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Sunday, February 27, 2022


When we speak of God's favor, we are not saying that God plays favorites!  Rather, we are talking about a person who chooses to live deliberately in such a way that is pleasing to God.  By exhibiting this faithfulness to God, He responds with favor in their lives - or, we might say, by blessing them!

God honors those who are intentionally faithful in living their lives in a way that is pleasing to Him!  

Do you want the favor and blessing of God in your life?  Live an honorable life heeding the scripture and regarding the principles and guidelines He has laid out so plainly for us in His Word!  

Joseph's storyline may be the best illustration of this in the Bible.

He is an innocent boy who is a bit too self-focused when his brothers fake his death and sell him to a group of traders heading for Egypt.  When they arrive, Joseph is sold to a man named Potiphar who oversees the Pharoah's household.  

As it turned out, GOD was with Joseph and things went very well with him.  He ended up living in the home of his Egyptian master.  His master recognized that GOD was with him, saw that GOD was working for good in everything he did[Genesis 39:2-3  TM]

This is a picture of the favor of God!

Many are familiar with this story.  Potiphar's wife tries repeatedly to seduce Joseph, but he stands strong seeking to honor Potiphar and God!  Eventually, she grabs him by the coat and insists that he sleep with her.  He leaves his coat in her hand and runs from the house.  Jilted, she screams and claims that he tried to rape her.  Potiphar comes quickly and is naturally furious - believing his wife's report.  He places Joseph in the jail that holds the king's prisoners.  

But there in jail GOD was still with Joseph:  He reached out in kindness to him;  he put him on good terms with the head jailer.  The head jailer put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners - he ended up managing the whole operation.  The head jailer gave Joseph free rein, never even checked on him, because GOD was with himwhatever he did GOD made sure it worked out for the best.   [Genesis 39:21-23  TM]

Wouldn't you like to have that kind of favor working in your life?

Joseph's life is not the only example of God's favor;  there are many others.  When's the last time you read Psalm 1?

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow evil men’s advice, who do not hang around with sinners, scoffing at the things of God. But they delight in doing everything God wants them to, and day and night are always meditating on his laws and thinking about ways to follow him more closely.

They are like trees along a riverbank bearing luscious fruit each season without fail. Their leaves shall never wither, and all they do shall prosper.

But for sinners, what a different story! They blow away like chaff before the wind. They are not safe on Judgment Day; they shall not stand among the godly.

For the Lord watches over all the plans and paths of godly men, but the paths of the godless lead to doom.   

Saturday, February 26, 2022


This is a really hard topic to just jump into;  there's so much background teaching that lays a foundation for exploring this topic.

For instance, do you realize that to some extent, we are already in heaven?  The Bible teaches that the 'ultimate heaven' will be a renewed earth!  That's right!  This earth will be purged by fire and the 'present heaven' will come down and all people of all time will TOGETHER enter the 'ultimate heaven' AT THE SAME TIME!

It may surprise you then, that this ultimate heaven will be a real, physical place where we will live forever in God's presence in our heavenly bodies.  That's likely different from what you've been taught and believed.  

So, simply acknowledge that a WHOLE LOT of teaching needs to be digested before you are likely to believe what I'm about to share.

But, here goes anyway.

A full understanding of what our heavenly body will be like is largely based on the following verses: 

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known.  But we know that when He [Jesus' second coming] appears, we shall be like Him..."             [I John 3:2]

The Lord Jesus Christ...will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.  [Philippians 3:20-21]

I said in the first article that we are given lots of hints in the Bible about heaven.  I also quoted scripture that seems to encourage us to use our imagination and creativity to speculate about heaven.

This being the case, then, what do we know about Jesus' post-resurrection [heavenly] body?  

Fortunately for us, particularly John's and Luke's gospels give us a good amount of information to go on.  

So, what do we know about His resurrected body?

In Luke 24:39 (NLT), Jesus said to His disciples, “I am not a ghost”.

Jesus walked and talked and ate on Earth after His resurrection.  (Luke 24:13-35, 41) 

He was capable of teaching and guiding His disciples after His resurrection.  (Luke 24:13-35)

His voice and form was the same as it had been before He was crucified.  His body even bore the scars from His wounds!  (John 21:4-19)

He apparently caught fish and cooked a meal in His resurrected body.  (John 21:4-19)

He invited others to eat with Him.  (John 21:12)

He breathed.  (John 20:22)

His body could be touched.  (John 20:27)

He had relationships:

            o  with His disciples (Acts 1:4-8)
            o  with Mary Magdalene (John 20:10-18)
            o  with Thomas (John 20:24-29)
            o  with Peter (John 21:15-22)

> He seemed to be able to just appear at certain times.  (John 20:19)      [It could be that some aspects of His resurrection body are unique because of His divine nature;  however, we’ll no doubt have some welcome surprises when we receive our new bodies!]

If you're thinking right now that I'm some kind of heretic teaching unfounded things, consider the major creeds of Christendom:

}   The Larger Westminster Catechism (1647) states:  “The self-same bodies of the dead which were laid in the grave, being then again united to their souls forever, shall be raised up by the power of Christ.”

}    The Westminster Confession, one of the great creeds of the Christian faith, says, “All the dead shall be raised up, with the self-same bodies, and none other.” 

Think about funerals you may have attended where the family and friends accompanied their loved one to the burial site for the 'Committal Service'.  The pastor, at some point, reads:

Inasmuch as Almighty God, in His wise providence, has taken out of the world our deceased brother (sister, or child), we therefore commit this mortal body to the ground, looking for the general resurrection in the last day and the life of the world to come, through our Lord Jesus Christ, at whose second coming in glorious majesty to judge the world, the earth and the sea shall give up their dead;  and the corruptible bodies of those who sleep in Him shall be changed, and made like unto His own glorious body, according to the mighty working whereby He is able to subdue all things unto Himself.   

