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Monday, August 29, 2022


I used my pressure washer on Saturday to clean my truck.  At the end it was blowing a spray out of the side, but it still seemed to work long enough for me to finish the job. 

Sunday afternoon, my son, Troy, came by to borrow the truck to get his giant pumpkin to the Canfield Fair.  He asked about borrowing the pressure washer, too.  I told him about the problem I had encountered.  In less than a minute, he had identified the problem.

This morning in our usual text-exchange, he told me he’d ordered the part and would soon have it fixed.  Then he promised to use it immediately and return it. 

Now, let me explain that this would have been a huge issue for me!  I’m NOT mechanical!  I’m not good at fixing things!  I can do some things, of course, but I often refer to myself as a ‘butcher’.  😂 

Troy’s and my gifts couldn’t be more extreme!  We knew when he was very young that he would make a living with his hands!  He was always at my side learning and wanting to participate in anything I was doing. 

My gifts are more relational.  I’m a pastor, a speaker, a writer and a counselor – the humanities.  Troy’s not much interested in these areas.  J

We’re both good men!  We each love the Lord and seek to serve Him to the best of our abilities!  Our VERY DIFFERENT ABILITIES! 

If I’m honest, I’d have to admit that I envy Troy (and others like him).  I wish I had that set of skills and ability!  Sometimes the gifts that I have don’t seem very valuable.  It discourages me when I can’t fix something and have to call Troy (or a friend) for help! 


I just read and summarized Galatians 5 this morning – a rather lengthy process.  As I came to the end of the chapter, I came across these words [which inspired this post]:

"…the life of the Spirit…means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse…Each of us is an original.”   [Galatians 5:25-26  TM]

It was an ‘ouchee’ moment for me as I sat quietly before the Lord. 

To envy others is to deny the marvelous ingenuity of God in making me who I am!  I am an original!  So is Troy!  I celebrate his gifts and love him for who he is!  I also celebrate the gifts God has given me! 

Are you getting this?

Don’t look at others and envy them!  Don’t do it! 

Maximize what God has given you!  Live for His glory – not yours!  You too ARE AN ORIGINAL!  Take full advantage of that!  And praise the Lord! 

Friday, August 26, 2022


 The last section of Luke 7 shattered me this morning! 

A Pharisee asked Jesus to his house for dinner.  [Was this a genuinely inquiring Pharisee, or was this just another trap?] 

I don’t fully understand what happened next except to realize that it was a different culture with different settings and practices.  Maybe the meal was in an open courtyard?  Whatever the case, it doesn’t seem to be presented as unusual for this Middle East culture at that time.

A prostitute enters the scene where Jesus and the Pharisee are eating.  She stands over Jesus weeping – her tears wetting His feet.  She kneels and dries His feet with her long hair, then anoints His feet with an expensive perfume (a necessity for her trade). 

The Pharisee thought to himself that if Jesus was a true prophet, He would realize what kind of woman this was.

Immediately, Jesus (knowing what the man had been thinking) told him a story of two men that couldn’t pay their debts;  one, a large debt, the other a small one.  The banker forgave them both and vanquished their debts.  Then, Jesus asked the Pharisee which would be more grateful.  He answered correctly:  the one who was forgiven the most.  [v.43]

Then Jesus observed that the Pharisee had not washed Jesus’ feet upon His arrival (a common tradition in that culture).  He had also not greeted Jesus properly nor had he provided Jesus anything for freshening up.  Yet this woman had washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and kept kissing his feet (a sign of humility) and had anointed his feet with perfume!  Then, Jesus added:  Impressive, isn’t it?  She was forgiven many, many sins, and so she is very, very grateful.  If the forgiveness is minimal, the gratitude is minimal[vs.44,47]

Then [Jesus] spoke to her:  “I forgive your sins.”  [v.48]

(Now we discover that there were other guests at the table) These dinner guests began murmuring:  Who does He think He is, forgiving sins?  [v.49]

Jesus [being aware of it all] ignored them and said to the woman, Your faith has saved you.  Go in peace.  [v.50]


Jesus’ focus here was so intense!  The prostitute had His full attention!  He saw her heart!  It was vulnerable.  She had suffered abuse – unspeakable abuse!  He saw her pain!  He saw her sorrow!  He felt her remorse.  He was full of compassion!  Thus, His act of forgiveness! 

