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Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Every year, I try to put together a list of the things I’m thankful for.  Last year this task was made more challenging because of Travis’ death.  Our pain over missing him is still so real to us that it continues to affect our lives on a day-to-day basis. 

However, God is ALWAYS worthy of our praise! 

The Christian group, Third Day, says it so well in their song, “Cry Out to Jesus!”:
To everyone who's lost someone they love
Long before it was their time
You feel like the days you had were not enough
When you said goodbye
And to all of the people with burdens and pains
Keeping you back from your life
You believe that there's nothing and there is no one
Who can make it right
There is hope for the helpless
Rest for the weary
Love for the broken heart
There is grace and forgiveness
Mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus, Cry out to Jesus!

In spite of losing our precious son, we are indeed thankful to God!  He’s the One who has given us the hope of Heaven! 

Although I have said it before, I must say it again:  I am so unworthy of the many blessings that God has heaped on me!  His goodness is truly overwhelming.  I think so often that no one appreciates His grace more than I do!  How kind He is!  How forgiving.  How patient!  How long-suffering!  How generous! 

Really!  What can a person do except bow our unworthy head and say, “Praise the Lord!” 

So, in the midst of so many blessings, let me make a try at the things I’m MOST thankful for:
1.       Debbie
She has been SO FAITHFUL to me!  Her love, like God’s, is a constant that I can depend on.  In the last year, it has been my privilege to hold her and comfort her in her brokenness.  The average person will not see it, but I’m sure it’s a challenge to live with and love me.  

2.       Troy
How do you choose which of your kids to list first?  I’ll go with Troy, since he was born before Tracibeth.  Troy and Missy are such a blessing to me and Debbie!  Having them ‘just down the road a piece’ is such a comfort!  His daily texts and positive attitude are a source of refreshment to me.  Right now, he is taking the lead on building our garage!  He is investing hours and hours (days actually) of hard labor along with nights of thoughts and planning.  I could never properly reimburse him for his gift of love.  He’s an amazing man of strength and character and I admire him!

3.       Tracibeth
In case you’re wondering, that was supposed to be her name!  Since it officially went down as Tracie Elizabeth, I adopted it as my special name for her!  She is a phenomenal mother, wife and daughter!  I can’t brag on her enough!  Her occasional texts and calls are always so delightful!  “Hey Dad!  What’s up?”  Immediate smiles hit my face with every contact from her.  And my joy is magnified when I see Jon’s love for her!  What a great husband and Dad he is!  I’m so thankful for both of them.

4.       Rylie
Rylie is turning nine this week!  What a sweetheart she is!  I can’t get enough of her!  She’s a deeply caring big sister.  She’s outgoing and makes friends quickly and easily!  During our recent trip to Orlando, I watched her carefully.  She connected with every adult at one time or another!  She would walk along holding our hands and conversing freely with us.  It was as though she had a plan to include each of us individually – although, I’m confident that there was no plan.  This is simply and beautifully the way God made her! 

5.       Coltin
Colt is ALL BOY!  He loves to wrestle and run and play hard!  He is becoming very strong!  But he’s not a social butterfly.  He stands at a distance and watches.  He evaluates situations.  He warms slowly.  But now and then, he pops up on my lap and allows me to be close to him!  I love it!  He’s quick-thinking and can be very caring.  It’s going to be fun to watch him grow and develop in every way!

6.       KFMC
I have been given the privilege of serving the people of the Kittanning Free Methodist Church for the last fourteen months.  The people have been so kind and generous to us.  My appointment has its challenges since I’m part-time and live over an hour’s drive away.  Yet, we’re working together and seeing God’s hand of blessing in our midst.  We’re grateful that they are part of our lives during this section of our journey!

7.       My parents (Leonard and Hazel Haire)
Mom’s been gone since ’81;  Dad since ’92.  There was a time that I thought of them every day.  Now, it’s more occasional.  But when I think of them it is always with the deepest sense of gratitude!  I was raised well!  Their modeling impacted me deeply!  Their love for Jesus and the Church imprinted on me!  Today, when I look at my hands – I see my Dad’s hands.  If only my hands could do the things his hands did!  J  And my Mom’s deep devotion for prayer and missions still motivates me! 

