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Thursday, February 29, 2024


 I see that this title got your attention!  You will not be disappointed.

Isaiah was one of God's Old Testament prophets.  He faithfully delivered God's messages over a period from 740-680 B.C.  

In 711 B.C., Sargon II - king in Assyria - sent his field marshal to attack and defeat the city of Ashdod [located near the Mediterranean Sea in an area known today as the Gaza Strip]. 

At this time, God was very angry with Egypt and Ethiopia and was about to bring judgment on them for their rebellion.  God wants His people to know that this divinely orchestrated punishment was coming because they lay in the direct path between Egypt and Assyria - mortal enemies!  Consequently, they also needed to prepare for this invasion!

It is said that "a picture is worth a thousand words."  So, instead of just sending Isaiah to speak this vital message of warning, God instructs Isaiah to:

Take off all your clothes of mourning, and take off your shoes too.  Of course, Isaiah did that, which left him utterly naked, head to toe. [Isaiah 20:2]

[All quotes from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted]

Isaiah walked around for three years naked and barefoot illustrating what was going to happen to Assyria and Ethiopia.  

Assyria will take away Egypt's captives and Ethiopia's exiles, young and old alike, naked and barefoot as slaves. The Egyptians' shameful impotence and their bare behinds will be on display for all to see as they are driven away by the Assyrians. They will be mortified and humiliated, for they depended on each other, confident that Egypt and Ethiopia could withstand Assyrian assault.  [Isaiah 20:4-5] 

Isaiah obeyed God and vividly portrayed what was going to happen to Egypt and Ethiopia.  It is highly likely that many of the Israelites would see these defeated people as they were herded through Israel on their way back to Assyria!


In an ancient day when communications were far less effective than they are today, God used His prophets in strange ways that would capture the people's attention!  There are many similar incidents in the other Old Testament prophetic books!  God is dramatic!  He sends His messages with a strong desire that they be heard and heeded!


In fact, Sargon II never did defeat Egypt and Ethiopia.  Assyria - under different leaders - squashed Egypt over fifty years later.  It seems that God was using Isaiah's actions to warn Israel NOT to put their trust in Egypt - which they had done before.  


God will use who He wants to use - when He wants to use them!  It's doubtful that anyone looked at Jonah and said, "Now there's a man that God will surely use for His sovereign purposes".  And yet, God did choose and use Jonah!  He used farmers as prophets as well.  

In the Philippines God uses many women to lead the Church!  In Nepal God is using rugged men from the mountains to sustain His work!  In many places across Africa, God is mobilizing those who have endured horrendous suffering!  In America, God is calling men and women from other vocations to come and lead His Church!  \


Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Just one verse and it contains no theology - or does it?

Matthew 13:1    [All quotes are from The Voice Bible, unless otherwise noted]

"That same day Jesus left the house and went to sit by the sea."        

One gets the feeling when reading through the gospels that the disciples had to get up every morning and go on a hunt to find Jesus.  He seemed to be always off somewhere praying - enjoying His private time with God and just being alone

I've been a retreater throughout the years!  They fell into two categories.


About twice a year, I would go away by myself for three to five days [sometimes longer].  Over the years, I've had a number of places that I favored:

  • The Jumonville Training Center where I would sit under the massive cross with its view of three states and seven counties!  

  • The Castle or Sibley Mansion near Franklin, PA.  This secluded spot offered mountain walks, minimal intrusion, and quiet!  

  • Mt. Zion Retreat Center in Roaring Branch, PA.  Isolation, quiet, no cell service and a breath-taking view made this a favorite.  [Plus, it was near my brother's home and we always had breakfast together at least once while I was there!]

You must know that I have stories from each of these experiences.  Many of them were noteworthy and beg for more details - like the time that I addressed my guardian angel and thanked him for his protection throughout the years!  My skin pricks when I even think about that experience.

Periodically, I needed solitude!  I needed the time and space to reconnect with God!  I was fortunate to lead churches that tried to understand this need and allow me the privilege of escape!  In the end, I'm confident that they benefitted from my retreats.  

Let me tell you a bit about my retreats.  

At first, you sleep - a lot!  Exhaustion catches up to you!  It takes a toll!  Being 'on call' has a cost!  

I always journaled - especially during retreats!  I wanted to document what I was hearing and learning!

I prayed A LOT!  Often while walking, I would talk out loud to God!

