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Tuesday, May 28, 2024


FYI  -  I had a great introduction to this post on Facebook, but it was removed!  It seems that I am not allowed to make any comment now to introduce my blog articles.  It's apparently a recent change to the filtering technology!  I can only post the blog referral - without comment.  Sorry!  It weakens the link, but I am violating their rule about "seeking 'Likes'".  🙄

I read from several sources on most mornings.  Of course, the main source is the scripture, but I also read devotional books, missions books, biographies and alternative perspectives that challenge my thinking.  I frequently pass along to family and friends insights that I have gained as a result of these readings. 

Reading from the classics is such a valuable source!  The best thoughts are not always the newest thoughts.  Great men and women who lived long before us have also explored the scriptures and shared insights that can instruct and encourage us!  

I'm currently working through DAILY CELEBRATION: Volume 2, by William Barclay - copyrighted and printed in 1973.  

Barclay's DAILY STUDY BIBLE has been a cherished possession for many evangelical pastors through the years.  Most would agree that his expository brilliance has been unequaled!  The flyleaf of this book describes him: "brilliant mind, humble heart, massive brain, childlike faith, capable musician, football fan, railway enthusiast, theologian, thinker, and hard worker."  

His knowledge of history and culture of the Old and New Testament times awakens our minds to truth that is frequently overlooked or unmentioned by others.

So, today I was reading his advice on how to understand a book.  
"...we can never fully understand a book unless we understand something of the circumstances in which it was written, and of the person who wrote it; and we can never fully interpret a passage unless we take it with what comes after, that is, within its context."  [p.115]

Shortly after this comment Barclay observes that "It makes a difference to know when particular words were written."  And then, he cites an example:

"Fear God," Peter writes, "honor the Emperor" (I Peter 2:17).  It might seem, taken by itself, an ordinary injunction.  But who was the Emperor in question?

If we are right in believing that this letter is from the lips of the apostle Peter himself, then the Emperor in question is none other than Nero.

It is then the duty of a Christian to be a good citizen, not only at times when it is easy to be so, and when everything is in his (sic) favor, but also at a time when it is difficult for anyone to be a good citizen and when the state is hostile and cruel."  [p.116] 

These thoughts are worthy of consideration!  

I've lived through quite a number of presidents here in the United States [I remember back as far as Dwight D. Eisenhower.]  Growing up in a conservative [largely Republican] home [although my mother remained a part of the 'Prohibition Party' until her death], I've noticed that certain presidencies were accompanied with strong calls for prayer for our leader.  This seemed to reach a peak under President George W. Bush.  However, during the terms of more liberal-leaning presidents, the call to pray for our leader seemed to diminish or disappear [a personal observation only].  

Which brings us to the present term and our current president, Joe Biden.  I have heard very few calls to intercede for President Biden in spite of the obvious physical weaknesses and mental lapses that he regularly displays.  

Yet the scripture is clear in instructing us to pray for our leaders:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."    [I Timothy 2:1-2 NIV]

Already mentioned:

"Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor."   [I Peter 2:17]
"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."   [Romans 13:1]

Now, I must confess that I have laughed at and even delighted in attempts to mock our current leader.  I do not like or agree with most of his policies!  I believe that he has abrogated the law repeatedly and it offends me.  I am appalled at the positions he has taken that seemingly have weakened our country and further divided our people.

And, yes, I have prayed for President Biden!  But not in the same way - or with the same fervency - that I have exercised with presidents that I voted for and agree with!  

Consequently, I am convicted by what I read in DAILY CELEBRATION today!  I can do better.  I must do better!  

If I am to be a leader in the spiritual community

If I am to be obedient to God's Word

If I am to continue to present myself as a follower of Christ

Then I must bring myself into alignment with God's Holy Word and the injunctions that it places upon me!