You see, we believe that at the appointed time, our loved one’s body will come together again, be resurrected, and be glorified for an eternal life in the 'ultimate Heaven'!

The implications of all this are fantastic:

  • we'll have real, physical bodies that are recognizable.
  • we'll enjoy relationships with others who believed and were saved to eternal life.
  • we'll eat and enjoy fellowship - even preparing meals (if we like).
  • for those interested, you’ll be able to go fishing.
  • we'll be able to touch and be touched.

Friday, February 25, 2022


If you were around during the 1980's, you might remember that there was a massive, ongoing discussion and emphasis on the topic of spiritual warfare.  Hundreds of books came out on the topic.  Some were great;  others were misguided and extreme.  Even novels were written to portray the presence of demonic oppression and possession.  Conferences were put together to unpack the essentials of this spiritual conundrum.  

I was leading the church through this era as a fairly young pastor.  It took discernment and wisdom to adhere to the truth and avoid the extremes.  Biblical authenticity was the standard that most of us tried to follow.

But, gradually the topic faded into the background while many of the books were shuffled to back shelves or given away (or thrown away).  A topic that had raged, diminished and has subtly disappeared from the scene.

So, are we to deduce that the issue of spiritual warfare has become null and void?  It's no longer an issue.  It was just one of many hot topics that have dominated the scene for a season of church life, like 

  • speaking in tongues
  • church growth movement
  • praise and worship movement
  • small group emphasis
  • mega-church movement

It would seem so.

But notice that all of the above still have a place in the broad spectrum of the church today.  There are still churches where people speak in tongues.  Church growth principles are still true and effective when adhered to.  The praise and worship patterns have morphed significantly, but still abound.  Some churches are reemphasizing small groups.  Mega-churches have had to learn to adapt to COVID changes like all churches, but they still exist.

Spiritual warfare truths and principles - those that are based on God's Word - are also still valid and needed.  It is an issue that people deal with every day.  It can take forms as subtle as temptation to as extreme as murderous thoughts.  

Our spiritual enemy will take advantage of every weakness we manifest and exploit it for his destructive mechanisms.  We get no rest from his attempts to control and destroy us.  The more we yield to his manipulations, the more we are likely to continue to yield to them.  

This calls for a decisive, deliberate turning to God for protection, wisdom and moment-by-moment guidance.  The more we rely on God to lead us, the more we are likely to continue to lean on Him for direction and focus in our lives.

There's obviously SO MUCH MORE that could be said;  as indicated earlier, whole books have been written on this topic!  

The frequently used meme of an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other is a reasonable illustration of what we're all dealing with on a day-to-day basis.  For me, it's a daily struggle to make sure that the demon is whispering into my deaf ear!  :-)   You've got to find a way to mute his messages and respond only to the direction of God through His Holy Spirit.  

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,  [II Corinthians 10:3-5  ESV]


This morning I'm captivated with Saul's story of becoming the first king of Israel as recorded in I Samuel 10.  

If you're familiar with this episode, Saul comes off as a bumbling fool who can't find his father's missing donkeys but who seemingly stumbles his way into being anointed king of Israel.  

One reads through these chapters wondering if God made a colossal misjudgment in choosing the wrong man for this monumental job.  

First, Saul can't fulfil the fairly simple assignment of finding his father's donkeys.  Then, he wanders into the town where the prophet Samuel lives - hoping to find an answer to his search.  Next, he winds up being the guest of honor at a feast.  Then, Samuel announces to him privately that he is to be the king of Israel.  On his way home, as predicted by Samuel, he falls into prophesying with a group of prophets.  

Meanwhile, Samuel calls all of Israel together to reveal their first king.  The tribe of Benjamin is chosen.  Saul's family is then chosen.  Kish's family is chosen with Saul being declared to be the new king.  But, where is he?  No one can find him!  After consulting God about Saul's whereabouts, he is found hiding in a pile of baggage and proclaimed king.  

Who's writing this story?  This is craziness.  What kind of leader is this guy going to be - even if he is taller than any other man in Israel?  Plus, immediately there are naysayers who believe this choice is a terrible one.  The only redeeming grace is that God aligned a few brave men behind Saul to support and aid him!  

Did Saul fail to step up to the responsibility God has placed before him?  Did low self-esteem trip him up and limit his capability?  Did his stubbornness and impatience sidetrack him?  It would seem so.  Yet God allowed him to continue as king for a long time – even after ordering Samuel to anoint David as king. Scholars and students alike have debated these issues for centuries.  

If nothing else, it shows us the purity of God's Word.  The faux paus and unrealized potential stories are not purged.  Even a dismal failure like Saul is recorded in lengthy chapters of this book of history.  The Bible doesn't hide the warts - it includes them for all to read and consider.    

To his credit, Saul did have a few victories.  His son, Jonathan, became David's best friend.  His daughter became David's first wife.  He proved himself to be a great fighter.  But he failed to follow and please God.  The most important thing!

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


 I've just taken three mornings to read through I Corinthians 15 in The Message Bible.  

A word about The Message Bible:  I know some don't like it.  I understand that.  As a pastor, I have some opinions about it - some favorable, others less so.  

This paraphrase by Eugene Peterson - who, by the way, was a teacher of Greek and Hebrew - is in the language of the 1990's.  It's common and earthy. 