Don’t get distracted by the guests or the Pharisee here!  Imagine what she felt!  SHE WAS FORGIVEN!  It was as though she had never sinned!  Her slate was washed clean!  Her guilt was REMOVED!  She was given a fresh start! 

Have you ever felt as light as a feather?  As giddy as a teenager?  As joyful as someone who just won the lottery?  As relieved as someone who just completed a major task?  I think she felt all of this!  I’m surprised she didn’t wrap her arms around Him and kiss Him!  Ha ha ha, wouldn’t THAT have stirred up the guests?  HE – FORGAVE – HER – OF – HER – MANY – MANY – SINS!  Her previous life was now in the rearview mirror!  Better yet, it was buried in the deepest part of the sea!  FORGIVEN AND FORGOTTEN!

And, dear Facebook friend, that’s the way it is for all of us who have come before Him in a similar fashion!  Don’t go through this day without celebrating your forgiveness! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


I’m going to try to unpack this as simply as I can.

In ancient Israel, God punished the nation by allowing Babylon to defeat her and carry her inhabitants off to a foreign land for seventy years.  The mighty city of Jerusalem was destroyed, including its magnificent Temple!

Gradually, as God had promised, He worked things out for them to return.  Their neighbors badgered them as they tried to rebuild their homes and the protective walls of the formerly great city. 

But God was not pleased with their selfish pursuits.  He sent two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, to encourage the people to rebuild the Temple!  These two prophets partnered to motivate the people.  Zechariah, in particular, used visions and prophetic imagination to incite the people and give them hope!

Theological students have examined his technique for ages!

It is perhaps a technique that should be reignited by pastors today!  However, it cannot be accomplished by human creativity or ingenuity.  It requires a deep and integrated walk with God! 

Two things regarding the American church are quite clear today:

1.    Christianity is in serious decline.

2.    The Church is failing at its mission!

Now that a foundation is laid, let's build on it. 

I have noticed over the years that Bible teachers – clergy and lay – are capable of doing a wonderful job of explaining the scriptures.  Those who can, may help us understand the words of the original languages to help clarify meanings.  Others explain archaeology or provide extra-biblical historical facts to clarify and fill in the gaps.  They may also connect passages and give us a clearer picture of exactly what was going on; where and why it was happening.  All of these are helpful for understanding the passages under study.

But the greatest flaw in these teaching methods is when that is all there is!  I have witnessed so many excellent teachers [again clergy and lay] who fail to take the vital ‘next step’!   Why should I bother to know these biblical facts of history UNLESS THEY ARE CONNECTED TO THE DAY IN WHICH I LIVE AND MOVE? 

Teachers must learn to end their lessons by simply asking a question of their learners:  “Now. In these closing moments before our class ends, how do we take what we’ve studied today and apply it to 2022?”


What have we learned today that will help me be a better follower of Christ? 


Zechariah – having an intimate relationship with God – did this by sharing visions and by using his creative, spiritual imagination! 

A pastor/teacher can’t do this if their only time with God is while driving to work in the morning! 

THIS pastor/teacher has to have a connection with God that enables him/her to see what God is up to and where He is heading!  That’s what we want to hear;  it’s what we NEED to hear!  Sorry, but who cares how many Philistines were in the army that Gideon faced? 

Tell me what God is up to!  What does He desire of His people right now! 

