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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When I Was A Kid

We played army all day long down in the woods.

Careers and Monopoly were our favorite board games.

A tree could become a helicopter.

My three best friends were:  Bob, Larry, and John!

Every day - after school - we played football till it was dark!

On summer evenings we played 'Kick-the-Can'.

My favorite hiding place was in the Lilac bush!

My family went camping for two weeks (every July) in Salamanca, NY.

When my Mom wanted me home, she blew a whistle three times!

Phillips' yard was like a community park!

On hot days, a drink from Phillips' pump was as good as it could get!

Those were good days!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The derivation of the word 'vacation' is:

Middle English vacacioun
Anglo-French vacacion
Latin vacation, vacatio , from vacare
First Known Use: 14th century
Typical meaning:  freedom, exemption
American meaning:  planned time off from work
Synonyms:  R&R, break, respite, leave, liberty, holiday,
Antonymn:  work
Vacation quotes:
"A vacation is what you take when you can't take any more of what you've been taking." 
"A vacation is having nothing to do, and all day to do it in."
"The rainy days a man saves for seem to arrive during his vacation!"
"We hit the sunny beaches where we occupy ourselves keeping the sun off our skin, the saltwater off our bodies, and the sand out of our belongings."  ~Erma Bombeck

Final Thought:  Only someone on vacation would take the time to write this kind of blog article.
Truly final thought:  For those of you who are NOT on vacation right now: 
"Laughter is an instant vacation."  ~Milton Berle

Monday, August 29, 2011

To Zip or Not To Zip!

Oh, he floats through the air with the greatest of ease,
The daring young man on the flyin' trapeze.

But I'm not a young man!  For goodness sake, I'm 59.

Deb already said "No!"

Where we're staying has a zip line nearby;  an opportunity to fly through the tops of the trees here in the Smokies.  Sounds like a rush to me! 

What do you think?  Give it a shot?  Would you do it? 

I'll keep you posted...

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Psalm 34:7 ™
GOD’s angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray.

What an interesting thought!  That God loves it so much when I pray that He instructs His guardian angel to protect me while I’m conversing with Him!  How cool is that?

Pardon my childlike mind for a few moments…

If an angel is protecting me, I’m guessing that I’m pretty safe!  I envision angels as the warriors of Heaven!  Most biblical people who saw angels were TERRIFIED!  What’s the first thing an angel says to you?  “Don’t be afraid!” 

So, I am probably the safest I’ve ever been when that angel is guarding me.  And he guards me while I pray.  Hmmmm…

Doesn’t it make sense that if you’re feeling fragile or afraid or weak or vulnerable – that could all be changed, if you’d just pray?


Three or four days of silence and solitude transforms me.  My heart and attitude change.  I seem to see more from God’s perspective than when I’m stuck in the muck of everyday living.  Part of me mirrors Peter:  Rabbi, it is good for us to be here;  let us make three tabernacles...”  I want to stay here even longer and soak in the nearness to God.

However, that would make me largely ineffective!  There’s a world to be won and people to be influenced.  Retreat is retreat;  it strengthens us and re-connects us to our Lord.  But then we return to work!  Refreshed.  With clearer vision. 

Oh, how I wish that more would schedule times like this.  You may not be able to take four or five days, but some time away for reflection and meditation would do so many of you so much good!  It’s really not impossible.  Face it - we do what we want to do!  If we want it bad enough, we make it happen! 

Years ago, I led lay and clergy retreats.  Some of them were even ‘silent’ retreats.  I never had anyone say (after a retreat), “This was a waste of time.” 

If you’d be interested in participating in a weekend retreat this fall, let me know.  I can be found on Facebook or via email:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


What?  God has no use for prayer?  Hal, are you crazy?

No.  I’m not crazy.  Just quoting the Bible.

Proverbs 28:9 ™
God has no use for the prayers of the people who won’t listen to Him.

The scripture is plain and simple on this:  God hears the prayers of the obedient and He closes His ears to the rebellious!

It’s stated quite clearly in John 9:31, We know that God does not hear sinners;  but if anyone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears him.