This line of obedience will certainly create from within me some creative prayers.  I can disagree with the policies of a president and encourage my representatives to vote against his/her policies - which I regularly do.  I can exercise my right to vote by voting to replace a president with one who is more favorable to the ways that I think - and I have.  I can write to my president and express my opinions about the decisions he/she has made - and I do so regularly!  

However, I must remember him/her when I'm on my knees in prayer - and I do.  


I recall an incident in the life of Chuck Colson.  He was attending an  event where the president of the U.S. would arrive.  Protocol calls for all the people to stand up in honor of the president.  

In this case, Colson was in strong opposition to the morality and actions of the president [at that time].  He had realized - ahead of time - that he would be placed in this awkward position.  In his heart, he felt that he could not stand in honor of this man!  However, he further recognized that he could stand in honor of the 'office of the presidency'.  So, in the distinction of his own mind, Colson stood at the required time to honor the office, but in this particular case - not the man!  It was, of course, a distinction not recognized by anyone else, but was crystal clear in Colson's mind and heart!

If we would be true to God and His Word, we must find ways to honor a president and pray for him/her - even when we resolutely disagree with their lifestyle, language and policies.  Doing so is our Christian responsibility. It is an act of obedience to God!  

Sunday, May 26, 2024


Back in July, 2020, the Tri State Family Camp was cancelled due to COVID-19.  A bunch of us who typically attend camp decided to go to Bayshore Campground on Pymatuning Lake [near Andover, OH] for the two week period - since we had already scheduled the time off.  There were probably twelve families involved.  

Everyone cooked their own meals.  Remarkably, the pool was open.  We visited openly and played games off-and-on.  There was lots of visiting and deepening of friendships.  The kids and youth kept busy with bikes, scooters, volleyball and 'four-square-in-the-air'.  Talks late into the night around campfires were normal activity.  Eating together and sharing foods was wonderful!  

I'm thinking of this because many from that group are together this weekend at the same place!  We do this every Memorial weekend and Labor Day weekend.  Great fun!  Wonderful fellowship!  This weekend we're enjoying seeing Ken and Jessica Whippo and Braelyn and Daniel while they're here visiting from Alaska!  😊

Deb and I keep a camper primarily to stay involved in these two events!  Just last night, she and several sisters played card games till midnight while I slept with my good ear down!  I hope my snoring didn't bother them!  😂

We started camping when we were newlyweds - using an old canvass tent I inherited from my dad.  Eventually, we graduated to tent campers and had at least four different ones over the years with our family!  Then, we finally bought a hard-top, fifth-wheel camper.  We loved it and used it a lot for about five years, but it became difficult to hook up and pull, so we now have a smaller camper that suits us just fine!  

I confess that getting ready to come is a drain!  On that day we always talk about selling the camper!  But once we get here and settle in - we have such a good time.  We relax!  We read!  We nap!  We eat!  We visit with family and friends!  

When our family was growing up, we camped because it was [at that time] an inexpensive way to have a really fun vacation!  We made tons of memories with our three T's at the Jamestown camping area [a few miles from where we are now].  For many years we shared our vacation camping trips with Charlie and Laurie Mahosky and Marshal. Barbie and Jesse!  Oh my!  What fun and what memories!  On rainy days we'd jump in the car and Charlie would take us adventuring!  We often wound up at Presque Isle or Kinzua Dam.  

Memories - pressed between the pages of my mind!  

Well, I've gotta go - I'm frying potatoes, sausage and eggs for breakfast!  Woo Hoo!  Can't wait!  

Friday, May 24, 2024


We lived in Spencerville, Maryland at the time.  It was probably the fall of 1995 - early November.  We had decided to go home to Pennsylvania to visit family.  Troy would have just turned fifteen three months earlier.  

I hadn't been backpacking in a while and asked Troy if he'd like to do several days with me on the Laurel Highlands Trail - near the Seven Springs Ski Resort.  He quickly agreed and we started laying our plans.  Being late fall, the weather can be unpredictable, but we were already beyond turning back!