Today, God’s people are struggling with:

    ever-increasing inflation
    escalating violence
    a diminishing church
    clear move toward socialism
    national concerns of significant magnitude
    the breakdown of the traditional family
    lack of a national moral code
    fear of anarchy
    global insecurity
    questions about how to deal with needy immigrants
    dead-locked and oppositional two-party system

Preachers today need to be spending more time in their closets and less time in their studies.  We need to hear from GOD!  Where is He moving?  Are we in a period of exile spiritually?  Is there hope?  How should we respond to these crises? 

Please don’t tell me cute stories or explain ancient history to me – UNLESS IT CAN SERVE TO INSPIRE ME AND STIR MY THINKING AND IGNITE MY RESPONSE TO ALMIGHTY GOD! 

The earth is quaking!  Everything is uncertain!  Are these the ‘last days’? 



Oh, Sovereign God,

You set this all in motion when You stepped into time and spoke it all into being!

You’ve never left us – in spite of our frequent turning away from You!

You have exhibited endless grace and mercy and, even still, You call us to repentance and forgiveness! 

We’re grateful that Your Church is prospering in increased followers in many places in our world today.  This seems to be happening in places where Your Church is suffering severe persecution. 

We wonder…

Are You preparing to prune Your Church here in America?  Are You creating circumstances that will test our faith?  Will all that we’ve found – in the past – to be dependable, be taken away so that we have only You to trust in?  Are You preparing us for REAL FAITH? 

We announce it today, Lord:

    Our faith is NOT in a political party!
    Our faith is NOT in a Constitution!
    Our faith is NOT in a charismatic leader!
    Our faith is NOT in a philosophy of governance!
    Our faith is NOT in the hoarding of resources!


So, show us the way.  Fortify us for what may come!  Deepen our knowledge of You through Your Word!  Give us a greater experience of Your Spirit!  And give us visions to guide us! 

Remind us constantly that even if this fray costs us our lives, it only ushers us into Your Holy and Eternal Presence! 

To God be the glory!  Amen. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


My grandson is riding his bike a lot.  He lives in Rockledge, Florida, where it's quite flat.  He rides to visit some school friends and they spend time together.

WIWAK* I rode my bike A LOT!  My hometown, New Brighton, PA, is built on levels as it steps up from the Beaver River to the hillside rimming the city.  I don't guess they have specific names, but there was downtown; then the level where there were a lot of schools, churches and homes; then Oak Hill; and then Brighton Heights - where I lived.

So, I loved riding downtown - all downhill; especially rounding the big bend on Mercer Road!  

At first, I rode an old 20" regular bike - nothing fancy.  I barely remember it.  I stretched one year and asked for an English racer for Christmas.  I knew it wasn't likely that I'd get it.  At the end of the Christmas morning, I'd received lots of great gifts - but no bike!  But, that was okay.

My dad asked me to gather up all of the wrapping trash and take it to the garage.  When I carried the box of trash into the garage, there sat a brand new, bright red, three-speed, English racer!  Yep!  Unbelievable!  I rode it around in the garage to my parent's delight!  Later, I took it out and rode it up William Penn Way in the snow!

From that point on, I lived on that bike!  My friend, Bob Creese and I would ride out Stuber Road in the summer and go exploring.  I rode it to my job [caring for Dr. Chadwick's yard] up by the Beaver Falls Country Club many times!  Several times, Bob and I rode our bikes to Darlington Lake to swim!  

I delivered TV Guides back then - a once-a-week job that took me all over New Brighton, including Marion Hill!  [I made $.04/copy! 👌]   

It was great!  I loved my bike.  But, all things progress, right?  Eventually, I got a Moped.  Then, I advanced to a Honda S90.  Eventually I bought a Honda 350.  And later in life I picked up a Honda 200 - just for fun!  I've bought several sets of matching 10-speeds over the years, but Deb's knees never encouraged her to ride much with me.  

I love taking a bike on trips to Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head or Florida.  I enjoy peddling around and exploring while Deb reads.  Right now I'm without a bike, but my son, Troy, recently called and asked if I wanted his old one.  You bet!  If we drive to Rockledge this winter, I'll go riding with Coltin!  Now that'll be fun!  

