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Sunday, December 10, 2023


While sitting in my Sunday School class this morning studying the first chapter of Luke, I had a train of thoughts that rattled my thinking.

The period of the Old Testament prophets ran from approximately 930 – 500 B.C. The Old Testament closes a little over four hundred years before Christ (about 425 BC) with the Jewish people being partially restored to their land, and living under the dominion of the Persian Empire.

Then came four hundred years of silence. During these years, Israel was under the dominion of Persia, Greece, and Rome.  Alexander the Great insisted on Greek as a common language.  Consequently, our New Testament was written in Greek!  The world largely enjoyed a period of peace as the Romans ruled a massive empire from 27 B.C. until 180 A.D. A worldwide system of roads and transportation built by the Romans allowed efficient travel for military, trade, and the populace – including eventually missionaries like Paul, Barnabas, Luke and others.

But spiritually, not much happened and no canonical writings emerged. 

But suddenly, as B.C. was about to be restarted as A.D. the spiritual tectonic plates seemed to begin to shift!

This change was demonstrated in a number of ways:

·         Some scholars – who were especially attuned to the movement of the heavenly bodies – noticed things happening in the eastern sky that indicated to them that a new king was about to be born in the east.  Curious, and driven by God, they embarked on a long and arduous journey from Persia to Bethlehem.

·         A small town priest named Zacharias was drafted to perform a priestly service.  While he was in the Temple doing so, an angel appeared to him to report that his prayer had been heard and his aged wife would become pregnant and bear him a very special son, and he was to name him John.   

·         Shortly after this, an angel appeared to a young woman from Nazareth, named Mary.  He announced that she would soon become pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit and she would eventually bear the Son of God. 

·         Mary immediately travelled to visit her family – Zacharias and Elizabeth - in the hill country of Galilee.  When she arrived, Elizabeth also broke out in a prophetic-like utterance.  She was divinely enabled to know that Mary was pregnant with the Messiah and honored her [Luke 1:42-45]! 

·         Although it is often undervalued, Mary uttered prophetic words that are still considered sacred many years later.  We know her statement as the Magnificat [Luke 1:46-56].

·         Shortly after, Elizabeth gave birth to John.  The Holy Spirit touched Zacharias and he burst forth in an ecstatic utterance with prophetic significance [Luke 1:67-79]!

·         Sometime following, Mary’s husband-to-be, Joseph, also received a visit from an angel who informed him that Mary’s pregnancy was of God and that he should go ahead and take her as his wife!  That angel reappeared to Joseph numerous times over the years to guide him and protect the young child!

·         About two years after Jesus’ birth, the Persian wise men arrived in Bethlehem and visited the young child and His parents.  They bestowed on the young family extravagant gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Then, they were warned in a dream to avoid returning to Herod to report what they had seen and where!

Not much would happen for the next couple of decades while John and Jesus grew up and matured.

However, John – who became known as a fiery wilderness preacher – began to proclaim the coming of the Messiah! His message: “I baptized you with water; but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” [Mark 1:8].

Then – finally – Mark 1:9,14 records that “In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan…Now after John had been taken into custody, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’”

To complete our train of thought, we must acknowledge that the three years of Jesus’ public ministry were marked by a massive wave of spiritual activity.  Some was directed through demons and spiritual oppression.  The rest was orchestrated through the political and religious structures of that day! 


Thursday, December 7, 2023


I recently re-read a book from my shelves:  THE NEXT CHRISTIANS: How a New Generation is Restoring the Faith, copyright 2010, by Gabe Lyons.  I'm going to deliberately keep it out on my desk for a good while so that I can flip through it and reexamine the many underlined passages.  

The book slowly exposed me in areas that were painful and awakening.  I am deeply challenged by its message and find myself wanting to evolve into a 'Next Christian'.  I have a long way to go and will have to reengage myself regularly if I hope to activate this transformation.

