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Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I've just finished reading Isaiah 36-39.  King Hezekiah was a good ruler.  He listened to God and honored the prophet of God.  He prayed privately and in public.  He worshiped regularly.  He put his trust in God and led the people to do so as well. 

He lived in a tough time.  The Assyrian king, Sennacherib, came against Jerusalem with a massive army.  Sennacherib was a bully who had conquered many other nations and expected to easily roll over Jerusalem.  However, King Hezekiah called on God to deliver him and his people.  God sent a angel through the Assyrian army and killed 185,000 soldiers.  Sennacherib packed up and left!

Around this time, Hezekiah became very sick.  Isaiah, the prophet, visited him and told him:  (38:1  LB)
"Set your affairs in order, for you are going to die;  you will not recover from this illness."
As Isaiah left, Hezekiah prayed:  (v.3)
"O Lord, don't You remember how true I've been to You and how I've always tried to obey You in everything You said?" 
God heard Hezekiah's prayer and immediately sent Isaiah back in to tell him that he would live for another fifteen years. 

Soon after this the King of Babylon sent ambassadors to visit Jerusalem and Hezekiah.  Hezekiah foolishly showed them all of his riches. 

Isaiah came to visit again and told him that because of his unwise actions all of this wealth would eventually be carried off to Babylon - including his own sons. 

Hezekiah's response is the low-point of his life:  (v.8)
"All right.  Whatever the Lord says is good.  At least there will be peace during my lifetime!"
Those are his last recorded words in the Bible!

At this stage of the game, Hezekiah had quit caring about others - even his own family.  Instead of repenting, he acquiesced.  Instead of calling on God for forgiveness - he caved. 

Finishing well is SO IMPORTANT!!!  Don't give up!  Stay faithful!  Be quick to repent!  Keep caring!  God has done great things in your life - AND HE'S NOT DONE YET!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I'd estimate that 95% of my time with God is me talking. 

In my head I know I should be listening, but listening to God is harder.  It's easier to talk. 

I can quote (or find) the scriptures that advise us to "wait" on the Lord.  I'm familiar with the passages that say, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church."  I realize that I'm missing out on a lot of God's best counsel by failing to practice just being quiet in His presence.

When I do take the time to wait before the Lord, I usually benefit from doing so.  But it's hard to get quiet in our world! 

I go away on retreat three times a year;  usually for four or five days.  Mt. Zion is off the beaten path;  I have lots of silence and solitude there.  Still, it usually takes me until the second night to get quiet before the Lord.  We're pummeled with noise and distractions in our culture;  it's hard to break away from it. 

I wonder how often God shakes His head thinking, "I wish Hal would just stop and spend some quality time with me.  I want to help him, but he won't let Me."

Marlene Smith was a life-long friend.  She attended our church for the last several years of her life.  During these years, she experienced a wonderful, spiritual renewal that resulted from spending time in silence before the Lord.  She spoke of it to anyone who would listen!  It had transformed her!  She encouraged it so much at our church that people got tired of hearing her admonishments.  She led a prayer group and forced them to wait in silence before the Lord for twenty minutes on many occasions.

Early in her experience, she wrote me the following  note:
Waiting on God for twenty minutes each day has transformed me, my life, my thinking, my faith, my family, and all with whom I come in contact!  Glory be to God!!

Forty-five years of being a Christian has not matured me as much as this one month exercise.  It has turned me on my head.  No longer am I trying to live a godly life…God is living thru me.

Could the spiritual transformation that all of us long for really be enjoyed for the simple price of twenty minutes a day? 

Does God really want to download His thoughts into my mind and heart?

Does God long to talk to me?

Am I missing the most powerful link in my life, simply because I'm too busy?

Monday, August 6, 2012


The process of going to China has been full of challenges and new experiences - and we haven't even left the U.S. yet! 

In January, I decided to leave the pastoral ministry and pursue the possibility of some kind of overseas ministry.  I filled out an extensive profile with a ministry that serves as a broker with scores of mission organizations.  However, responses were sluggish and non-specific.

In mid-February, I contacted the Volunteers In Service Abroad (VISA) Department of the Free Methodist Church.  They were immediately excited about our desires and began to guide us in the process of application and resume preparation. 

Deb ... and Amy ... - of the VISA Department have been particularly helpful every step of the way.  They have literally been just an email away during this whole process! 

