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Saturday, June 1, 2024


"For we know that all creation groans in unison with birthing pains up until now.  And there is more; it's not just creation - all of us are groaning together too.  Though we have already tasted the firstfruits of the Spirit, we are longing for the total redemption of our bodies that comes when our adoption as children of God is complete - for we have been saved in this hope and for this future." 

[Romans 8:22-24 All quotes are from The Voice Bible (unless otherwise noted) - words in italics are not in the original texts.]

These verses hint at something truly valuable for those who are followers of Christ!  It's easy to miss Paul's point as you read through his theology book - Romans.  

In the previous chapter, Paul speaks extremely transparent words that are quite shocking.  He candidly admits that he struggles with his sin nature - as do we all!  

"Listen, I can't explain my actions.  Here's why: I am not able to do the things I want; and at the same time, I do the things I have already decided not to do...I've lost control - sin has taken up residence in me and is wreaking havoc.  I know that in me, that is, in my fallen nature, there is nothing good.  I can will myself to do something good, but that does not help me carry it out.  I can determine that I am going to do good, but I don't do it; instead, I end up living out the evil that I decided not to do."  [Romans 7:15-19]

The great Apostle is here taking on the challenge of describing the human dilemma.  We are sinful!  Even our best efforts to abide by the law of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we fail!  Daily confession is our rally point!  God's deep and persistent forgiveness is our hope!  

Yet in the opening verse of this blog, Paul looks forward to something greater - call it 'the great relief'!  

Someday.  Either through our death and glorification or as a result of the return of our Lord to take the redeemed with Him into the renewed Heaven and Earth - one way or another we will enter the ultimate Heaven.  As part of this transition, this glorification process will produce in us a bent toward holiness!  Our sin nature will be eradicated once and for all time!  We will no longer be "prone to wander, Lord, I feel it;  prone to leave the God I love."  

We will finally be free of the consequences of original sin!  The daily, hourly, continual struggle to avoid sin and choose righteousness will be over.  We will be beyond the temptations of our enemy!  His efforts to dissuade us will no longer be experienced.  He will have no power or influence in Heaven!  

This is partly what is referred to when scripture tells us that we will enter our rest [Hebrews 4:1-10].  We will finally - once-and-for-all - be relieved of the conflict between evil and righteousness.  Can you imagine it?  

The negro spiritual will finally be realized:

"Soon I will be done with the troubles of this world, the troubleS of this world, the troubles of this world.  Soon I will be done with the troubles of this world - going home to live with God!"


It's next to impossible to even try to imagine what it will be like to be free of the temptations of this world!  The struggle to remain faithful will be over - permanently!  

It is impossible for us to understand what happens during that glorification process.  We will somehow maintain our originality and history, but be suddenly and completely free of all temptation.

Many of our loved ones have already likely undergone this experience of purification!  Their struggle is over!  They are reveling in the joy of the Lord!  They are beyond temptation!  They are out of Satan's reach!  Thanks be to God!  

This hope - this reality of our faith is what has enabled so many to endure hostilities and injustices beyond description!  This hope fosters determination!  This promise of God's can see you through the most desperate of circumstances!  

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