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Wednesday, July 24, 2024


I'm growing weary of announcements, four songs, a prayer and a message.  

Surely we've lost something in the American Church!  

We've had it, but we seem to have lost it - maybe not everywhere, but in most of our churches.

The years of my life have been marked by rich times of worship that imprinted deeply on my mind and heart.  

Ask yourself: Do you really look forward to Sunday?  Are you excited about worshipping God?  Do you sense a thrill as you walk into the worship center?  Do you head for the best seats, or crowd into the back seats?  

Most of all, do you experience God's presence as you worship?  

Do you occasionally have a sense that He's dealing with you?  ...calling you?  ...loving you?

It seems possible that we've programmed the Spirit out of our services by our pre-planning and printed orders of worship.  

The performance mode of worship that has inundated the church for the past thirty years has sedated the congregant.  Is it possible that we fail to see ourselves as participants today - we're observers of the performers.  We applaud at the appropriate times and sit quietly in the dark as watchers.  

Is this what we want?  Did I miss the vote on this?  

Now, I must confess that I've seen the extremes.  I've seen chaos and it doesn't glorify God!  I visited a church where many brought tamborines to church - most had no idea of how to use them.  It was NOT edifying.  I've been in worship where people danced down front.  I found myself wondering if they were doing it for God's glory or their own.  

Pentecostal churches may have life, but it often seems chaotic and generated.  That's not what I yearn for.  

I'm quite certain that we all differ in our expectations and desires.  But, at the same time, I think we all know when God really shows up!  Call it holy awe or a divine presence; but whatever you call it, He makes Himself known!  

That's why so many of these moments - not all, but many - are actually marked by silence and deep reverence. 

Who are we actually worshipping?  

Sensitive worship leaders observe and 'read' the worshippers.  She/he adapts and responds.  This is an acquired practice that emerges from experience and a close walk with God!  

Bottom Line:

We don't come to church to sing.  We don't come because of a good preacher.  We don't come out of obligation or habit.  We don't come to see our friends.  

We come to deliver our worship!  He is worthy!  He is ALWAYS worthy!  I have things to thank Him for.  I just want to be in His presence!  I want to worship!  I may want to call on Him!  I want to experience His presence!

But I don't always get the opportunity to do these things because everything is pre-planned and arranged so fully.  

What would it take to move in this direction?  A courageous pastor?  A sensitive worship leader?  A team that is willing to adapt mid-stream?  A greater sensitivity to the movements of the Spirit?  Why is this so hard?  

How far does the American church have to fall before it realizes that it's missing the mark?  

Monday, July 22, 2024


Matthew 23:2-3 [The Voice Bible]

“The Pharisees and the scribes occupy the seat of Moses.  So you should do the things they tell you to do – but don’t do the things they do.”

Comment in The Voice Bible:

“Jesus - with the Pharisees listening - uses them as an example of the pious but truly unrighteous.  He calls the people to mind the Pharisee’s words, not their examples, because they talk about righteousness and faithfulness, but they are a faithless and unrighteous crew.”

Some of the most significant evangelical scholars advise us to pay special attention to Jesus’ words to the Pharisees since we – the Church – are likely the ones He would condemn today! 

Ouch!  That hurts!

Do we talk about a way that we do not personally live out or express?  Are we guilty of emphasizing qualities that we don’t actually display through our lives?   Are we the pious but truly unrighteous of our day?  Do we talk the talk, without walking the walk? 

Is this why the American church is in decline and anemic?  Are we posers? 

If there’s any veracity to these hints, we can only correct our posture by aligning our behavior and attitudes with our belief system.  That will likely involve deconstruction! 

It will involve an MRI of our heart, mind and soul!  When and where did we begin to step off the path?  When did we begin to pose?  Where did our path diverge from His path?  When did the desire for affirmation and praise from people displace the desire for the nod of God? 

This kind of introspection can only be made effective through the direction of the Holy Spirit!  The Spirit is the divine detector!  His work in our lives is effortless because it is done from within!  Given the open door to work in our lives, He is like a magnet and will pull all impurities, imperfections, illusions, facades, untruthfulness and pretensions to the surface where they can be confessed, forgiven and eradicated! 