*  When I Was A Kid

Friday, August 12, 2022

CONUNDRUM – Not an everyday word!


Definition:  a confusing or difficult problem or question

Although the word is not used in Luke 6, part of this passage certainly presents a conundrum.  Consider:

You’re blessed when you’ve lost it all. [v.20 TM]

You’re blessed when you’re ravenously hungry.  [v.21 TM]

You’re blessed when the tears flow freely.  [v.22 TM]

Count yourself blessed every time someone cuts you down or throws you out, every time someone smears or blackens your name to discredit Me (Jesus speaking).  [v.22 TM]

What?  What?  What?

Those don’t sound like times of blessing that I want to come! 

Yet Jesus – our Lord – says that when these kinds of times come as a result of our being His follower, then WE ARE BLESSED!  

He goes on to instruct us not to respond in kind, but to respond with love!  That’s right!  He actually says it:  Love your enemies.  [v.27 TM]


Do you believe it?  He tells us to do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you…[vs.27-28 NASB]

What is His reasoning here?  Why should we do these things?  This is hard stuff! 

I think there are two sound reasons for exhibiting such extreme behavior in the face of opposition:

1.    We are Christ-followers and that makes us respond to crises, opposition and adversity in a far different manner than those who are NOT Christ-followers.  We don’t curse, strike back, get revenge, or respond in kind.  Those kinds of reactions are simply not an option for us!  We are peace-makers! 

There is, however, another reason that is rarely taught or talked about within Christianity. 

2.    When we adhere to Christ’s instructions – as mentioned above – we assure ourselves of a great reward! 

It puzzles me that we don’t hear more about this!  I preached a whole series on this at Family Camp one year and also at one of my last churches.  The concept of REWARDS is prolific in the scriptures.  Obviously, I can’t unpack it all here, but I pretty much know what some of you are thinking.

Hey, Hal, I’ll just be happy to make Heaven!  I understand that thinking and can’t argue with it, except to suggest that we all like rewards.  If some are going to be rewarded because of their exceptional obedience to Christ and His Word, wouldn’t it be nice to be among them?

Facebook is based on ‘rewards’ and look at how successful it is!  If people ‘Like’ our posts, it makes us feel better about ourselves – proud of ourselves. 

Imagine if the Lord of the universe were to ‘Like’ our performance during these years we lived on earth…

I’m not sure how He’ll do that…but I rather expect that if we’ve

                been peace-makers
                responded to hate with love
                loved our enemies
                given to everyone who asks of us [v.30]
                turned our cheek [v.29]
                lent without expecting a return [v.34]
                extended mercy [v.36]
                blessed those who curse us
                prayed for those who mistreat us

then He’s going to have something in store for us that will be pretty amazing!  A GREAT REWARD that will last for ALL ETERNITY!

Now there's something to reach for!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022



God begins by commanding Isaiah to shout loudly to His people!  He desperately wants to get their attention! 

They think everything is fine!  They go to worship and study about God regularly.  To all appearances they’re a nation of right-living people – law-abiding, God honoring.  [v.2]

They even practice fasting, but they’re aware that God doesn’t seem to notice this.  They wonder “Why?”.

God tells them why!

God tells them that the bottom line on their ‘fast’ days is their own benefit.  They drive their employees too hard.  They bicker and fight.  They put on a pious face and show off their humility.  They parade around solemnly in black.  [v.5]

God makes it clear to them that this is not the kind of ‘fasting’ that He desires. 

Rather, God says:  

This is the kind of fast day I’m after:
    to break the chains of injustice,
    get rid of exploitation in the workplace,
    free the oppressed,
    cancel debts.

What I’m interested in seeing you do is:
    sharing your food with the hungry,
    inviting the homeless poor into your homes,
    putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad,
    being available to your own families.

Do this and the lights will turn on, and your lives will turn around at once.
Your righteousness will pave your way. The God of glory will secure your passage.
Then when you pray, GOD will answer. You’ll call out for help and I’ll say, ‘Here I am.’