Although I graduated from a seminary that espoused four major branches of theology [Feminist, Calvinist, Progressive, Libertion]. I managed to emerge with my Wesleyan faith-base intact.  I think this was enabled by the fact that the United Methodist Church was sending a lot of their theology students to this school, which created a tolerance for the Wesleyan perspective.  :-)

I emerged from the process as an innovative thinker, cooperative leader, and biblically-based teacher.  Having been raised in the Free Methodist Church, I found it to be a suitable and comfortable base of operation throughout the years, although I currently worship in an evangelical Presbyterian church.  My sources of influence have been eclectic: 

  • a Free Methodist college
  • a United Methodist seminary
  • a liberal Presbyterian seminary
  • a charismatic Catholic university
  • and a host of friends and associates from a wide variety of Christian-faith-based backgrounds!  
I consequently emerged as a firmly entrenched theological mongrel with a mainstream way of thinking.  I was comfortable and even effective as a result of these processes.

But Gabe Lyons book began to rattle and disturb my comfort zone.  He had a subtle way of showing me that I am judgmental, proud, and ineffective when it comes to engaging those who disagree with my paradigms.  

My activism has often resorted to boycotts, picketing and letter-writing campaigns.  This approach nearly cost my son (Travis) an education at the United States Naval Academy [but that's a story I've told elsewhere].  I was proud of this approach - until I read THE NEXT CHRISTIAN.  This book unpeeled the roots of my exclusivism, anger, and stubbornness!  I'm hopeful that - even at this late stage of my life - I might be able to change my approach to things I don't like or understand.

I want to break the patterns of rigid thinking and express patience, a desire to know and understand and a renewed passion for a restoring impact!  

Unless you've read the book, it's a challenge for me to convey its message in a brief space.  Perhaps a quote from page 75 will suffice [or at least plant a seed].

No one - Christian included - can avoid all contact with potentially corrupting people, systems, and influences.  For everyday followers of Jesus, this tension begs the question: How should Christians react when placed in an environment that celebrates sin, overlooks injustice, or tolerates immorality?

[I think ALL of us would agree that this is a relevant question for our day!] 

Michael Metzger has said, "When confronted with the corruption of our world - Christians ought to be provoked, not offended and withdrawn."

In contrast, classic Separatist Christians (the insiders, culture warriors, and evangelizers) are often offended by corruption.  Characterized by their lifestyle choices, these Christians tend to remove themselves from potentially harmful situations - citing their disgust of immorality or their pursuit of holiness as the reason.  As is consistent with their perspective, they condemn, judge, withdraw, and boycott.  They play the paradoxical role of antagonist instead of the sacrificial pursuer. 

In my copy of this book, you will see the word "OUCH!" penned in my script!

All these years, I've been offended and withdrawn - hoping to punish evil and withdrawing from its presence!  How un-Christ-like of me!  How Pharisaical!  God, help me to change!

Lyons gives many examples of 'Next Christians' working within our culture [and other cultures] to bring a spiritual restoration to situations and environments.  

I reflect on my years of ministry with a mix of pride and remorse.  I'm grateful that due to training, education and excellent role models, I did a lot of things right!  However, I lament that I dropped the ball when it comes to having a restorative impact on the culture!  I will try to do better in the years I have left.  

It's hard to capture the essence of a 200-page book in this brief forum.  If this blog has tickled or unnerved anything within you - perhaps you'd like to get a copy and read it?  

Sunday, November 26, 2023


We may never be able to determine the full impact that the COVID 19 pandemic had on the church worldwide. 

One facet alone is that almost every church had to quickly discover how to project worship services online!  For small congregations with limited resources and little or no equipment, this was a major stretch.  

We’ve all likely seen poorly produced worship services with many empty seats and little zoom capability.

Churches that had already begun to use the internet had a huge leap on all others!  Some were quite adept and polished in their presentations.  Using multiple cameras, on-stage cameras, a coordinated mixer and the ability to fuse camera shots became the dream of all. 