This will not be a pain free process!  We have been far more dependent on these structures than we realize!  They have propped us up and enabled us to survive!  Granted, this was our contrivance to survive and thrive as a respected and revered godly person!  But it was of our own making and not His!  It was a poor substitute for truly living a godly, god-dependent, Spirit-filled life! 

We can do better!  We can live wholer and wholly dependent on Him!  We can avoid self-salvation!  We can – enabled by His Spirit – live dependent on God and truly represent His concerns and purposes! 

And as a result, we can experience peace!  His peace!  The peace that passes understanding!  The peace that rests even in a storm!  The peace that depends fully and completely on God!  Self-abandonment!  Think about that…

Friday, July 19, 2024


The history of camp meetings is quite interesting.  It goes back to the early days in our country when masses of people were pushing west and establishing new frontier settlements.  Methodism is credited with being the creator and promoter of this innovation.  Here’s a snippet of its development:

As the name implies, those who attended such meetings came prepared to camp out, gathering at the prearranged time and place from distances as great as 30 to 40 miles away. Families pitched their tents around a forest clearing where log benches and a rude preaching platform constituted an outdoor church that remained in almost constant session for three or four days. As many as 10,000 to 20,000 people were reported at some meetings. People came partly out of curiosity, partly out of a desire for social contact and festivity, but primarily out of their yearning for religious worship. Activities included preaching, prayer meetings, hymn singing, weddings, and baptisms. The theology of the preachers varied, but a sudden conversion experience was usually emphasized.  []

It's difficult to overemphasize the impact of the camp meeting movement.  Stories abound from these encampments.  These frontier preachers were a hard stock of men who often had to settle rabble-rousers in order to be able to continue their preaching! 

But, even after the movement became formalized in many areas into two-week interventions with properties developed to meet the needs of the people, the church held on to this outreach that had originally been improvisational.  Gradually but certainly the purpose of these camp meetings became less and less outreach and evangelism and more and more fellowship.

Most of these camps that have survived into the 21st century have lost their sense of purpose and failed to redefine it for the current day. 

A caveat

During the late 1980’s and part of the 1990’s, as a young leader, I led such a camp in Ohio.  Realizing the need for updating and transitioning, I initiated many changes to try to refocus and rechannel the camp. 

  • We changed it from ‘Camp Meeting’ to ‘Family Camp’.
  • We established a family-oriented morning chapel that was fun, high-energy and gave a positive start to the day.
  • Essentially, family camp was a simultaneous youth camp, children’s camp, and adult camp.
  • Afternoon fun activities were planned to engage all either as participants or spectators.

Many of the innovations that we established in that day unfortunately became institutionalized – and have consequently lost a lot of their impact.  Examples would be:

  • Establishing a youth night where the youth led the service.
  • Giving the youth who work in the dining hall a day off.
  • Rewriting the camp rules [which was met with waves of opposition].
  • Arranging with a nearby park pool to have a morning swim time for campers only [we later incorporated baptisms into this time].
  • Maintaining a STRONG emphasis on ‘community living’ to sustain mutual respect.
  • Youth who were unattended by family had to acquire an adult sponsor to oversee their appropriate participation in camp and observance of camp rules.

Innovation became rare with a few exceptions.   [See footnote]

Camp attendances – across the country – have plummeted since the turn of the 21st century.  Many have closed.  Most are struggling. 

Those that survive will be the ones that are effective at reinventing themselves with a purpose that connects with 21st century people.  Maintaining a camp for the sake of nostalgia will not be enough to sustain interest! 

In 2020, when COVID caused our family camp to be cancelled, about fifteen families decided to camp together at a campground on a lake and with a pool.  Everyone cooked their own meals.  Campfires in the evening brought groups together.  Sports activities filled the afternoon hours!  All-in-all, everyone loved it!  We had the personnel to add spiritual dynamics to the gathering – although that did not happen. 

