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Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Romans 9 is a challenging chapter!  Here, the Apostle Paul expresses deep grief over the fact that so many Jews have not responded to the grace of God offered through the sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus.

It's a hard chapter to read and understand and I am inadequate to try to plumb its depths.  

My first query is that this was written by Paul in the first place!  He was the Apostle to the Gentiles!  Where is this deep concern for the Jewish people coming from.  When I say "deep concern", that's clear in verse 3:

"It may sound extreme; but I wish that I were lost, cursed and totally separated from the Anointed - if that would change the eternal destination of my brothers and sisters, my flesh and countrymen."  [All quotes from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted.  Remember that the words in italics are not in the original text!]

This is nothing less than shocking!  Paul grieves so deeply for his countrymen who have neglected the grace of God through our Lord Jesus Christ, that he would be willing to suffer eternally if they would just wake up and turn to Christ!   

The gist of this is that even while many non-Jews [Gentiles] were turning to Christ and gaining the full acceptance by God, many Jews were still trusting in obedience to the Law to keep them in a right relationship with God.  Old Covenant Jews were rejecting the New Covenant grace!  And Paul wonders throughout this chapter how these Jews can be awakened to the all-inclusive love and grace of God? 

"Even though God desires to demonstrate His anger and to reveal His power, He has shown tremendous restraint toward those vessels of wrath that are doomed to be cracked and shattered.  And why is that?  To make the wrath of His glory known to vessels of mercy that are prepared for great beauty.  These vessels of mercy include all of us.  God has invited Jews and non-Jews, insiders and outsiders; it makes no difference."  [vs.22-24]


I am a biblically informed person, but certainly not a scholar!  However, what seems obvious to me as I read this chapter is that Paul - who had committed himself as the Apostle to the Gentiles - was still deeply concerned about the faith of his countrymen: the Jews who had failed to acknowledge faith through Jesus Christ!

As a 21st century believer, I understand the strong opinion of so many Christian leaders, churches and organizations to stand strong behind Israel!  I agree with this position!  

However, shouldn't our plea be that God would - even through the dire circumstances of the present war - awaken the Jews to the reality and necessity of a genuine faith anchored in the substitutionary death of Christ for our sins?  Hear Paul's sense of urgency!  Hear his longing for the Jews to awaken!  

I must confess that I have rarely joined Paul's passion.  I stand behind loyalty to the nation of Israel, while ignoring the fact that without Christ, the Jews will be eternally lost!  Could it be that when Psalm 122:6 exhorts us to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem," it is challenging us to pray for inner peace as much as the peace between individuals and nations?


Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,

Use the circumstances that have emerged since October 7th to transform the minds and hearts of the nation of Israel.  They have held stubbornly to their understanding of You through the Torah.  Speak to the hearts of these precious children of God and arouse in them a longing for a deeper certainty that can only come by acknowledging and accepting the grace that is available to all who come to You in the name of Your only Son, Jesus!  

May Israel and Jerusalem know real peace in Him!  Amen!

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