I’ve collated about four pages of verses similar to these.  If you’d like a copy, send an email request to:  I’d be glad to share it with you!  Happy studying!  J


Uh oh!  Is Hal venturing into the political realm? 

No.  I just noticed a couple of verses when I was reading my Bible this morning that I thought had some bearing on our country and government at the present time.

Proverbs 28:2 ™
When the country is in chaos, everybody has a plan to fix it – but it takes a leader of real understanding to straighten things out.

Psalm 33:12 ™ 
Blessed is the country with GOD for God;  blessed are the people He’s put in His will.

Proverbs 28:12 ™
When good people are promoted, everything is great, but when the bad are in charge, watch out!

Proverbs 28:25 (NASB)
An arrogant man stirs up strife, but he who trusts in the LORD will prosper.

I’m remembering Paul’s counsel to Timothy to pray for “…all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity”  (I Timothy 2:2 NASB). 

Kind and Gracious God,

We pray for President Barak Obama.  By his own confession, he is one of Your followers.  In his moments of solitude, speak to him and draw him close to You!  May he experience Your holy presence repeatedly! 

Help him – like all of us – to seek Your forgiveness and Your fullness.  Give him wisdom to lead our nation through the multiple, complex issues that we presently face.  Such wisdom can only come from You!  Lead him in paths of justice.

Protect him and his family!  Give him favor with those he must work with. 

And grant us favor among the nations! 

This we pray in the name of the triune God:  Yahweh, Jesus, and Holy Spirit!  Amen.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I go on retreat three times a year (March, August, and December) primarily to plan my preaching and to select the music for worship.

I have found that God is very willing to help me plan ahead like this.  I am often amazed at the relevance of the message or the relevance of a ‘Response Song’ – when it was actually planned six months before that particular Sunday! 

An example:
Some years ago, I decided to do a fall series on the seven beatitudes in the book of Revelation.  I was very excited about this prospect.  However, at the end of September, I remembered that the next Sunday (the first Sunday of October) was Worldwide Communion Sunday.  I had not factored that in during retreat – when I planned the messages for the fall.  However, when I opened my planning book to begin work on that Sunday’s message, the text was Revelation 19:9,  Then (the angel) said to me, “Write, ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.’” 

God had me covered!  J  And this kind of thing happens over and over again!  I’m telling you:  I can’t praise Him enough!  He covers my oversights and helps me before I even know that He’s helped me! 

Don’t you want this kind of relationship in your life?


Psalm 121:1-2 ™
I look up to the mountains;  does my strength come from mountains?  No, my strength comes from GOD, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.

I’m on retreat in the mountains of north central Pennsylvania.  As I work, I can lift my eyes and see a massive mountain through the window of my room.  It rises higher than I can see from my vantage point.  It is covered with lush, green trees.  At its foot rushes a crystal clear, cold, mountain stream!  I go there occasionally to talk with God.

What is it about being in the mountains that seems to strengthen my soul?  Would the same thing happen anywhere?  Is it the mountains, or is it just being away from the normal routines of my life?

No TV here.  No phone service (text only).  No internet.  No sounds of traffic.  I go all day without seeing anyone. 

God and I keep this all-day dialogue going.  I talk with Him while I’m falling asleep;  then greet Him out loud as I’m waking up!  Off and on, throughout the day, I talk with Him.  I do this at home, too;  but it certainly is more free-flowing here! 

It takes me at least a day to quiet down and disengage from everything and everyone I’ve left behind. 

I actually have four days to enjoy this experience – with a travel day on both ends.  When it’s time to go home I’m anxious to see Deb, but sad about leaving this special place.

The mountains are great and impressive, but it’s not the mountains.  It’s God!  And I love Him! 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Where Will I Be Next Year This Time?

There's a little game I play almost every day.  It's called:  Where Will I Be Next Year This Time?

I have worked it out with Free Methodist Community Church to have a six month Sabbatical Leave.  After worship on Easter Sunday, I will fly to Georgia and begin backpacking the Appalachian Trail (to Maine).

It should take five to six months. 

When I can, I'll post updates on this Blog for anyone who would like to follow.