It was an unintended innovation that stands in stark comparison to the burden and responsibility of maintaining property that sits unused for 355 days a year! 

The American church has been remarkably stubborn about maintaining traditional programs at all costs!  Consider Sunday School which began in Great Britain in 1870. 

Or Vacation Bible School which was an innovation around the turn of the twentieth century.  In spite of an identified decline in these institutions [including family camp], many churches hang on to them and resist the need to be creative in engaging people in relevant ways. 


This camp currently has new leadership and seems committed to revitalizing.  After a period of decline, it shows promise for growth and hope for a repurposed future.  Interestingly, young adults are returning with their young children in hopes of giving them a dose of the 'family camp experience'!  😊

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


A remarkable incident occurs in Luke 17:11-19.

Most who are reading this blog will be somewhat familiar with the vignette; it is the most common text for Thanksgiving!  

Essentially, ten lepers encounter Jesus.  One is a Samaritan while the others are Jews.  Jews look down on Samaritans and consider them less than acceptable.  Samaritans were not even allowed to worship in the temple at Jerusalem!  These men call out to Jesus:  "Jesus, Master, show mercy to us!"  

It's important for us to recognize that these men were completely ostracized from society.  Most lived in leper camps.  Some wandered the country in hope of finding a cure or being healed.  They were not allowed to approach urban areas.  When they encountered others, they had to cup their hands to their mouth and cry out the warning: "Unclean!"  They lived miserable, lonely and humiliated lives!  

However, these men had heard about this Jesus!  Perhaps they had heard that He could heal lepers?  Maybe their lucky day had arrived?  

Upon asking Him for help, He gives them an odd instruction: "Go now and present yourselves to the priests for inspection of your disease." [v.14]

Nine of them left immediately and were cleansed as they went to find the priests.  The tenth stayed in Jesus’ presence continuing to seek his healing before going to find the priest.  This man was never healed from his leprosy because of his lack of obedience.

You're smiling, right?  You know this isn't the way the story went!  Instead, remarkably, the very next words in this story are:  "They went".  Does this surprise you?  What would you have done?  [That's actually a very good question!]

Reading on we find that as they were going, they were suddenly healed of their leprosy!  Imagine the joy as they looked at the clear faces of one another!  Their hands were whole!  Their skin was no longer chaffed and drying.  They must have surely celebrated and clapped their hands - even dancing for joy!  

But that's the last time we see this team of ten together!  Immediately after being healed, one broke away from the band of brothers.  He felt compelled to go back to Jesus and express his gratitude for this miraculous healing!  He fell down at Jesus' feet repeating his thankfulness.  By the way, this one man happened to be the one Samaritan; the least likely to return to Jesus!  

Jesus asked him: "Didn't all ten receive the same healing? Where are the other nine?"  Jesus observes that the one who was truly grateful was a Samaritan.  He tells the man to get up and go his way.  Jesus assures him: "Your faith has saved you."  

It's a wonderful story!  They were all healed, but the Samaritan received something significantly greater!  


But I'd like to speculate about the nine who ran off to see the priests.  

The priests were apparently authorized to pronounce a person clean from leprosy!  Apparently some occasionally recovered from this dreadful disease and were able to be pronounced clean and return to their families!  How wonderful!  

But surely this priest must have been mystified by the arrival of nine Jewish men who had simultaneously been healed of their leprosy!  Isn't it likely that they stumbled over one another as they tried to report the story of the encounter with Jesus and the odd timing of the healing.  

Had this priest ever had multiple people come to him before claiming to be healed of leprosy?  

My childlike curiosity gets the best of me:

Did he seek out this Jesus to investigate this odd occurrence?

Did he marvel at what had happened?  Or was he too entrenched in the Pharisaic ways to make room for a divine miracle at the hands of a man from Galilee?  

Do you wonder about things like this when you read the scriptures?  

Wouldn't it be nice to have a biblical Paul Harvey to tell us 'the rest of the story' for a lot of these biblical encounters?  

It reminds us of John 21:25 (NIV),

"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."

