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Saturday, March 27, 2021


Matthew 21 opens with the report of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem (vs.1-11).  

Many will celebrate this occasion in our churches tomorrow morning.  It is a joyous day that begins a week of tragedy and sorrow.  

In this episode we see Jesus receiving the acclaim that He deserves.  
  • a donkey (and her colt) are secured.  (vs.1-3)
  • Old Testament prophecies are fulfilled:  Zechariah 9:9 and Isaiah 62:11.  (vs.4-5)
  • a very large crowd spread their clothing before Jesus (and his donkey and her colt).  (v.8)
  • others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.  (v.8)
  • all the while the people shouted:  Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Hosanna in the highest!  (v.9)
  • When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, "Who is this?"  (v.10)
But the tone changes quickly!  Directly on the heels of this jubilation, Jesus enters the temple area and drives out all who were buying and selling there.  We're shocked at His righteous indignation as He overturns tables and benches and screams, It is written:  'My house will be called a house of prayer', but you are making it a 'den of robbers.'  (v.13)

On the heels of this, the blind and the lame came to Him at the temple, and He healed them. (v.14)  They had apparently been gathered at the temple as an expression of their hope.  Seeing Jesus there, they were not afraid, but gathered around Him and He healed them all!  Imagine, for a moment, the inexpressible joy that was generated in these moments.  The children spontaneously began singing His praises:  Hosanna to the Son of David!  (v.15)

These immediate acts of entering Jerusalem in fulfillment of prophecy, cleansing the temple, and healing the sick remarkably draws the ire of the chief priests and teachers of the law.  They scold Jesus and tell Him to shush the children.  In response, He simply quotes Psalm 8:2 for them, which surely must have aggravated them even more:  From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise.  (v.16)

And with this accomplished, Holy Week has begun.  Jesus withdraws with His disciples to Bethany to rest.  

It seems obvious to me that Christians (Christ-followers) should consider beginning this Holy Week in a similar fashion.

1.   Celebrate Christ as the Lord of heaven and earth;  more than that, as OUR PERSONAL LORD!  Sing His praises!  Acknowledge His Lordship.  Surrender again to Him!

2.   Cleanse our personal temple!  

The most important aspect of this would be to do a personal inventory of our spiritual lives.  Are we as fervent as we have been previously?  Have we lost our first love?  Are we effective in witnessing for Christ by singing aloud His praises?  Have we allowed Him to be crowded out by other, less critical, concerns?  Do we need to recommit?  This process will likely take some time.  Will you set time aside today or tomorrow to cleanse your temple? 

Secondarily, it may also mean that we should literally clean house of things that might entrap us or lead us astray.  This might involve us in changing habits that have come to control us.  It might mean bagging up distracting materials and placing them on the curb.  Or, it is more likely to involve us in deleting computer (or phone) files that are doing us spiritual harm.  

Some of this will be simple but indicting.  
  • How many times a day do I check Facebook?  - can be compared to - How much scripture have I read today?
  • How much screen-time have I had today? - can be compared to - How much time have I been before the Lord in prayer today?
  • How many hours of television have I consumed today? - can be compared to - In what ways have I served the Lord today?
It is likely that all of us will emerge from this kind of testing with new resolutions.  Perhaps we can be a catalyst for renewed vision and practice in our family, church and community?  

Lord, possess me now, I pray,
Make me wholly Thine today;
Gladly do I own Thy sway,
with Thy Spirit fill me.

Lord, I yield myself to Thee, 
All I am or hope to be
Now and through eternity,
with Thy Spirit fill me.

Lord, commission me, I pray!
Souls are dying every day;
Help me lead them in Your way, 
with Thy Spirit fill me.

With Thy Spirit fill me,
'With Thy Spirit fill me;
Make me wholly Thine, I pray,
With Thy Spirit fill me.

[Oswald J. Smith, 1940]

If you're my age or older, you were probably singing this - right?

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