My schedule changed!  When I would get around to working [which usually involved sermon planning], I would frequently work long into the night.  I would simply work when I wanted to and sleep when I needed to!  

My retreats often involved fasting.  Eating was a distraction - so sometimes, I simply eliminated the distraction.

I would write letters - a practice that is quickly falling away.  As people would come to my mind, I would write notes of prayer or 'thinking of you', or simply friendship.

There were a few retreats where I wrestled with my enemy and entered into spiritual warfare!  

I was always better because of these times of withdrawal!


I have been a backpacker and hiker for many years!  I've spent hundreds of nights alone in the woods in my tent.  I could bore you with the many stories of my adventures.  I have almost as many backpacking stories as I have of hitch-hiking stories from the late, 1960's.  :-)

Most of my backpacking trips took me away for at least a week!  

Other times, I would just escape for a day or even half-a-day for some time in the woods.  Often this would occur on Mondays - which was my designated day off each week.  These times were refreshing and renewing as I walked and talked out loud with my Lord!  

When we were living in Akron, OH, and our kids had matured, Debbie announced that she was going to start going with me on Monday mornings [Monday was also our day off from our work with Shelter Care].  I panicked!   I told her how important this time was for me and that I needed the time to be alone.  She understood.  I promised to come home and get her and we would go back to hike together and then hit Pizza Hut for lunch!  She was delighted!  We followed that pattern for the rest of our time in Akron!  


Jesus was simply setting an example!  It was subtle - but persistent!  

A DISCIPLE:  "Where is He?"

ANOTHER DISCIPLE:  "I don't know.  We'll just have to go and look for Him!"

And that's the way it was.  They would find Him on a mountaintop or by the seashore or tending a small fire in the woods or sitting with His back against a tree.  

Did they get His message?  Do you?  

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."  -  James 4:8

Friday, February 23, 2024


I'll be speaking about complacency this Sunday, so when I read the following words from Max Lucado's first book - ON THE ANVIL - they registered with me:

We're complacent to God.  Churchgoers pack the pews and sing to the back of someone's head.  Fellowship is lost in formality.  One, two, three times a week people pay their dues by walking in the door, enduring a ritual, and walking out [this book was published in 1985, who goes to church three times a week today?].  Guilt is appeased.  God is insulted.  [p.32]

This might not have impacted me quite so much except for what I read just moments before from Richard and Renee Stearns' book, HE WALKS AMONG US.  

There I read the story of Roth Ourng who is a survivor of the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia in the 1970's.  Needless to say, he was suspicious of World Vision workers who showed up in his community in the 1990's.  They set up a tuberculosis clinic, worked with the children in school, and taught farmers new agricultural techniques.  But Roth did not trust them.  

Eventually, he questioned the program director and demanded to know why he was there.  The answer: "We are followers of Jesus Christ, and we are commanded to love our neighbors."   Then the man gave Roth a Bible in the Khmer language.  

In Genesis, Roth discovered the God "I had always wondered about, the God who created the world."  Eventually God led Roth and a friend to a Cambodian pastor who explained the gospel to him.

Stearns comments: "When I met Roth, he was the pastor of a little house church with eighty-three members.  When I asked him where he had found so many members, he answered, 'After I discovered Jesus, I had to tell everyone I knew.  These are my sheep; this is my flock.'"  [pp.123-125]

This is the opposite of complacency!  Look at the love in those eyes!  

No pews - just passion!  

Lord of the harvest,

Help us to break the bonds of complacency and discover the joy of sharing You with our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers!

Help me to be responsible for many who will enter the Kingdom of God through doors that I open as a result of my love for You!  



Thursday, February 22, 2024


Isaac was a peace-keeper.  

In Genesis 26, we see him re-digging quite a few wells that his father had dug years ago - but the Philistines had come along and filled them in.

Then, after his men did all the work of re-opening these wells, some of the local herders claimed that the water was theirs.  Each time, rather than contest the issue, Isaac simply moved farther south to dig new wells.  But each time there was a new breakout of the water wars.  

Isaac was apparently a patient man.  

Finally he dug a well that was not contested.  He named it Rehoboth [which meant 'wide spaces'].  