Debbie and Tracie dropped us off at Seven Springs to a surprise of 2-3 inches of snow.  Already, we had some misgivings about the footwear we had chosen.  We donned our backpacks and headed down the ridge-trail disappearing into the white scenery - choosing our steps carefully to stay upright.

Because of the lateness of the day, we had planned a short hike of three miles - to the Grindle Ridge area - before hitting our shelter for the night.  The shelter is a nicely constructed lean-to with a large fireplace taking up much of the open side.  We gathered enough wood to get us through the night, then sat on the edge of the floor staying close to the fire.  We were cold!  Our feet were wet!  Troy, in particular, had cold feet.  I later wished that I had tucked them into my midsection to warm them.  He told me the next morning that he had been miserable all night!

We traditionally brought frozen T-bone steaks for our first night on the trail.  We wished we had brought a tarp to block the wind from our enclosure.  We weren't miserable, but we weren't far from it!  We saw lights pull into the shelter area and I knew it was my ranger-friend, Pete.  Gradually, he made it to our shelter and reported that he was there to take us out.  The temperature was expected to drop to well below zero overnight.  

The male ego is a dangerous thing!  We looked at those steaks cooking and felt the adrenaline of a challenge.  In a moment of bravado and stupidity, I announced to Pete that we'd be alright.  We watched with uncertainty as he pushed through the snow and drove back out of the shelter area.  [Keep in mind that this was the pre-cell-phone era!]



Of course, Debbie and Tracie continued their trip home.  Not too long after dropping us off, they stopped - on the PA Turnpike - for gas.  After gassing up, they walked across the parking lot to the service area for a restroom break.  They later reported looking toward the dark mountains as they hugged themselves to stay warm and had a sense of foreboding as they thought of us on the trail in this severe cold!

We had already set up our tent.  After devouring our steak and hanging our bear bag, we crawled inside and slipped into our sleeping bags.  We were cold and the wind blew relentlessly shaking our tent and fueling our fire.  I got up several times that night to feed the fire - knowing how essential it would be to be able to get warm and cook breakfast the next morning.  

After breakfast, we quickly broke camp knowing that we had almost twelve miles to complete - with short daylight - before arriving at the Ohiopyle camping area.  We fairly quickly dropped to lower elevations and left the snow behind.  The subtle and chronic elevation changes kept us warm, but also wore me out.  I was forty-three and not in the best of shape [at the time of this writing, Troy is forty-three].  😊

I remember that we found a nice rock and stump to sit on as we ate our lunch.  In spite of the hazards and my exhaustion, it was fun being on this adventure with Troy!  I told him that I was really tired but that we had to get to the Ohiopyle camping area or Pete would be out looking for us.  

Miles nine and ten involved a steady, relatively steep climb.  I slowed, but continued.  I never verbalized it to Troy, but I was worried as the temperature started dropping again and the winds picked up!  

Miles eleven and twelve were all downhill which was, in a way, a blessing!  However, when you're hiking at a point of near-exhaustion, just picking your feet up to take the next step is a chore!  But finally, we reached the side-trail to the camping area - in the darkness.  We hiked past several groups of hikers who were enjoying their evening meal.  When we found our shelter, I gave Troy some instructions:

"Troy, I have nothing left!  You need to get our tent up and get me into my sleeping bag as soon as possible!  Gather some wood and start a fire.  Hang our bear-bag and then get into your bag to get warm."

He did everything that evening!  He put the tent up and got me out of my boots and into my bag.  I don't remember much after that - except the clanging of pots and pans that Troy had apparently hung from some shelves in the shelter.  I woke to him climbing into his bag and checking on me.  I could see the flickering of his fire as I fell back into a deep sleep!

I woke up in the pitch dark several hours later and realized that Troy was awake as well.  I asked him how he was doing.  He said he was hungry.  I was too!  I asked him to get our cans of Dinty Moore Stew, a can opener, two forks and our small stove; also to feed the fire!  

