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Sunday, May 9, 2021


I arrived ten minutes early in a downpour.  This church had about six guys with large umbrellas running to walk us to the entrance.  The guy that escorted me was very friendly.  Pretty cool idea!  

They are a church that was planted in 2011.  They meet in the fellowship hall of an established church.  The common area was well populated with people visiting and hanging out.

I entered the hall which was set up with about 200 steel chairs.  No bulletin.  ;-)  A countdown indicated that the service would begin in about five minutes.  Several people took up the microphone to make announcements in that interim, but the background music was loud enough that I couldn't hear what they were saying.  

[Remember that I'm hearing impaired.  Much of the morning I struggled to hear.  I've been told that when mikes are set for singing, they're NOT set for speaking.  Also, I suspect that this hall had poor acoustics.  I didn't ask if they had devices for the hearing impaired;  if I go back, I'll ask.]

To their credit, they did begin on time.  I estimate that there were about 120 in the hall at that time.  Within a half-hour, another sixty arrived.  I attribute this to the fact that the congregation was largely young adult.

The worship team included a young man who led with his guitar, a keyboard player who seemed quite skilled and sensitive, and a young lady who sang lead.  .  I wish I could have heard his comments between songs.  They did three or four songs;  I did not know any of them.  From observing others, not many did.  And yet, the congregation seemed eager to worship!  Uplifted hands and moving to the music was obvious across the hall.  

PERSONAL EXCURSION:  I don't understand (probably because I'm an old guy) why so many churches insist on a constant barrage of new worship music?  It deprives the people of the joy of singing in worship.  For many of us, this is an anticipated act of participation.  Think about it:  where else do we sing - the seventh inning stretch?  There are SO MANY great worship songs out there.  Please sing something I know!

There were no masks and there was no attempt to social distance.  We were encouraged at one point to greet our neighbors;  everyone around me shook hands with me.  It was liberating!  The congregation was largely made up of young adults and young couples;  however, other age groups were also represented.  Quite a few staff members participated in the service.

Their web page indicates that their pastor came to Geneva College from Louisiana, married and planted the church.  Although I'm not certain, I think he played a major role in leading the service.  He and his wife sat in the front row and he was quite a cheerleader for all that was happening and obviously enjoys being before his people!  

No offering was received, but before the service ended we were instructed to find receptacles for our offerings as we left.  

Mother's Day was prominently celebrated!  A number of videos were used and the PowerPoint was well run!  [That gets a BRAVO from me because it's so poorly run in most churches!]  

The message was delivered by four young women who sat on stools before us.  Two of them might have been the pastor's daughters.  They each spoke for about ten minutes presenting one point and supporting it with one verse of scripture.

  • Be Intentional
  • Serve Others
  • Be Available
  • Love Others

The young women were engaging and passionate in presenting their message.  The pastor followed their message with a prayer including his own message.  During a closing song the congregation was given opportunity to come forward and receive Communion;   a small percentage took advantage of this invitation.  

A young man and young woman came forward and made announcements for several minutes.  I was impressed that one of the announcements had to do with a 'Servolution' in which they were rallying the people to serve the community!  [Servolution is a book written in 2009 by Pastor Dino Rizzo from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  It documents a radical plan to serve others in the name of Christ.]

Much was done right and well here!  It is clearly a dynamic and growing body of believers.  I understand that they are purchasing a former Catholic church on Route 51 and will eventually begin ministering from their own site.  I would expect to see explosive things happen at that point!  

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