Two things it has done that I appreciate:

1.  It has gotten people to read the Bible!

2.  It has helped us to understand difficult passages.

If, however, your intent is to study the Bible, then use a more trusted version like the New American Standard Version. 

I placed a post on Facebook yesterday about Isaiah 35 where the prophet speculates [under the inspiration of God] about Heaven.  My nephew and I have had a few back-and-forths about that post while I've been reading Paul's clarification about our heavenly bodies in I Corinthians 15.  

Some skeptic is sure to ask, “Show me how resurrection works. Give me a diagram; draw me a picture. What does this ‘resurrection body’ look like?” If you look at this question closely, you realize how absurd it is. There are no diagrams for this kind of thing. We do have a parallel experience in gardening. You plant a “dead” seed; soon there is a flourishing plant. There is no visual likeness between seed and plant. You could never guess what a tomato would look like by looking at a tomato seed. What we plant in the soil and what grows out of it don’t look anything alike. The dead body that we bury in the ground and the resurrection body that comes from it will be dramatically different[vs.35-38 TM]

I've probably read at least fifty books about Heaven.  Some are priceless while others are rubbish.  The scriptures say a lot more about Heaven than most of us realize.  Yet, specifics are harder to come by.  We are left to speculate, but that's okay to do.  I Corinthians 2:9 says:  (NASB)

Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered into the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.

Then I John 3:2 says:  (TM)

Who knows how we'll end up!  What we know is when Christ is openly revealed, we'll see him - and in seeing him, become like him.

You see, the Bible is full of hints.  We have permission to play with those hints and speculate and wonder...

C. S. Lewis did just that!  He speculates about Heaven big time in his series of books, THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA.  Others like his friend, J. R. R. Tolkein have done the same.  

In recent years we've had a flurry of books about supposed accounts of visiting Heaven during out-of-body experiences related to 'after death' experiences.  A few have been completely debunked.  I've read several of these.  In my humble opinion, they weigh an ounce while verses from the scripture weigh a ton!  

The more important matter here is one that I think is grossly missed by so many, in spite of the fact that Jesus said it repeatedly.  [John 11:26 NASB]

...everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die.

 John 8:51 (NASB)

Truly, truly I say to you, if anyone keeps my word he shall never see death.

Paul talks about it later in I Corinthians 15:50-52 (TM):

But let me tell you something wonderful, a mystery I'll probably never fully understand.  We're not all going to die - but we are all going to be changed.  You hear a blast to end all blasts from a trumpet, and in the time that you look up and blink your eyes - it's over.  On signal from that trumpet from heaven, the dead will be up and out of their graves, beyond the reach of death

What does this "going to be changed" imply?  I love speculating about what this will be like.  My nephew, Marshall, and I have been playing with it.  I know I've probably raised more questions than provided answers, but it's a topic worth thinking about.  

What seems clear is that what looks like death from our living end of things, is not really death.  Rather, a change has taken place!  That person who appears to us to be dead, has - if a believer - been transformed in a moment, the twinkling of an eye, to something NEW!  Something that is in some ways, like Jesus in His resurrected body!  [More about that to come...]

Keep in mind:  these glorious occurrences are only for those who believe.  The destination for those who did not believe is less desirable - certainly to be feared!  We must work while we still can to convince those who don't yet believe to change their hearts and embrace Jesus and His truth!  It's a matter of eternal consequence!






Thursday, February 17, 2022


This story comes from I Samuel 6.

Israel went to battle with the Philistines.  The Philistines won and captured the Chest of God!

It caused them lots of problems;  so much grief that they decided to give it back to the Israelites. 
To appease the God of Israel the Philistines created five golden tumors, five golden rats and placed them - along with the Chest of God - on a brand-new cart pulled by two cows that had never been harnessed.  

Meanwhile, they locked the cows' calves in a barn.

The Philistine leaders set the cows/cart loose thinking that if the cows went toward Israel, then the God of Israel was indeed leading them.  

This test of God was unlikely to succeed since the cows would surely turn toward the barn where their calves would be bellowing.

But, the cows apparently listened to God and headed straight for the town of Beth Shemish in Israel and stopped in the field - where harvesters were working - of a man named Joshua.!  The people quickly broke up the cart, made a fire of the wood and sacrificed the cows to God as a thank offering!  

God showed His sovereignty over nature by directing these cows where He wanted them to go!  The Philistine leaders learned a valuable lesson about GOD that day!  

Did God really direct these two cows?

Oh yes!  And if they listened to Him and obeyed Him - why don't you?

Wednesday, February 16, 2022


 I think we all enjoy seeing the bad guys do something that backfires!

We see that very thing happening toward the end of Matthew 27.  

After Jesus died on the cross, a man only mentioned a few times in the gospels, named Joseph, approached Pilate and asked for permission to claim the body of Jesus.

According to Luke (23:50) this Joseph was actually a member of the Jewish Council (Sanhedrin) who had voted against the decision to have Jesus crucified.  We are also told that he was a wealthy man and a secret follower of Jesus!  

It is likely, that because of these facts, Pilate - probably knowing Joseph - responded favorably to his request.

Joeph's actions are recorded simply:

  • Joseph took the body of Jesus
  • he wrapped it in clean linens
  • he put Jesus' body in his own newly cut tomb
  • he rolled a large stone across the entrance
Then he left.  [John's gospel tells us that Nicodemus - also a Sanhedrin member - assisted Joseph in these late afternoon actions.]

