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Tuesday, October 4, 2022


[Luke 8:40-42;  49-56]

Imagine that you’re a father with a twelve-year-old daughter who is dying and there’s nothing that can be done to save her.

Then, suddenly, someone mentions that Jesus – the Healer – is in a nearby town.  You run to intercept Him and tell Him about your daughter.  To your joy, He is willing to come and see her.  However, as you hurry along the road, Jesus is interrupted by another healing opportunity and precious time is lost.  You don’t want to be rude;  many people are hurting and need Jesus.  Yet, you tap your foot impatiently, hoping that He will soon be free to continue the trip to your home and your precious daughter.

But your heart sinks as you see some of your friends approaching quickly.  You can tell from the looks on their faces that they bear bad news.  If only Jesus hadn’t been interrupted.  You’re instantly filled with a sick feeling.  Sadness clogs your throat. 

In that instant, Jesus touches your arm and says – for only you to hear – “Don’t be upset.  Just trust me and everything will be all right.”  Something about His touch and His words affects you deeply.  It’s beyond understanding, but you do trust Him. 

It seems like only moments later that you and Jesus arrive at your home and are ushered into the room where the lifeless girl lies.  Family and friends are weeping – sobbing.  Sorrow fills the atmosphere!  And rightly so.  Jesus tells them all, “Don’t cry.  She didn’t die.  She’s sleeping.”  They laughed at Him.  They knew she was dead.

Jesus expels everyone except you, your wife and three of His disciples.  He takes her hand and speaks to her:  “My dear child, get up.”  She was up in an instant and breathing again!  Imagine your joy, your shock, your gratitude!  Your daughter was dead and now she’s alive!  Jesus tells you not to speak of what happened in this room, but you can’t comply – YOUR DAUGHTER IS ALIVE AGAIN! 



Well, clearly, we learn to trust in Jesus!  He has all the time in the world and is never rushed!  Keep trusting Him regardless of the circumstances - and everything will be all right.

But, Hal, children die every day!  How is that all right?

This is an essential question!  Our prayers are not always answered in the way we desire.  This vignette had a happy ending;  sometimes that is not the case.  

Debbie and I know this very personally.  When our lives were disrupted in early October, 2015, we flew immediately to our son's bedside in Honolulu.  We kept vigil there for nearly a week:  praying over him, singing to him, stroking his face, holding his hand, speaking tender words of affection and hope to him.  Then, the doctors told us it was over.  

We had to stay for over a week waiting for the memorial service in the chapel to be completed.  There we were, in Paradise for a week with no desire to enjoy our surroundings and its many pleasures.  We were in pain!  Debbie wailed in frequent outbursts of anguish.  Our son was gone - just before turning forty.  This was not a happy ending.  

But God has given us a caveat for situations like this.  Don't scoff at this, these are some of the most significant words in the New Testament.

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God and live according to His purpose."

We clung to these words!  We believed them to be true.  Just as much as when Jesus touched the man's arm and said, "Don't be upset.  Just trust me and everything will be all right."  

And He has seen us through this painful loss!  We still grieve.  Occasionally, we're overcome with pain and sorrow at our tremendous loss.  Tears still flow.  Debbie doesn't wail anymore;  she gets quiet and withdrawn.  A few are sensitive to notice it and comfort her.  I always see it.  Holding her is the best I can do to comfort her.  

AND HE DOESN'T LOVE US ANY MORE THAN HE LOVES YOU!  His promise in Romans 8:28 is just as valid for you as it is for us!  Just trust Him - and He will see you through!  

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