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Thursday, June 30, 2022


Isaiah 54 is a very reassuring chapter for Israel.  God admits that He has been angry with the Israelites, but He also promises them that He is for them.  God is aware that they are suffering under constant persecution from the Assyrians.  He announces that this will soon end. 

God makes a promise to them, reminding them of the promise He made with Noah!  Essentially God says that He will protect her when bad things happen and will never walk away from her again!  God invokes images of heaven as He envisions her future!

In the midst of all this, God makes an interesting statement: 

No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper… [NASB]

I found myself searching for II Corinthians 10:4,

…for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses…  [NASB]

To be fair, you always need to check out the context of these verses!

I had never connected these verses before. 

God seems – in both contexts – to be reassuring His people [the Israelites AND the NT Christians] that He has provided us with powerful weapons that will enable us to be victorious! 

The Holy Spirit is clear as He speaks through Paul (to the Corinthian Church) that these weapons are not of the flesh.  We’re not talking about automatic rifles here!  But we are talking about divinely powerful weapons that are capable of destroying the fortresses of our enemy! 

Now, I’m thinking that if we’re destroying fortresses, then we’re not on the defense, but rather, we are on the offense!  We’re the aggressors!  We’re assaulting the strongholds of our opponent! 

In Matthew 16, Jesus affirms Peter for having the spiritual insight to see that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God!  Then, Jesus makes a curious statement:  I will build My church;  and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it  [16:18 NASB]. 

Many have observed that “gates” don’t attack;  they defend!  The implication of our Lord is that we will be the attackers!  We will assault the gates of Hell – or the enemy of our souls! 


We – as the Church – are to use the powerful, spiritual weapons that God has created for us to assault our enemy and his strongholds with courage and confidence in victory as promised by our Lord! 

Friends, this is happening in many parts of our world!  True believers are banding together and meeting in spite of resistance.  Attending church for many of these dear saints [biblically, saints = believers] is RISKY!  They could lose their lives for doing so!  Some DO lose their lives for doing so!  L

Check out Voice of the Martyrs for more details:  The Voice of the Martyrs (


So much could be said here, but let’s keep it brief for now:  [You know these anyway!]

1.       Prayer! 

This can be done alone or with other believers.  When it is done with other believers, it is far more powerful  [Matthew 18:20]!  It can be done anytime, anywhere and under any circumstances!  When Jesus faced His deepest trial, He spent a whole night in prayer and asked His disciples to join Him!  What does that tell us?    

2.       God’s Word!

Psalm 119:11 talks about hiding God’s Word in our hearts!  How well off would you be if suddenly someone confiscated all of our Bibles?  How much of it do you have hidden in your heart.  This hints at treasuring the Bible and it’s content!  Do you treasure it?  Do you know where your Bible is right now?

Do you read it?  Do you love it?  Do you apply it?  

Do you recall when Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted?  After forty days of fasting, His enemy came with three specific temptations.  Do you remember how Jesus overcame these temptations?  Sure, you do!  He quoted scriptures [Matthew 4:1-11]!!!!!

3.       Community!

Not enough can be said about this!  Take note:  Community does NOT equal church!  Most churches fail to provide genuine community!  The New Testament word is koinonia, for which there is no English equivalent.  The best we can do is ‘fellowship’, which connotes many wrong concepts (such as pot-luck dinners or game nights). 

Koinonia is communion by intimate participation!  It is a genuine connecting and sharing that is rarely found in our culture.  The strength that can be gained through koinonia is phenomenal!  It’s characteristic is:  when one suffers – all suffer;  when one rejoices – all rejoice  [I Corinthians 12:26]! 

Our world is desperately in need of KOINONIA!!!!!!!


There are others, of course, but maybe we shouldn’t move on until we’ve mastered these basic ones?  Most of us have a ways to go to do that….

Thursday, June 23, 2022


David is a character from the Old Testament who serves both as a good and bad example.  Yet he is described by God most notably as a man after My heart, who will do all My will [Acts 3:22 NASB].

We tend to remember Bathsheba and his conspiring to kill her husband.  But there is a plethora of wonderful examples by this same man!  God forgets the sin and commends the righteous behavior.  Oh that we could do the same!

In I Samuel 30. We find David living among the Philistines.  This is one of those times when he is not a particularly great example.  He is living a life of deceit.  He pretends to be loyal to a Philistine named Achish.  He pushes this deceit so far that he is ready to go to war with the Philistines against Judah!  However, the Philistine commanders refuse to allow him to go – they don’t trust him and think he’ll turn on them in battle! 