We sat in our tent and cooked our stew in the cans and ate them - smiling!  We agreed that it was the best meal we'd ever had [no offense, Debbie!]  Then, with full stomachs and a blazing fire lighting our tent, we slept until morning!

After breakfast I made a hard call to abandon the trail to Ohiopyle which included two relatively steep mountains that we had to go up and over.  Instead, we packed up and hiked out via the railroad tracks that ran along the Ohiopyle River.  

We snacked at the shops in Ohiopyle and watched the rafters and kayakers for hours before officially ending our trip!  A memory made that we would NEVER forget!



Years later, a friend of mine from Akron - who I introduced to backpacking - Derek, took his son on a trip on the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail.  Derek is a man who makes friends easily and he befriended the ranger who had replaced Pete.  As they talked, Derek mentioned that I had introduced him to this trail.  Then he mentioned our horrible experience in the cold at the Grindle Ridge Shelter Area.  

The new ranger's face lit up and he told Derek that Pete had told him about the father-and-son who had chosen to stay on a twenty-below night because they didn't want to leave their steaks!  They had a good laugh together and Derek called me when he got home to let me know that Troy and I had become a legend!  :-)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


"You will keep the peace, a perfect peace, for all who trust in You, for those who dedicate their hearts and minds to You.  So trust in the Eternal One forever, for He is like a great rock - strong, stable, trustworthy, and lasting. He humbles the high and mighty.  Even the indomitable city falls before His strength, reducing it to dust.  The feet of the poor, the weak, the infirm and forgotten will trample the dust of the formerly great.  The path of those who do right is straight and smooth.  O God, You who are upright, You make the way of the righteous level..."  [Isaiah 26:3-6 The Voice Bible - remember that this version prints words that are NOT in the original text in italics]

Here is a list of the benefits that are promised above for those who dedicate their lives to the Lord:

  • peace/perfect peace
Is peace a good thing?  Do you need peace?  Do you value peace?  Would perfect peace be something that you would value?

  • a great Rock - lasting
Good, reliable friends are a treasure!  But they're hard to find.  And, in reality, even great friends can disappoint us.  But God is a totally reliable source!  He never turns a deaf ear, never ignores, never is too busy, never disappoints!

  • God humbles the high and mighty
The wicked often find their way into positions of power and influence.  Even if they're pure when they enter this process, it has amazing success at subverting good and righteous intentions!  But the power structures of this world - although seemingly omnipotent and all-encompassing to us - are subject to the authority of our God!  History records the many ways He has deposed and destroyed them!

  • God gives favor to the poor and weak
It's just the way we would hope it to be!  God loves the poor and weak!  He never loses track of their prayers and condition.  God has a bias for these downtrodden ones and ultimately protects them from the unjust and cruel ones.  In time, these poor and weak will inherit far more than the powerful ever had control of!

Why do we betray God?  Why do we wander from His ways?  Why do we brazenly choose ways that will disappoint Him and break His heart?  Why are we so rebellious?

When over and over, He has proven Himself to be faithful and true!  God is reliable!  God wants the best for us!  God is FOR us!  

Again and again - when we rebel against Him and His ways - He comes to our aid and rescues us!  And we vow that we will be forever faithful to Him from that time on.  BUT, we are fickle!  We wander from our good intentions.  We migrate toward self indulgence!  Its incremental impact causes us to - once again - choose our own way.  And before long, we're calling on Him from a point of desperation again!  

As a young person, we used to sing a chorus:
I am determined, I've made up my mind!
I'll served the Lord.

I follow wherever He leadeth,
I'll pasture wherever He feedeth.

I am determined, I've made up my mind!
I'll serve the Lord!  

In a more contemporary form, I am always blessed when I hear Robin Mark sing:

I've been crucified with Christ
I've been crucified with Christ
I no longer live, but Christ lives in me
I live by faith in the Son of God
Who loved me and gave Himself for me


Help me to die daily to my self and my carnal desires!  Help me to live through You!  May my desires be godly, my goals be in harmony with Your will and my love to be without partiality.  May my life glorify You in all I do!  For the Kingdom's sake.