Congregants were taught to worship from home in the same way that workers were encouraged to work from home!   Churches suffered from a lack of attendance.  Churches closed because of a dearth of tithes and offerings! 

In many places, evangelism faltered as churches struggled just to keep the doors open! 

Even now, with the pandemic behind us, the church continues to struggle in many places.  Congregants always have the option of staying home to worship.  Does that really substitute for the exchange of greetings, fellowship, and contagion that results from worshiping in a ‘live’ environment?  This question could be actively debated. 

I read regularly of the goals and growth of my home denomination across Asia.  Pictures are posted almost daily of new believers being baptized into the body of Christ.  A goal has been set for a million new believers in the next several years!  Country leaders are ‘zooming’ prayer and strategy meetings as they encourage one another.  Large groups are being impacted as a result. 

But we rarely hear of or see this kind of growth and impact in the United States.  It is happening in rare pockets that have resisted the lethargy of sameness that has infected the American Church!  Copying successful platforms and models has been debilitating to the church for several decades now!  Local creativity and adjustment is listless!  Those who are innovative and quickly adjust to the needs and desires of their people are thriving and few! 

No paradigm will work in every situation!

Our buildings are considered a blessing, but the church’s greatest days – the first four centuries – had no buildings!  This is a fact that we often overlook!  During a pandemic, a building becomes an albatross! 

I have written about the ‘house-church movement’ in other places.  It is a viable alternative for the American Church that will not likely evolve because of our dependence on our facilities!  Yet it is exploding across Asia and has been for multiple decades! 

What will it take to see similar growth and life in the American Church? 

If you’re in an environment where convert growth is occurring – REJOICE!!!!!  Not only rejoice, but enlist in the momentous task of mentoring, coaching and befriending these new converts!  Your own life will be indelibly impacted as you walk alongside someone who is exploring the faith in all its newness! 

If you’re not in a place where vital faith is being expressed and experienced and new converts are coming in line with Christ – TWO OPTIONS:

1.       Talk with leaders and others from your church!  See if there is any interest in seeing a Spirit-Renewal.  Could an investment of energy and effort make a difference.  Will the structure of your church allow for this to occur?  God can bring revival ANYWHERE!  Are others seeking something more meaningful?  Are others discontent?  Is this just a drought period?  Is there a history of vibrancy that could be renewed?

2.       If you deem that it is not likely that renewal will occur where you are, then SEARCH!   Your own spiritual health and ultimate destination may depend on it!  Find a group who share your concerns and desires.  Be genuine!  Get close to God and His Word!  Share openly and honestly.  Become a God-directed catalyst for the development of something that will shake the earth and birth new lambs! 

Nothing will catalyze your life (and the life of your family) more than involvement in a vibrant, faith-filled, body of believers who are intent on seeing God’s will be done and His mission accomplished! 

Friday, November 17, 2023


Colossians 2:6-7  [NASB]

"Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude."

Two brief verses, yet so much implied!


This life-changing, transforming relationship begins with receiving Christ Jesus as Lord.  That reflects the opening of one’s heart to receive Jesus as Lord!  Although we don’t understand all of the implications of that when we initially make the decision, we have put our feet on a path that will have massive implications! 


Start walking with Him!  This is a dynamic relationship that includes give-and-take.  Open frequent dialogue with Him!  Start and end your day in conversation with Him.  Ask for help or guidance when you need it.  Listen for His warnings and counsel.


Engage in the discipleship process enthusiastically.  It helps to have a guide with skin on; someone who can show you the footsteps and explain the reasoning.  Sometimes it is a class, but a one-on-one relationship is most effective.  Someone who can ask you the hard questions and respond reasonably to the tough questions you have!  It inevitably involves engagement with the Word of God!