David and his six hundred men return to their home in Ziklag only to find it burned to the ground by an Amalekite band of thieves.  Their wives and children have all been abducted.  David’s band of men are completely distressed!  There is even talk of hanging David. 

Then this:  David strengthened himself with trust in his GOD. 

What does this mean and how can we replicate it in our lives?

How does one strengthen him/herself with trust in his/her God?

I think it simply means TURN TO GOD!  Instead of allowing despair to ruin us, we must simply learn to turn to the One who can change things and make a difference.  The group ‘Third Day’ sings these words:

There is hope for the helpless
Rest for the weary
And love for the broken heart
And there is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus

In a moment when every one of David's men were in turmoil and despair, he alone turned to God!

He asked for the priest and together they consulted God, who told them to go after the Amalekites.  They pursued them for days and eventually caught up with them.  After a day of battle, they defeated almost the whole Amalekite force (400 young men escaped on camels). 

They regained all their children, wives and possessions!  They returned home joyfully!  David even returned some of the loot to the cities of Judah that had also been raided by the Amalekites. 


Do you keep a calm head when distressing times come?

Do you cry out to Jesus when all seems lost?

Is Jesus your first or last resource?

Do you lead others toward God or do you just add to the cacophony of complaining?

David was not supernatural!  He was just a man;  the runt of his family.  He started out as a mere shepherd boy that tuned his harp and played it for the glory of the Lord. 

It doesn’t matter where you came from, who you are, who your parents were, how you were raised, whether or not you’ve gone to church.

What matters is which way your heart is bent!  Is it bent toward God? 

Tie a string around your finger today to remind you – when things begin to crumble – cry out to Jesus!  He knows the way back to peace and victory!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


Toward the end of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthian church, things get a bit uncomfortable. 

He is clearly planning a third visit to this church and aims to deal with some trouble-makers during his visit. 

As the founder of the church, he makes it clear that he intends to set things right during this visit.  He warns that bunch that keeps sinning over and over in the same old ways that he will deal with them harshly in the strength of Christ!  You’ll get the full force of Christ, don’t think you won’t. 

Since this letter is written to the church of God that is in Corinth [1:1], we can assume that there were people in the church who were not living out their faith genuinely before the Lord!  These belligerent non-believers were apparently proclaiming a faith that they didn’t really possess.  Their prominence in the governance of the church had become a problem, and Paul intended to confront them directly! 

It was in this context that Paul closes his letter with this recommendation:

Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don’t drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not mere hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you. Test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it. 

The Apostle recognizes the importance of genuine faith and the urgency of keeping it updated and fresh!  Those who are ‘drifting along’ cannot be allowed to be the major influencers in the life of the church!  And He intends to enforce this principle upon his visit!


It’s still true today, you know.

Having led churches for four decades, I’ve also had to deal with church leaders who were not keeping their faith current and fresh.  In most cases, I realized that these leaders had, at one time, experienced an anointing from God.  However, they were trying to operate on that past anointing for far too long without receiving a fresh anointing.  Their faith was stale.  Personal desires and preferences were taking the place of what was best for the whole body of believers!  The results of this were almost always the same:  influence peddling, manipulation, intimidation, threats [the most common was to discontinue tithing], and bullying behavior.

Church members often kowtowed to this kind of behavior.  However, as the designated leader of the church, I had to stand strong.  Pastors who do so tend to pay a price!  Paul certainly paid a price!  His language in these last two chapters is full of dread and pain! 

Let it be said clearly and plainly:  the minister and lay leaders of a church must maintain integrity and spiritual accountability in order for a church to thrive!  Their lives are exemplary in every way!  And the pastor – through the strength and wisdom of Christ – is ultimately responsible to use the Word of God for teaching, reproof, correction, and for training in righteousness [II Timothy 3:16]. 

I wish we had a third letter to the Corinthian church.  It would be interesting to know how Paul’s visit went and what the results were.  The fact remains:  if the leadership are not walking closely to Christ and in harmony with His Word, the church cannot prosper and grow!!!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2022


Zephaniah is one of the least-read books of the Bible.  Most would have to turn to the table of contents to even find it. 

Remarkably, Zephaniah was the great, great grandson of one of Judah’s good kings – Hezekiah. 