Saturday, May 11, 2024


There was a point early in my career when I seriously considered moving my family to San Antonio, Texas.  Our family was young!  Troy and Tracie were babies.  We lived in McClellandtown, PA.  I was going to be moving to a new church and thought: "Why not explore some different options?"  

Somehow or other, I heard about the Free Methodist Church in New Orleans - looking for a pastor - and wrote a letter of inquiry.  They responded immediately.  An invitation came to fly in for a weekend.  I only had one thought on my mind.

This was the city where Max Lucado lived and pastored!  Maybe I would meet him at a pastor's gathering?  Maybe we would live near him?  Maybe we would become friends?  I could hardly imagine such joy!

But, it would be a huge change for us!  Our family was young.  We would be removing them from all our family connections.  My mom had died a year earlier. It wasn't a good time to move away from my dad.  It would probably be REALLY HOT down there - I was surprised when I consulted a map and saw how far south it was!  After seriously weighing all the factors - I moved to East Liverpool, OH instead.  

Actually, there's a story in that move, too!  I was told that I was going to the Apollo, PA FMC where I would conveniently be able to continue my seminary education in Pittsburgh.  But, a last minute change occurred and in the wisdom of the Ministerial Appointment Committee [and a story I can't tell here], I was appointed to the Oakland FMC, where I served for thirteen years.  

Consequently, I've never met my literary friend, Max.  I've read his books and tried to emulate his style, but our paths are not likely to cross.  

I'm currently re-reading his book, IT'S NOT ABOUT ME.  

In chapter two, in his masterful style, Max talks about the fact that God meets with Moses after journeying a ways into the wilderness.  God has already offered to wipe the Israelites out and start again with Moses - as He had done earlier with Noah.  God understands Moses' frustration with these unfaithful, chronic complaining, rebellious people!  

Consequently, God gives Moses one last request.  

It's like rubbing the magic lantern!  God grants Moses a freebee!  Ask anything you want, Moses!  He doesn't even have to think about it!  

"Show me Your glory!" [Exodus 33:18 NCV].

Max writes about this request:  

"We cross a line when we make such a request.  When our deepest desire is not the things of God, or a favor from God, but God Himself, we cross a threshold.  Less self-focus, more God-focus. Less about me, more about Him." 

"Flex your biceps.  Let me see the S on your chest...Forget the money and power.  Bypass the youth.  I can live with an aging body, but I can't live without you.  I want more, God, please.  I'd like to see more of your glory."  [p.18]

So, God tucked Moses into the cleft of a rock, telling Moses:

"You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me and live...I...will cover you with My hand while I pass by.  Then I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen" [Exodus 33:20,22-23 NKJV]. 

 Paul - in II Corinthians 3:7 - tells us the results of this exposure to God:

When Moses descended the mountain, "the sons of Israel could not look intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face". 

We must listen to my friend, Max, again:  😉

"Did Moses have reason for anger?  Cause for worry? Of course.  Challenges await him.  A desert and forty years of great challenges.  But now, having seen God's face, he can face them."

"Forgive my effrontery, but shouldn't Moses' request be yours?  You've got problems.  Look at you.  Living in a dying body, walking on a decaying planet, surrounded by self-centered society.  Some saved by grace; others fueled by narcissism.  Many of us by both.  Cancer.  War.  Disease.

These are no small issues.  A small god?  No thanks.  You and I need what Moses needed - a glimpse of God's glory.  Such a sighting can change you forever."  [p.20]

Whatever you're facing - be it frustrating people or enigmatic situations, CHOOSE CAREFULLY!  Wealth is devalued.  Things deteriorate.  Relationships grow distant.  Strength diminishes.  Memory becomes unreliable.  Choose an eternity with God - who loves you and gave His one-and-only-Son for you!  He - and He alone - will see you through to a good end!   


