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Saturday, May 14, 2022


Last Sunday I learned that a younger friend was speaking at his church, so we decided to attend to support him.  I had mentored this young man for nine years and am aware of his great passion for God! 

I enjoy visiting churches and writing about my experiences.  This particular visit was almost completely positive!  I have no official credentials for posting these evaluations, except over forty years of leading growing churches.  ;-)

The church was easy to find;  however they formerly had signage on the main route and I didn’t notice any last week.  Consequently, we went down the wrong road and had to turn around.

The building has a pleasing appearance with more than adequate parking space.  Doors enter from every side, making access and egress easy.  The sanctuary was obvious and bright!  Such a pleasant change from the cave-like atmosphere so many churches seem to strive for!  We were greeted nicely as we entered the near-empty sanctuary.  We were also handed a bulletin;  but to be honest, I never opened it until several days later.  It was nicely done. 

We chose to sit on the left side about halfway back.  Unintentionally, we landed in a seating area populated by a large family connection that formerly attended New Middletown Free Methodist Church when I pastored there.  We were obviously warmly received! 

Before long, our friend appeared at the front and noticed us.  Hugs and greetings were exchanged.

A countdown was begun on the screen and when it expired, worship began immediately.  This congregation uses digital music for its worship sessions and it works wonderfully for them.  The people rise immediately and enter in with enthusiasm!  The music is played loudly through excellent speakers and is clearly understood.  The PowerPoint was done quite well;  I’d give them an A-minus!  [THIS IS SUCH A CRUCIAL MINISTRY IN THE CHURCH TODAY!]

The two lead pastors were away.  The third staff pastor led the service and our friend brought the message.  The pastor opened the service with an extended talk about it being Mother’s Day.  He acknowledged that it was a joyful day for some and a painful day for others.  [If you read my blog last Sunday, you’ll know that I am not in favor of over-celebrating this day;  however, he did handle it gracefully and sensitively.]  He also had a special time of prayer for mothers and many stepped forward to be part of this blessing.

He gracefully weaved some announcements in before stepping down.  [In my opinion, announcement time is a lot like a commercial on TV – most people zone out.  Yet, we are convinced it’s essential.  J  I believe the one way to salvage this element of community life is to turn it over to those who have a respectable sense of humor!]

A season of worship began with at least three successive songs.  During this time there seemed to be an acknowledgment that the altar was open for prayer.  Many came as individuals or families.  Others responded by kneeling with them and praying with them.  It was very touching and reminded me of similar scenes from our time at New Middletown FMC.  This sign of freedom and caring for one another speaks to the very essence of Christian community!  I was deeply moved and wound up going forward twice to pray with people I knew and cared for! 

Also, during this worship season, the pastor made his way around the congregation greeting people seated by the aisles.  He is a warm, affectionate person.  He recognized me from a previous encounter and greeted me with a hug and words of appreciation for the influence I’d had on my younger friend!  I felt that his actions were wonderfully received and affirming.  It made me wish that I had practiced something like this – at least from time-to-time.  J

By the way, the sanctuary wasn’t packed, but it was relatively full!  The animated worship and zeal was evidence of a free environment and a passion for God and one another! 

The message was practical and relevant.  He distributed a worksheet with fifteen points and managed to get through five or six. 

The music throughout had been carefully selected with high attention to the words and theology. 

I'm assuming that the service must have gone a little longer than usual because I did observe several people slipping out before the service had ended.

At the conclusion of the service, there was a warm time of greeting one another while leaving the sanctuary.  I had written a check for the offering, but none was received, so I am mailing it today.  This is probably designed to be ‘user-friendly’, but I firmly believe that giving is an important element in the worship of our God and would never deprive people of the opportunity! 

This is a church that is doing a WHOLE LOT RIGHT!  I could enthusiastically look forward to worshiping in this community every Sunday. 


  1. Great review, thank you for sharing.

  2. Turn it over to those that have a respectable sense of humor,, so true