This would be even more true if we knew the ripple effect of all of Jesus' teachings, healings and encounters!  


I love the fact that King David had tough days!  I know, that seems sort of twisted, but it helps me to identify with him when I know that he had dark days and faced overwhelming trials. 

I just read Psalm 35.  It’s a private journal entry!  I doubt that David ever intended it to be read by crowds of people over thousands of years! 

He’s in pain!  His discourse is with God!  He’s crying out for God’s intervention!  He sincerely hopes that God will come down and fight for him.  His appeals are specific:

·         “Make a case against those who struggle with me, Eternal One.  Battle against those who battle against me.  Be my shield and protection; stand with me and rescue me!  Draw the spear and javelin to meet my pursuers.”  [vs.1-3  All quotes are from The Voice Bible which prints words that are not in the original text in italics]

·         “Shame and dishonor those ruthless enemies who wish to end my life…Make their way unsure and dangerously dark, a gauntlet of gloom chased through the darkness by the Eternal’s messenger” [angel?].  [vs.4,6]

·         “Lord, how long will You do nothing but watch?  Save me from their evil assaults, plots and plunder; rescue my life from these hungry beasts, these ruthless lions!  [v.17]

·         “You have seen what’s happening, Eternal One; don’t remain silent!  Lord, do not stray far away from me!  Wake up; come to my defense!  Fight for me, my Lord and my God!” [vs.22-23]

In fact, David was a king with armies, mighty men and vast resources at his command.  But all battles are not fought with swords and spears.  Sometimes our enemies are subversive.  They attack with words and insinuations, gossip and lies.  They sow seeds of suspicion and coerce people with their conspiracy theories. 

The righteous person often feels incapable of responding.  Slander is a powerful tool in the hand of a ruthless person! 

David has the power to quell these individuals, but chooses not to use it.  He is a better man than they are.  He wants to maintain his righteousness.

So, he cries out to God!  He is persistent!  He makes detailed requests.  He clarifies the painful situation for God and then asks Him to intervene! 


This is an interesting concept!

There may be certain situations that will arise in our lives where we are best not to defend ourselves, but rather to call on God to do so! 

What an incredible act of trust! 

God, I could handle this, but to do so would not be wise.  It would cause more trouble and hurt feelings.  It would be better by far, Lord, if You would handle my defense!  I’m going to remain passive, Lord, and trust You to resolve this problem.  I place my enemies in Your hands, O God!  You take care of them! 

Meanwhile, I’m going to maintain my integrity!  I’m going to walk in righteousness.  I will turn my suffering toward You!  I believe that You will vindicate me!  Strengthen my resolve!  This whole matter is in Your hands now, Sovereign Lord!  Amen! 


Are you suffering?  Are your enemies oppressing you?  Do you feel overwhelmed?  Does justice seem distant?  Are you being slandered?   Have you been falsely accused?  Does it seem futile to fight back? 

Why not pull out your journal [or a blank sheet] and write a psalm like David did?  Empty yourself before the Lord.  Be open and honest.  Describe your pain.  Refuse to enter the fray.  Let the Lord be your defense!  Turn it all over to Him and then focus on trusting Him! 

You might want to start by reading Psalm 35 in a contemporary version!  

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


I just read a Facebook post about a homeless man who walked into a Chick-fil-A and asked if they had any extra food.  The manager told him that he would get him a full meal, then asked if he could pray with the man.  He then put his hand on the man’s shoulder and prayed a beautiful prayer over him!  A father/daughter was sitting very near seeing and hearing the whole event.  He talked with his daughter about what had just happened.

Everybody is somebody!  Not only somebody, but somebody’s son or daughter.  [If we thought seriously about that, the problem of pornography would go away overnight!]  They might also be somebody’s brother, sister, friend – you can see where this is going!  They’re NOT a NOBODY!  They’re a SOMEBODY!  

Can we keep this in mind as we move through our day? 

Keep in mind that you will not cross paths with a single NOBODY during this entire day!  You will, however cross paths with a lot of SOMEBODIES! 