As of today, it's 229 more days till I leave.  Next year this time, I hope to be in Maine - getting very close to Mt. Katahdan (the end of the trail).

I'll begin testing my gear and preparing food this fall - and losing weight.  In January, I'll begin my training.  To be honest, most don't finish.  About 4,000 try every year;  around 200 complete the trip.  I HOPE to make it.  Typical reasons for leaving the trail:  injury, sickness, run out of time or money, boredom, weary of trail conditions (rain). 

Deb will be my trail manager - mailing me supplies.  I appreciate her support for this life-long dream!  Just thought you might be interested.  I'll be talking more about it in future posts!  Thanks for reading...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Jump Start

I made several home visits yesterday and also had an appointment.  Finally at 3:00 PM I sat down to write a message for a funeral today.  Nothing...

No ideas, no starting point.  I didn't know the man.  I don't know his family very well.  No clue what to say.

After fifteen minutes of watching the curser blink, I went up to the sanctuary to walk and pray a bit.  Eventually, I laid down on the front pew and fell asleep for about fifteen minutes.

I awoke refreshed;  returned to my computer and typed a message non-stop for the next two hours.  I'm excited to share it.  I believe God will use it to stir hearts and to bring hope to the family.

Would this have happened without prayer?

I don't believe so.  I think I would have forced a message out of my own diligence;  maybe even reworked one I've done before. 

Instead, I had the sense to wait before the Lord - and He helped me!

Is there a lesson here for you?

Friday, August 19, 2011


I have a boatload of respect for my inlaws!  I came into their lives as an obnoxious 17 year-old.  But over forty-plus years, they've treated me fairly.  In the early years, Dolores treated me so well, I was afraid her own boys would be angry.

In recent weeks I've watched her children honor her with tender care as she deals with the aftermath of a stroke.  I've learned to appreciate her wisdom in finances (as well as other areas).  At one stressful time of our lives, she gave us a loan that helped us through a tough time. 

Although Ken and I are very different in many ways, we've forged a relationship that has worked through the years.  I admire him more than words can express.  I've had him teach in churches I've served because of his expertise in Creationism and End Times!  Over the years he has added wisdom to his knowledge.

I owe them a debt of deep gratitude.  They gave me the greatest gift of my life - with the exception of my salvation!  They gave me their first-born:  Debbie!  She still blesses my life every day!

Having raised nine children, they've accrued a wealth of experience.  I'm amazed at how they can remember specific facts and stories about each of the kids. 

TIP:  If you ever have dinner at the Whippo's, be prepared to sit for hours in the kitchen after the meal discussing a wide range of topics - spiritual and secular.  Debbie tells me that when she was a teenager, her dad would talk with them about what he was reading in the Bible.  Much of her Bible knowledge routes back to those table-talks!

Ken's conversion (when Debbie was 13) changed the course of the children's lives.  And today as the children serve the Lord, their children are being influenced for Christ.  And now even the children's children are having children - and they're also being influenced for Christ!  [Are you following this?] 

That's a godly legacy! 

If you know and care about Ken and Dolores, say a prayer for them today.  They're both struggling with some physical challenges.  Pray that God will strengthen them and encourage them and heal them! 

Now, go out and start your own godly legacy!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fun at the Fair

An African pastor spoke at our church last month.  The folks he was staying with had recently taken him to the Summit County Fair.  He remarked:  "Although I had read my students the story 'Charlott's Web,' I never knew what a fair was."

Fair's are a wonderful piece of Americana! 

I attended the Lawrence County Fair all-day yesterday. 

I sat for hours talking with family.  We walked through barns with incredible displays.  We watched our neice show her pig.  We watched our other neices ride their horses.  We saw cows being milked.  We side-stepped manure piles all day.  We ate some delicious food.  There were rides and other amusements for the younger crowd.  We watched some parents ride horses in the evening in a friendly, comical competition.  We soaked up lots of sun. 

I was particularly impressed with how the accomplishments of children and youth were celebrated!

We came home late and I went straight to bed.  And, oh, what a good night of sleep I had!  :-) 

All-in-all, it was a mini-vacation!  And we only spent about $30.