Wednesday, May 8, 2024


 For instance, I'm currently reading in Isaiah and Hosea.  They both lived and worked for God in the eighth century B.C.  This was  not a good time in Israel's history!  Her kingdom has already been divided into the northern and southern kingdoms: Samaria (north) and Judah [or Ephraim] (south).  Each has their own king and the kings of Samaria have even created their own worship centers to prevent their people from going to Jerusalem to worship!  

The people of both countries have wandered away from God.  They worship idols and sacrifice to non-gods.  Their immoral conduct is beyond description. They have forgotten the commandments of God and are living for self-pleasure.  Their kings are caught between two dominant and competitive forces:  Egypt, which has been stable for centuries, and Assyria, which is rising in power!  A long line of northern and southern kings seek treaties with one or the other of theses countries in an attempt to gain favor and protect their people.  They do this, of course, instead of turning to God for guidance and protection!  

God - through His prophets - sends many messengers to try to get the attention of His people, but they continue to rebel and ignore Him.  

By 722 B.C., God's patience has expired and he brings Assyria - as His instrument of punishment - to destroy Samaria and carry her inhabitants away to foreign lands!  Then, in 587 B.C., Jerusalem was destroyed and its people were carried away to Babylon!  And the foretold seventy years of exile began!  

During this time, the land of Israel lay dormant with a very small number of people left to care for the land!  Not until the Persians defeated Babylon would the new King Cyrus make a decree that the Jews could return to Israel and begin to rebuild the city and the temple [this occurred around 539 B.C.].  

Although the people were restored to their homeland, she would never attain to her former glory!


I'm no prophet and I am not a scholar, but it is hard not to make inferences to our current situation in America.

Our country was founded on Christian principles by godly men and women who sought to establish a place for freedom of religion.  There is little doubt that these efforts flourished and a new country was born of revolution for independence!  Thirteen fledgling colonies gradually grew [by 1959] to fifty states [by the admission of Hawaii].  

This new land prospered in almost every way as westward expansion progressed from sea-to-sea!  The industrial revolution fueled enormous financial growth!  The central part of the new country became the breadbasket of the world!  The core values of Christianity adorned almost all government buildings via statues or engravings.  Churches became the glue that held communities together.  This establishment of peace and prosperity survived through the 1950's.  

Although I'm no historian, it is clear that the underpinnings came under attack during the turbulent 1960's.  We've catalogued a continual decline in the impact of Christianity since that time!  The drop-off of morality has progressively had an impact on the foundation of the American family!  Our educational system has fallen into the hands of seemingly 'progressive' thinkers who had alternative plans to subvert our youth and sow seeds of dissension.  We're seeing the results of this undermining nightly on our news channels.  

Families fracture, marriage is muddled, education is extirpated, unity is gutted, and hope is diminished. Sexual confusion is rampant among our children who are no longer led or protected by reasonable or Christian perspectives.  And all the while, a massive number of frustrated Americans remain silent - even though they may actually represent a majority!  

A cursory view of our world notices that two massive and major countries who have been traditionally considered a threat to the United States have now allied and pose a very real threat to our existence.  For at least a year, we've heard reporters and government leaders indicate that we are on the edge of nuclear war!  


And yet, life goes on.  Many are unaware or unconcerned about these grave dilemmas.  Day-to-day life is all that matters.  Some have begun to pack away resources in case of an economic collapse.  The extreme wealthy have prepared underground bunkers capable of sustaining life for several years, if necessary.  Others rest in the misguided assumption that our woke military will ALWAYS be capable of defending us against our united enemies.  

But, different from the Old Testament days, we hear no prophets calling us back to the principles of our faith!  Christians are largely indistinguishable from all other citizens.  Complacency reigns - even in the church - which is clearly in serious decline!  