How will you treat the SOMEBODIES that you encounter?  Will you offer to pray with them?  Will you arrange for them to have some lunch?  Will you show a genuine interest in their words and actions?  Will you try to encourage them? 

Out of your abundance, will you make a significant effort to meet whatever need has them stressed? 

Everybody makes an impact – for good or for bad!  What will your impact be today? 

Will God be pleased with the decisions you make today?  Or will He drop His head and wonder how He can get your attention and change your heart? 

One of the good things about church is that it generally gets us to repeat words like:

    o  I love You, Lord
    o  I will serve You
    o  Have Your way, Lord
    o  I am Yours, O Lord
    o  I surrender all

But, do we leave church and forget what we’ve just agreed to?  Could it be possible that we are modern-day Pharisees?  We say one thing, but act out another?  We are pretenders?  We are posers?  We try to look good, but inside we’re selfish and prideful? 

Are we occasionally mean?  Do we gossip?  Are we stingy?  Do we hide hatred in our hearts? 

Do we treat SOMEBODIES like NOBODIES? 

Do we swap insult for insult? 


A woman walked into The Foundery [give her credit – do you realize how hard it is to walk into a church for the first time?] 

As the leader explained the prayer card, she took it out of her bulletin and spent some time writing on it.  When the offering was received by our precious children, she dropped her card in the plate.   

It was retrieved by the leader of our First Impressions Team who called her later in the day to clarify the address [so that she could deliver fresh-baked cookies].  They had a nice talk as the woman expressed how she had experienced God’s presence and enjoyed the message. 

Her card stated that she’s suffering from “emotional pain caused by gossip from believers at another church.” 

How sad is that?  Driven away from the church by people who supposedly love Jesus but think that gossip and nastiness is permissible! 

She’s damaged – perhaps even crushed, but - God bless her - she's still hopeful that by trying another church, maybe she’ll find a healing and an accepting environment.  Her response card indicated that she was encouraged by the message and “almost came up to speak to the pastor”. 

The few of us who see the prayer needs have been praying for her!   


Because she’s a SOMEBODY!

Just remember today that EVERYBODY IS A SOMEBODY!  Keep that in mind as you bump into people today! 

Thursday, July 11, 2024


Having just made a Facebook post about Joe Bonsall of the Oak Ridge Boys and his recent passing to Heaven, I find myself thinking about another famous musician that I briefly encountered - Larry Norman.

Larry was a singer, song-writer and producer who was considered the 'father of Christian rock music'.  His solo albums recorded in the 1970's on his own independent label 'Solid Rock', and the albums of other artists he discovered and produced laid the foundation for what would eventually become the Christian rock music industry, a genre which largely shunned him and his music.  Norman was an eccentric visionary whose songs drew controversy from both the conservative religious establishment and the secular music press for his mix of radical religious, political and social themes.  His 1969 solo album UPON THIS ROCK is regarded as the first Christian rock record, and his milestone 1972 release ONLY VISITING THIS PLANET is considered one of the best albums in the genre and was chosen by the United States Library of Congress in 2014 as an American cultural treasure.  []

By 1970, when I was attending Roberts Wesleyan College in Rochester, NY, I was elected to serve on the student council as the Religious Life Director.  I had a budget to work with and decided to commit a very large portion of it to bringing Larry Norman to the campus for a weekend.  His fee and airfare took up most of the budget, but we were able to replace some of it by ticket sales and other events we sponsored.  

The concert in the sanctuary of Pearce Memorial Free Methodist Church was packed!  At the appointed time, Larry walked onto the stage in his blue jeans carrying his guitar case.  He opened the case, retuned his guitar and introduced himself to screams of delight.  He started to sing and share stories that mesmerized all of us.  During the periods of wild applause, he simply stood with his head down and his finger pointed to the heavens - the traditional 'one-way' sign credited to him!  For several songs, he slipped over to the grand piano and sang while playing.  