It’s also noteworthy to observe that Zephaniah served God during the reign of Josiah, King of Judah!

Josiah became king as a child and was raised by the priests.  He became a godly leader who brought MAJOR reforms to his people.

God used Zephaniah to prophesy about these reforms.  He allowed Zephaniah to see ahead of time the tremendous purging that God intended to accomplish. 

Some of what God intends are:

o   Get rid of the sex-and-religion Baal shrines and their priests

o   Destroy those who worship the star gods and goddesses

o   Eliminate those who worship GOD and also other gods.

o   Deal with those who have completely abandoned GOD altogether! 

God refers to this coming purge as His Great Judgment Day!  GOD is going to clean house!  Divine punishment is coming for all those who disregard the holiness of GOD! 

Those who have displeased GOD will have no recourse or rescue!  Money, position, or power will not save them!  There will be lots of pain!  “Even strong men” will be “screaming for help.”  [1:14 TM]

[GOD speaking] “I’ll make things so bad they won’t even know what hit them.”  [1:17  TM]


Because “They’ve sinned against GOD!”   [1:17 TM]

Zephaniah’s first chapter ends with these words: 

“This is the Day of GOD’s Judgment – my wrath!  I care about sin with fiery passion!”  [1:18 TM]


I applaud you if you’ve stayed with me this far! 

When I read this, I found myself focusing on those last words:  [GOD speaking]  “I care about sin with fiery passion!

From a divine perspective, God cannot tolerate the presence of sin! 

Now, why do we so quickly begin to think of the terrible sins prevalent in our world?  Yet, we ignore the terrible sins we commit regularly! 

God cannot abide MY SIN!  My sin must be dealt with!  It calls for my punishment!  I am held accountable for my sin;   this includes my sin in thought, word, and deed!  Yet repeatedly, I am given a reprieve!  By confessing my sin, I am able to claim the forgiveness offered to me through Christ – the One who paid the penalty for my sin on His Cross! 

It's not fair!  But it is just!  It is a completed work!  I live eternally grateful to Jesus for this amazing benefit! 

But what about all the sin we see in our world every day!  This sin is repugnant to GOD!  He can’t abide the presence of this sin either!  This sin must be punished.  This sin will be punished – unless it is confessed and forgiven by Christ! 


The Natural Person’s Response:

These are horrible people who are committing all these sins!  They deserve to be punished!  Get them, God!  Condemn them!  They have no claim to all Your goodness and the joys that come from serving You!

The Spiritual Person’s Response:

Have mercy, Gracious God!  Extend time so that these precious souls will have time and opportunity to seek You and find You!  Guide them into Your fold so that they may enjoy the benefits of Your Eternal Kingdom!



Ultimately, many will be condemned.


Because GOD cares about sin with fiery passion and He cannot abide the presence of sin! 

But, in the meantime, He extends His mercy!  He prolongs his Judgment!  He reaches out to the lost! 

And as His people, we too should be reaching out to those who don't know Him! 

Here we are, then, speaking for Christ, as though God himself were making his appeal through us. We plead on Christ's behalf: let God change you from enemies into his friends!   [II Corinthians 5:20   Good News Translation]

Sunday, June 12, 2022


Church in America is complicated business!

It seems to require a space where people can function as the church.

It apparently requires a leader (or leaders) who typically – in our culture – are willing to take a salary from the church in recompense for their service [I did this for nearly 40 years].


As a strong supporter of my church’s missions department [and as a former missionary for three years], I notice that the places where our church is growing fastest and making manifold new disciples are in countries like Nepal, Thailand, Myanmar, India, etc. where pastors rarely have buildings, receive little or no income and rarely even have a mode of transportation to get to their various charges.  Meanwhile, the American church continues to shrink – so much so that my denomination’s annual yearbook no longer lists attendance figures!   Two churches that I formerly served ran near or over 200 in attendance;  today, both have attendances that are a small fraction of what they formerly had.  Something’s wrong! 

To be viable, it seems – again in our culture – to have to provide specialized ministries to children, youth and young adults.  For a fledgling church, these are extraordinary demands when numbers are small and leaders are in short supply [not to mention money being also in short supply]. 

To be able to receive tithes and offerings, the church must acquire a 501c3 from the government. 

Then there are the many other ‘necessities’ that quickly encumber a new church: 

  • Computers, phones, copiers, chairs, sound system, etc.
  • Parking space, people to help with set-up and tear-down,
  • Instrumentalists, worship leaders, sound and visual operators, etc.
  • Finances for publicity, facilities, salaries, equipment and so much more is overwhelming!