But Matthew wants us to know something more:   [27:62-66  TM]

After sundown, the high priests and Pharisees arranged a meeting with Pilate.  They said, "Sir, we just remembered that that liar announced while he was still alive, 'After three days I will be raised.'  We've got to get that tomb sealed until the third day.  There's a good chance his disciples will come and steal the corpse and then go around saying, 'He's risen from the dead.'  Then we'll be worse off than before, the final deceit surpassing the first.

Pilate told them, "You will have a guard.  Go ahead and secure it the best you can."  So they went out and secured the tomb, sealing the stone and posting guards.

Woo Hoo for the Pharisees!  They managed to get a Roman seal and a Roman guard set in place to guarantee the authenticity of the resurrection!  No one would ever be able to suggest that the disciples stole the body!  

Matthew is sure to report:   [28:1-4  TM]

After the Sabbath, as the first light of a new week dawned,...the earth reeled and God's angel came down from heaven...He rolled back the stone and then sat on it.  Shafts of lightning blazed from him.  His garments shimmered snow-white.  The guards at the tomb were scared to death.  They were so frightened, they couldn't move.

Isn't it just like our God to arrange things so magnificently?  Jesus' tomb ended up - thanks to the Pharisees - being guarded by first-century Navy Seals!  The stone was sealed under Roman authority!  No one would ever effectively be able to question the veracity of Christ's resurrection!  THANKS BE TO GOD!!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


I know that it's still two full weeks before Ash Wednesday, but my Bible reading schedule had me consider Matthew 27:27-56 this morning.  

How can you read this without being impacted with the pathos of these hours?

Pilate, having washed his hands of the manipulations of the priests and religious leaders, turned Barabbas loose and handed Jesus over to the soldiers to be crucified.

  • the soldiers mock Him
  • they strip Him
  • they place a red robe on Him
  • then comes the crown of thorns
  • they place a stick in His hand (as a mock scepter for the King of the Jews)
  • then, laughter, mocking and abuse
Next, Jesus is forced to carry His cross.  Unable to do so, Simon of Cyrene is strong-armed into carrying it for Jesus.

At the place of the crucifixion, He is offered a drink to help kill the pain;  He refused it.

In one sentence, Matthew reports that they nailed Him to the cross and gambled over His garments. We can be thankful that he spared us the details of this gruesome process.

They place a placard reading:  THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS.

Then, two criminals are crucified, one on each side of Jesus.

The crowd now jeers and mocks Jesus.  

The high priests, religion scholars and leaders join in the mockery.

Even the criminals mock Him!

Monday, February 14, 2022


This question is asked by Cain regarding the disappearance of his brother, Abel in Genesis 4:9.  Cain has killed his brother out of jealousy and anger and doesn't want to have to answer to God for his sin.  

The answer to the question is basically implied by God but is clarified as the scriptures unfold through the centuries.

Most of us remember the story of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah:  Jacob and Esau.  Esau, the first-born is eventually taken advantage of and then deceived by his younger brother, Jacob.  Esau naturally becomes vehemently angry with his brother with intentions of killing him [echoes of Cain and Abel].  

With intentions of saving Jacob, Isaac sends him back to the distant homeland of Rebekah to find a wife.  He is gone for twenty years and acquires - through much mistreatment by his father-in-law, Laban - two wives, a large family, and great wealth in flocks and servants.

God instructs him to return to his own homeland near Gilead in Canaan.  He returns in terrifying fear of his brother, Esau.  However, the meeting with Esau goes remarkably well.  It seems that over the years, God has softened his heart toward his brother.  He also has assimilated a sizeable wealth of his own in flocks and herds.

After this initial greeting, we read of no other collaborating between the brothers until the end of chapter 35, when Isaac dies.  Esau and Jacob come together to bury their father.  

As we continue to read through the Old Testament, we discover that the descendants of Esau become known as Edomites [Edom = red - possibly because of Esau's red hair or the red stew he traded his birthright for].  They settle in the land to the southeast of Canaan [eventually Israel], a mountainous region.  

The history between these two nations - Israel and Edom - is troubled.  Edom watches all the troubles that Israel experiences without ever stepping in to help!  

Jacob [eventually renamed, Israel] has twelve sons who become the twelve tribes of Israel.  Esau's descendants seem to live on with the bitterness cultivated in the early years of their forebears.  

Those who know the history of Israel as revealed in the Old Testament will remember the inconsistency of Israel's development.  Sometimes faithful and obedient;  other times rebellious and obstinate.  Eventually the nation is divided into two kingdoms:  the northern tribes (known as Israel and eventually Samaria) and the southern tribes (known as Judah).  After centuries of trying to form them into a righteous force in the world, God ultimately allows them both to fall to foreign oppressors:  Israel to the Assyrians in 722 B.C. and Judah to the Babylonians in 586 B.C.

After the prophesied time has elapsed, Israel is allowed to return and rebuild Jerusalem and the temple.  However, regression occurs, and the Old Testament ends with several hundred years of silence.

But, the story of animosity between these brothers is picked up by God through a prophet named Obadiah.  The dating of this one-chapter, Old Testament, minor prophet is debated since he failed to mention any clearly identifiable events in his writing.  Scholarly best guesses date the writing around 848 B.C. [about the time of the prophet Elijah].  

Obadiah's message to Edom is full of doom!  A sample (TM):

Your world will collapse!

You thought you were safe in your mountains.  But I'll bring you down!  Your friends will become your enemies!  Your heroes will desert you!  All because of your murderous history against your brother, Jacob.  You'll be looked down on by everyone.  You let strangers take your brother into exile.  Foreigners invaded Jerusalem - and you watched.  You gloated over your brother when he was down-and-out.

Ironically, the Edomites died helping to defend Israel in A.D.70 and were never heard of again.  

