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Thursday, August 2, 2012


I sat last evening talking with my brother-in-law, Jeff Diddle.  It was after dark and we had just taken a dip in his backyard pool.  In the light of a full moon, we talked on a number of topics. 

Jeff is getting ready to host a family reunion on his property and spoke of the ongoing battle to keep the woods from encroaching on his property.  He wondered how long it would take for the woods to overtake his property and home if he was to just walk away from it.  We both agreed that it wouldn't take long!

I believe this is true of our spiritual lives as well. 

Years ago I learned to drive a 'stick shift' while working for my brother's father-in-law in Philadelphia.  When I drove one of his trucks out of the driveway and headed up the hill I prayed that I would get a green light!  If I got a red light, I always had difficulty getting the truck going forward without drifting backward first!

Drifting backward and being over-run with past sinful practices is a reality for all of us!  If we're not diligent, we'll find ourselves back in former patterns of sin.  We will have lost the blessing of God in our lives. 

We must be vigilant!  We must maintain momentum in growing spiritually.  We cannot afford to ride on past knowledge.  We cannot slack off without paying a price! 

Being "disciples" implies disciplines!  This is not for "rules" sake.  It's not about "legalism".  Disciplines are a hedge of protection!  They open channels of grace that can keep us growing and connected to our Lord!  They are our way of hacking down the encroaching trees, vines, and bushes that would overtake our lives!  If we ignore our disciplines for even a short time, it can feel overwhelming to gain back the lost ground! 

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