In light of all this, it’s always interesting to remind ourselves that the New Testament Church found a way to manage for nearly four hundred years without any church buildings!   ;-)

Maybe we need to simplify?  Or at least evaluate our methodology.  Could there be a better way?  Perhaps we need a conference led by our pastors from Nepal and Thailand? 

New paradigms might be helpful:

Instead of full-fledged children’s and youth ministries, maybe we should just focus on training parents in raising godly, well-adjusted children and youth! 

One of my most fruitful and helpful ventures was inviting five couples who had raised children that continued to walk in the faith of their parents to come and share their methods.  Each couple shared different ideas and practices that they had used to establish their kids in the faith! 

I have wished many times that I had videoed those sessions!  They were priceless!

Perhaps we could just facilitate times for families with children and youth to get together for fun, learning and relationship building?  

Regarding worship:  Do we really need a platform full of worship leaders and instrumentalists?  I have been in worship settings where just a single person with a guitar led in powerful times of worship!  I recently attended a church where all the worship music was digital.  I was surprised at how fully the people responded.  The worship and atmosphere was vibrant! 

I'm open to a variety of ways of doing things, but the trend toward dark worship venues puzzles me.  I realize that it facilitates the use of video and PowerPoint.  I understand the belief that it may be thought to help the worshiper focus and forget the crowd.  But it is a radical change from what we’ve experienced in past years.  Sanctuaries were flooded with light that was occasionally filtered through stained glass reminders of the principals of our faith!  The darkness countermands the fact that we are a light set on a hill!  Jesus is the light of the world!  However, I am willing to concede that we can make space for a variety of ways of doing worship!  If nothing else, there’s room for discussion and engagement here.

I spend a lot of time wondering if the time and conditions are suggesting that the church should return to the home?  I have seriously considered starting a house-church. 

We have attended a church for over three years now.  My wife is far more engaged than I am – partly because she has joined and I don’t because of my ordination in the denomination I served for forty+ years.  [Her engagement might also be affected by the fact that she worships every Sunday with several of her siblings.] 

I enjoy the warm and caring people who populate this church and am happy to see that it is a healthy place with a desire to be more effective.  My wife is currently part of a revitalization team that hopes to impact the church’s future.  But I struggle with the ritual-approach to worship.  Coming from a freer style of worship, I get bored with the predictability and sameness of worship Sunday after Sunday!  I miss several things that were meaningful:  altar prayer, laying on hands for the sick, increased lay involvement in worship, calls for decision.

There is a sharing time where people can relate personal needs, praises and prayer requests.  Following this, the pastor leads in a prayer mentioning each of these.  From experience, this is something that can be done until a church reaches a certain size.  It is appreciated in our church though, and rightly so.  

Somehow, I long for something more engaging, personal, responsive and meaningful! 

Are these things being debated in the church today?  Is our mission, purpose and methodology being evaluated?  Does anyone question our effectiveness – or lack of fruitfulness? 

American culture is caving in around us.  Clearly – by my estimation – the church is not getting a very good grade for its impact in forming and shaping our society!  We’re doing our own thing while the world crumbles around us! 

I’m asking questions and making observations.  Is anyone else?  Does anyone want to talk about these things?  I’m struggling.  I want to be part of something again that is making a real difference.  I’m ready and willing to make adjustments and to make a contribution.  I don’t have the answers, but I do have lots of questions.

Grab me sometime and let’s talk… 

Friday, June 10, 2022


In 2010, while leading our last church before going to China, we set aside four weeks of focused prayer.  We asked our people to pray, fast and let as many know about these special days as possible.  The result:  our sanctuary overflowed for these four weeks!  This was our plan:

February 14 - Prayer for those who are unemployed.
February 21 - The blessing of our children.
February 28 - Prayer for those in debt.
March 7 - Prayer for those who need healing.

She came for the second Sunday and brought her kids to be blessed.  She had been invited by her co-worker (one of our members).  We sang simple, children’s songs that Sunday during worship.  There was a brief message.  Then we had recruited, trained and positioned trusted and respected leaders around the sanctuary to pray with anyone who came to them. 

She came to Debbie and me with her children.  She presented them one at a time and told us about them.  And one at a time, Debbie and I invited her to join us in laying hands on her children and lifting them to God for a special blessing.  God drew near in those moments.

