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Thursday, December 19, 2024


 [A recording of this post was also placed on my Facebook page as a Christmas Devotion!]

We’re all familiar with the story!  We know that Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem because of a census ordered by Caesar Augustus.  It was certainly an inconvenience for this couple – especially with Mary being very pregnant.

They’d already had a difficult time getting their relationship established.  After revealing his intentions to make Mary his wife, she revealed that she was already pregnant.  We can only imagine Joseph’s hurt and shock!  Bitter, angry and vengeful thoughts surely filled his mind.  However, God had chosen well on Mary’s behalf.  Joseph was indeed a good man and chose to end their relationship quietly.  If nothing else, it revealed that he really did love this girl and had no desire to hurt her further. 

Then, God decided to fill Joseph in on the details by sending him a message in a dream.  Dreaming became God’s preferred way of speaking to Joseph and it would happen quite a few times before this story is complete.  Now, Joseph is convinced by the word of God that this was all part of God’s plan.  He took Mary as his wife but had no relations with her until after Jesus was born! 

Once all this was finally sorted out, they still had to deal with the rejection of family, friends and neighbors who didn’t know all the details and considered them illegitimate. 

The decree from Caesar could almost be perceived as a respite from God – although a very challenging one.  Joseph had no choice.   He had to go to Bethlehem – the city of David – to register since he was of the house and lineage of David.  He chose to take Mary with him, perhaps thinking that they would have a better start by transplanting in Judea instead of Galilee.

Joseph – being a godly man – could surely see the hand of Yahweh in all that had transpired.  He was driven by his faith and willingly left any preparations he had been making in Nazareth to head for Judea with his very pregnant wife.  It was an arduous journey of nearly one hundred miles.  It is likely that Mary was able to ride a donkey at least some of the way.  If they were able to make ten miles per day, then it probably took the better part of two weeks to complete the journey.

After passing through Jerusalem, they were very close – about five and a half miles.  It would have been mostly downhill. Somewhere along this part of the trip, Mary indicated that her time to deliver was drawing close!  Joseph hurried to get her to Bethlehem! 

Bethlehem at that time was probably a village of around five hundred people who lived in modest stone houses on a slight geographical rise.  It is likely that it was primarily populated by farmers, shepherds, and artisans who made their living through agriculture and small-scale crafts.  It was likely surrounded by olive groves.

Being the birthplace of King David, it was a desirable place to visit and apparently had some inns where visitors could stay.

Imagine Joseph’s consternation when he couldn’t find an inn with space for him and Mary!  Hadn’t they suffered enough?  If this child was to be God’s Son, then where was God when they needed Him?  Why hadn’t God prepared better and planned ahead?  This was NOT an easy start for this confused yet obedient young couple! 

We can only imagine the urgency!  Mary’s water had likely broken and she was probably in hard labor.  They were exhausted from their long trek from Nazareth over rugged terrain and travelling with meager resources.  This was no way to start a family! 

Yet we are given no picture of Joseph or Mary shaking their fists at Heaven.  There is no hint of anger or frustration.  There is simply the compelling need to find a place – any place – where Mary could safely deliver her child. 

Joseph’s sense of urgency and the persuasive appeals he made upon their arrival in this little village had an impact.  After being turned away from the inns, he desperately appealed to a man for any place where Mary could be sheltered and deliver her child. 

Now we come to the crux of the story.  An unnamed man [or woman], heard the desperation in Joseph’s voice.  Perhaps they saw and heard Mary from a brief distance and could tell that she was in labor?  Without hesitation they offered the best they had – a stable or cave where they sheltered their animals.  Surely, Joseph gave them a quick bear-hug and then rustled Mary into the safety of their temporary home. 

Quickly, he gave order to the space and created a clean corner for Mary.  He unpacked their meager belongings and began to attend to her needs.  And in the moments to come – with sheep, cattle and perhaps other animals as witnesses – Joseph helped his wife as she delivered to the world THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL! 

As they eventually collapsed into one another’s arms with the baby – wrapped in swaddling cloths – laying across Mary’s breast, they surely experienced the deepest satisfaction and joy available to couples of any age! 

And so it was that the Son of God – who had left the courts of Heaven nine months earlier – made His appearance on earth under the light of a guiding star!   

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