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Thursday, September 8, 2016

A Family Tradition

When I was young, the church was like a second home to me.  My family was there every Sunday morning for Sunday School and worship;  and again for the Sunday evening service.  Tuesday nights were for CYC (Christian Youth Crusaders).  Wednesday nights were prayer meeting. Twice a year we would have a week-long revival - and we were there every night!  Then there were Board meetings and Trustee meetings and WMS meetings and Missions rallies and District Youth Rallies and District Quarterly Conferences and Youth Camp and Family Camp and Annual conference - you get the idea!

On our way to church on Sundays we stopped to pick up Vint and Mae Baker and transport them to and from church.  My Dad was a class leader for the 'Mercer Road' class.  After class meeting (which was after prayer meeting on Wednesday) he would stop briefly at the homes of the people who had not attended the class.  I remember sitting in the car and waiting for him to return.  Mom was the local leader of the WMS (Women's Missionary Society).  She was also the Cradle Roll Director for a while.  She opened our home to bishops, evangelists, missionaries and other guests constantly.  Our family's 'Guest Album' was a "Who's Who in Free Methodism".  When the church had a work day, we all participated!  I still remember Joe Douglas coaching me on painting the church basement with precision.

It was a family legacy of serving that was concentrated through the life of our local church!  My parents chose to teach by example.  I don't recall ever being taught or encouraged to serve;  we just caught it through their persistent and committed example!

I smiled a few weeks ago when Troy told me he couldn't get together with me because he was working at his church!  Just last week, he told me that he's working on repairing the outside cross on the church!  When we visit Tracie and Jon, we notice that he leaves extra early on Sunday morning to lead the parking team!  Often when we call them, they tell us of time spent working on the church property!

We visited them a couple of weeks ago.  I'm an early riser and was up working on a message for Sunday at Kittanning Free Methodist Church. Our granddaughter, Rylie, (8 years old) is also an early riser.  She snuggled up close to me and started reading what I was typing.  That's when this conversation took place:

RYLIE:  [Almost whispered]  "Poppy, I serve at my church!"

POPPY:  "You do?"

RYLIE:  "Yes.  I asked my Mom if I could serve and she talked to my teacher. Now I serve with the 2 and 3 year olds!"

POPPY:  "Wow, Rylie, that's great!  I'm so proud of you!"  [Big hugs were exchanged.]

I later asked Tracie about Rylie's serving.  She confirmed that Rylie indicated a desire to serve like her Mommy and Daddy.  After speaking with her teacher, the leaders approved Rylie to work once-a-month with the 2&3 year olds.  So, once-a-month, after attending her own Sunday School class, Rylie serves (alongside her Mom) during the next period with the younger children.  Tracie reports that the younger children absolutely love her!

As a church leader for over forty years, I've faced repeated attempts to find people to serve in various roles in the church.  It has, at times, been a discouraging task.  Actually, we're facing this very need at the church I'm currently serving.  I'm hoping for an influx of new people who are eager to contribute to the joy of ministry!

By the way, you're never too old or too young to serve!  Rylie helps prove that!  And don't you dare say, "I've done my time!"  Serving is not a punishment!  Serving is the key to joy!  Serving puts a smile on Jesus' face! Serving puts others first!

And parents:  Don't teach your children to serve - SHOW THEM HOW TO SERVE!  Set an example that will stir their hearts and make them want to do the same!

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