She began attending regularly.  She committed her life to Christ.  Debbie and I were enfolded by her family and circle of friends.  Our circle of friendship expanded significantly during those ensuing months!  She brought family members and friends to worship with her. 

Her life and purpose began to re-orient around Christ!  We saw changes take place as her priorities were gradually rearranged by her new commitments. 

After six months we hired her as an office assistant.  She took the role very seriously and was diligent to learn and do the best job possible.  My administrative assistant and I invested in her through a commitment of much time and tremendous focus.  There were challenges involved in helping her to adapt to a role that she had never dreamed possible. 

However, she was so eager to learn and grow that we could do nothing but continue to invest and take joy in the transformation occurring before our very eyes! 

She gave our whole congregation a living picture of what it is to have Christ reorient your life.  She became a catalyst and inspired all of our people by her zeal and joy!  She exemplified old things are passed away and behold all things are become new! 

I wish I could give this story a happy ending – but I can’t.  Debbie and I left two years after we met her.  We followed a course that took us to China for three years.  A new pastor was appointed.  Many changes took place. 

She, and all who had come with her, fell away.  Church members were caught up in the chaos of the transition to new leadership and failed to pursue her and the others.  And today, my heart still aches.



New believers are fragile!  Like a new plant, they need attention, water, food and care to be able to grow to maturity.  Without this, they are likely to relapse.  Even when these things ARE in place – they will still often relapse.  It takes tremendous focus, patience and time to walk with someone through this process.  Think about the eighteen-plus years we spend helping our children to grow and mature before we launch them into the adult world!  It’s the same with new believers! 

Coming alongside a new believer will energize your life!  Spending time with them will remind you of your own journey and the steps you took to grow into the ‘new you’!  You will find yourself reading your own Bible more because you want to be able to lead your protégé in helpful and productive ways!  Your own life will be catalyzed and challenged as you invest in the growth of another!  Churches can be transformed when this process becomes normative!  Stagnant, ineffective believers can be renewed and recapture the joy of their early years of faith! 

Why not begin to pray and ask God to lead you into this kind of a relationship?  Begin to look around to see if God might be leading you to establish a discipling connection with a neighbor, co-worker, family member, new person at church or friend.  It WILL be just what they need!  It might also be just what YOU need! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022


Reading the psalms can be shocking!  This book, in the center of our Bibles, shows us – with no uncertainty – that we can bring all our thoughts and emotions to God without hesitation.  We find in this book rants, complaints against God, appeals for God to destroy the enemy, laments of deep sadness and sorrow, jubilant and zealous expressions of joy and praise, historical reflections, acrostic meditations, and nearly defiant demands.  

The one-hundred-fifty psalms were the hymnbook for the Israelites.  In quite a few cases instrumental instructions are included for choirs and orchestras.  Because it was a liturgy for worship, it includes all the various circumstances that God-followers face. 

Some years ago, Crystal Lewis gave us a worship chorus that clarifies the message deduced from the psalms:

Come just as you are
Hear the spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever 

Life Everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the living water
And never thirst again

Come just as you are
Don't you hear the spirit call?
Come just as you are
Come and see
Christ My King
Come and live forever more

The psalms teach us that we may feel free to come to God in any and all circumstances!  Our mood does not prohibit us from coming to the throne of grace!  We may feel free to come when we are desperate and seem incapable of using the right kind of language.  We are welcome, even if we are:

  • angry
  • depressed
  • vengeful
  • frustrated
  • disappointed
  • subject to bullying
  • overwhelmed
  • nervous
  • anxious
  • feeling like a loser
  • exhausted
  • feeling suicidal
  • feeling hopeless
  • rejected
  • in deep grief
[You realize, of course, that this list could go on and on…]

Actually, these are GREAT times to turn to God and empty our hearts!  God can take our honesty;  God prefers it!  He does NOT want us to put on airs, to say what we think He wants us to say, to pretend all is well!  The psalms show us that God is open to our deepest and most extreme experiences!  He simply waits for us to BRING IT to Him and leave it with Him! 

