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Friday, April 17, 2020


Our kids grew up in several different homes as a result of my pastoral role.  Travis was born while we were still in Kentucky - attending Asbury Seminary.  Troy and Tracie were born while we lived in McClellandtown, Pennsylvania.  None of them would remember these homes.  Their memory would begin with Hill Boulevard in East Liverpool.  From there, we bought a house on Thompson Avenue and lived in it for seven years.  When I was told I was being moved, we sold it.  Then, I wasn't moved.  We had to pack everything up and moved three blocks to Bradshaw Avenue.  After a year, the owner sold the house and we had to pack it all up and move again - this time about six blocks to Fifth Avenue.  We affectionately called this home:  Maniac Mansion.  After a year there, we moved to Spencerville, Maryland, where we lived in a parsonage again.  Travis had left home for the Navy before this move.  After two-and-a-half-years, we went into a season of limbo that ended with us living in Akron, Ohio.  Ah, the life of a pastor's family...

Our kids learned over the years to attach themselves to us and not necessarily to a house.  Debbie is such an amazing home-maker.  Every place we've lived has been 'home' for them!  

When they were young, we played games, had treasure hunts and played on the trampoline for hours! We also had fire drills.  At unexpected times, I would set off one of our smoke alarms and we would all run out of the house.  I even did it after they had gone to bed a few times!  :-)   The instructions were made quite clear - especially when we lived on Thompson Avenue while they were young.  In case of a fire, we'll all meet across the street and under the big tree.  That way, we'll know quickly if anyone is missing.  

Fire drills were fun!  We laughed and I timed us.  Of course, we never really expected to have a fire.

But then, one day we did have a fire.  I was at the Oakland Church holding a Board Meeting.  I got a call that simply said, "Come home!  It's an emergency!"  I adjourned the meeting and raced home.  As I turned onto Thompson Avenue, there was a ladder truck parked in front of our house with the ladder going into the attic window - Travis' bedroom.  Smoke was rolling out of that window.  This is the kind of sight that makes your stomach sick!

A fire had begun in the attic and our neighbor, Dan Dietz, had run in and tried to extinguish it with our fire extinguishers.  Someone called the fire Department - thankfully - and our home was saved.  If my memory is correct, we had about $8,000 of damage.  The fire fighters had done their best to respect our property and we went to bed that night feeling very grateful!  The Red Cross was quickly on the scene with money for clothing replacement and an offer of lodging.  

When the trucks (and crowd) had left, we finally calmed down.  As we did, Debbie reported to me that she found all three kids under the tree across the road from our house - just the way they had been trained!  

Fire Drills - might be something you want to start in your own family!  

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