Saturday, February 12, 2022


In the summer, I think that I'll do some major sorting during the winter.  Then, winter passes and I think I'll set up a table in the garage and go through all my old files.  

I guess turning 70 has motivated me.  I just brought a box in from the garage and started going through it.  Now, if I sit down to write about everything I come across, this could take more years than I have left!  But, that's just what I'm doing.  ;-)

I came across a message I gave to a church that I formerly led upon the celebration of 100 years in ministry.  

I was surprised at the way I chose to handle that responsibility.  Rather than reflect on my years there and the fruitful ministry that we enjoyed, I used the opportunity to challenge the congregation regarding it's next 100 years!  

After reviewing where we'd gone and what we'd been doing since leaving this church, I spoke of the transitions Debbie and I had personally gone through.  Having recently de-nested, I said, "We're finding that life has joys, surprises and challenges that we never really thought much about until we got to this point in our lives."

"Having spoken some about the seasons of our marriage, I could also speak about the seasons of my ministry.  I realize now that there were qualities that I simply couldn't have at an earlier time in my life;  they needed to be cultivated by experience and time!"

I went on to speak of the fact that when I led this church, I knew nothing about computers.  I also longed to be a capable counselor;  however, that couldn't emerge until I went to school for a second master's degree and added some years to my life.  

At the time Debbie and I were operating a 'shelter home' for behaviourally challenged children.  We were also deeply involved in a growing church that was actively pursuing many frontline ministries.  

I said, "To be honest, we don't have much time to reflect on the past, because we're too excited about living in the present and planning for the future!  We could say with the Apostle Paul, '...forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, (we) press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.'  That would be my greatest interest in returning to be with you today.  I have minimal interest in reflecting on the good times of our shared past.  My greatest interest is in knowing what you are up to today and how you are planning to cooperate with God in the future to make an impact on His world!  

  • How are you doing ministry today?
  • How are you trying to impact the lives of lost people?
  • How are you coming alongside of new believers to train them in the Christian way?
  • How are you communicating the gospel to a culture that is clearly post-Christian?
  • How are you maintaining relevance in a world that has gone beyond ambivalence and is now openly hostile to the Christian faith?
  • How is God helping you to get this work done?
I heard a quote on Christian radio this week:  'Although we are not to be judges of one another, we are to be fruit-inspectors.'  
  • Where do you see God working in your area?
  • How are you planning to join Him in His work?
  • Where are you investing His resources with the hope of gaining a return on your investment?
  • How is He blessing you?
  • Who are the newest believers among you?"
I told of Debbie and me crossing paths with friends from a previous period of our ministry:  "We were nearly overwhelmed by the weariness we sensed from them.  We could tell that they had lost the excitement of working in the harvest.  They seemed to have surrendered to a world that had passed them by.  Their joy was drained and their vision gone!  

The apostle Peter quoted Joel in his Pentecost message:
'In the Last Days,' God says,
'I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people.
Your sons will prophesy, also your daughters;  
Your young men will see visions,
your old men dream dreams.
When the time comes, I'll pour out my Spirit
on those who serve me, men and women both,
and they'll prophesy...
And whoever calls out for help to me, God, will be saved.'

You can take all kinds of messages from this passage.  What I take is that the work of God is never finished.  In every generation, God is calling and equipping people to join Him in His work.  There is a place for all of us:  old and young, men and women.  God is never distracted from His work of drawing all people to Himself!  He is always inviting us to join Him in His work.  We have the privilege of partnering with God in His mission of seeking, saving and equipping the lost people in His world.  It is an exciting prospect and a great adventure!

Our task as individuals is to stay in close relationship with the Father so that we can discern His activity and call - then respond obediently by joining Him in His work!  Our task as a church is similar:  We, also, have to stay in unity and in close relationship with God so that we can discern where He is working and how we can join Him!"

I recently received a 'Thank You' note from those who are responsible for several missionaries that we support.  It included the following:  "Last year (2021) over 500 new churches and groups were started across Asia.  Over 8,500 people found faith in Jesus that we know of through our ministries."

After giving thanks for this fruitful report, I groaned inwardly because we don't hear of this kind of growth here in the United States.  Now, granted, I don't travel as widely as I once did.  I am not as 'connected' as I once was.  Still, I have to say that other than growing through 'transfer growth', I only know of one church that is actually impacting its community and seeing lost people come to Christ!  

Where is the light on a lampstand?  Where is the salt that flavors and improves its world?  A quick glance in our day and in our culture would seem to indicate that the church (us) has taken refuge within its four walls!  God help us!  

Friday, February 11, 2022


 In Job 28, he explains to his friends that Wisdom cannot be found in the depths of the earth where gold, copper, sapphires and gems are found.  He declares that mortals don’t have a clue where to find Wisdom.  It can’t be bought.  It can’t be traded for.  In verse 19 ™, he says, “Pile gold and African diamonds as high as you will, they can’t hold a candle to Wisdom.”

He queries:  (v.20  TM)  “So where does Wisdom come from?  And where does Insight live?”  The answer is given in verse 23 ™ “God alone knows the way to Wisdom;  He knows the exact places to find it.”  Job repeats the source of wisdom in the last verse of the chapter:   “Then (God) addressed the human race – Here it is!  Fear-of-the-Lord – that’s Wisdom, and Insight means shunning evil.”  

I’ve been feeling pretty low lately.  Yesterday, while driving for Door Dash (my new job), things weren’t going well.  Eventually, I texted Debbie and told her I was having an awful morning.  I asked her to pray for me.  I then received the following text: 



I love you, too.  You are my man, the love of my life.  



