The priest-king of Jerusalem [at that time known as Salem], Melchizedek, came out to meet him as well and brought out bread and wine for them. Melchizedek was a priest of the One whom he called 'the Most High God.' Priest-king Melchizedek offered a special blessing to Abram:
"May Abram be blessed by the Most High God, Creator of the heavens and earth. Blessing and honor to the Most High God, who has clearly delivered your enemies into your hands!"
Abram gave the priest-king a tenth of the captured goods he was bringing back with him.
[Genesis 14:18-20 All quotes from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted. Remember that in this version the words in italics are not in the original texts.]
So, our question is: Who is this Melchizedek and how did he find out and receive a calling from the God of Abram?
Clearly, God had made Himself known to Melchizedek independently from the work He was doing in Abram's life!
We should NEVER limit God! We will never know all that God is doing nor in whom He may be working to advance His purposes!
Let's consider another instance of God's diverse work:
It occurs in the next book of the Bible: Exodus. We may remember the story of Moses. Adopted as a child by a princess of Egypt, he was raised in the royal family. But as an adult, he was repulsed by the treatment of his people [the Israelites]. He killed an Egyptian and was exiled from Egypt. After wandering in the wilderness he came to the land of Midian and found an encampment of the priest of Midian. Moses married one of his daughters and spent forty years working for him as a shepherd!
Who is this priest of Midian [Jethro]? Who made him a priest? How did he come to hear about the one true God? He later played a vital role in giving Moses excellent counsel while Moses was leading this massive crowd of Israelites out of Egypt!
We can not and must not put boundaries on God! God does what He wants to do, when He wants to do it. His ways are above our ways! [Isaiah 55:9]
The Apostle Paul speaks to this issue as well in Romans 10. He does so by quoting Deuteronomy 32:21.
[God speaking to the Israelites] 'I will make you jealous with a people who are not a nation. With a senseless people I will anger you." [Romans 10:19]
[God speaking to Isaiah] "I showed My face to those who never asked for Me." [Romans 10:20]
Even in the New Testament we find the apostles being upset because they came across a man who was casting out demons in Jesus' name!
[John speaking] "Master, we found this fellow casting out demons. He said he was doing it in Your name, but he's not one of our group. So we told him to stop.
[Jesus responding] "What? No! Don't think like that! Whoever is not working against you is working with you." [Luke 9:49-50]
I have been tremendously impacted by books that I've read through the years. For a long time, I kept a 'Top Ten Shelf' of the ten books that had impacted me most! Although it's difficult to choose, probably the number one book was EXPERIENCING GOD by Henry Blackaby and Claude V. King.
The following are the premises that they present:
- God is always at work around you.
- God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal.
- God invites you to become involved with Him in His work.
- God speaks through the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways.
- God's invitation for you to work with Him always leads you to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action.
- You must make major adjustments in your life to join God in what He is doing.
- You come to know God by experience as you obey Him and He accomplishes His work through you.
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