Thanks to the current administration, we're already being invaded by hoards of immigrants who do not share our values, know our history, or speak our language.  This damage has been done and cannot be reversed.  Those who have the desire and potential to propagate destructive acts and unleash unspeakable violence are already within our borders!  

For those who pay attention to these things, it at least raises the fear that we may be on the verge of being displaced, deported or destroyed.  


For those who follow Christ firmly and place their trust in Him, we rest in the knowledge that He has assured us that He is always with us!  He sees it all!  He loves His own.  

But the fear is real!  Christians in the Roman Empire were compelled to pledge allegiance to Caesar or die!  Many chose death over denying their Lord!  Will it come to that for American Christians?  Is our faith in an eternal reward strong enough to carry us through this kind of deep persecution?  

The people of Jerusalem were marched out of the city naked as they looked over their shoulders at the smoldering fires of destruction.  Even the prophet Jeremiah was in this group!  But the same God who brought about their destruction, put it on Cyrus' heart to release them and fund the rebuilding of their society!  WE MUST TRUST GOD AND GOD ALONE!  

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


[I came across this in William Barclay's DAILY CELEBRATION - Volume 2.  I felt compelled to share it with you today!]

T. R. Glover published his book, THE JESUS OF HISTORY, in 1917.  In it, he discusses the triumph of Christianity in the ancient world.  

It was a highly improbable triumph.  How did it happen that a small group of simple and unlettered men could go out into the world with the story of a crucified Jewish criminal and persuade men and women to take that Jesus as savior and Lord?  

Glover's answer is that the Christians were enabled by the grace of God to do three things - they outlived, they out-died, and they out-thought the pagan world.


Why were they able to do this?  Because they could say of Jesus: "He loved me and gave himself for me" (Gal.2:20).  Every man had acquired a new dignity and a new worth because he could say that for him, as a person, the Son of God had died.

Further, he believed that the Son of God had loved and given Himself for all men.  He had therefore a motive for service that no one else had.

He was eager to help the man for whom Christ died.  He had a motive of forgiveness such as no one else had.  However unpleasant that other man might be, Jesus Christ had died for him.

He had a motive for purity such as no one else had.  He could look at a prostitute - "the victim of the common lust" as Tertullian called her - and he could know that even for her Christ had died.  And therefore he must treat her as a daughter of God and the beloved of Jesus Christ.  [Imagine how reduced the clicks for pornography would be if today's Christian men and women thought this way?]

Once a man could say "He loved me and gave Himself for me", and once he knew that that was true of everyone including himself, life could become a "new creation".


It was this that won Tertullian, the famous Roman lawyer.  He saw the Christians die, and it shook him to the depths of his being!  "Every man," he said, "who sees it is moved with some misgiving, and is set on fire to learn the reason; he enquires and he is taught;  and when he has learned the truth he instantly follows it himself."  

When simple men and women could choose to die like that, and to die in agony, there must be something in that for which they died!


The ancient world was credulous and superstitious.  The Christian was clear-sighted and fearless.

Lucian tells how he saw on heathen shrines the notice: "Christians keep out."  The Christian saw too clearly through the mumbo-jumbo.

In the ancient world the way to destroy your enemy was to attach his name to a demon and the demon would kill him. "Go on," said the Christian, "attach my name to a demon.  I don't care.  I have a name which is above every name to keep me safe."

The Christian thought fearlessly and clearly.  The number of heresies shows the freedom and vigor with which the Christian thought.  He had a freedom of thought and speech that no one else had ever had.


If we are to persuade the world that Christianity is worthwhile, the way of the early Christians is the only way.  We have to outlive the world in service, in charity, in purity and in joy.

We have to out-die the world in that we show the world that we are still prepared to pay the price of being a Christian.

We have to out-think the world, not clinging to the old ways and the old words, but ever ready for the adventure of thought in whatever age we live.

Saturday, May 4, 2024


The last week of Jesus' life is a revelation of how much He loved the Pharisees and wanted to see them change their hearts toward Him.  