Then  King Abimelech of the Philistines approached Isaac along with some of his advisors.  They had earlier asked Isaac to leave their area [near Gerar - which would fall in today's Gaza Strip] because his flocks and clan were getting so large.  They apparently saw him as a threat.  Now, however, they still seem worried because Isaac's wealth and prominence was becoming so significant.  They asked Isaac to enter into a binding treaty with them in which they pledged not to do any harm to each other.  Isaac signed the treaty and threw a feast in their honor.

About that time his men successfully dug a new well near Shibah, which later became the city of Beershebah.  

His son, Esau, was turning forty.  He had married two Hittite women who made life miserable for Isaac and Rebekah.  

This is the saga of a patient man who tried hard to avoid conflict and maintain peace.  He didn't want to be a bother to anyone!  

Isaac was the child of the Promise!  He was raised by elderly parents.  He was pretty much like an only child, although he did have a half-brother, Ishmael.  He was raised with great privilege and a deep honor for God!  

God was actively working in Isaac's life!

The Eternal One indeed put a blessing on him, and Isaac became very rich. He prospered more and more until he became enormously wealthy. He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines began to envy him. (For spite, some of the Philistines filled with dirt all of the wells his father’s servants had dug in the days when Abraham was living there.) Even [King] Abimelech was threatened by his prosperity.  [vs.12-16]

[All scripture quotes are from The Voice Bible, unless otherwise noted.] 

Eternal One (speaking to Isaac): I am the God of your father, Abraham. Don’t be afraid because I am there with you. I will bless you with many descendants according to the promise I made to My servant, Abraham.  [v.24]

Isaac seems to have a great desire to live for and please God.  As was common in that day, he favored his first-born son, Esau.  But two points are relevant here:

  1. In Genesis 25:29-34, we discover that Esau "treated his valuable birthright contemptuously" [v.34] by impulsively selling it to his brother, Jacob, for a bowl of stew after a long hunting trip!  Apparently Isaac never became aware of this transaction.
  2. Also, a few verses earlier, we find that God made a significant revelation to Rebekah while she was pregnant with her twins.  
Eternal One (to Rebekah): Two nations are growing inside of your womb,and the two peoples will be divided in the future.
    One will be stronger than the other,and the older will serve the younger.  [v.23]
[Rebekah apparently never shared this message with Isaac!]  

From what scripture reveals, Isaac was a good man with a great desire to fit into God's plan and live pleasing to Him!  

His deficits can be aligned with being an only child of great privilege.  There is also evidence that he had not cultivated his relationship with Rebekah as he could have.  In chapter 27, we read of Rebekah conspiring with her favorite son, Jacob, to help him to deceive Isaac and gain Esau's blessing by deceit.  


Isaac's lifeline challenges us to:

  1. Live honorably before God!
  2. Not allow petty disputes to derail us!
  3. Love your children as equally as you can - avoiding signaling any one child as your favorite!
  4. Cultivate a deep, trusting, loving relationship with your spouse that blesses your children and all those who observe your marriage!

O Lord God Jehovah, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,

Help us to live our lives faithfully before You.  Grant us the grace to be peace-makers and peace-keepers in all of our relationships!  

If we have found a spouse, help us to love him/her with deep devotion and to cultivate intimacy in love, in communication and in the shared responsibility of raising the children You may have given us!  

By Your grace, wisdom and strength, enable us to love and raise our children in such a way that each of them feels special!  Help us to raise them with a deep love for You and a desire to live pleasing to You!  May our relationship with them - even into adulthood - be characterized by love, respect, and deep commitment!

But most of all, equip us to live gratefully before You all of our days and - by doing so - to point many others to You and Your Kingdom!  Amen.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Job is a complicated book with lengthy dialogues/speeches by Job and his friends.  His friends are all convinced that Job has sinned; they have no other paradigm by which to see the horrific things that have occurred in Job's life!  However, Job maintains his innocence throughout although he does slip into the language of sarcasm repeatedly.  All these men are confounded by the loss of Job's children and property!  It doesn't seem to make sense.

After all three friends have given their thoughts to Job, he responds with a six chapter diatribe.  His opening argument is persuasive:

Job: By God—who lives and has deprived me of justice,
        the Highest One who has also embittered my soul—
    I make this proclamation:
        that, while there is life in me,
    While the breath of that selfsame God is in my nostrils,
    My lips will not let lies escape them,
        and my tongue will not form deceit.
    So I will never concede that you three are right.
        Until the day I die, I will not abandon my integrity just to appease you.
    On the contrary, I’ll assert my innocence and never let it go;
        my heart will not mock my past or my future.   