I believe he arrived on Thursday and then flew home on Sunday.  I scheduled him in chapel and also in several classes.  However, trying to be respectful of jet-lag and his long trip, I scheduled him off during the afternoon.  I figured he might appreciate the rest.  Instead, I learned later that he hitch-hiked into Rochester with his guitar and played on the streets of downtown for several hours before hitching back to campus!  This guy was serious about sharing his faith in Jesus!

We had no regrets about his time with us!  

If you're not familiar with his music, I've included the lyrics to "Only Visiting This Planet" below.  Perhaps his best known song was "I Wish We'd All Been Ready".  If you'd like to listen to some of his songs, check out:
Alice is a drag queen, Bowie's somewhere in between
Other bands are looking mean, me, I'm trying to stay clean.
I don't dig the radio, I hate what the charts pick
Rock and roll may not be dead, but it's getting sick.
All over the world disc jockeys sound the same
And every town I play is like the one from where I came.

Rolling Stones are millionaires, flower children pallbearers,
Beatles said All you need is love, and then they broke up.
Jimi took an overdose, Janis followed so close,
The whole music scene and all the bands are pretty comatose.
This time last year, people didn't wanna hear.
They looked at Jesus from afar, this year he's a superstar.

Dear John, who's more popular now?
I've been listening to some of Paul's new records.
Sometimes I think he really is dead.

It's 1973, I wonder who we're gonna see
Who's in power now? Think I'll turn on my TV,
The man on the news said China's gonna beat us,
We shot all our dreamers, there's no one left to lead us.
We need a solution, we need salvation,
Let's send some people to the moon and gather information.

They brought back a big bag of rocks.
Only cost thirteen billion. Must be nice rocks.

You think it's such a sad thing when you see a fallen king
Then you find out they're only princes to begin with
And everybody has to choose whether they will win or lose
Follow God or sing the blues, and who they're gonna sin with.
What a mess the world is in, I wonder who began it.
Don't ask me, I'm only visiting this planet.

Larry died February 24, 2008, at the age of sixty after a period of prolonged heart problems.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


I picked this phrase up from a camp evangelist who used it many years ago; I think his name was David Clardie.

I do not use the phrase, but it occurred to me as I was reading in Genesis 37 this morning.  

The storyline in this chapter takes place after Jacob [son of Isaac, grandson of Abraham] settled in the land of Canaan.  This is the point when Joseph's story takes off.  He is seventeen as this chapter begins and helps his brothers watch the flocks of his father.  Joseph is spoiled!  He is the son of Rachel, Jacob's true love; even though he also had children by Leah [Rachel's older sister] and each of their maidservants: Bilhah and Zilpah.  

Joseph has dreams of grandeur that he unwisely shared with his family.  These dreams portrayed him as someone that his brothers - and even his parents - would someday admire and even honor.  

Obviously, they were all offended by these dreams!  Even Jacob [now known as Israel] seems to scold Joseph:

"What kind of dream is this? Do you actually think that your mother and I and your brothers are going to bow down before you?"  [Genesis 37:10  -  All quotes from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted.  Remember that this paraphrase prints all words that are not in the original text in italics.]

The very next verse tells us something interesting that is often true for parents:

"Joseph's brothers had become extremely jealous of him.  But his father - though he scolded Joseph - kept this dream in the back of his mind."

It's just something that we do as parents.  We watch our kids grow up and we hold onto thoughts as a result of observations we make.  Sometimes we share these thoughts with our spouses, sometimes we don't.  

Mary did this with Jesus!  

After the shepherds visited the manger scene, we find these words:

"Mary, too, pondered all of these events, treasuring each memory in her heart."  [Luke 2:19]

Later, after Jesus - at the age of twelve - stays behind in Jerusalem and Joseph and Mary have to return to find Him, we find this recorded:

"His mother continued to store these memories like treasures in her heart."  [Luke 2:51]


Surely - if you're a parent - you can identify with this practice.  Perhaps some of us are more prone to this activity due to natural introspective tendencies, but notice that our two illustrations include a man [Israel] and a woman [Mary]!  