Jason and Wendi ... and their family have been in G..., China for the last year.  They corresponded with us to answer our practical questions about living and working in China!  They were SO encouraging!

Then we were connected to Lena ... (and her husband, Mark).  They are currently serving in China..  She has been an invaluable helper by submitting our information to the universities and advising us.  Our first 'skyping' session was two weeks ago with them;  what an amazing experience that was!

Rie ... is currently teaching in the university where we are heading.  She has answered so many questions for us and even sent pictures of what our apartment will look like!  She has also assured us that she'll walk with us through the early days in Changchun to help us get settled!  Randy .... - also a teacher in Changchun - has also corresponded with us to answer questions and offer encouragement!

Dana ... is a veteran teacher who speaks fluent Chinese.  She is flying in this Thursday to spend two days training us for our new experience  (Jason will also join us via skype)! 

Recently, my nephew (Lee Haire) connected me to Julie ... who is currently teaching English in Korea. I worked with her dad the summer after I graduated from high school.  Although much younger than us, Julie has encouraged us and counseled us and has shared her vibrant spirit for God with us.  She's also made a connection for us to a teacher in Changchun who speaks fluent Chinese!

WE HAVE NEVER MET ANY OF THESE PEOPLE (with the exception that Deb ... visited our church for a Sunday about two years ago)!  

These folks have befriended us and sacrificed on our account.  They have encouraged us and guided us.  We have come to love them all before we even meet them!  We're so grateful to God for them and the part they are playing in getting us to Changchun!

We see the hand of God in all these relationships.  These people are heros to us!  We're so grateful that God is allowing our paths to cross with theirs!  And all of this assures us that we are working in concert with His sovereign plan. 

We can't thank these new friends enough - AND WE CAN'T PRAISE GOD ENOUGH!!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Sunday is:
  • a day for free donuts and coffee at your local church.
  • a great time to put the boat in the lake.
  • an opportunity to see friends that you only talk to once-a-week.
  • an excellent time to plan your week.
  • a chance to hear someone read from the Bible.
  • a day for cutting the grass.
  • a good time to try out some new clothes.
  • a day for reading and relaxing.
  • a great day for a pinic.
  • nap day.
  • a super day for watching movies.
Sunday is also:
  • a wonderful day for reading your Bible.
  • a special time for talking with God.
  • the perfect time to evaluate your priorities.
  • a good day for serving others.
  • a natural time to join others in worshiping God!
I recently spent three Sundays in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh.  Starbucks was crammed - not a seat available!  People were out in droves riding their bikes and jogging.  Couples meandered from store to store and enjoyed meals at outdoor cafes.  Massive cathedral-like churches had their doors open to a trickle of nicely-dressed people. 

I've been kind of sheltered, so I was shocked at the lack of spiritual activity in the city.  I've been burdened about it ever since. 

I know my Chinese students will want to learn about American culture.  I know they will drill me about our values and priorities.  They will be curious about all aspects of our lives.  I'm concerned about how to respond.

People are coming to Christ at an unprecedented rate in their country.  Missiologists fear that their development will be tainted by American ecclesiastical influences. 

May God continue to foster genuine, spiritual renewal in China and in the United States.

Friday, August 3, 2012


We've seen it over and over again in the last week;  someone is devasted because they came in second place.  They're broken.  They weep.  They cover their face.  They're devasted and their dreams are dashed.

Some are missing first place by one one-hundredth of a second!  One one-hundredth of a second!!!  And they have to settle for a silver medal instead of a gold!  That's tough! 

They've been taught to win!  Gold is all that matters!  No one remembers who came in second.  The person on the top riser is the only one that matters!  They only play his/her national anthem.  No one goes through all the pain of training in order to win a silver medal! 

However, there are other scenarios.  Occasionally we've seen a swimmer that may not have been expected to medal.  But, circumstances were such that they had an amazing performance and came in second.  They're elated!  All smiles!  Can't seem to believe that they achieved a silver medal. 

I feel for those who just missed the mark of best!  I think I can undersand their high expectations.  That's a good thing!

At the same time, I'm happy for those who did surprisingly well and ended up with medals they truly didn't expect.  I feel their joy!

Competition is a good thing.  It brings out the best in us. 

I won two trophies in my life;  they're both long gone now.