[Job 27:1-6 All quotes from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted]

We know that Job is a good man for he is so described in chapter 1, verse 1.

He was a very good man—his character spotless, his integrity unquestioned. In fact, he so believed in God that he sought to honor Him in all things. He deliberately avoided evil in all of his affairs.

That being noted, Job clearly states his opinion and belief that God had deprived him of justice and has been the cause of deep bitterness in his soul.  It's important to remind ourselves that Job has suffered unbearable losses!  

And yet - he does not curse God!  His trust of God and knowledge of God is so embedded that he will NOT stop honoring God!  He determines that  - in spite of his pain and tragedy - he will maintain his righteousness and continue to assert his innocence!

Surely you notice how different this response is than most of us would exhibit.  Most of us have known people [or have done it ourselves] who:

  • deny the existence of a loving God
  • reject the church and disassociate from it
  • curse God
  • live evil lives flagrantly
  • become embittered by their anger toward God
But not Job!  He's as confused and disappointed as any of us have ever been!  Yet, he stands before his accusing friends and maintains his innocence while recommitting himself to living a righteous and godly life!  

When you consider the end of this book, when God restores all that Job had lost in chapters one and two, it is a compelling example and encouragement for us not to react against God in anger and bitterness, but to trust Him supremely and resolutely determine to follow Him and trust Him in spite of our pain and dissatisfaction!  
Ever loving, always faithful, totally just and gracious God,

We sometimes feel that we're being treated unjustly because our perspective is limited and our pain and disappointment are great.  Help us to keep our balance in these crisis times and take the deliberate stance of Job:
"Look, He may well kill me, but I will hope in Him.  Still I will be ready to argue my case before His very face." [13:15]




I made an observation during our three years in China.  The Chinese are slow and deliberate about considering the decision to accept Christ and serve God!  They do not rush into this relationship without deep consideration and an extended period of thought.

However, when they do make this commitment, they make it resolutely!  They will NOT turn back!  The decision has been made!  They will hold to it - regardless of the cost!  This garnered my deepest respect.

May it be so for us as well!

It reminds me of a chorus we used to sing years ago:

I am determined, I've made up my mind:

I'll serve the Lord! 

I'll follow wherever He leadeth,

I'll pasture wherever He feedeth!

I am determined, I've made up my mind:

I'll serve the Lord!

Sunday, February 18, 2024


For the better part of forty years, I dealt with the realization of spiritual oppression.  Any pastor who is serious about his/her work knows what I'm talking about.  Because we are the point person for the church, we make ourselves a target for the enemy of our souls!  We proclaim the Word in worship.  We recruit, train and deploy workers into the harvest.  We challenge people firmly and consistently to live their lives to make a difference in our world.  Satan doesn't like this!  He opposes us through any means that will distract, discourage or discredit us!  

You've read the stories of pastors who erred morally.  Others - in far greater numbers - simply quit because of the stress and pressure.  There are many reasons why pastors find other, less stressful ways to make a living!  Few recognize the directness of Satan's opposition.  It can be - at times - intense.  And note this fact:  the more fruitful and effective the ministry is - the more it will garner Satan's attention!  

I retired in 2016.  I noticed right away the almost complete release from this spiritual opposition!  My retirement had taken me out of that integral role of direct influence.  I was less of a threat to the enemy of our souls!

Then, just a few weeks ago, I was invited to accept a part-time, temporary role leading a church.  I attended there last Sunday and met some of the people.  I sat down Monday with about nine of the church's leaders.  Wednesday was my first official day in this new position as 'Interim Pastor'.  

My mind is percolating with thoughts and ideas as this new reality is thrust upon me.  My prayer time has become even more an expression of my dependence on God for wisdom, discernment, and intimacy with Him!  I intuitively knew what my first message would be - and I'm ready to deliver it this morning!  There's an excitement in my spirit as I resume a role that I thought was only in the past.

Yesterday [Saturday] was an easy day.  I enjoyed my morning time with the Lord and His Word.  I shoveled snow.  I ran to Boardman to pick up a few things.  I had no major issues on my agenda.

When I arrived back home, I began to feel low.  Deb noticed it and questioned me.  She made a few suggestions on how I might shake it off and enjoy the rest of the day.  

