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Wednesday, December 18, 2024


It's one of the stand-by Christmas songs that raises a feeling of nostalgia for many.  It's had special meaning for a lot of folks who have loved ones serving in the military or who are otherwise located in far flung places around the globe.  

The key word is - of course - HOME!  We all knew it all along; Dorothy was right!  There's no place like home!  Home is where the heart is!  Hopefully for most, it's a place of warm memories and vital relationships.

All of us feel sorrow for those who were raised in a manner that failed to nourish and protect the intimacies, safety and vital connections of a loving, caring family!  It's painful to recognize that this day holds no affection for many - it's just the longest day of the year to get through.  SAD!

The progression of life changes our perspective and our practices as we grow through its various stages.  

When we're young and still believe in Santa, its a time like no other!  We are VERY self-centered and can't wait for Christmas morning to see what he has delivered!

As we grow, we realize that family connections are a priority as we spend the day sharing gifts, special food, and lots of candy!  We may gain a deeper appreciation during these years for the way our parents have protected and guarded us through the years.  We realize that they invested deeply, lovingly and sacrificially to make this season special for us.

Eventually - for many - we enter the phase of making our own home!  We marry and eventually have children of our own!  Now the process begins again but our role has become the one of creating special memories in an environment of security and love!  We marvel at the joy we can create in our little ones and cherish these moments with photos and mental snapshots!

All too soon, a couple of decades slip by and the de-nesting phase is thrust upon us!  There may be a few elastic years where college-age children still return home.  They may also bring a friend or a romantic prospect along for certain elements of our Christmas traditions.  But eventually, they launch into their own adult lives and we find ourselves exchanging gifts quietly with a lot less fanfare in the solitude of our empty home.  Yes, it's sad, but phone calls, the arrival of surprise packages, and even invitations to "come for Christmas" add value to our celebration.

For those of us who sincerely love the Lord, the celebration of His Coming remains central!  We find new ways to express our gratitude to God for giving us such a wonderful and meaningful gift!  We may open our home to others.  We value the meaning gained from our church's programs and special events!

Many of us come to a place of genuinely celebrating the love we have for our spouse who has accompanied us through all these years of experiences and the making of memories!  We come to realize that the sharing of these memories is the glue that holds us together in the midst of so many changes.

In some cases - sadly - a spouse is left alone to face the Christmases that may be left.  They are often enfolded by family and given the opportunity to feel the love and acceptance that they initiated so long ago!  New friendships may also populate their lives adding value and creating new memories and experiences.  


The Haire household has certainly experienced these transitions!  Having moved over fifteen times, we learned not to associate our memories so strongly to one house or town.  Debbie has been such an effective homemaker that our kids learned to think of wherever we lived as HOME!  Her touch and gift of making every place we lived into a warm, comfortable space allowed our kids to walk in, plop down and enjoy that wonderful feeling associated with being HOME!  

For quite a number of years we learned to flex our date for Christmas from early December to late January to suit Travis' military schedule.  It didn't bother us a bit!  While others were working and otherwise deployed, we were celebrating the depth of our love and the fun of being together!  

Our traditions have changed.  We've learned to enjoy the season of focusing on each other and acknowledging the joy that we've experienced in our fifty-one years of marriage!  In case you're wondering: love gets deeper with added years!  Debbie's beauty magnifies as she ages!  How I rejoice at the wisdom God gave me to seek her out and pursue her when I was just a sixteen-year-old boy!  😉

This year, we'll slip into Tracie and Jon's home for a few days right after Christmas!  We'll share good food and fun memories.  We'll play games and repeat stories.  We'll exchange gifts and love on one another.  It'll be fun and will launch us into the new year with a positive attitude!


Wherever you are in this matrix of possibilities, make the best of it.  Don't sit at home and let this wonderful season pass you by!  Engage.  Stretch!  Take some risks!  Find a few to share your joy, food and memories with!  It's far too rich a season to simply sit out!  

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