you feel hungry – to deliberately turn your heart to God! 

I’m dealing with a delicate matter in the church right now.  I don’t have the necessary wisdom to know how best to lead through this situation.  All my past experience still leaves me in significant need of divine guidance and the nearness of my Lord!  So, several times in the past two weeks I’ve returned to using this tool.  I desperately need the guidance of the Lord of the Church!  

Make no mistake about it:  it is a spiritual warfare tool!  My study-carrel poster reminds me [in my own words] of two very important facts:

I believe that fasting is




I also believe that fasting is the most


that God has given us!

Sunday, April 14, 2024


 [from Max Lucado's ON THE ANVIL, pp.115-117]

From the start the movement was doomed to fail.  For one thing it began with just 120 men.  Remarkably few, when you consider that their homeland had a population of four million.  Besides that, most of the men were illiterate and poor.  Blue-collar workers they were, far too ignorant to stage an uprising that could make any difference.

Few, if any, had travelled beyond their own country.  They were inexperienced and uncultured.  Their nation was oppressed.  Their people were weary.  Their government was corrupt.  Their religion was shallow.

The strategy of the movement was disastrous.  No headquarters was ever established.  No professional research was ever done.  Plans were made by the seat of the pants.  The leaders couldn't even agree on the exact definition of their mission.

On top of all this, the movement was impractical.  It was far too extreme and absurd.  It demanded too much too soon.  It lacked any tact.  It was too impatient with traditions.  It called for a reversal of social classes.  It gave too much leverage to women and minority groups.

The movement was doomed to failure.

But it didn't fail.  It succeeded.  Not only did it succeed but it far surpassed any movement in our world's history.  Within thirty years the message of Jesus Christ had entered every port, city, and courtyard of the world.  It was infectious.  It was a moving organism.  People actually died to see it continue.  

It should have failed but it succeeded,  And it still succeeds.  God's movement will never stop.  Some say that the U.S. is a post-Christian nation.  That doesn't matter.  Others scoff at the absurdity of believing in anything absolute.  That won't stop it.  Materialism blankets the country.  Still the movement will continue.  It might be slowed, but it will never be stopped.

The church might bicker and fight.  The people might grow crusty with traditions.  The leaders may grow nearsighted. But the movement will march on.  Nothing will ever stop it.  The Judean Commander can't be stilled.

We should fall to our knees in humble gratitude that God has allowed us to participate in such a cause.  For this is not the movement of a man.  It is the movement of God.  That is precisely why what should have failed will never fail.  It is the movement of God.

Friday, April 12, 2024


With no apology, I share another story from Richard and Renee Stearn’s book, HE WALKS AMONG US [pp.193-195]


The darker our darkness, the more brilliant is the Good News of our forgiveness in Christ!

“The people living in darkness have seen a great light;

on those living in the land of the shadow of death

a light has dawned.”

From that time on Jesus began to preach,

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

Matthew 4:16-17

When Renee and I were in the Netherlands, we had the opportunity to visit a labyrinth of caves near the city of Maastricht.  During World War II people had sought refuge there.  At one point in the tour, our guide turned off all the lights so we could experience total darkness.  It was somewhat terrifying and disorienting to be in a place completely devoid of light.  Later, when we emerged, the sunshine seemed blinding by comparison.

Several years ago Northern Uganda might have qualified as the darkest place on earth from a spiritual perspective.  The LRA was terrorizing local civilians and kidnapping children to turn them into rebel fighters.  Many boys and girls, at the point of a gun, were forced to brutally kill family members and friends.

In the midst of this dark place, the World Vision rehabilitation center shone a bright light by taking in the broken child soldiers and child brides who had managed to escape Kony’s army.  We offered a safe place of healing, restoration and reclamation to the light for those who had experienced years of living in darkness.

One day Renee and I had the privilege of witnessing the arrival of two teenage boys who had been rescued from the LRA.  The big gates swung open, and the vehicle drove into the compound.  Michael and Joseph weren’t prepared for what was about to happen to them.  Both had spent years with Kony and the LRA, and they had undoubtedly been forced to kill and maim hundreds of their own countrymen.  Michael’s left arm was withered from a gunshot wound sustained before he was fully grown.  And both boys had been poisoned with lies about what would be done to them at the rehabilitation center.  Fear was in their lifeless eyes as they entered the camp.  They weren’t at all prepared for the brilliant light of forgiveness.

