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Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Years ago, my good friend - Chip Poole - shared a resource with me that he had worked up.  It was two pages that included his research into the word 'integrity'.  

Some of his observations:

"Integrity is NOT a title we can give ourselves, it is something that others must see in us."  

He started with Webster's definition of the word:  

  • the quality or state of being complete;  unbroken condition; wholeness; entirety.
  • the quality or state of being unimpaired; perfect condition; soundness.
  • the quality or state of being of sound moral principle, uprightness, honesty and sincerity. 
He noted that the Latin root meant: untouched, whole and entire.  "It is where we get the word 'integer', which is a whole number with no fraction or decimal."

The crux of Chip's resolution was that:
"Integrity comes from God. To have integrity, we must be in a proper relationship with God.  Apart from God, wholeness, completeness and integrity are impossible."

"Nehemiah described Hananiah (his brother) as a man of integrity for one reason and one reason alone, because he 'feared God more than most men do.'"  [Nehemiah 7:2]

He also observed that after Job lost everything, he "did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing"  [Job 1:22].  His wife asked him, "How long will you hold on to your integrity, curse God and die."  Later in the book when Bildad verbally attacks him, Job responded: "I will never admit you are right.  Till I die, I will not deny my integrity" [Job 27:5].

Additionally, Chip recognized that Jesus was the perfect example of integrity.  "Teacher...we know You are a man of integrity and that You teach the way of God in accordance with the truth.  You aren't swayed by men because You pay no attention to who they are" [Matthew 22:16 and Mark 12:14].  

To conclude his argument, Chip cited Titus 2:7-8 where we are instructed to live lives of integrity:
"In everything set them an example by doing what is good.  In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us."

I wholeheartedly agree with my friend's observations about integrity!  At the same time, I am greatly concerned that many followers of Christ are thoughtlessly compromising when it comes to integrity.  

I'll make myself subject to ridicule here by stating that the way we drive often calls our integrity into question [notice the collective 'we' in this observation]. Think:
  • speed limits
  • stop, then turn right at a red light
  • actually stopping at stop signs
Then, of course, there are the taxes that we just filed in April...

Lots of us stretch the truth when we're telling stories.  We don't call it lying, we call it embellishing!

Naturally, all of us fill out job or loan applications with integrity!

I know!  Nitpicking!  C'mon, Hal, some of these things are just the normal practice for all people.  

A few weeks ago, we received a letter regarding a class-action lawsuit being filed regarding the impact of the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.  Our landlord has told us that we live within three miles of the incident 'as the crow flies'.  

We each read the letter and considered whether or not we should apply.  Together, we agreed that other than minor inconvenience and a few weeks of concern, we had not been directly impacted and discarded the letter.  

We watched in terror as the plume of smoke rose over East Palestine and blew to the northeast and east.  It did not come anywhere near our direction.  It was remarkable to me that within days someone from North Lima claimed that this smoke had killed some of her goats.  North Lima is 6-7 miles northwest of East Palestine - a direction that the wind rarely blows in our area!  

Recently, we were in a group where this was being discussed and relatively large/generous amounts were being mentioned as potential rewards for participating in this lawsuit.  Some expressed an eagerness to file a claim.

How does integrity factor into your life?  
Do you choose the high road in the decisions that you make?
Is financial gain something that negates your integrity?
How about the private sins that we indulge in?  
Would you be comfortable with someone else seeing your 'search history'?

Fortunately, I'm not the judge of any of these issues.

I have my own life to look after.  I must do my best to maintain a walk with God that thoroughly impacts my life in all areas!  I am challenged by scripture to bring my decisions and actions into accord with the commands of God's Word and the guidance of His Holy Spirit!  

As one who has tried to maintain this walk for many decades, I can tell you that it is a challenge to do so!  
  • we have to live counter-culturally [we turn a lot of TV shows off after fifteen minutes]
  • we have to constantly monitor what we take in
  • we must also monitor what we give out (even our choice of words)
  • we must be vigilant about our behavior - no matter where we are
  • with the tens of thousands of decisions we make every day, we must try to be consistently wise
  • we must operate in awareness that others are watching and our influence has impact
But Hal, this sounds so all-consuming!  How can any person measure up?  

Believe me, I understand!  

But God never intended this process of living the Christian life [a life of integrity] to be exasperating!  He does not want us to be viewed as neurotic, hyper-focused, super-sensitive, living-statues of perfection.

God wants us to live a monumental life of freedom in Christ that daily remembers - and counts on - the fact that our daily discretions, misjudgments, distractions, rebellions can be forgiven if we just ask!  

In II Corinthians 3:3, the Apostle Paul refers to us as 'living letters' for others to read!  

Our mistakes, failures, rebellions, accomplishments, habits, conversation, example [plus so much more] is out there for others to see!  We are not perfect and will be the first to acknowledge that;  however, we strive to live our lives with an integrity that shines in the darkness of a distracted culture!  

To maintain consistency, we must walk with God and support one another!  The darker our culture gets, the brighter our lights will shine!    

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