With time, effort and persistence, you become established in your faith!  This process cannot be rushed!  Other believers will affirm this reality when it begins to show itself.  It must not generate pride or arrogance.  As this goal is reached, we are now eager to help others navigate the early steps of engaging the faith!


This process culminates and is oiled by frequent – nearly constant – expressions of gratitude and thanksgiving to God!  He has orchestrated this entire process and we owe Him everything!  Our worship is a manifestation of our thanksgiving! 


Where are you in this clear process of maturing in our faith?

Take note:  each step has pitfalls!

1.      Some make the commitment to serve Christ – but then never really start walking with Him.

2.      Others experience the joy of walking with Him, but easily and quickly get drawn back into old patterns of behavior.

3.      It’s very easy to give up if a person doesn’t enter into the process of engaging the Word and growing through accountability.  Spiritual immaturity is common in the American church!

4.      There is no time limit or final test to tell you that you have arrived at spiritual maturity!  It requires great patience and submission.  Too much desire can actually delay this process. 

5.      Reaching spiritual maturity is not the goal!  Too many believers fail to recognize this!  The goal is reproducing the faith you have acquired in a seeking person!  This takes courage and boldness.  The vast majority of American believers have never made it this far!  The joy of walking another person through this process is remarkably satisfying!  It also brings great joy to Jesus!



 Ã˜  Churches make a great deal out of membership!  A long list of questions are usually required with commitments of allegiance to a denomination.  I am hard-pressed to find much in scripture that relates to this process.  I’ve advocated consistently that the only two questions that should be required are:

1.      Are you determined to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength?

2.      Are you persistently purposed to love your neighbors as you love yourself?

 Ã˜  I grew a great deal over my ministry years.  Eventually I came to the place where after preaching, I made a clear explanation of how to receive Christ as your Savior and Lord!  Answer the question: “How do I become a Christian?”  Make it clear!  Give an opportunity for people to respond!!!!!  Making a public expression of enlisting with Christ helps to set our course and resolve! 

Too many times, a pastor gives a great message and then calls for the offering.  What does this say to new people who might be present?  It’s time to pay the church’s bills?  Are you kidding me?  Where is the call to discipleship?  Where is the opportunity to indicate a public confession? 

Ø  Those who are effective at progressing through the above steps of faith should be recognized.  Not by positions of leadership, however.  Positions of leadership in the church will likely remove them from the crucial interactions with lost people, and instead deploy them to serve the predictable tasks of the local church.  When a pastor recognizes that a person has excelled through discipleship and become a major influencer for Christ, the last thing we want to do is distract them from their soul-saving mission!  There are plenty of others who have not yet matured to this point who can take and count the offering, serve communion, be greeters, and populate the many committees of the church. 

We must think through these things and use wisdom in deploying the assets and resources that God has placed within our influence!  We will be held accountable for the way we utilize our people!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Colossians 1:6-8

As Paul continues his opening lines to the Colossian people, he reminds them of how they initially heard the gospel.  It was through the efforts of a friend of Paul’s named Epaphras.  He is simply described as being a faithful servant of Christ and a close associate of the Apostle Paul. 

Let’s take note of this!  Epaphras had seen Paul at work and apparently caught his enthusiasm for spreading the gospel.  Being especially drawn to the people of Colosse, he went there to share what he had learned from Paul.  It caught on and a church was established for the glory of God! 

Paul writes this to the Colossians and uses it as an example of what is always going on regarding the gospel:

“The Message is as true among you today as when you first heard it. It doesn’t diminish or weaken over time. It’s the same all over the world. The Message bears fruit and gets larger and stronger, just as it has in you. From the very first day you heard and recognized the truth of what God is doing, you’ve been hungry for more. It’s as vigorous in you now as when you learned it…” [v.6 TM]

 In case you don’t trust The Message for accuracy, here it is from the New American Standard Bible:


“…the gospel which has come to you, just as in all the world also it is constantly bearing fruit and increasing, even as it has been doing in you also since the day you heard of it and understood the grace of God in truth…” [v.6]


Let’s observe some truths from this passage:

·         The Message doesn’t diminish or weaken over time!