There’s an old hymn:  [written by Charles A. Tindley]

If the world from you withhold of its silver and its gold,
And you have to get along with meager fare,
Just remember, in His Word, how He feeds the little bird—
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

Leave it there, leave it there,
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there;
If you trust and never doubt, He will surely bring you out—
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

If your body suffers pain and your health you can’t regain,
And your soul is almost sinking in despair,
Jesus knows the pain you feel, He can save and He can heal—
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

When your enemies assail and your heart begins to fail,
Don’t forget that God in Heaven answers prayer;
He will make a way for you and will lead you safely through—
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

When your youthful days are gone and old age is stealing on,
And your body bends beneath the weight of care;
He will never leave you then, He’ll go with you to the end—
Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.

I don’t know what you may be facing or experiencing today, but I know you’d feel a lot better if you’d lay it out before Almighty God!  Regardless of how ugly – even repulsive – your thoughts may be, God can bear it.  You may not be up to it, but He is!  Bare your soul!  Unload your burden!  Speak the truth!  Feel free to rant! 

Then listen…

God will dip into His limitless resources and He will begin a process that will eventually lead you to a better place! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022


I’m just emerging from a fairly extended time of suffering from depression.  

I’m writing about it in hopes that my musings might be helpful to someone else whose experiences parallel mine. 

For the record, I have not always dealt with this problem.  It began when I succumbed to a major episode of burn-out much earlier in my ministry.  I stepped out of my role for several months.  It’s a story of its own, but God played a major part in my recovery and re-entry to ministry.  Alma Kelly, a lay leader at the church I served also played a significant role in salvaging me for future ministry! 

My next interruptive experience was when I was about forty.  There is little doubt in my mind that it was a direct result of stress.  At the time, I was pastoring a church that had doubled in size.  In addition, I was attending seminary in Pittsburgh four days-a-week.  Then, of course, I was trying to fulfill my goal of being a great husband and dad.  During this period, we owned our own home for seven years;  it entailed a fairly large amount of time for maintenance and upkeep!  Poor money management combined with high educational expenses along with a chronically low salary created financial distress that became a frequent trigger for my depression.  These factors eventually brought me to a place of emotional and social shut-down.

I didn’t see it coming.  It scared me.  I was emotionally frozen.  I desperately wanted to withdraw.  I knew I needed help, but didn’t know where to turn. 

Describing the experience of depression would likely be different for each individual who deals with it.  For me, it commonly manifests with the following symptoms:

  • Verbal shut-down
  • Inability to think positive thoughts
  • A sense of lostness – not knowing where to turn
  • A general sense of anger
  • Social withdrawal

I have functioned in this state for extended periods of time, but doing so takes exceptional energy and exhausts me.  I can only say that it is an awful experience that I wouldn’t wish on anyone!  I eventually realized that my cycle was about three weeks in duration.  Gradually, I would emerge from the darkness.  Incrementally, I would regain my balance and begin to find joy in life again.

You can imagine the impact this had on Debbie and my family. 

I turned to counselors and other pastors during these times.  I believe these interventions were helpful.  As a counselor, I know the value of talking about our problems in a trusting environment.  Although I never really experienced a catharsis, I am certain that these caring interventions cleansed me somewhat and directed me as well. 

I am happy to say that in time, my condition improved and these episodes became less frequent.  I seemed to find a balance.  I learned to manage my stress levels better.  After eleven years of focus and commitment, we became debt-free!  This removed one of my enemy's most used triggers against me!  The woods became my cathedral.  I used my day off (Mondays) to get into nature to hike and talk with God!  A week or more of backpacking every year had a retreat-like effect.  Actually, the one miracle that I've experienced took place on an extended backpacking trip!  Incredible story!  

As I grew older, I came to a point when I thought that depression was a thing of the past.  I was wrong.  Depression is not a common companion anymore;  for that I am grateful.  However, it does visit me from time-to-time, and I seem unable to predict when those times may occur. 

I have not yet fully unpacked the causes of my latest episode.  I am just now beginning to be able to think clearly and objectively.  I know that Debbie prays for me!  That’s huge!  I suspect, at times, that she may mention my need to others among our family and friends.  Recently, I’ve noticed an unusual number of people asking me – very deliberately – “How are you doing, Hal?”  I highly value the prayers of those who love me – although I rarely seek the prayer support of those same people.  I can’t explain that…

So, throughout this learning experience, I have discovered value in:

  • diet
  • exercise
  • journaling
  • counseling
  • reflection
  • proper sleep routines

But the thing that is most helpful is connecting with God!  I am not always willing or able to do this right away.  I can’t explain this fully.  I can tell you this:  one of my last resources is a book.  I bought it years ago and found that it helped me during times of depression.  No surprise that it is a book of sermons:  SPIRITUAL DEPRESSION – Its Causes and Its Cure, by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. 