Throughout His three years of ministry, He:
  • tried to be kind to them,
  • tried to reason with them,
  • ate in their homes,
  • answered their questions,
  • prayed for them [even in the midst of the Palm Sunday parade]
But, when He came to the last week of His life, He went directly after them!  He exposed them and confronted the hardness of their hearts.  He revealed their pride and arrogance.  He addressed their exclusivity.  He named their sins and indicted their prejudices. 

All of this because He yearned for them to become soft toward God!  When we read or view this scene, we are seeing the passionate heart of a compassionate Lord!

I often wonder how - in America - we can read these passages and NOT see the American Church as the modern-day Pharisees.  

When I was actively leading churches, the number of Free Methodists in the U.S. was around 100,000 members.  Fifteen years later, that number is down to around 68,000 members!  Yet the number of global Free Methodists in expanding exponentially!

Is it any wonder that George Barna reports: 
"More than three quarters of adults in attendance do not experience the presence of God during worship.  In fact, half of all churchgoers admit that they have not felt connected to God or in His presence at any time in the past year, in spite of regular attendance at church."  

We'll not take time here to repeat the tragic numbers of church closings in recent years!  

During my years in China, I noticed something that perplexed me.  [NOTE: 2012-2015 was a period where the church in China was experiencing a good measure of freedom to grow and expand!]  

With some regularity, representatives of the American Church were brought in to hold special meetings in Chinese churches to teach them how to do evangelism and how to grow their churches.  Chinese Christians would flock to these meetings to hear these American 'experts'!  

I challenged those that I knew well and tried to explain that the presence of the Americans could do nothing but harm the Chinese Church.  But my attempts were rebuffed repeatedly.  The Chinese were convinced that the Americans could help them.  

Still, I persisted!  "The American Church has been in decline for at least seven decades!  The number of churches being started [in America] is eclipsed by the number of churches being closed!  If anything, the American Church should be sitting at the feet of the Chinese to find out how to grow the Kingdom of God!"


But lets be careful!  I am NOT saying that ALL churches are disconnected, ineffective and declining.  There ARE exceptions - thanks be to God!  That speaks to HOPE!  

However, the bigger picture is discouraging on many fronts!  Current church leadership appears to be as mismatched to the task of regenerating life in the Church as our government leaders are at unifying and restoring confidence in our country!  

Yet - as stated earlier - we don't see Jesus' admonitions to the Pharisees as being relevant to us!  We don't meaningfully reflect on what Barna is identifying!  We don't care about the decline of the American Church!  We watch as empty seats outnumber filled seats.  We endure worship that fails to engage us with songs we don't know and performers who we enjoy watching.  The bulletin and order of worship is identical week after week, while few can remember the last baptism or name the most recent convert!  

Again - thank God for the exceptions!  But where is the hope for renewal and a reversal of this half-century trend?  


A personal word:

I remember the joy of worship experienced in several of the churches that I participated in leading.  

  • The 'Praise & Worship' movement of the 1980's sparked new life and jubilant worship during our years at the Oakland Church [East Liverpool, OH].
  • The contagious, joyful worship at Cornerstone Church [Akron, OH] ignited new life in a constantly growing body of believers!
  • After a few years of foundation-laying, our worship at Free Methodist Community Church [New Middletown, OH] became gratifying as our people reported experiencing the presence of God regularly in worship!
  • The worship of the International Church we met with in Changchun [PRC] regularly brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart as we met weekly with believers from as many as ten to fifteen nations!
I long for vibrant worship!  Worship that draws people to the front of the sanctuary instead of driving them to the back seats!  Worship that ignites passion and engages spirits!  Worship that refreshes, restores, enthralls, raises expectations for Sunday mornings!  

Today, my most meaningful worship takes place in my car as I weep and laugh joyfully before the Lord while listening to Robin Mark's music.  However, though it meets my need for vertical worship, it leaves me void of horizontal worship.  I still long to experience that again!