·         The gospel is constantly bearing fruit and increasing.

·         After the Colossians heard and recognized the truth of what God is doing, they were hungry for more!


1.      Is the gospel constantly bearing fruit and increasing in your life?  In your church?

2.      Since recognizing the truth of what God is doing, are you hungry for more?


Obviously, I believe these scriptures are true!  I believe the gospel is bearing fruit and getting stronger all over the world today – just not in the United States!  Here, we see almost universal decline in the church.  Here, we seem to have been seriously distracted and divided.  Perhaps like the church at Ephesus [Revelation 2:4], we’ve left our first love? 

Early in every year – as a pastor – I had to fill out a detailed ‘annual report.  It was one of my least favorite things to do!  Especially when it came to the line recording new converts!  There were more years than I care to acknowledge that I had to put a goose-egg on that line. 

We’d functioned fully as a church. Held worship services fifty-two Sundays of the year.  Sponsored revival meetings.  Prayed. Talked about evangelism. All with no results!  It was discouraging as a leader.  Then I realized that if we kept doing the same thing in the same way, we would continue to get the same results! 

I began to change the way I led the churches that I served.  I realized that that zero also meant that I had not led anyone to Christ!  I knew things had to change!  I began to let go of non-essentials.  I started questioning why we did certain things and why we did them the way we did.  I gathered up courage and began leading in new directions.  If others wanted to continue to support dead branches, I let them.  But I did not! 

Guess what.  Things began to change.  Convert growth began to take place.  One new convert can create a lot of enthusiasm.  When I was leading the McClellandtown FMC, I was able to lead the girlfriend of one of my parishoners to Christ.  Not knowing any better, she began attending the Wednesday night ‘prayer meeting’.  This was a group of my older members (less than twenty) who were propping up a formality that had been going on for decades.  Not being bashful, she began asking questions about how she should handle situations she was facing as a new believer.  She started praying out in the simplicity of someone who had just found something revolutionary and life-changing!  This one new believer transformed the dead prayer meeting into something exciting and life-forming!

However, many churches today [in America] haven’t seen a new convert in years!  There may have been a growth in numbers, but it’s because of transfer growth – not conversion growth!  Sad!

When I was leading the Oakland FMC (East Liverpool), we began to see very significant growth through new converts!  It was exciting!  WRITE THIS DOWN: New converts signal that something unique is going on here.  Transfer growth always follows convert growth! 

When – as a fairly young pastor – I first saw this happening, I didn’t like it.  I didn’t want transfer growth!  Consequently, I ignored people who visited when I knew they were members of another church.  I didn’t follow up on them.  I was deliberately rude to them [I know – hard to believe, huh?].  Ultimately, one of the families saw what was happening and asked to see me in my office.  They confronted me about my rudeness.  They explained that they heard about the growth at Oakland and wanted to be a part of it.  They wanted their kids to experience a church with vibrant faith and dramatic worship!  And I immediately realized that I had to rethink my position! 



A.      Pray for the American Church to rediscover its purpose and cut away all the unnecessary distractions and activities.

B.      Pray for your church to cease the rituals and routines that have become a replacement for genuine faith!  I Chronicles 28:9 reads:  “If you seek Him, He will let you find Him” [NASB].

C.      “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” [Matthew 6:33 NASB].

Having experienced this kind of spiritual awakening in several churches, I can tell you that it is exciting and life-changing! 


Father God,

Help the American Church to rediscover a hunger for You that will drive them to seek You, serve You, love You and spread Your Word to all who will listen!