I've been down this road before.  I slipped back to my study and tried to read.  I couldn't stay focused.  Then, slowly, it began to dawn on me.  The next morning I would be speaking to the Foundery people about renewing THE MISSION!  I would be influencing people to be more intentional, more vibrant, more focused on seeking and saving the lost!

My sly enemy was using one of his most effective instruments on me - depression.  If he could undermine my confidence and excitement, perhaps he could drain my energy and passion?  But a few moments of spiritual discernment gave me the spiritual insight to dispel his attacks and renew my zeal for my new role.  

The battle is over, but the war continues.  We must be vigilant!  We must be on guard!  We must be deliberate in staying connected to Christ!  

By the way, this is one of the main reasons why it is ESSENTIAL that you pray for your pastor!  S/he is likely experiencing spiritual oppression at a level that exceeds normal!  Their leadership role puts them front and center in Satan's sights!  Intercede for them regularly.  Hold up their hands in the same way that Joshua and Caleb held up Moses' hands!  

Peter makes this perfectly clear to us in I Peter 5:8 [NKJV]

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 

And you can be fairly certain that your pastor is one of his targets!

Thursday, February 15, 2024


"You have proven forgetful of God - how God pulls you clear of danger, how God stands firm, like a great rock where you can take shelter."  Isaiah 17:10
[All quotes from The Voice Bible unless otherwise noted.]

Have you been forgetful regarding the times that God has pulled you clear of danger?

Do you RUN to HIM in times of peril?

This wonderful verse reminds us of two of God's greatest qualities:

  1. He pulls us clear of danger!
  2. He is a shelter of protection for us!
Point to consider:

Sometimes, we know that God has pulled us clear of danger.  However, there are likely times that He does so - that we're completely unaware of!  Have you ever prayed a prayer like this one:
Lord God,

Thank You for the times you have protected me and delivered me from evil or danger!  I am well aware of some of these interventions; however, You have probably delivered me many times without me even knowing about it!  You are an awesome God!  I will praise You forever!  Amen.

But, our verse above clearly indicates that God's people frequently forget to honor God for the things He does for us!  How sad!

There was a country-born woman in one of my congregations who had come to faith during her adulthood.  She had enjoyed a radical turnaround - along with her husband.  She would occasionally stand up during church and give a testimony.  It always began with the same words in her unique drawl:  "I'm so fur behind in my praises for the Lord!"  I often joke and say that twenty minutes later, she would be all caught up!  😂

 However, she illustrated our verse!  Don't fall behind in praising and thanking God for His protection, provision and guidance!  Stay caught up!  For  most of us - maybe all of us - this requires some kind of daily appointment.  

But there's a second part to our verse:

He is also a refuge for us when we need protection or respite!  We can run to Him - run to Jesus!  Even people with no faith often cry out: "Oh God!" when something traumatic occurs!  Where does that come from?  It seems deeply ingrained in all of us to call on God in dire circumstances.  

God as a refuge is a common theme in the Bible - especially the book of psalms!  A place of protection.  A hiding place.  A safe place.  

Do you need this today?  

I don't know if Mac Powell and the group Third Day had this verse in mind or not, but their song, "Cry Out To Jesus" captures its message.  If you have five minutes, let them bless you with this amazing reminder! 

Thursday, February 8, 2024


Names are significant!

I knew this back in 1998, when we moved to Akron, Ohio. But Harold had always seemed to me to be a name of derision - thanks to Bill Cosby and his character, Weird Harold. So, since my parents had passed and I no longer had to fear offending them, and since we were moving to a new church in a new city where we had very few acquaintances, I decided it was a good time to change my name. I asked Brenda Young - the pastor of our church - to help me with this, and she readily agreed. At Cornerstone Church I became known as Pastor Hal.

I never expected family and friends - who had known me previously - to call me Hal. However, most people have adapted to and accepted the new name. My kids resisted it at first, but later grew comfortable with it.

Having been a Lyft driver for five years, I've learned lots of names that struck me as being very unique - even odd. Here are some examples from my log:
Zayy Tausha Meechielle Princess Kalisa Tornike Jatavia Nae Hae Nalvinia Calliyah Lemariah Tyjuan Jahquale Khali J'Lyne Imani Bolan Money Saurin

Debbie and I chose Travis' name because I worked with a fellow named Traverse - and we thought it was a cool name. After that, we decided to stick with the pattern for our next two kids: Troy Haire and Tracie Haire Kerstetter. We affectionately refer to them as our 'three T's' 😊

Things have clearly changed since I was growing up, when my three best friends were Bob, Larry and John. And that's okay! One thing we learn early from life is that things change - even common names.