8.       Friends
Debbie and I have friends literally around the world as a result of our three years in China!  We feel that we are blessed beyond measure by this fact!  I hesitate to start naming them, but friends have played a huge role in our lives!  Just the other day, a friend (Sam Norling) interrupted his day to rescue my car and tow it to a repair shop!  Mark Noel spent hours making drawing and building lists for our garage.  Now, he’s added dozens of hours of actual labor to the task! 

Many of our friends are actually family  -  our siblings and their kids!  Just last week, Jeff, Zac and Nathanael Diddle gave a whole day of labor to the building of our garage.  Barry Schrecengost had us in on Sunday for a delicious dinner.  We are reminded over and over again of the tremendous value of friends.  When Travis died, our mail box filled for weeks with the most beautiful cards and gifts.  We were and are overwhelmed!

9.       Our new home
It has been a long process getting everything done;  even now we are still under construction with the building of our garage.  But most nights we sit down in our living room in disbelief!  We love our new home and Debbie has decorated it in her typically inviting way.  Everyone who has visited so far has been impressed with the beauty of the home and the magnificence of the view and setting!  We are so grateful that we are living in such comfort – AND NO DEBT!  HALLELUJAH!!!!!

10.    Our cars
Even though one of them is in the shop right now with a cracked head, I am still grateful for our cars.  One is a 2003 and the other is a 2004.  Up till this weekend, they’ve been so reliable.  I’m a simple guy and don’t need the best, but I do appreciate what we have.  One was given to us by a friend from Indiana!  I was connected to the other by a new parishioner from Kittanning last summer and got a great deal!  We feel so fortunate to have two cars.  God is so good to us!  

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


I'm fresh back from a week-long visit to Disney World in Orlando!  It was fun!  The rides were exciting and there were endless things to see and do.  I know we were very privileged to be able to do this!  I'm grateful. I mean, really, Disney!  It's supposedly the most fun thing a family can do together - right?

I remember a time - after we had de-nested - when I was feeling bad about the fact that we'd never been able to take our kids to Disney World.  Between low salaries and poor money management, it just never happened.  We'd talked about it, but just couldn't do it.

On an occasion when all three of our kids were home for a visit, I called them together and apologized that we'd never been able to go on elaborate vacations.  I never anticipated the response I got...

All three kids stumbled over themselves to assure us that our vacations had been awesome!  It triggered an avalanche of memories and stories.  They talked about how much they loved our annual camping vacation at Pymatuning State Park and other trips.  Highlights were:

  • cooking over the campfire
  • eating roasting ears cooked in the fire
  • going to Conneaut Lake Park for a day
  • riding the waterslides
  • taking the canoe out for rides
  • hobo dinners
  • sleeping in tents
  • taking friends along
  • riding bikes
  • playing games in the camper on rainy days
  • going every year to the Canfield Fair
  • camping in Aunt Bev and Uncle Dick's backyard
  • visiting Uncle Ira and riding his four-wheelers
  • going white-water rafting at Ohiopyle
  • the annual trip to Sea World and Geauga Lake in Aurora, Ohio

The only negative thing they said was that the day we were packing to leave on these vacations was the worst day of the year!   Ha ha ha ha...according to their report, I was always frustrated that we weren't able to leave at the time I had appointed.  [Blush!]  Maybe I was a bit intolerant.  But they assured us that once we were on the road, it was fun, fun, fun!

All this in spite of two different vacations when we had three flat tires (including the camper).  We hit a rainy week at Carter's Caves, Kentucky one year.  I was called home from vacations to do funerals four years in a row! And I clearly remember that the money always ran out before the week was over...

They refused to accept my apology.  My guilt-ridden take had been in error. We had done a better job than I had realized.  And besides:  they're all grown up now;  Tracie even has her own kids!  And finally - WE MADE IT TO DISNEY [mental fireworks here with the Disney castle in the background]!!!!!

So, a reminder to those who might still be raising your family:  It's not about the money you spend or even the places you go!  It's about the ways you engage your children and have fun together!  

WARNING: During those days, Debbie and I often came home feeling like we needed a vacation to recover from the vacation!  We worked hard to insure that the week was fun for the kids, and often exhausted ourselves doing so.  

The upside is that once you de-nest, you get to go on nicer vacations and focus on enjoying  each other! Woo Hoo!