Instead of the torture and punishment they had expected, fifty other boys and girls surrounded their car, dancing, clapping, and singing hymns of praise and songs of welcome to these two broken boys.  As the two stumbled from the vehicle, smiles, handshakes, and high fives were offered from other damaged children who also knew something about the darkness from which Michael and Joseph had emerged.  A spark of life returned to the boys’ eyes.  The corners of their eyes began to turn up.  They were home.  The singing crowd spilled directly into the chapel for a spontaneous worship service to welcome them back.  And that’s when I saw it.  I could see the good news – the glorious life-changing gospel and the unthinkable possibility of forgiveness – washing over Michael and Joseph like a new dawn.  They had realized that they could be made clean again just as Jesus had promised:

“He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”   [Jesus reading from the prophets in Luke 4:18-19]

This blinding truth had pierced their darkness just as it had once pierced mine.   - Rich

Monday, April 1, 2024


This title is a quote from Romans 10:14 [NASB].

Granted - this is not a hot topic in our world today.  However, for those who think a little more deeply, it is an important question.

During the twentieth century, there was a great concern expressed by the Church for those who had not yet been reached by the gospel.  Although there are still regions that are unreached, the electronic means have significantly increased!  

However, this is not the purpose of this blog.  

Rather, I am excited by Paul's arguments in Romans which are so sound and reasonable and cannot be ignored.  

He begins by noting that the Creation itself declares the identity of God.  

Psalm 19 concurs:

"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.  Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge."  [vs.1-2 plus it continues for four more verses. NASB]

Referring to people who have not heard the gospel, Paul writes:

"These people are not ignorant about what can be known of God, because He has shown it to them with great clarity. From the beginning, Creation in its magnificence enlightens us to His nature.  Creation itself makes His undying power and divine identity clear, even though they are invisible; and it voids the excuses and ignorant claims of these people..."  [The Voice Bible]

[Keep in mind that The Voice Bible places words in italics words that are not included in the original texts.]

But Paul believes that nature isn't God's only [or primary] means of communicating with unbelievers!  He continues his teaching in chapter 2:14-16,

For instance, some outsiders who are not required to follow the law often live quite naturally by its teachings. Even though the law wasn’t given to them, in themselves they have the law. Here’s the thing: their lives demonstrate that God has inscribed the law’s teachings on their hearts. On judgment day, their consciences will testify for them, and their thoughts will both accuse and defend them. This good news given to me declares that this affirmation and accusation will take place on that day when God, through Jesus, the Anointed One, judges every person’s life secrets.

Paul is convinced that God and His truth are embedded in the mind of every person who has ever lived!  


This teaching raises many question - all of which can't be addresses here.  [Plus, I am not capable of providing all of the answers  😉]

For instance, if God's truth is embedded in the mind of every person, why are not more around the globe confessing Him as God?

Good Question!  I would suggest two possible answers:

  1. Evil also exists in our world and opposes the truth of God!
  2. Free will also is the possession of every person.  They get to evaluate the evidence and make individual choices! 

Here's another: Could a person who has never heard the gospel come to a realization of God and thereby gain assurance by God's approval of their lives that would insure their entrance to Heaven?

Great Question!  I believe that the Apostle Paul would argue that they could indeed gain this assurance!  What God has provided through nature, His embedded truth, and the direction available through His Holy Spirit can and has been enough for many to come to faith in Him!

One more: Does the fact that God has been so proactive in providing a way for people to come to a knowledge of Him mean that we can slack off in our evangelistic efforts?

Reasonable Question.  Absolutely not!  Because the enemy is at work in the world trying to suppress these provisions that God has made, we must be all-the-more aggressive in countering the influences of evil!   

The title of this blog quotes a verse that is also from the Apostle Paul!  But this global effort to see masses come to faith in Christ will take more than preachers and more than missionaries!  We all stand with the Apostles as they receive the Great Commission! We are to "Go", "make disciples" and "baptize"  [Matthew 28:19-20].

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."  [II Corinthians 5:20 NASB]