O Lord!

I certainly don’t seek wisdom often enough!  I seem convinced that I have enough wisdom resulting from my studies and my life experiences.  How wrong!  How ignorant!  How presumptuous!  How ARROGANT!  The wisdom I have gained over the years is puny compared to Your Wisdom! 

By relying only on my own wisdom, I condemn myself to a life that is far short of what You may desire for me – and have planned for me.  How sad this must make You!  How often You must call my name:  “Hal!”  “Hal!”  “Come aside!  Seek Me!  Let Me guide you!”  God, how often You must feel neglected, disappointed, and rejected because I spurn that which You offer so willingly and freely!

Help me to wake up, Lord!  Remind me of how available You are and how willing to guide, provide, and protect me.  There are endless stories of my shortcomings, my humiliations and my failures.  Whatever achievements I have accomplished surely came during times when I was leaning heavy on You!  Why can’t I learn from this?

Let me say it clear and plain:  I need wisdom!  I need it daily!  Without Your wisdom, guidance, provision and protection – I am destined to suffer and falter.  Help me to hit my knees daily and cry out for Your help!  Anchor this desperate need in the core of my being.    AMEN.

PS – Lord:  Thank You for giving me Debbie – she’s my greatest treasure!

Thursday, February 10, 2022


While reading I Samuel 1, I noticed an incident of pastoral counseling. 

Hannah is barren.  Her husband, Elkanah, loves her dearly.  However, Elkanah’s other wife, Peninnah, taunts Hannah relentlessly. 

Hannah is distraught.

On a yearly trip to worship God and make sacrifices, Hannah “slipped away quietly and entered the sanctuary."  Eli is on duty at the time. 

“Crushed in soul, Hannah prayed to GOD and cried and cried – inconsolably.  Then she made a vow” that if God answered her prayer for a son, she would dedicate the son to the Lord’s service! 

Now, her praying was silent – only her lips moved.  Eli was watching and assumed that she was drunk.  He began to reprimand her. 

She explained her situation, “Don’t for a minute think that I’m a bad woman.  It’s because I’m so desperately unhappy and in such pain that I’ve stayed here so long.” 

Eli answered her, “Go in peace.  And may the God of Israel give you what you have asked of him.”


It’s a brief encounter between a suffering woman and a leader who has a pastor’s heart.  

She is hurting deeply and, in desperation, cries out to God. 

The pastor/counselor intervenes – even if out of a misunderstanding of the situation. 

She explains her plight to him.  He listens attentively and sees the depth of her pain. 

She tells him of the vow she’s just made.

He senses her sincerity. 

Having completely bared herself to him, he offers her consolation and the peace of God, adding his own prayer that her cry will be answered by Almighty God! 

Upon returning home, Elkanah sleeps with Hannah and she conceives a son.  Samuel [‘I asked God for him’] is born within the year.  She nurtures him for several years and then takes him to Eli to enter the service of God! 

Samuel becomes the last ‘Judge’ of Israel and a great prophet who anoints the first two kings of Israel:  Saul and David! 


Over the years, since obtaining my counseling degree, I’ve been privileged to work with hundreds of couples, many families and individuals!  Some of those relationships were brief, others long-lasting.  Some of these relationships were beneficial, producing greater health, satisfaction and new direction. 

I wasn’t always able to connect with people.  I’ve consistently taught that there are many factors involved in connecting with a counselor.  If one isn’t able to help, don’t give up!  Try again with a different counselor!  They vary in skill, personality, approach, experience, and compassion – trying only one is potentially depriving yourself of the help you so desperately need! 

I’ve personally turned to counselors a number of times in my life and have been helped by their intervention. 

It can be very rewarding to gain a new perspective on your situation and be given previously unconsidered options for your problem or dilemma.  

Regaining a sense of understanding and balance in your life is vitally satisfying!  Peace is restored.  Joy is renewed.  Hope is re-ignited.  Prayers are answered.  Thanks be to God! 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


Over my many years of counseling, I've dealt with lots of people who were aware that they didn't receive their parents' blessing.  They grew up knowing that the blessing went to a sibling instead.  The pain that accompanies this realization is difficult to accept and live with.  Most will continue - sometimes throughout their entire life - to try to get this blessing!  In most cases, it will never come.  Sad!

Receiving the blessing of a parent is of major consequence!  We all want to know that we are special to our parents.  

I gave a Lyft to a mother and her young daughter several months ago.  The little girl was dressed so cute and she seemed to have a sweet disposition;  but she had done something that morning that angered her mother.  The whole 8-minute ride, she yelled at this precious little one and demeaned her.  I cringed as this little girl was called horrible names.  Then, she was told, "I may not come after you today.  I'm sick of you!"  I prayed for this little treasure all day long!  

Children want to - need to - be loved!  How many times have you seen a child call - over and over and over - "Mommy, watch me!  or "Daddy, watch me!"  They just want to be recognized.  They're begging!  "Mommy, Daddy, please recognize me and tell me that I'm special!"  So many are forced to live invisible lives.  

Genesis 28 gives a vivid picture of this.  Jacob has stolen Esau's (his older brother's) birthright and blessing!  It was wrong to do so and involved deception that included their mother's scheming!  Esau is hurt and angry - these two always go together!  When their father, Isaac calls Jacob in and sends him away to find a wife who is not a Hittite, Esau learns of this.  He has already taken two wives from among the Hittites and is over forty years old!  

But that desire to be accepted and loved runs deep and long!  As a result, Esau takes a third wife - this time from among the family connection of his uncle Ishmael.  His reasoning is clear!  "If I marry a woman from the family - who is not a Hittite - perhaps I will finally get the blessing of my father and mother?"  But these hopeful responses rarely work.  