In a world that has grown smaller via global interconnections, we often struggle with foreign names that look unpronounceable to us!

Reading the Old Testament can also be a challenge! Many of us just sort of skip over the difficult-to-pronounce names of people and places.

But I've already wandered.

In reading through Genesis as part of my daily reading, I came across a list of names in a genealogical listing found in Genesis 22:20-24. Apparently, Abram's brother, Haran, had a daughter named Milcah. Milcah married her uncle, Nahor [Abram's other brother]. [This practice was common in a day when the earth was FAR LESS POPULATED] Together, Nahor and Milcah had eight children - the first two were Uz and Buz - how's that for different?

But this whole blog is written to discuss their fourth child - who they named Chesed [also Hesed]. Few realize that this is a very special word in the Hebrew language.
Biblical translators and scholars throughout the ages have attempted to confine the term chesed to the realm of human understanding through words like lovingkindness, devotion, mercy, strength, grace, purity, loyalty, tenderness, and steadfastness. But each of these descriptors falls short on its own.        [

 Our Bible stumbles over itself to try to describe the nature of our God!  For example:  

“They refused to listen and failed to remember the miracles you performed among them. They became stiff-necked and in their rebellion appointed a leader in order to return to their slavery. But you are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love [chesed]. Therefore, you did not desert them,” (Nehemiah 9:17)

I have simply plucked this child's name out of the genealogy because of it's uniqueness! He is never mentioned again.

It reminds me of a young woman that I gave rides to periodically when I was Lyfting. Her name was Precious. I asked her what it was like to be called 'Precious' many times every day? She responded that it made her feel amazing!

I'm quite sure that Chesed would understand and agree!

I really have no interest in affecting the naming of our children! Debbie and I exercised our freedom in that action and we respect others who do the same.

I will admit, however, that as a counselor I have worked with a number of people who struggled in life because of their name. One young woman's name was Robin. That would have been okay, but her maiden name was Hood. She suffered mercilessly as a child and teen!
But the real purpose of this blog is to help you get acquainted with a God who is described with an untranslatable word - Chesed!

Recall some words that help us to understand the depth of meaning that is OUR GOD!
Wouldn't you like to have this kind of God on your side? Especially when we add that He is ALMIGHTY, EVERLASTING and ALWAYS PRESENT.

If He is your God - worship Him!
If He is not yet your God - seek Him, because Matthew 7:7 tells us that those who seek, will find!

If you need help in finding Him - I'm always willing to help you!
My email is :-)

Saturday, February 3, 2024

GOD SPEAKING: "I Would Choose You Again!"

I just read Isaiah 14 from The Voice Bible.  I know, it’s easy to get bored reading through the Old Testament prophets. But I found this chapter to be totally captivating purely because of its sincerity and creativity! 

But before we go any farther I must explain something.  

There are passages of scripture that appear to have a double meaning.  Part of Isaiah 14 certainly falls into that category.  Mid-chapter, there are verses [12-16] that are often interpreted as referring to Satan.  I have no intention of contesting that practice;  actually, I have taught from that perspective and would love to do so again.  However, I want to be clear that in this article I am taking the passage as a clearly historical record of God's promise to deliver Israel from the hands of the king of Babylon.  This ruthless ruler would ultimately defeat and utterly destroy Jerusalem in 587 B.C.  Until that date, however, the prophets of God were desperately trying to generate change in the hearts of the people of Israel (northern kingdom) and Judah (southern kingdom).  

Isaiah is one of these prophets and delivers a message in chapter 14 that is both powerful and creative!  Of course, the source of Isaiah's [and every prophet's message] is God - but surely God also incorporates the personality, gifts and qualities of the individual prophets.  

So, before I lose you, let's observe two points:  one powerful and one creative!


It's a wonderful thing to be chosen!  Remember your youth when the gym teacher put several of the best athletes in the middle and told them to choose from the rest to make teams?  To be chosen quickly was so affirming and brought instant relief!  Woe to those who were chosen last; they knew in their hearts that no one really wanted them on their team.  Gym teachers should have been wiser!  