I’m not sure that I’ve ever read the whole book.  By the time I get several chapters into it, I find myself thinking more clearly – more biblically.  When I get my thinking straight – my emotions tend to follow!  ;-)

Two weeks ago, I mentioned to my pastor that I was experiencing a period of rather extreme depression.  He assured me that he would be praying for me.  He also mentioned the above book.  I told him what a life-saver it had been to me through the years.  Then, he suggested two other books and offered to buy them for me.  Last night he presented me with them.  I have already consumed one about the great preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon  [SPURGEON’S SORROWS – Realistic Hope for those who Suffer from Depression].  It has been an enormous help and blessing to me!  I will read the other today [CHRISTIANS GET DEPRESSED TOO, by David Murray]! 

If you struggle with depression, take hope in the fact that you are not alone.  The scriptures address this issue with abundance [for instance:  Psalm 42:5,11].  Read a good book!  Recruit prayer from your pastor, family and closest friends!  Talk to someone who will be patient with you and will listen and respond gracefully.  Make an appointment with a counselor. 

And, if you’d like to talk with me – I am available.  I have a counseling degree, but that’s not as valuable as the fact that I’ve been in a similar place as you!  [To call/text:  (724) 944-3881]  If nothing else, I would be happy to add you to my prayer list! 

May God break through and shine His light on you TODAY! 

PS - review the above words in bold print - they're EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!

Sunday, June 5, 2022


 [Adapted from William J. Bennett’s TRIED BY FIRE:  The Story of Christianity’s First Thousand Years]

In the middle of the first century, the apostle Peter wrote to a church suffering persecution.  He wanted them to understand that it was not for nothing.  He urged that “the trial of your faith (much more precious than gold which is tried by the fire) may be found unto praise and glory and honor at the appearing of Jesus Christ”  [I Peter 1:7 DRB].

The emperor at the time was a twenty-seven-year-old named Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.  According to the Roman historian Suetonius, Nero was known for his insatiable lust, avarice, and brutality.  For fun he would have innocent men and women bound to a stake.  Nero himself, clad in the skin of some wild animal, then would spring forth from a cage and attack them.

On the night of July 18, AD 64, a great fire erupted in the south-eastern end of the Circus Maximus, a popular area in the city for commerce and entertainment.  It quickly swept through the city, incinerating three districts and severely damaging seven others.  The fire raged for six days!  The Roman historian Tacitus vividly described the damage the fire inflicted on the city and the panic experienced by its inhabitants.  He uses terms such as: 

o   Terror-stricken women

o   Those feeble in age

o   Helpless children

o   Dragging out the infirm

o   Aggravating confusion

On this night, claimed Suetonius, Nero dressed in stage costume and sang a popular song about the burning of the mythical city of Troy.  He later built a palace on the site where the fire began.  Rumors spread that he had engineered the setting of the fire.  He looked for a scapegoat and found it in a group that had nothing to do with it – “a class of men given to anew and mischievous superstition.” 

Nero targeted the fledgling Christian community in Rome.  His vindictive purge was the first state-sponsored persecution of Christians in history.  Tacitus paints a sickening portrait of Nero’s persecutions.  Christians were arrested and forced – under threat of death – to confess to starting the fire.  Many were sentenced to death.  In the words of Tertullian:

Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths.  Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired.  Nero offered his gardens for the spectacle, and was exhibiting a show in the circus, while he mingled with the people in the dress of a charioteer.

Few Roman citizens loudly objected to the persecutions.  But eventually Nero’s outrageous and unjust administration eventually incited a rebellion and earned him the title of public enemy.  As his enemies closed in on his hideout in 68, he ordered one of his attendants to stab him to death.

But even such violence against Christianity did not – could not – stamp out the Christians.  Tertullian, writing in the third century, praised the Neronian persecution for causing the significant growth of the Christian movement! 


Lord of the Church,

Strengthen Your people in the present persecution and in the greater persecution on the horizon!

Grant us the courage and faith to stand strong in the face of opposition!

                               Give us the determination to hold fast the confession of our faith –                                         EVEN IF IT COSTS US OUR VERY LIVES!

Renew our hope of Heaven and our persistence in the knowledge that it is real and will be our eternal home – if we stand strong in You!

And may the sacrifices made fuel a great revival of faith and consecration to the things of God!

For the Kingdom’s sake.  Amen!