If you haven't been to a fair in awhile, you might want to head for one before the summer ends!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

As I understand it, he noticed her when he went into the 'five and dime store'.  She was working at the candy counter.  Over the next several weeks, he bought a lot of candy.  That started the relationship.

She was from a well-to-do family in Beaver Falls.  He was from a very common family in New Brighton.  He was a nail-maker. 

She was Scottish Presbyterian.  He was Free Methodist. 

She had two sisters;  he had five.

His name:  Leonard;  hers:  Hazel.  Love happened and they were married on this date in 1934.  From their love came Jeannette, Ira, Beverly, and Harold. 

They married "till death do us part."  Death parted them when she died on October 10, 1981.  He reunited with her in July, 1992.  They're together today worshipping and serving the Lord they loved! 

Jeannette, Ira, Beverly, and Harold?  All serving Christ!  All still in their first marriage (although Jeannette's husband has transferred to Heaven)!  The legacy of faith lives on!  Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jim Elliot

Early in my ministry I read Shadow of the Almighty:  The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot.  The book made a deep impression on me.  I'm re-reading it now and am equally stirred and impacted.

During his college years, he was frustrated that he wasn't leading more people to faith in Christ. 

He spent his summers with missionaries in Mexico.  He felt God burdening him for the many lost souls in Asia and Africa.  He deliberately hung out at the massive, Chicago train station seeking to open discussions that would allow him to witness for Christ.

He wrote in his journal about this time:  "No fruit yet.  Why is it I'm so unproductive?  I cannot recall leading more than one or two into the kingdom.  Surely this is not the manifestation of the power of the Resurrection.  I feel as Rachel, 'Give me children, or else I die.'"

Shortly after this he prayed:  "God, I pray Thee, light these idle sticks of my life and may I burn up for Thee.  Consume my life, my God, for it is Thine.  I seek not a long life but a full one, like You, Lord Jesus."

For those who don't know his story, nine years later (in 1956) Jim would be killed along with four friends as they tried to reach out to a savage, Stone Age tribe known as the Aucas.

Lord, I too wonder at how unproductive my life is for You and Your Kingdom.  Raise up a passion in me for the lost!  Give me children or else I die!

Monday, August 15, 2011


I think I was about five years old.  I told my parents a lie.  My dad sent me away from the table to sit on the couch in the living room.  That had never happened before - I knew I was in big trouble!

After a lengthy wait, my parents came in and stood across the coffee table from me.  From my sitting position, they looked like giants!  My mom was crying.

My dad explained that they would no longer be able to trust me - they would always be left wondering if I was telling the truth.  His voice was soft but intense.  I could sense their sadness.

I was not happy that I had disappointed them so deeply.  I wanted to please them, not hurt them.  So, I decided - in that moment - to be a truth-teller!  And all-these-years-later, I'm still trying to maintain that standard!

"Watch your words and hold your tongue;  you'll save yourself a lot of grief."   Proverbs 21:23 (TM)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Prayer of Worship

Kind and Gracious God,

I owe You everything!  You have faithfully forgiven my sins and restored me! You called me into Your service.  You equipped me through the family into which I was born.  You further equipped me with education and experiences that enriched my life and prepared me for effective ministry.

You've patiently nurtured me and grown me.  You've corrected me.  You've disciplined me.  You've persistently pursued me.  And remarkably, You've used me. 

I love You!  I love Your ways!  I love Your people;  and I love Your Kingdom.  You excite me every day with Your endless creativity and limitless possibilities.  I am overwhelmed. 

I worship You - on this Lord's Day morning!  I go to Your house - on the first day of the week - as a symbol of putting You first in my life!  Receive my ovations of praise and worship today.  May my words, songs, thoughts, and actions be a sweet-smelling sacrifice of praise to YOU!

In it all, please hear my deep love and my heartfelt gratitude!

Your servant,  Hal

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy Day!

It was a happy day!  We already had two boys and - truth be told - we were hoping for a girl!  We lived in McClellandtown, PA.  Our hospital was in Morgantown, WV.   The trip was on a narrow, winding road that took you north, south, east and west before it dropped you in the parking lot of the University of West Virginia Hospital. 