Or think of the grandest moments in a woman's life when a man kneels before her and asks if she will be his wife!  When Troy was quite young, he once asked his mom: "If dad could choose anyone in the world to marry, why did he choose you?"  Troy's perspective was a little skewed and I'm sure his mom helped to correct it that day.  But really!  What more powerful thing can a husband and wife say to each other on their anniversary than: "If I could do it all over, I'd choose you!"  

God knows this!  

He has seen Israel (northern kingdom) drift away from their dedication to Him and His kingdom principles.  This grieved God!  They had immensely disappointed and rejected Him!  And yet, God has never given up on them!  He has consistently sent prophets to try to woo or warn them back into His grace!  God has extended the time of judgment repeatedly in hopes that - given more time - they would repent and return.  

Even now - as the Babylonian king is threatening their destruction - God is urgently speaking to them:

For the Eternal will extend mercy to Jacob, this family of God’s people. God will choose Israel all over again, and He will settle them in comfort and rest back on their land. [all quotes from The Voice Bible]

In spite of rebellion, serving false gods, disobedience, immorality, and decadent living, God still tells Israel that HE WOULD CHOOSE THEM AGAIN!

Unbelievable, right?  Here's a perfect example of why we sing: "AMAZING GRACE"!!!!!!


Isaiah records for the people of Israel's pleasure a dialogue from the place of the dead [be it Sheol or Hell - a discussion for another blog].  

First, Isaiah gives voice to the people as they cry out in relief as the king of Babylon is no longer a threat.

Ah, Israel, there will be a time when the Eternal will give you rest from the burden of your labor, the pain of your servitude. And then you will take up this chant against the fallen king of Babylon:  [vs.3-4] 
O Babylon, the land of the dead is excited to greet you at its door.
Your king will enter the grave with ghastly pomp.
It stirs the shadows and spirits of the dead—all long forgotten leaders—
it arouses all the dethroned kings of the nations to welcome your arrival.
These departed souls will respond to you with rattling voices,

Then, Isaiah continues this contrived dialogue by giving voices to those who are already dead!

Departed Souls: Even you, who were so powerful and unstoppable in life,
have been weakened just like us!
All of your pomp and power and the music of your harps join you here
where the dead abide,
Where maggots squirm beneath you,
where worms cover you like a blanket.

 [The 'Departed Souls' continue to speak in terms that - we mentioned earlier - have a double meaning.]

My, how you’ve fallen from the heights of heaven!
O morning star, son of the dawn!
What a star you were, as you menaced and weakened the nations,
but now you’ve been cut down, fallen to earth.
Remember how you said to yourself,
“I will ascend to heaven—reach higher and with more power
and set my throne high above God’s own stars?”
Remember how you thought you could be a god, saying:
“I will sit among them at the mount of assembly in the northern heights.
I will rise above the highest clouds and
make myself like the Most High”?
Hah! Instead, you have sunk like a stone to where the dead abide.
You’ve hit bottom of the bottommost pit.  [vs.12-15]

Isaiah gives the people of Israel a graphic picture of the future of the king of Babylon!  

In a day of cinema and virtual reality goggles, we may not find Isaiah's words to be that dramatic.  But we're talking 700 years before Christ!  Isaiah was a gifted man who likely spoke dramatically and even acted out this message when he gave it!  He uses all his powers of influence to convince the people of Israel to put their trust in the One God - Yahweh!  


I believe the church needs to generate far more impressive creativity in the directing of our worship and the delivery of our messages.  I have cited this many times - forgive me - but I believe that our worship should be engaging, creative, stimulating, participatory, and relevant!  For worship to be boring is a travesty!  After all, we're worshipping the God who made zebras, giraffes, monkeys and parrots!  

Pardon me, please, but sometimes when I look at the bulletin I just want to check out.  It looks exactly the same as last week!  Is this the best we can do?


Thank You Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit!

Thank You that You would choose us all over again!  Thank You for loving us with such devotion and patience!  

And thank You for color, four seasons, variant geography, diverse giftings, unique people, divergent ideas, distinct perspectives, and different perceptions.  Thank You for illustrating creativity so vividly and so abundantly!  You continually amaze us!  May our worship be vibrant and mirror Your creativity!  May You always be pleased with the offerings we bring You when we worship!  

For the Kingdom's sake.  Amen!