Fortunately, as the chapters unfold, we eventually see an Esau who seems to have accepted his plight in life.  He seems to have found a way to be satisfied without having received the blessing of his parents.

But most will continue to strive and try to get that blessing.  Ultimately, they will give up using good behavior and turn to bad behavior in an effort to get their parents' attention!  Lives are destroyed in the process!

Parents!  Listen to your children!  Give them your attention!  Praise them!  Help them to know how special they are.  Help them discover their areas of giftedness.  Picture a bright future for them!  Hold them tenderly.  

A word of advice from an old guy:  Bedtime is a great time to do this!  Children are often reflective at this time.  Ask them about their day.  

  • What was the best thing that happened today?
  • Did anything funny happen today?
  • Were you sad at all today?
  • How can Mommy (or Daddy) pray for you as you go to sleep?
I know!  You're tired at this point of the day!  You just want to get them to bed so you can have some time to yourself.  I understand.  That's why - in our family - I often was the one to put our kids to bed.  It was my gift to Debbie!  I had more energy than she did.  I hadn't been with them all day long.  We would tickle and wrestle and talk and then pray!  I had a special prayer that I used with each of them.

One more word of counsel:  don't stop doing this when they grow older!  As long as they'll let you, put them to bed.  We tend to think that teens don't need us as much as they did when they were younger.  WRONG!  They need us more!  Be available!  Let them talk!  Listen to them!  Make gentle inquiries.  Never let an opportunity to pray with them pass!  

Make time for each of your kids!  Single them out for special time toegether!  Make sure they ALL get your blessing!  

Monday, February 7, 2022


A summary of Genesis 27:
Isaac is close to dying. 
He instructs his first-born son, Esau, to prepare a wild game meal and be ready to receive his  blessing. 
Rebekah, Isaac's wife, overhears the conversation.
Loving Jacob more, she coaches the younger son to deceive his father by impersonating his brother and stealing Esau's blessing.   
Jacob pulls it off - even though Isaac seems suspicious. 
Esau returns and discovers what has happened.  He is desperately disappointed and furious. 
He vows to kill Jacob after Isaac's death. 
Rebekah schemes to have Jacob sent to live with her brother, Laban, until Esau's temper cools.  She doesn't want him to marry a Hitite woman.


Previous glimpses of this marriage were positive in nature.  Isaac and Rebekah appeared to have a good marriage when they were younger.  But, with the birth of children, they apparently grew distant.  According to Genesis 25:28, Isaac loved Esau while Rebekah loved Jacob.   This is a recipe for disaster.  To be healthy, wealthy and wise, children need the love and attention of both father and mother!  That's why God designed marriage the way He did!  We do not have the luxury of loving one child more than the other!  

The world can be harsh!  Children will need the love and devotion of both parents to be able to make it!  Gary Smalley and John Trent claim that there are five elements to the blessing that we must provide to EACH of our children:  [THE BLESSING, 2004, Thomas Nelson Publishing]

  • meaningful touch
  • spoken words
  • expressing high value
  • picturing a special future, and
  • active commitment

When they are deprived any of these from either parent, the potential for maladjustment is increased!  

Parents must pull together to raise children in a healthy, fair, balanced environment!  Competition has its place, but siblings need to be taught that they are on the same team!  Playing 'favorites' will inevitably create jealousy, animosity and meanness!  These are destructive forces that can and will destroy relationships and lives!  

Isaac may not have understood this since he was raised as an only child.  He put great stock in the belief that the blessing went to the first-born son.  Rebekan, on the other hand, had been told by God [25:23] while her twins were still in her womb, that the older child would serve the younger.  Perhaps she was simply guilty of trying to facilitate God's revealed will.  

Rebekah's character is exposed, however, in this story.  She is an eavesdropper and a schemer who clearly acts to deceive her husband.  Although her intentions may have been right, her actions were clearly not!  

There's another point that often eludes us in this passage.  According to Isaac's blessing of Jacob, there were other brothers as well!  [27:29]

Be master of your brothers and may your mother's sons bow down to you.

How were these other children affected by this conspiratorial act?  

Isaac and Rebekah failed to cultivate a closeness and shared concern for their children.  They had apparently allowed their relationship to stagnate and develop into petty rivalries.  How sad!  The damage of such a development is always manifested in the lives of the children!  

Don't let this happen in your family!  Stay close and committed in your parenting goals.  Love one another openly and genuinely;  it is the best way to maintain health, comfort and confidence in the lives of your children!  Together, give them the blessing by studying and implementing Smalley and Trent's list [above].  

And PRAY!  Pray for wisdom, guidance, unity and grace!  Pray together!  Pray together for your children!  Pray with your children!  Never stop praying with them - even when they mature and leave home!  Keep passing them the blessing as long as you live!   

Sunday, February 6, 2022


Not too many people are interested in reading from the minor prophets.  But like the whole of scripture, sometimes their lessons are extremely relevant.  

Amos writes around the year 755 B.C.  

Now, you may say, "How can anything written that long ago be relevant in the 21st century A.D.?"  

This was a period in history when Israel was prospering.  Uzziah was the king of Judah [southern tribes].  He fortified Jerusalem and had subdued the Philistines, the Ammonites and the Edomites.  During these years Assyria, Babylonia, Syria and Egypt were relatively weak.  