I recall sharing one of these observations with Debbie as we sat in our living room in East Liverpool [where our kids grew up].  Travis was four-and-a-half-years older than Troy - to the day!  All three kids were playing on the floor when it hit me.  I simply said [pointing to Travis], "This one is going to make a living with his brain..."  Then I followed [pointing to Troy] "...and this one is going to make a living with his hands."

Travis graduated from the United States Naval Academy and went on to be fully trained in their nuclear program where he ran the reactor on the various subs that he was assigned to.  He attained these things without being an egghead!  He had a wonderful sense of humor and was greatly loved by family and many friends!  He attained the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy and ended his career planning strategic assignments for the Navy Seal Team based in Honolulu, HI.  *

Troy went a different route.  He initially learned a trade as an upholsterer [as a teenager].  He still uses this skill today as a sidebar.  In Savannah, he worked for Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation [the largest manufacturer of private aircraft] as an upholsterer.  While living with his brother, Travis, for a couple of years he began volunteering as a firefighter.  After years of investment, he transferred to Boardman, OH where he just completed an intensive year of training as a Fire Medic!  

Troy visited one day last week.  We knocked down a tree that had died a few years ago.  I couldn't get my chain saw to run.  Troy quickly took it apart, repaired it and had it running in moments.  I was mesmerized!  He has a skill package that I admire so much!  It's intuitive to him.  I - on the other hand -  am a butcher when it comes to mechanics!  By the way, Troy graduated from high school with a higher GPA than Travis!  :-)

I love both of these sons!  I am proud of each of their accomplishments!  I marvel at the things they've done!  


These observations don't need to be written down.  Somehow, they imprint themselves on our brains and in our memories!  

This is what parents do!  They observe, support, encourage, prod, rescue, correct, guide, suggest, cheer, affirm, finance, and stand behind their kids ALL THE WAY!  

They make observations without showing preference!  They love their kids and stand behind them to help them make 'their' dreams become a reality!  We do NOT live out our dreams through their lives!  We facilitate their dreams to the best of our ability without showing bias or favor!  Many lives have been deeply damaged by parents who favored one while neglecting others - a pitfall we must be diligent to avoid!  

In Psalm 127:3-5, Solomon speaks of his sons [pardon the male language - daughters are certainly included]!

Know this: children are a gift from the Eternal; the fruit of the womb is His reward.  Your sons born in your youth are a protection, like arrows in the hand of a warrior.  Happy is the man whose quiver is full, for they will help and protect him when he is old.  He will not be humiliated when he is accused at the gate, for his sons will stand with him against his enemies.

The parenting role never ends!  It changes significantly, but never ends!  We maintain contact with our children and continue to support and help them without being intrusive!  

And just so you know that I also treasure our daughter, I watched her back in March while we visited.  She amazes me over and over again by her deep commitment to her marriage and family!  

It was the celebration of our grandson Coltin's, fifteenth birthday.  She made a massive display of a bread charcuterie with a wide array of treats and succulent surprises!  Both sets of grandparents were at the table for the first time!  Tracie carefully seated us and then took her place right between Rylie and Coltin!   :-)   She - and, of course, Jon as well - are clearly the center of their lives at this stage!  I marvel at the depth of commitment to these two maturing adolescents!  

Debbie and I pray for them from a distance [they live in Florida].  We text with them weekly to try to remain a part of their lives.  They are our only grandchildren!  We treasure them!  We make as many memories with them as our exposure allows! 

Tracie was a little 'Tom-boy'.  She was an adventurer and a rescuer.  She is deeply committed to her friends and I have many memories of her tucked away in my heart and mind!  

It's what parents do!  

*  Travis died in October, 2015.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Maybe its a stretch to say that the psalms are from David's journal, but of the 150 psalms in our Bible, 75 of them are attributed to David.  They tell the story of David's life!  Surely, Psalm 23 was written during his young years when he was spending much of his time watching his father's sheep!  The leisure of this role may have allowed him to develop skills on simple stringed instruments.  He had plenty of time to reflect on God and His goodness!  From the rest of his psalms we find reflections on various times - good and bad - throughout his remarkable career.  