Thursday, February 1, 2024


Psalm 3 is a psalm written by David.  It is not a psalm by a young shepherd or by a mighty and influential king.  Rather, it is a psalm written late in David's life when the whole nation realizes that he is now an old man and there will inevitably be a new king arise before long.  

Nevertheless, he is still highly regarded and he is STILL THEIR KING!  

It is at this time that his son, Absalom, decides that it is time to rise up and challenge his father's throne.  It is a sad narrative that is recorded in II Samuel 15-17 [for those who may want to review it].  The short version is:

  • There is a history that is recorded in earlier chapters:  Absalom defends his sister, Tamar's, honor by killing the half-brother - Amnon - that raped her.  As a result, he has to flee for fear that his life is in peril.  After a long period, David is convinced to allow him to return to Jerusalem.  Absalom desperately wants to be restored to his father, but David won't allow it.  In bitterness, Absalom begins to undermine David's authority by charming the people and gaining their favor!
  • Absalom plans to have himself declared the new king of Israel, but word of his plans reach David.  David immediately leaves the city with all his entourage, however, he leaves ten concubines to care for the palace.  He realizes that Absalom has laid a plan and is strong in power and numbers!  
  • David - in his wisdom - plants spies in strategic places to keep him informed about Absalom's activity.  Strategic people who have long been loyal to David equip, inform and supply him in his escape from Absalom!  
  • Absalom assumes the role of king and sleeps with the ten concubines on the roof of the palace as an act of defiance against his father!  Meanwhile, David crosses the Jordan and moves deep into the wilderness to avoid an attack by Absalom.  At the same time, God uses David's former advisor to thwart the plans of Absalom and give David time to escape!
  • Eventually, the battle rages in the wooded area of Ephraim.  Absalom is killed and eventually his forces retreat. David is deeply grieved over the death of another son!  But he recovers - after being chided by his commander, Joab - and honors all those who have fought for him in restoring the kingdom!  
Sometime after all this, David writes Psalm 3.  It may very well be one of the last psalms he wrote.  It has three occurrences of the Hebrew word 'Selah'.  Typically, this word indicates a pause for reflection.  This may tell us that David wrote this psalm with deep feeling and much contemplation.  He surely reexperiences the pain of losing two sons as he writes.  This alone would explain the need for time to reflect and grieve!

The first petition (vs.1-2) recounts the fact that David's throne was attacked with such strength that many believed his kingship had come to an end!

The second expression is one of praise to the Eternal One for protecting David (vs.3-4).  It affirms the fact that God answered David's prayer of desperation!

The final section (vs.5-8) expresses David's complete trust in God and affirms the intervention of the Eternal One in David's life!  David's powerful enemies have been defeated and David is full of praise as a result!  

  • Has someone you love - even someone from your family - betrayed you?
  • Is there turmoil in your family with friction, hatred, and cruelty being openly expressed?
  • Have you been undermined by someone close and trusted?
  • Have you lost your home and all that was comfortable to you?
  • Have many who were once faithful to you now left and are favoring someone else?
  • Do you feel alone and displaced?
  • Does it seem that all is lost and you will never be restored to your former life and joy?
  • Are people (figuratively) throwing stones at you and calling you names?
  • Are you being publicly mocked?
  • Does it look and feel like all is lost - FOREVER?
Perhaps you ought to turn to Psalm 3 and read it?  My suggestions are:

1.  Read it in a contemporary version that you can understand and relate to.  If you don't have  one, then punch 'Psalm 3 in The Voice Bible' into your browser and read it there!

2.  When you come to the word 'Selah' or 'pause', stop reading and just meditate on what you've read.  If you feel inclined to do so, write your thoughts in a notebook!  Talk with God about your feelings and let Him renew your trust!

3.  Don't hold back!  
     If you're angry - express your anger!  
     If you're disappointed - speak it out loud!
     If you feel that God has abandoned you - tell Him!
     If your enemies seem to be gaining the victory - call out this injustice!
     If life has left you desolate - weep, scream, wail...

4.  Now, talk with God about your situation and see if He has something to say to you.  Notice  where He takes your thoughts.
     Is He leading you to talk with someone?
     Is He comforting you?
     Is He instructing you?
     Is He pointing out sin in your life?
     Write down whatever He is doing and repeat this process daily until your God-channels are fully open again!

God bless you!  If you need prayer, or want to talk with someone who will keep your confidence - private message me on Messenger [or email me:].