Friday, September 29, 2023


 Jeremiah 4

This is NOT a happy chapter!
Most people know the chronic pattern we find throughout the Old Testament prophets. In short: the people are fickle and prone to sin and rejecting God. God imposes fearful threats in hopes of getting them to repent and return to His ways. Often, they do repent – sometimes in response to God’s threats, other times after experiencing the wrath of God. But their repentance never seems to last long. Often it is contingent on the faithfulness of the reigning king and his regard for God!
This chapter doesn’t veer from this pattern.
In verses 1-2, God makes a strong appeal for the people to come back to Him: “put away your detested things [idols] from My presence, [NASB] and do not wander away from me anymore [TM].
Then, in verses 3-18, God initiates action against Israel by inciting a northern nation to come against her with incredible destructive power! But in this threat is still God’s appeal in picturesque language: “Plow your unplowed fields, but then don’t plant weeds in the soil! Yes, circumcise your lives for God’s sake, plow your unplowed hearts…Prevent the fire – the fire of my anger – for once it starts it can’t be put out. Your wicked ways are fuel for the fire” [vs.3-4 TM].
Let’s be clear! God wants repentance, obedience, and changed lives!
But the belligerence of the people assures them of impending violence! God – through Jeremiah – warns them to sound the alarm, weep and wail. Their leaders have failed them! The warring hordes have already begun to sweep into the land of Israel! News comes from the north: “Invaders from far off are raising war cries against Judah’s towns. They’re all over her like a dog on a bone. And why? Because she rebelled against me.” GOD’S Decree” [vs.15-17 TM].
Jeremiah then seems to speak the pain of the people! He speaks of his hopelessness! He speaks of;
o PRE-Genesis chaos [v.23 TM] - widespread destruction?
o Not a star to be seen [v.23 TM] - because of the smoke?
o Mountains trembling [v.24 TM]
o No people or birds in sight [v.25 TM] – everyone is dead or has fled!
o All gardens destroyed [raided by the enemy?] [v.26 TM]
o All the towns are ghost towns [v.27 TM] – complete devastation!
Jeremiah describes the terrifying fear of the people who remain! “They hide in ditches, they climb into caves” [v.29 TM].
The chapter ends with a pathetic scene: Jeremiah hears a woman crying out in childbirth [v.31]. She knows she will die – as will her baby!
What are we – in the 21st century – supposed to take from this?
We live in a time of great division! In the last several years, our confidence in firmly established and long respected governmental structures has been significantly undermined! Our two greatest enemies ally against us! Many doubt the strength and cohesion of our military. We've distributed much of our weaponry and ammunition to a distant war that we are - supposedly - not involved in, Our long, imperial financial leadership shows signs of crumbling. The sacred security of our election process has been fractured! Lying has become the standard operating procedure of our leaders! It seems that many from our younger generations know little or nothing of these realities and don’t seem to care. It’s like they live in a trance!
Christianity is mocked. Churches are in decline! The growth we do see is often simply reshuffling the kingdom of God. The Church is divided by denominationalism and bitterness.
Wow, you’re wondering…did Hal take a negative pill this morning?
No. I’ve read a sobering passage from the Bible and have tried to present it faithfully and honestly. The above description of our culture may be inaccurately described – you be the judge of that. But I think I hear God issuing His final warnings! We dare not be distracted. Why waste time assigning blame?
God’s desire hasn’t changed. In verses 1-2, God makes a strong appeal for the people to come back to Him: “put away your detested things [idols] from My presence, [NASB] and do not wander away from me anymore [TM].
It’s likely that is still His desire for America today! Will we respond?

Thursday, September 21, 2023


I retired in June, 2017.  For the next year-and-a-half, I enjoyed working around our new home every day: putting in a lawn, landscaping, building a garage [with Troy], and just general ‘other’ stuff. 

Then, I found myself watching the news for several hours every morning – which led to feelings of depression.  One day, I simply said to Debbie, “This has to change!”  A month later, I started to drive for Lyft and have enjoyed it for five-and-a-half years.  In July, I lost that job.