What an amazing archive of resources for us to turn to 3,000 years later!  Psalms of comfort, joy, conflict, urgency, and praise that speak to our lives and situations with cutting edge accuracy!  They are indeed a treasure; although originally they were just the musings of a man's heart and mind.  

For David, most of these private thoughts must have simply been memorized and repeated periodically as part of his private worship.  Yet somewhere along the way, someone wrote them down and they became a written treasure that would nourish the children of Israel [and us] many years later!


There is value in recording our thoughts.  I often just open a new document and start writing a prayer to God.  I just re-read one that's been open since I wrote it probably two months ago [I should have dated it].  It reflects on the changes that had taken place in my life as a result of accepting the role of 'Interim Pastor' at The Foundery.  

This process has a release to it!  Somehow, I feel better about my life and my situations after I have written/prayed.  

The adjective therapeutic can be traced all the way back to the Greek word therapeutikos (from therapeuein, meaning “to attend” or “to treat”). Although the word relates to healing or soothing, therapeutic isn’t reserved only for drugs or medical treatments.   []

Some of us are wired to find relief through writing.  Our thoughts and feelings flow out through our fingers.  On some occasions, these collections find their way to a larger audience.  Consequently, others receive help because someone initially expressed their thoughts and they became published for others to read.  We benefit vicariously from the disciplines and reflections of others.  This is a good thing!  

Can you imagine the comfort that has been gained over the centuries by people who have reflected on the meaning behind David's 'Twenty-Third-Psalm'?  In the King James Version it includes 118 words.  The most significant are:  Lord, want, still waters, restores, righteousness, staff, rod, comfort, overflows, forever.  These words ministered to David first; then, through the years they have brought comfort, encouragement and strength to countless others!  


I must confess that I have some reservations about this.  Occasionally [okay, more than occasionally] my journal became a place to vent my thoughts and feelings.  I've made no secret of the fact that I've wrestled with periods of depression that began when I was about forty.  My entries painfully reflect the anger, despair and desperation I was experiencing.  

I have a 'to-do list' of projects that I hope to accomplish before I move on to Heaven - which is, of course, my hope!  One of those projects is to go through those journals and rip some pages out!  I may or may not fulfill this plan.

David's psalms reflect his deepest and darkest experiences.  An example would be Psalm 51, where he confesses following his indiscretions with Bathsheba!  The great Apostle Paul responds to the posers of his day with a kind of tirade reflecting on the many inconveniences and painful experiences that he had endured while serving his Lord [II Corinthians 11:21-33]!

On a more secular note, consider the revelations we benefitted from of a young girl who faithfully recorded her personal experiences of the tragedies in Germany during Hitler's tyrannical leadership in THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK!  

During my lifetime, we were graced by the presence of a tried and true believer.  We simply came to know her as 'Mother Teresa'.  Her servanthood was internationally known, respected and adored!  She modeled a humility that we admired.  Most of us came to think of her as a living saint!  

From the fly-leaf of MOTHER TERESA: The Private Writings of the "Saint of Calcutta":

A moving chronicle of her spiritual journey - including moments, indeed years, of utter desolation - these letters reveal the secrets she shared only with her closest confidants.  She emerges as a classic mystic whose inner life burned with the fire of charity and whose heart was tested and purified by an intense trial of faith, a true dark night of the soul.  

Who would have imagined?  With intentional humility, I wonder if she did us a disservice by hiding these struggles.  Might her spiritual impact have been even more significant if she had been transparent about these struggles of the soul?  

But the writings of a soul bent toward God will inevitably include reflections of pain and suffering!  Our walk with Him is not protected from troubles and stresses!  Jesus is the one who said: [John 16:33]

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”


I fully recognize that most people will not take the time to journal their thoughts, feelings and experiences.  It is a practice of a minority.  But thanks be to God for those who have recorded these experiences - the heights and depths of their walk with God!  

Special thanks to those whose diaries have become part of the Holy Scriptures!  But thanks also to those who have lived less significant lives, yet have given us penetrating exposés of their journey!