The first was a trophy for winning a basketball tournament when I was in junior high school.  'Chugger Lowry' was our coach;  he played on the varsity team.  He was patient with us and taught us the basic skills.  Somehow, to his surprise and ours, we won!  None of us were outstanding - all average.  The wind blew in our direction, and I got my first trophy!

The second trophy came much later - on our honeymoon!  We were at THE SUMMIT in the Poconos.  At the evening meal we were called up front and presented a trophy for being "The Best In the Sack At the Summit".  We were embarrassed in the crowd of other newlyweds.  Together that afternoon, we had won the 'sack races'.  That was 1973 - thirty-nine years ago. 

Trophies and medals are nice.  But eventually, they gather dust or get lost in attics. 

I Peter 1:3-6 (TLB)
All honor to God, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; for it is his boundless mercy that has given us the privilege of being born again so that we are now members of God’s own family. Now we live in the hope of eternal life because Christ rose again from the dead.  And God has reserved for his children the priceless gift of eternal life; it is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay.  And God, in his mighty power, will make sure that you get there safely to receive it because you are trusting him. It will be yours in that coming last day for all to see.  So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though the going is rough for a while down here.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I sat last evening talking with my brother-in-law, Jeff Diddle.  It was after dark and we had just taken a dip in his backyard pool.  In the light of a full moon, we talked on a number of topics. 

Jeff is getting ready to host a family reunion on his property and spoke of the ongoing battle to keep the woods from encroaching on his property.  He wondered how long it would take for the woods to overtake his property and home if he was to just walk away from it.  We both agreed that it wouldn't take long!

I believe this is true of our spiritual lives as well. 

Years ago I learned to drive a 'stick shift' while working for my brother's father-in-law in Philadelphia.  When I drove one of his trucks out of the driveway and headed up the hill I prayed that I would get a green light!  If I got a red light, I always had difficulty getting the truck going forward without drifting backward first!

Drifting backward and being over-run with past sinful practices is a reality for all of us!  If we're not diligent, we'll find ourselves back in former patterns of sin.  We will have lost the blessing of God in our lives. 

We must be vigilant!  We must maintain momentum in growing spiritually.  We cannot afford to ride on past knowledge.  We cannot slack off without paying a price! 

Being "disciples" implies disciplines!  This is not for "rules" sake.  It's not about "legalism".  Disciplines are a hedge of protection!  They open channels of grace that can keep us growing and connected to our Lord!  They are our way of hacking down the encroaching trees, vines, and bushes that would overtake our lives!  If we ignore our disciplines for even a short time, it can feel overwhelming to gain back the lost ground! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Have you wondered this?  Is there some period in history that you've glamorized?  Perhaps if you had a time machine, you'd go back and visit that time period?

I've often thought the time around the turn of the twentieth century would have been an interesting time to live.  Cars were just beginning to hit the scene.  An explosion of manufacturing was soon to hit the country.  The "roaring twenties" was a period of prosperity and expansion.  But two World Wars were on the horizon that would change the world forever - one way or the other!

Recently, I've wondered how far back one would have to go to find a fervent faith in America?  How far back would we have to wind the clock to find the culture saturated with a deep faith in God? 

Historians record three "Great Awakenings" in America.  The last of these was from 1850 - 1910.  It was characterized by the founding of new denominations and zealous missionary outreach!  It resulted in over one million new converts for the churches of America!  It produced institutions like the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) and great leaders like Dwight L. Moody.  It carried the nation through the desperate days of civil war and the issues that divided the nation!

Some historians are claiming that there was a fourth "Great Awakening" in the late 1960's and through the 1970's.  This period was characterized by the weakening of the "mainline" Protestant denominations in membership and influence while conservative denominations like the southern Baptists and Pentecostals thrived!  There is no general consensus that a fourth "Great Awakening" actually occurred.

I would like to live in a period known as a "Great Awakening"!  I would love to see a massive turning to Christ for salvation!  I would love to see a willingness to sacrifice for the cause of Christ.  I would love to experience a church where there is a desire to participate in the sufferings of Christ.  I would love to see a boldness and courage that is willing to pay whatever price is necessary to see the Kingdom of God flourish! 

Regretfully, I have NOT experienced this in my lifetime - as yet.  But from what I'm reading, the Spirit of God may have plans to bring me into contact with such a church over the next year...