It was a high-risk delivery since Debbie's first birth had been by Caesarean Section.  But everything went well, and she weighed 6 pounds and 13 ounces!  About the only hair she had was her name.  For the first year, Debbie taped pink ribbons to her head.  (Hard to believe when you see her today!)

We struggled over her name.  I held out for Hannah.  Deb liked Tracie Elizabeth.  I suggested Tracibeth.  When they came around for our final decision, I wasn't there - so Deb named her Tracie Elizabeth Haire.  I still call her Tracibeth! 

We were so proud of her that day!  We still are today - 30 years later!   

Friday, August 12, 2011


As a pastor, I live for Sundays!  It's undoubtedly my favorite day of the week.  Part of my love for Sundays is due to my deep love for worshipping God!  There is nothing better than singing and praising the Lord together with a crowd of like-minded people! 

I sit on the front seat in our sanctuary.  During worship, I hear the full force of our people singing their praises to God.  Over and over, that simple experience blesses me so much!

I love connecting with people.  Sometimes they tell me cool things that are happening in their lives - and we rejoice together!  Other times they tell me of struggles or pain in their lives - and we pray together! 

Sunday after Sunday, I am so proud of our leaders and workers who invest so deeply to make our worship effective.  It takes over 40 people to make Sundays happen at New Middletown Free Methodist Church!  I love the commitment of these folks!

Sunday is the high-point of my week - every week!  When I go on vacation, I often attend three different services.  I work at keeping God at the center of my life;  worshipping Him on Sundays is my way of starting the week by honoring Him!

Psalm 122:1 (TM) 
When they said, "Let's go to the house of GOD," my heart leaped for joy!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Beginning

A friend told me that she wanted me to go to the Senior Banquet with her.  Although she was a lttle older than me, I accepted the request.  She had great legs!  I'd always thought she was pretty.  I didn't really know her very well.

We double-dated with a friend to that banquet and had a good time.  Her yellow gown was beautiful!  She had her hair all up on top with yellow flowers and ribbons in it!  Amazing!

I don't remember much, other than that I wanted to be with her again! 

Four years later, I proposed.  She accepted.  August 11, 1973, we were married.  I've been privileged to live with that beautiful, young lady for the last thirty-eight years! 

"He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD."  Proverbs 18:22

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Don't Blame God!

I came across an amazing verse in The Message this morning.  Proverbs 19:2  People ruin their lives by their own stupidity, so why does GOD always get blamed?"

Yikes!  That's blunt!  But true!  Why is it that we get ourselves into horrible fixes - and then blame God?  It's an insane thing to do;  completely illogical.  Yet all of us do it.

We choose our addictions - and then get mad at God for allowing us to do so.  We make choices all along throughout our lives - and then get upset with God because our lives didn't turn out the way we hoped.

It's so easy to blame God for stuff.  It shuffles the responsibility away from ourselves.  Instead of being angry with myself, I can be angry with God!  Everything is His fault!  I get off scott-free. 

The essence of this is:
  • God has given us free will.
  • God has also given us guidelines and parameters to live by.
  • God holds us accountable through His Holy Spirit.
  • God forgives us when we screw up.
  • God reinstates us after our rebellions
With all that freedom and grace, how must I hurt Him when I blame Him for the results of my own choices?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Right Between The Eyes

Last night I read the book Radical, by David Platt.  On page 127 I read this line and knew I was going to have to change my life:  "God has given us excess, not so we could have more, but so we could give more."

Before that, Platt states:  "...if you and I have running water, shelter over our heads, clothes to wear, food to eat, and some means of transportation (even if it's public transportation), then we are in the top 15 percent of the world's people for wealth" (pp.114-115).

This was not new information to me;  I'd read this before.  But somehow, Platt got my attention - or was it God?

This blog is my notice:  I'm taking Platt's challenge to live for a year by the following standard:
  1. I will pray for the entire world.
  2. I will read through the entire Word.
  3. I will sacrifice my money for a specific purpose.
  4. I will spend time in another context.
  5. I will commit my life to a multiplying community.
Tonight, I will begin to re-read Radical, with Debbie!

