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Friday, July 1, 2022


I know that nobody cares about the message of Zephaniah’s three chapters.  I’m not going to bore you with a long treatise about this almost unknown Old Testament prophet.  I’ll give you its essence in abbreviated form.  Here it is:

Chapter 1  -  Judgment Day is coming!

Chapter 2  -  So, get ready!

Chapter 3  -  You don’t want to miss out on what GOD has in store for you!

Let’s remind ourselves that this message was delivered about 2,700 years ago!  Generation after generation have passed with no resolution of God’s promise – YET! 

However, one look at Zephaniah’s last word spoken on behalf of GOD, reassures us!  The old King James Version renders these last words as “Thus saith the LORD.”   The New American Standard Version updates it:  “Says the LORD.”  The Message paraphrase brings it current:  “GOD’s Promise!”

God has promised a final resolution that will be totally satisfying to all who have suffered, but who have continued to trust in Him! 

And through the years many have suffered.  They have suffered injustices, prejudice, hatred, persecution, pain, death, war, imprisonment, and SO MUCH MORE!  Yet, many have remained faithful throughout these trials!  They have earned a great reward that they have not yet received. 

In our current world, many have been experiencing these same atrocities for a long time.  However, we in the United States, have been cocooned from most of these painful conditions.  We are only now beginning to feel the birth pains of genuine suffering.  Most of us feel that the pain and suffering will only increase.  It is a fearful time as we watch a stalwart nation begin to crumble from within – victims of an enemy that has been stealthily gaining more and more power and control for decades.  And now – the trend seems irreversible.

What do we do?  To whom do we turn?  Where do we place our hope?  Can this trend be reversed?  Will an election reverse the destruction we are witnessing?  We hold on to whatever hope we can find…

But this is nothing new!  It’s just new here!  Other nations have gone down this painful path scores of years ahead of us!  Whole generations have lived and died with little or no hope for rescue or improvement. 

Yet Christians in all of these places have sustained hope even in the midst of peril!  Matthew 7:13-14 tells us that there are two gates.  One gate is wide and leads to destruction;  this gate is easy to locate and many pass through it as a result!  The other gate is narrow and leads to life, and few are those who find it. 

Every person who has ever lived chooses one of these gates!  You have chosen one of these gates! 

And as a result, your eternal destiny depends on your choice! 

Some say, “Aw, phooey!  That’s all nonsense and spiritual mumbo-jumbo!”  Someday, they will regret that they took this attitude.

Others choose the narrow gate and strive to walk in a way that is God-honoring.  It’s not easy and they’re not perfect.  They struggle.  They fall.  They repent.  They return.  They grow.  They trust.  They persevere!  And God watches it all – looking not at their bodies, but into their hearts!  And He knows! 

And the amazing thing is:  you can travel the wide gate’s path for much of your life, and then suddenly decide to enter the narrow gate.  And that’s okay!  God allows you to do this! 

So, if you’ve exhausted your stubbornness and just want some peace and assurance in your life – CHANGE PATHS! 

Believe me on this:  God really wants you to experience the amazing place that He has been preparing for us!  GOD wants you there! 

As of yet, it’s still a future reality!  When GOD is ready, all believers will inherit this heavenly home at the same time – and it will be GLORIOUS! 


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