Amos was delivering a message that "Catastrophe is just around the corner."  [6:2 TM]   In the following verses he tells the people:

  • you live in luxury and expect others to serve you.
  • you live only for today.
  • you're indifferent to the fate of others.
  • you think life is a party.
  • you're addicted to feeling good - a life without pain.
  • you're obsessed with looking good - life without wrinkles.
  • you couldn't care less about your country going to ruins.
Then, Amos warns:  [vs.7f  TM]
"But here's what's really coming."  You're going to experience "a forced march into exile."  

Then, in verse 14, "Enjoy it while you can, you Israelites [northern tribes].  I've got a pagan army on the move against you...this is your GOD speaking, God-of-the-Angel-Armies - and they'll make hash of you, from one end of the country to the other."  

Hosea obviously foresees the fall of Israel [the northern tribes] to Assyria in 722 B.C which occurs thirty-three years after his prophecy.  Judah [southern tribes] will last another one-hundred-thirty-five years before it falls to Babylon!  Frequently during these Old Testament times, a prophet was called a 'seer'.  Somehow, by the choice of God, they were enabled to foresee - and therefore describe - future events!  

Apparently, Amos saw the sun being turned off in the middle of the day (Amos 8:9).  Because of the clockwork order and consistency of the heavenly bodies, we know that a solar eclipse took place in Israel [northern tribes] on June 15, 763 B.C.  Did this event rattle any Israelites and make them consider that possibly Amos was delivering a real message from God?

His message was very clear.  In 5:14-16 [TM], he says:
Seek good and not evil - and live!
You talk about GOD, the God-of-the-Angel-Armies, being your best friend.
Well, live like it, and maybe it will happen.
Hate evil and love good...
God wants to hear a great, loud lament!

Verses 21-24 [TM]   [Hosea speaking for God]
I can't stand your religious meetings.
I'm fed up with your conferences and conventions.
I want nothing to do with your religion projects, your pretentious slogans and goals.
I'm sick of your fund-raising schemes, your public relations and image making.
I've had all I can take of your noisy ego-music.  
When was the last time you sang to me?  Do you know what I want?  
I want justice - oceans of it.
I want fairness - rivers of it.
That's what I want.  That's all I want.

As you know, Israel [northern tribes] and Judah [southern tribes] failed to respond to the messages of the prophets.  Both were carried away into exile after oft-repeated attempts to reach them by God!  

If you've stayed with me this far, I have only one more observation:

This all sounds remarkably relevant to the United States in 2022!  Read the above descriptions again.  It seems ridiculous to us that we would ever be carried away into exile.  That's what the people of Israel and Judah thought too!  Could God - likewise - be fed up with the mediocrity and predictability of our worship and faith?  

Has the message of Amos been preserved just for our benefit?  It makes you wonder...

Friday, February 4, 2022


God starts teaching us about the importance of legacy from the very beginning and continues throughout His Word.

He begins in the lives of the first sons born to Adam and Eve.  Cain ends up getting very jealous of his brother, Abel, and kills him.  In time, Adam and Eve have another son and name him Seth.  Seven generations after Cain, comes a descendent named Lamech.  Lamech killed a man who wounded him.  A legacy of anger and jealousy was embedded.  However, seven generations after Seth, came a man named Enoch.  Enoch walked steadily with God. And then one day he was simply gone: God took him [Genesis 5:24 TM].  Clearly a righteous legacy was established in Seth's line.

But God was persistent about teaching this principle.  Twenty chapters later, we read about Jacob and Esau.  Esau was Isaac's oldest son and he loved Esau.  But Esau was foolish and impetuous.  The birthright of a firstborn was a very special blessing in his day.  However, he sold his birthright to his younger brother, Jacob, for a bowl of stew when returning from a hunting trip.  Rebekah loved Jacob, revealing unhealthy parenting of these two boys.  This man - who wrestled in the womb with his brother - became a deceiver and suffered much for this trait.  Eventually, however - and this is very significant - Jacob wrestles with God and experiences a transformation!  Through this divine intervention, he is renamed 'Israel' and becomes the father of the twelve tribes!  

The lesson we learn here is that God can interrupt and change the effect of a legacy - IF WE ALLOW HIM!

David is another illustration of the power of legacy.  Being a man after God's heart, we see him chosen by God to be king of Israel.  However, he chooses adultery and conspiracy to commit murder.  His legacy turns bitter as a result!  Incest haunts the royal palace and his sons scheme to kill one another.  A legacy that started out so well and enjoyed the blessing of God, in a short time turned sour and became a sordid story of violence and perversion.

A legacy is a delicate yet critical pattern of behavior.  What most of us fail to understand is that all our actions, decisions, habits and responses contribute to the formation of our legacy.  Even those secret, hidden thoughts and actions!  The formation of legacy is knitted into the fabric of living more deeply than we tend to realize.  Everything we think, do and say contributes to our legacy.  We see our idiosyncrasies begin to surface in our children when they're quite young.  By adolescence, their course has been partially determined by our influence in their lives.  Free will still exists!  They - like us - get to make decisions that could alter their course.  

There are many factors that come into play:  free will, God's Will, reason, desperation, prayer, divine encounters and many more.  

Regardless of our age or stage of life, we must systematically evaluate the impact of our lives on others - especially those closest to us!  

Gracious God,

Each of us creates and sustains a legacy.
None of us are completely satisfied with the legacy we've established.
We have regrets.
We harbor secret thoughts and actions.
We conceal meanness, jealousy, hatred, envy and so much more.
We want to do better.
We have Your living, Holy Spirit within us who never fails to point out sinful thoughts and behaviors. Help us to listen and heed His promptings.
We want to leave a godly imprint on those we influence every day!

For the Kingdom's sake.  Amen.