God, help me to live with eternity's values in view!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Untold Grief

Thirty American military were killed when their Chinook helicopter was shot down in Afganistan by Taliban insurgents.  Twenty-two of the dead were Seals from the recently celebrated Seal Team Six.  Seven Afgan commandos were also killed.

And hearts at home are broken over the loss of beloved sons.   Roosevelt said, "War is Hell!"  He was right.  Whatever the cause we're supporting in Afganistan, the price just went up significantly! 

God bless the grieving parents, siblings, family and friends who lost the ones they dearly loved.  May they know His comfort. 

God bless the Chaplains who minister in these situations and give them the right words and the grace to speak those words!

God bless the troops who have lost best friends and comrads.  May you comfort them and also strengthen them in their resolve.

And God bless the United States.  May our causes always be just and our motives righteous. 

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I walk across  the parking lot early every morning to spend time in the sanctuary.  I much prefer walking that 50 yards during the summer when I can do so in shorts and a T-shirt!  In the winter I follow a snow shovel and wear ski pants and jacket!

Last evening, Debbie and I drove home from the farm with our windows down at 10:00 PM.  It was a beautiful night! 

The diversions of summer are wonderful:
  • boating
  • swimming
  • camp fires
  • outdoor concerts
  • gardening
  • going to the beach
  • talking with neighbors
  • picnics
Let's not wish this wonderful time away.  Rather, let's savor it!  It's August;  we all know what's coming.  Enjoy these last weeks of summer. 

Psalm 74:17 (TM)  "You laid out the four corners of earth, shaped the seasons of summer and winter."

Friday, August 5, 2011

Harold Kelly - Promoted!

Harold and Una Kelly, Alma Kelly, Karen Kelly
Harold Kelly was promoted to Heaven August 4, 2011.  He was a charming man who was dearly loved by everyone!  I was his pastor for 13 years.  He was the perfect greeter!  He approached everyone the same - with a cheerful, genuine smile and a warm greeting.  He would ask you how you were;  then he would answer for you:  "Tremendous!" 

Harold showed an interest in all people.  He looked for a way to connect.  He loved to converse!  Una often stands to the side waiting for Harold to finish visiting with everyone.  She's a patient woman! 

I remember him playing on our church softball team when he was well into his sixties.  He loved the Tri-State Family Camp and mourned that he couldn't attend in recent years.  He was totally supportive of Men's Ministry! 

Harold was outspoken about his faith and loved his Lord!  He supported his church strongly and visited members faithfully.  Every pastor dreams of having ten people like Harold! 

On top of it all, he was a World War II hero!  Wounded twice, he continued to fight bravely for his nation including service in the Battle of the Bulge (where some of the war's fiercest fighting took place).  He was awarded two Purple Hearts.  I take my hat off to this dear man today!  I'll miss him!  My family will miss him! 

But because of our common faith in Christ, we'll see him again! 


About a year and a half ago, I lost my balance!  I was staying busy from early morning till late at night - day after day.  I was not making time for myself.  I paid dearly in an unwanted season of depression.

Balance is SO IMPORTANT!  This week has threatened my balance.  'Hal time' has been severely limited.  I haven't been able to spend time in my garden.  I've had very little time for reading.  Every evening has been filled with something.  Not good.

So, today, I'm working a half-day.  And tomorrow holds hope for some time with Debbie!  It's time to balance my life and pay Hal. 

Al Gore may have invented the internet, but I invented the mental health day!

Are you out-of-balance?  Do you need a half-day?  Is it time to pay yourself?  If you don't take care of yourself - no one else will!  To be at your best, you must be free from bitterness and busyness. 

Get out that old sign and hang it on the door:  GONE FISHING!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Things I'm Thankful For Today

A quick assessment:
  • I'm not in the hospital
  • The church pays someone to cut my grass
  • My car is in running condition
  • Our bank account has money in it
  • I have a job
  • I can read
  • I have numerous sets of shoes
  • I will eat today
  • I live in the United States of America
  • I sleep in a bed
  • Our home has air conditioning
  • My wife loves me
  • I have friends
  • We have no credit card debt
  • Christ has forgiven me for my sin
Take two minutes and put your own list together...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I'm an introvert in an extrovert's job.  Social settings are much harder for me than most people imagine.  Debbie (my wife) helps me a lot in situations where there are many people.