Since then I tried being a Spark driver, but it doesn’t seem to be working for me.  So, it seems to be ‘transition time’.  Deb is leaning hard on me to just retire again. 

The idea is not offensive to me.  I’ve dreamed of being able to write daily.  I also have a ‘to-do’ list that I never seem to be able to get around ‘to-doing’  😆

If we do this, our lives will change rather dramatically.  The loss of income will demand strict adherence to a budget! 



We all face them!  They tend to require focus and determination.  Transitions bring rewards and sometimes challenges.

o   My FIRST transition was leaving home in 1969, to live with my brother in Philadelphia and work on a roofing crew!  I lived in his attic for three months, worked hard every day, made decisions about the money I was making, and exercised some independence in managing my time.

o   My SECOND transition was heading for Roberts Wesleyan College that fall to start my undergraduate studies.  This introduced a whole new wave of novelties: cafeteria meals, living in a dormitory, having a roommate, attending classes, studying, exams, papers, balancing social life, cleaning bathrooms (a part-time job), and eventually working at UPS and doing weekend night-watch to increase my income!  [There was also a stint when I gave breaks at Chili Plastics from 2:30-4:30 AM!!!!!].  🙄

o   My THIRD transition was getting married in August, 1973 (after graduating).  Debbie and I immediately moved to Wilmore, Kentucky, where I was enrolled at Asbury Theological Seminary.  A whole lot of good came with this transition!  J

    · Enjoying my new wife!
    · Seminary life!
    · Our first apartment.
    · Gathering furnishings.
    · Classes, study, papers, exams – again!
    · Working at UPS – again!
    · We moved three times during those three years! A harbinger of things to come!
    · My last two years I began ‘student-pastoring’ a small church in English, Indiana, on weekends!

o   Then came our FOURTH, huge transition in 1976!  Our bicentennial baby was born and Travis Wilson Haire became a huge part of our lives!  What fun that was! 

o   Our FIFTH transition was moving to Harrison City, PA, and pastoring the Jeannette Free Methodist Church.  It was 1976.  Travis was six months old.  We lived in a 70’ mobile home behind the church [The winters of ’76 & ’77 were brutally cold and snowy!]  I made $100/week.   The congregation had just built a brand new sanctuary, but had divided in the process.  They had an enormous debt of over $70,000 – and about forty people!  Yet before we left – two years later – the numbers had doubled!

o   Our SIXTH transition was moving to McClellandtown, PA, in 1978.  This ended up being a major period of change since it was while here that Troy William Haire and Tracie Elizabeth Haire joined our family!  Debbie became a VERY BUSY, young mother!  McClellandtown was a coal-patch-town.  It was very small and the congregation averaged around seventy people.  We had two dogs while there:  Rock, my coon-hound, and Chipoo, a fun little Chihuahua/poodle mix.  Again, significant growth occurred during these four years. 

o   Our SEVENTH transition set us up for a fairly long season in East Liverpool, OH.  I was appointed to the Oakland FMC in 1982, at the age of thirty.  Travis started and finished school during our thirteen years at Oakland – lucky for a ‘PK’!  I was driving to Pittsburgh 3-4 times/week to attend classes at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary to finish my Master of Divinity degree.  During these years, the church grew from seventy to over two-hundred.  I also acquired a Masters degree in Counseling at the Franciscan University of Steubenville [full-time for two years while leading a growing church].  Debbie watched kids in our home and then when Troy and Tracie began school – she worked as a teller at a credit union.  These were rewarding, growing, busy, and fascinating years! We travelled across Ohio following the sporting activities of Troy and Tracie and the East Liverpool Christian School.  Travis left home during this transition to attend college.

