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Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Before February, I was enjoying the 'retired life'.  😊

I was free to do something that I love - spending hours in my study every morning reading devotionals, reading my Bible, and writing.  This had been a dream for me during all of those busy years of leading growing churches!

However, since February I have been called back into duty to serve a church as an interim pastor.  Once again, I find myself waking up with a preoccupation with things that concern the church and its people.  Often I am distracted from my Bible reading and study by the obligations and responsibilities that come with leading a church.  

Just a simple trip to the church involves a three-hour round trip.  Then, of course, there's a message to prepare and meetings to plan for and lead.  Praise the Lord, there are a growing number of people responding to God's 'call' into the ministry that need guidance and coaching through the system of entering 'the ministry'!  

All of this responsibility is a challenge to me.  I find myself having to be diligent to maintain the balance between yardwork, home responsibilities, doing the budget, car maintenance, projects and the requirements of this ministry.

This is not a complaint!  Accepting this role has been a good thing: hopefully for the church and certainly for me!  It has renewed my passion for the local church.  It has restored a sense of focus and stirred dormant gifts and abilities.  It has challenged me as a leader and given me influence among a  remarkable group of young leaders!  Although I might not call it fun, I certainly would refer to it as rewarding!  

A time-or-two, I've reflected on the time when this temporary responsibility will end.  I'm confident that I'll miss the predictable responsibilities that have accompanied this period.  I worry that I may be immersed in boredom and a sense of purposelessness.  However, the years have taught me that new directions will open, new projects will arise and renewed practices will once again give direction to my life.

Somewhere - buried on this currently cluttered desk - is a list of projects that I want to see accomplished before my life comes to an end!  The last time I looked at that list was January and I remember it feeling rather overwhelming then.  I'm sure it will keep me focused for a good while!  

Meanwhile, it's Wednesday and I have a sermon to write, a worksheet to prepare, communion to prepare for, a Finance Team meeting later today and...

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