However, last night we were on separate tracks:  she invited her parents over for left-overs while I attended our town's National Night Out.

It amazes me how lonely I can feel in a crowd.  I was surrounded by hundreds of people.  I ran into quite a few people from our church.  I saw friends and work associates.  Yet I was intensely lonely!

Eventually, it overcame me and I walked home.

I'm sure that there are many people who deal with loneliness much more intensely and frequently than me.  If you're one of those, my heart goes out to you today.

This morning, I spent some time just quietly talking with God.  I felt loved and accepted.  He comforted my lonely soul. 

Two verses to reflect on:

Song of Solomon (NASB)
I am my Beloved’s, and His desire is for me.”

Psalm 68:6 (NASB)
God makes a home for the lonely…

You are never truly alone!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

God's Provision

Debbie works as a teacher's assistant at the local elementary school.  She gets paid hourly.  We save through the year so we can pay ourselves through the summer.  It goes so easily because of graduations, weddings, vacations, and other special summer activities.  Every year we bump up the amount we're saving from each pay!

This summer, we were surprised again at how much we had spent by the end of July.  We'd essentially spent $500 more than we planned by that time.  We sat down and looked the situation over.  It would mean being frugal for the last week of July and the first four weeks of August.  But, if we stayed faithful to a strict budget, we would have $400 to cover our end-of-summer vacation.  We made a pact and placed our budget sheet in the kitchen where we would see it every day.

On Sunday, our church leaders officially welcomed us back for the 2011-12 year.  They handed us a card.  After preaching and the carry-in dinner our treasurer asked if I'd opened my card.  I slipped to the side to do so;  then quickly took it to Debbie to read.  It was a very kind expression of gratitude for our service - and included a check for $500.

Notice how much God loves!  We hadn't even asked for more money - just self-discipline.  But out of His great generosity and love, He gave us just what we needed. 

Here's a tip:  As an expression of our gratitude, we've already passed part of that gift on to someone who had a need! 

This is the way God's economy works!  Start now honoring Him with your finances!  Jesus spoke more about money than He did about Heaven!  Something to think about...

An Excellent Wife

Proveerbs 12:4 (NASB)
An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones.

What does it mean to be the crown of your husband?

A crown would be worn at the top of the man.  It would be the thing closest to his mind.  It is a place of affection - notice how few people we allow to touch our head.  It would be in a place of high visibility.  He would be admired and respected because of the beauty of his crown.

According to Dr. Willard Harley - in his book, His Needs, Her Needs - one of a man's top needs is "an attractive spouse". 

So many proverbs are put in the form of contrasts.  This verse is no exception.  The second half takes the opposite perspective. 

If a woman becomes bitter and hurt, she may turn against her husband and speak poorly of him.  Instead of building him up, she may tear him down.  This betrayal is like cancer in a man's bones;  it will eat away at him and undermine his confidence!

"Behind every good man is a good woman."  There's a lot of truth to that old saying.  If you want an expanded picture of the excellent wife, read Proverbs 31:10-31.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Reading the Bible

At a small get-together recently for Pastor Rufus from Liberia, he was asked his impression of America. He said the USA was so impressive, and he loved so much of it, but, "I think it must be so hard for Americans to really serve the Lord and love Jesus---there are so many distractions!" He listed all the things at our fingertips (TV, music, computers) and said with a laugh, "How do you tear yourselves away?"

I have a small home-study where I read the Bible most mornings.  I'm presently reading through Psalms and Proverbs.  I'm repeatedly amazed at how relevant the scriptures are to my life.  I often scribble down a verse and send it to a friend.  I know it helps me and makes me a better man.  Occasionally, what I've read will come back to me later in the day (that's the work of the Holy Spirit in me). 

I'm afraid many of us are allowing the distractions to keep us from the one thing that could ease our stress, give us wisdom, and draw us closer to God.  

Psalm 1:2
...his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night.