o   Our EIGHTH transition included a major move away from the Pittsburgh Conference to Spencerville, MD, where I became pastor of a small-but-stable church.  I needed a rest after all the educational pursuits and stress of leading a growing church!  Travis quit school after one semester and joined the Navy!  After being enlisted for a year-and-a-half, he ended up at the Naval Academy which was 26 miles from our new home!  He came to visit on lots of weekends since we were just within the limits of his travel restrictions!  I think that helped him survive the stresses of his ‘Plebe year’!  The church responded to our leadership and began to grow!  However, a family crisis arose that caused us to make one of the hardest decisions of our lives.  I quit at the church mid-year and we moved back to live on the farm with Deb’s folks.  We needed a loving environment to coddle us as we healed our family!  It was late fall, 1998.  After a few weeks, friends provided an apartment for us in Chester, WV.  For months we had no income.  We managed to buy each of our kids one gift for Christmas that year.  When Travis came home, he took Troy and Tracie out to buy a small Christmas tree and a few decorations.  [All our furniture and belongings were stored in the garage of the parsonage in Spencerville.]  It was a hard time!

o   Our NINTH transition became an amazing blessing!  After months of being told that I was ‘over-qualified’ for jobs, we were hired by a social-serving agency in Akron, OH, where we ran a licensed home for behaviorally-challenged children in Summit County!  They provided the home and a healthy income!  We attended the Cornerstone Church where a couple we knew from Asbury were leading this growing congregation!  Charlie Young had become Ohio Conference Superintendent and Brenda was now leading the church (of over 400)!  Within weeks, I was hired as a part-time associate.  By June, I became the Lead Associate Pastor.  During the next five years, the church grew to well over 700!  It was an incredible time of learning, excitement, development and financial recovery!  Fruitful years!  Troy and Tracie both launched their independence during these years! 

o   Our TENTH transition involved a painful departure from Cornerstone, but an adventurous [and somewhat shocking] beginning in New Middletown, OH, where I began leading Free Methodist Community Church!  After a rough start, the church responded wonderfully to our leadership!  Within three years the growth began, taking us from a congregation of seventy to eventually bouncing over two hundred!  Many new converts!  Exciting and innovative programs and involvement!  Debbie thoroughly enjoyed her job of working with Cindy Marchese in the Springfield Local School District!  We lived in the parsonage on the church property from June, 2003, until June, 2012.  Tracie and Troy were each married during this season: 2005 and 2012 respectively.  We welcomed Jon Kerstetter and Missy Noel to our family!  Tracie and Jon also gave us two wonderful grandchildren during this time:  Rylie Grace (2007) and Coltin Eugene (2009).  J 

o   Our ELEVENTH transition was undoubtedly our BIGGEST!  In late August, 2012, we left for three years in the city of Changchun, Jilin Province, People’s Republic of China!  We taught English at the Changchun University of Science and Technology!  I don’t dare start talking about this experience here; it deserves a book [yet to be written]. 😉

o   Transition number TWELVE was HARD!  Upon returning to America, we had no home, no income, no cars, and we were struggling with reverse culture shock!  I, particularly, felt lost!  We lived in a trailer at the farm in Enon Valley for over a year – courtesy of Debbie’s brother, Walt (and his wife, Lyn).  I was appointed back to the Pittsburgh Conference to serve the Kittanning, PA FMC as a part-time-commuting pastor. I began in September, 2015.  In October, Travis died!  We were devastated!  Then, on Christmas night, Deb’s dad – Ken Whippo – died!  We were overwhelmed with grief!  In spite of these losses, we secured a lot at Heron Woods in 2016, bought a manufactured home and had it placed on the lot.  It’s our home to the current day!  I retired in June, 2017 – being a commuting pastor just wasn’t working - although the church had been growing.  A year-and-a-half later, I began to work for Lyft.

o   And now we’re facing transition THIRTEEN!  I hope it’s not unlucky!  😂  It will certainly have its challenges, especially in the area of finances.  However, the ONE who has accompanied us all along the way, will not leave us!  Perhaps He has a plan that we can’t see yet?  No one knows what tomorrow holds.  We’ll cling to Him and take joy from the journey!  You do the same!