“If you get rid of unfair practices,
quit blaming victims,
quit gossiping about other people’s sins,
If you are generous with the hungry
and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out,
Your lives will begin to glow in the darkness,
your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight.
I will always show you where to go.
I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places—
firm muscles, strong bones.
You’ll be like a well-watered garden,
a gurgling spring that never runs dry.
You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew,
rebuild the foundations from out of your past.
You’ll be known as those who can fix anything,
restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate,
make the community livable again.

Then God delivers a final word about observing His Sabbath day:

“If you watch your step on the Sabbath
    and don’t use my holy day for personal advantage,
If you treat the Sabbath as a day of joy,
    God’s holy day as a celebration,
If you honor it by refusing ‘business as usual,’
    making money, running here and there—
Then you’ll be free to enjoy God!
    Oh, I’ll make you ride high and soar above it all.
I’ll make you feast on the inheritance of your ancestor Jacob.”
    Yes! God says so! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Matthew 5 starts out with the remarkable story of Jesus teaching from Peter’s boat.  We know that they already knew one another because in the previous chapter Jesus goes to Peter’s house for dinner and heals his mother-in-law.  We have no way of knowing from scripture just how long they had been acquainted, but we would be safe to assume that the relationship had some length to it.  Maybe Jesus had worked on Peter’s boat for him?  We can make the same assumptions about Andrew, James and John. 

You know the story.  After the teaching session – which took place a short distance from the shoreline – Jesus turned to Peter and told him to drop his nets again.  Now, Peter had just cleaned the nets after a fishless night on the lake.  He responds:  “Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, but at Your bidding I will let down the nets.”  [v.5 NASB]   Wise decision, Peter! 

Upon letting the nets down, they immediately filled with fish to the point of breaking their nets!  We’ve seen this portrayed in movies – it was a joyous and amazing moment!  Peter quickly calls for help from James and John and both boats end up filled with fish!  The financial benefit of this is never mentioned in the scripture, but it had to be significant! 

But the story is not over yet.  Peter fell to his knees in front of Jesus and said:  “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!”  [v.8 NASB]

Have you ever been there?

I know you have. 

Experiencing the presence of God is an essential part of our worship.  I led a nearby church for nine years that grew substantially – enough so that we went to two services!  When we polled the people, they reported that they regularly experienced the presence of God in our worship!  It was SO EXCITING for our leaders to discover this!  It was our goal and the people confirmed that we were reaching our goal!  All our planning, prayer and preparation was worthwhile!  PTL!  Woo Hoo!

When you experience the presence of God, it is mystical and overwhelming!  It just happened Sunday while I was teaching a small Sunday School class and was so filled with awe for God that I could barely speak the words of my testimony!  Everyone sensed it!  We KNEW God was present!  We all left with a greater determination to follow Him more faithfully!  That’s what happens when we experience His presence! 

In my mind’s eye, Jesus reached out and offered Peter His hand.  “Get up, Peter!  You’re still going to be a fisherman!  Your catch is just going to men and women now!”  Then, He probably pulled Peter into His chest and wrapped His arms around him in a bear hug of joy!  After that, Andrew, James and John all probably came and hugged him too!  It’s a ‘man thing’!



Experiencing Your presence is something we live for!  Someday, we’ll live in Your presence for all eternity, and we can only imagine the joy and fulfillment of that experience!  We rejoice that some of our loved ones are already there! 

But, for now, we simply yearn for moments when the divine touches our lives, minds and hearts.  It does occasionally occur when we’re alone with You and our Bible is open before us with tear-stains on it’s pages.  But, more-often-than-not, it occurs when we’re with others of kindred faith in a worship setting – small or large. 

You visit!  We sense it!  And we never want it to end! 

It purges us, renews us, determines us, and strengthens us. 

It doesn’t happen near as much as we’d like it to, but we live for the next time! 

The last words in our Bibles:  “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’  Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.  Amen.”  [Revelation 22:20-21 NASB]